[Music] hola everybody kacha here with the weekly P report for June 12th frying my butt out here oh poor dios it is [Laughter] hot whoa and the moon just left Leo going into Virgo so she's going to stay there until Friday oppose Saturn oppose Neptune do all that happy stuff goes into you know Libra and then you know Tres Uranus um yeah you know trines Pluto trines Jupiter uh you know over there in Libra that's going to be really sweet um and you know there's like a very interesting like no aspects happening on Saturday bum bum bum bum could be a little bit of a day of Disconnect let's see let's see what happens of course there are always aspects because we are in The Matrix and everything is connected to everything else but there are major aspects and minor aspects right so there's no major aspects happening on Saturday but you know uh then by Sunday uh after she uh opposes Chiron she trines the Sun Mercury which are still traveling pretty darn close together before she goes into Scorpio and uh once she's in Scorpio she's going to try Pluto well Tres Pluto just before no yeah squares Pluto yeah opposes Mars over there in uh Taurus but the big thing that I want to talk to you about today is and you you could have seen it on the chart okay you when you first uh started the video Venus conjunct Mercury at the very first degree of cancer ay and of course that is on Sunday Venus squares Neptune in late Pisces before she goes into cancer and then Mercury squares Neptune okay on Monday just before he goes into cancer and then later on in Monday they're both in cancer at 0 de oh what is it you know U some minutes the first first degree of cancer let me get in the shade over here because it is freaking hot and what else is happening of course we have the uh Sun Square Moon uh the first quarter square at the 24th degree of Virgo the Moon is moving through Virgo squaring that sun still in Gemini we had that new moon in Gemini mutable going to be talking a little bit more about that and last but not least I mean today Mercury squares Saturn reflection depression not lots of fun but you know um it does move on thank God the sun is sextile Chiron uh today and tomorrow Mercury sextiles Chiron so it may not be fun it may be heavy may be you know some tough Communications and stuff going on but in the long run it is healing so I'm going down here and there's supposed to be codfish Falls but I have been hiking on this Trail for a long time and I'm not finding any Falls but I will I will go a little further and look at the camera and talk to you all right all right woo made it can you see way back up there yeah they come down they go behind my head and they come down here and then they keep going at the end of the what you call it video I put in a one minute shot of the whole well not the whole thing cuz it goes farther than I thought this is very beautiful the fairies and gnomes and all the nature spirits love this kind of [Laughter] stuff so yeah maybe they'll help me out with this report what's going on so yes uh we had that sun Venus conjunction starting a whole new 584 day synotic cycle I mean that's you know almost a couple years it's a long cycle um and that's only part of of the five-pointed star that that Venus makes over a long period of time everything with five I was going to bring an apple if you slice an apple you've got your Venus you know apples are Venus Mercury is three Mercury goes in threes if you follow its retrograde it's three times a year and it goes around and around and around so you have a lot of you know thre pedal flowers and five petal flowers and six pedal flowers and those are Venus flowers and Mercury flowers did you know [Laughter] that anyways yeah I I think I'm going to just start out with this one Sabian symbol that has to do with the square because last week I talked about uh you know the Sun and Venus both Square Saturn okay and Mars Square Pluto bringing in some squares and now we have uh Mercury and Venus moving into cancer which is exactly Square to the beginning in the natural zodiac 0 degrees of Aries is the beginning and so you have 30° in the sign Aries Taurus Gemini 30 60 90 so cancer is square to Aries and they're both both cardinal signs they both are about initiating but Aries is initiating with fire cancer is initiating with water we're going to talk a lot about that but right now let me just pull out that Sabian symbol and give you a shot of what the square is about it's pretty long on a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one one it's a radical change of Allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act a point of no return we have now reached a square 90° angle to the beginning of the cyclic process this is a moment of Crisis a sharp turning point in the zodiacal cycle at the summer solstice the northward motion of the Sun in declination stops the sun rises and sets as far north of exact East and West as it can during the year cycle its motion is now reversed slowly the sunet points move Southward on the western Horizon and the length of the day decreases uh this is all in the northern hemisphere you guys so it's a little different in the southern hemisphere for you AIS and Africans and balones whatever yeah but anyway the Greeks lived in the north so a lot of this astrology is based with the northern latitudes in the lunation cycle from New Moon to New Moon this is the first quarter phase and we're having having a first quarter phase Moon also in a couple days and so on the ship remember the picture now the ship which symbolizes the ego Consciousness floating as it were on the sea of the vast unconscious the individualized will makes a basic decision the dominant Yang force allows the yin Force to begin its six Monon long rise to power the collective will gradually overcome the individual and at the end the state will overpower the person now however the individual person enjo their most glorious hour we exalt in our ability to make a free decision to act as an individual who selects our life goal and our Allegiance in a decisive act heavy with consequences the symbolic College youth might realize that he should bring to an end his quest for the ideal companion and enter into matrimony he ascents to the possibility of progeny of Home responsibility his Consciousness accepts a process of fundamental reorientation implying the stabilization of his Energies okay so this is Mercury and Venus coming out of Gemini The Wanderer the Gypsy the curio the Curious one the student the youth comes into and you know like that closure the college student you know Gemini decides to make a home and have a family so we're coming into this time period now of cancer of the home and home is where the heart is and it's where our feelings lie in some ways we're coming out of M Mercury Gemini into this Moon cancer the belly yeah coming down into the belly and really into our [Music] feelings and it's not only the home and our children but it is our own past and our own inner child and the Sun is going to be coming in there you know next week I'll be talking about the Sun is going to go into cancer and we will actually have the solstice winter solstice in the southern hemisphere summer solstice in the northern hemisphere but a turning point nonetheless and this Turning Point like he said it's a reorientation and we have to really look at where is our Allegiance yes where you know what is important and I want to really come into this it's very beautiful having Jupiter and Gemini for the really till next May it's almost a year now we're going to have this Jupiter and Gemini energy and it's perfect okay for compassionate communication it's perfect for you to change around your daily schedule your daily reality this is the third house in Gemini the plans that you make this is a good time for taking courses for taking classes for learning something new for you know going traveling stepping outside okay of you know your ordin daily reality and expanding your Consciousness through a variety of different acts and you know maybe reading some new books getting some new uh teachings some you know wider broader understanding and part of this understanding that I want to really bring in is that we are now in a changing of the ages and this Venus star point is a time of changing our relationship to our hearts and time of changing our relationship to love and to being in love and so I really feel that this is a very powerful time of coming from our head to our hearts I even have this exercise of heart breathing that I could bring but you know you can just close your eyes and inhale into your heart and hold that energy there in the heart space feeling the heart acknowledging you know owning listening to your heartbeat and then exhale taing opening giving from the heart of the heart this is like bringing The Fifth Dimension into the third dimension yeah bringing the spirit PR breath you know through our bodies boom into this time space Saturn Kronos reality and this is the changing of the ages this is what we talk about as the end of patriarchy if we look at our cultural conditioning for the last few thousand years it's all about thoughts who's the smartest okay who can plan and execute and you know achieve and you know talk the greatest line and you know it's all about what are what are you think thinking what do you think you need what do you think you want what do you who do you think you are you know but the focus is so even our language is all about thoughts and thinking to the exclusion this is very young very masculine very patriarchal like I said right and and what is it you know moving towards now we have the opportunity at this changing of these ages to move out of our thoughts and our thinking which the head separates the ego lives in separation and separation brings distance disconnection and judgment and when it gets into the head then it gets into Saturn Mercury which is square today right wrong good bad black white win lose no gray area either or this or that and we get lost in this judgment and I really like Marshall rosenberg's quote he says a judgment is the tragic expression of an unmet need when we judge other people we lose we're cut off okay if you are in love and if and if you are holding and we hold each other in love and compassion and empathy and sympathy and we try to understand where each one of us is coming from that we're all just human we all have needs we're all trying to fill them in our own strategies in our own ways and we may have bad strategy we may have bad ways yeah you know it people may get hurt but when we come into this heart space we step out of judgment we step out of I'm right and you're wrong this is what the Mantra is about to today stepping out of this place of righteousness that is Sagittarius natural law okay you know that is objective we're down here now we've got a bunch of energy here in Aries Taurus Gemini cancer these are the most instinctive personal subjective signs we're moving into Cancer and Leo these guys are just like all about you know me that hurts or that feels good or that's fun or that's you know nasty so you know we're in this you know very subjective place and for Gemini especially mutable airs change and my my allegiance changes as I evolve and grow my my needs change my beliefs change my stress factors change even my past changes because I you know review and remember different aspects of my history of my biography according to my filters according to my beliefs according to my values so we've gone through this Taurus now Uranus is still in Taurus Mars is in Taurus now and this is establishing new values and new allegiances so I want to encourage you you know this week you know really review and look at okay you know what are your goals what are your aims what is your truth what do you believe in and are you walking that truth are you walking your beliefs are you coming from in your daily reality of Gemini okay are you living you know walking breathing talking you know your ideals this is the square to Neptune Neptune is the ideal so we're at the 90° when was it you know uh Mercury's uh squared uh oh yeah that's a uh Mercury conjuncted V uh Neptune March 8th right right near the eclipse so this is mercury Neptune download from infinite love from Source from Neptune from Spirit into my left brain a new idea a new song you know a a new understanding of what love is of what Unity how to make Unity Venus was conjunct Neptune April 4th yeah so you know now they are 90° away breaking out separating time to like really manifest those beliefs into action the 90 degre square is about acting on the seed impulse that was planted or begun back then look at man I am a soaking wet dripping I started out in the shade but now I in freaking Sun I'm going to have to act and get my butt out of here but let me read this you know this is so beautiful so that was the Mercury uh Sun conjunction I want to read to you this first Quarter Square the moon 90° away from the sun because it is so perfect for this whole uh energy of cancer Mary and her little lamb the need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of one's being as one meets the many tests of existence this this symbol yes you know really just says that Resolute efforts are needed in order to achieve one's Higher Goals of Destiny but still the essential quality as one Journeys on the path is a pure spontaneous fresh and nonviolent approach to all Encounters this of course is Jesus's treaty to his disciples that they should be like little children without such a deep heartfelt Simplicity the Seeker after spiritual experiences or initiation is bound to find thems glamorized by their own successes and to see their ego feeding on the drama of struggle and victory Beyond individual prowess and social Eminence the individual whose innocence is fixed upon spiritual realization should genuinely radiate innocence so beautiful Mary and her little lamb whose fleece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go there is this inner child cancer is our inner child and even as we I talked about you know this Chiron in Aries healing the wounded masculine well let's heal the wounded boy Gemini is brothers and sisters it's the children yeah it's the kids so we have the inner girl the daughter our little girl our little boy not only our inner masculine and feminine but then we've also got this inner children within us these twins these Gemini Twins and they and they and they they're calling to us now and they don't care what we think they want joy they want play they want fun they want peace they want happiness I mean if you've been a parent if you've raised kids if you know kids you know they need fun they need to recreate Recreation so this is a really great week to tap into you know your inner child and have a conversation you know we're each responsible for taking care of that inner child and for breaking out of these judgments and this right way and you know the blame and the you know drama and even the successes you know getting all full of ourselves because we won or we were right or you know the argument went in our favor or whatever I mean you know this is just coming home coming home it's time to come home and we and it starts within and I know I meet a lot of people I just travel I just did great ceremony with joy love Yeah up at the SA pools up in Ashlin and we and we did the divine feminine and the Divine masculine bringing them together this can happen this is happening do not be deceived by the news or by the World Report or by the economics and the this and the that and everything the wars and battles you know what there is a huge organic ground swell of people of human beings one by one Heart By Heart Life by life that are waking up that are tired of this patriarchal that are tired of these wars that are tired of these authorities laying out all these mandates and new laws and new rules and new just a bunch of yeah I tell you it's happening and it will continue to grow it will continue to happen and it comes through each one of us tuning out so that we can tune in and as each one of us heals ourselves we Heal the World I don't need to change the world as much as open mind my heart and letting go of my need to be right is a very good place to [Laughter] start just what I was [Laughter] saying come on everybody let's get over let's get over our battles inter Ally and if we're having battles externally it's a reflection of our internal reality you know if you're betrayed it's because you've betrayed yourself if somebody's lying to you it's because you're lying to yourself if somebody's disrespecting you it's because you're disrespecting yourself if people are adoring you it's because you're adoring yourself this is all a house of mirrors so we don't you know to to go out there and you know hit the streets I mean you know it can be on the path for some people they have some learning to do okay in in different Realms but you know what I'm talking to now is the spiritual stage and in the spiritual stage of evolution yeah you know 1% of the population or so you know 5% we've got you know we have this it's not about what's out there it's about what is in here feel it breathe in and out of the heart fill your world your cancer house your immediate environment your immediate family with love love and it goes out to the neighborhood and from the neighborhood it goes out to your friends on Facebook or International wherever they are and from your friends I mean it all spreads naturally oh yeah baby and the song for this week is our house is a very very very fine house with two cat in the yard life used to be so hard now everything is easy because of you and you and you and you and you let's make it easy for each other let's take it easy on ourselves one more time I don't need to change the world as much as open my heart and let letting go of my need to be right is a very good place to start it's not about right and wrong it's about freedom of choice and allowing sympathizing caring wanting everyone to live in Freedom Namaste Aloha so much love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music]