Transcript for:
Creating Maps in Monkey Dimensions Tutorial

what's going guys so in this video i'll be showing you how to make a map in the newest newest version of monkey dimensions first things first go to the first link which will bring you to the discord this is where you're going to get the links to everything get custom maps you know talk to people talk to me talk to anybody anybody you really need to or just you know you're in the server all right come down to downloads and then here if you already have a map i'll show you how to port it but you can watch this video if i don't make any sense somehow but you can watch that video if you just want to watch that one But, go to here, visit site, or if you don't have that, whatever, it doesn't matter. Press code, and then download zip. Once you're at your file explorer, find the editor, extract all.

Once extracted, go into the folder, and in this, I would recommend changing it to whatever it is. So, uh, you know, tutorial. Uh, just make sure, you know, if you go into it, you can see the assets and packages and whatever and whatnot.

But, that's just so you're organized and you know what's going to be there. Now, you may not have this if... Well, I would hope that you have this, but if you don't know how to get Unity or Unity Hub, watch my first ever video on how to download or how to make maps for Monkey Dimensions because I showcased how to literally get every single thing you need it for Unity. But I'm not going to be showing you that just so this tutorial is short. But press Add, Downloads, or wherever you have your download at, and then go to Monkey Dimensions Editor, Main, and it should be 0 or it should just be 1 or if you have multiple, whatever.

Go into it and then press this. and then open and then wait it's gonna take a little while if it's the first time opening it all right so once it opens first thing you want to do go to scenes and then double click on the scene it should show you this um for this tutorial i'm gonna probably delete all these just so i can show you from scratch okay so i actually deleted everything just like i show you exactly from strat strat to get your dimension descriptor first thing you want to do is uh right click over here on the hierarchy create an empty name it dimension descriptor close enough go over here to add component and then uh type in mon and these are all of the things you could use uh script wise you can always do other stuff but that's mainly it um so go to dimension descriptor and then here is where you gotta fill out fill up with the name of the map is called so nice and then author.w and description i just put a description now spawn position terminal position the photo um we're gonna do that right now so go to assets prefab well before we do this let's actually just make a little a little a little mat so let's just make a cube you know stretch it out a little bit a little bit you don't yours don't look like this that's just because i had this on if you want yours if you want to see the collider so you just do that but i just have it on um drag your monkey by the way if you want to see size and stuff this monkey is the exact size of the actual player so if you want to see your size and stuff like that you could just use that Stand, this is your terminal, this is your spawn position. So up here on the hierarchy where these are blue, you want to click and click, and then right click and then prefab and then unpack completely.

Because it's just cleaner, nicer, and just works better. Now in order, if you were to export this map right now, first of all it wouldn't work because you don't have your terminal and spawn position. You have to drag all this stuff into here, sorry, into your dimension descriptor.

you're empty the one i recreated first you always want to have everything in here or else it won't export with it so i'm going to open this up again just so i can actually see it drag monkey into spawn position and then stand into tournament now i don't have a photo but luckily for us chin um gladly has a bark photo right here that you just add if you were going to export this and post it publicly make sure you have an actual photo or else it will not be accepted There, so you have your map, um, that's it for the tutorial. But, if you were to export this right now, this is all you would see. So let's show you some other stuff. Alright, so after like making some stuff, uh, horrible stuff, I'm gonna show you what you can do with the scripts.

So what I mean by scripts, if you go over here to add component, and type in mon, you have all of these wonderful stuff you can do. And I made, I made this basically this showcase of a map just to show you what they do. So we already know what the mention descriptor does so we're just gonna skip past that one because you guys already know what that is because we already did that. So change velocity. How change velocity works is if you change this up if you like if you move this up make sure the max jump speed is higher though but when you move this up these things just like you know your your velocity your speed it goes up or you can make it slower.

To make it work you need to go over here and have is trigger on. I recommend have it mesh render off just so you You can walk into it because how it works is wherever you walk into that cube like that cube. I just made disappear Then your velocity will change it won't be like a little small thing that if you touch your velocity changes You have to be inside of the cube There's other stuff that you can do, but you know, that's just a simple way put in it climbable object So there's nothing else you have to configure right here, but basically you can make like a rock wall So basically like you could just grab stuff so kind of like ropes Um, like from like, you know Kenyans and stuff like that but yeah it's just it's a pretty simple one you just make the things you want to climb on have a climbable object custom surfaces this is why you need to be in a discord server so if you go to discord server and then go down to dimension chat or dimension resources i recommend going to dimension resources and scroll up to right here where it says surface lists and you just view whole file so these are all the hand tap sounds so that's what it's for custom surfaces are meant for hand tap sounds and those projectiles so if you turn this up for example let's say I want to be I want it to be very slippery because if you look right here this is slippery you can't really see it's kind of too big but 55% it's gonna be 55% slippery so if you have over down here right here 60 61 i'm pretty sure 61 is okay here there we go okay so this is slipper advantage do one of these i recommend just doing like ice ground or something and just 99.5 so if i were to like think it's 61 so if you go over here and put in 61 it will be slippery grabbable object so how grabbable object works is in the middle you can grab it and you know throw it around but you can't throw it it will just stay in the air wherever you move it to so just keep that in mind um and it's only in the middle so you can't grab the edges but um i please delete the collider because it works as platforms unless if you want custom platforms in the map i guess you could do that but um networks you just turn this on have a custom id so how i use custom ids i just spam letters because if it's the same thing it will not work so i recommend just spam letters because then they can't be the same thing i mean it can but like it's really rare all right so next if you see here monkey trigger object literally does nothing i don't know what it does just just get past it i don't know what it does yeah i'm gonna ask chin what it does but just get past that teleport player so how teleport player works is if someone like a player touches this they teleport to a destination that you have to set it to so what you need to do is go to prefabs and then drag a monkey out i obviously have a monkey here just to show you guys but drag your monkey into your destination and please change the name of this just so you don't get mixed up like again i just spam letters very organized yes i know all right so this one is a little bit more confusing this is the toggle active state so how this works is basically it's like a button i mean that's just kind of what it is so i made a couple demos of what you can do so first we have just a simple button so let me find a key okay it's this one so if you drag this here when you press this the door will go away so these are like doors or a wall i guess you can imagine so imagine this is a door um networked does the same thing network means that other people can see by the way if you don't know but just spam random things and then yeah so that's just the first demo just quickly easy like that oh please Make sure you have is trigger on.

Or else it won't work. So make sure you have is trigger on. Moving on.

Make sure you have is trigger. And then make sure you add the thing. Let's say you want to have two. Or more. Things to be toggled.

What you need to do is go over here. And create empty. And then name it whatever like. I guess I don't know We will be needing two of them.

You don't need to unless you want to but It doesn't matter where you put it because it just you're not moving it but put these two doors Into the parent toggle to so basically it should look like this and then when you go over here where it says object to toggle Drag this your you know your parent that has the two doors into there So now when you press this those two will disappear and reappear Now let's say you want to do the same thing with the toggle active state. Oh, make sure you have history on. But let's say you want them to be off, right? And then when you press this button, they'll appear. So to do that, what you need to do is, well, if you just have one, let's just say you have one, you just need to turn it off and then put it into the object to toggle.

So you would drag this into here. here if you want networked or not you do that but now if you press this button it will appear when you press the button or let's say you want it to work as two so if you want it to be two like this one over here you drag it into the parent that's why i made two uh empties but you need to turn you want to keep these two on like enabled but turn the parent off because if you have these two Because if you have these two off and you turn the parent on and off They're not gonna appear because you have the two objects off So you want to make sure you always have these all on and then you know Then you could use this and then of course you well you turn this off because that's what the showcase was But you drag this into here and then if you want that and boom, that's the more complicated one But there's so much other stuff you can do you can make it make sounds you can make it play animations You do so much things with that Next we have water object it works the same exact thing as the velocity We need to do is turn on is trigger and then I recommend turn our editor BMC here So basically what I just showed you for the water thing isn't correct We need to do is go over to like your hierarchy or if you want to go up here It doesn't matter create a cube and you know, you'll make it the size that you want it But then go over here to where it says cube take this away and then make it a plane and then uh change the collider because the collider is where it's actually gonna work so you can just move it and then this will be your water so this is the accurate way of doing it um i said it wrong so yeah and then use grill type texture it's just uh like the water mesh from gorilla tag but i mean yeah it's just the same thing and also over here um zero gravity make sure you have history going and then I recommend taking away the component and boom there are some things I want to tell you guys about first things first if you Want to make some good maps I recommend pressing the third link Which is blender that's how you make the best maps and then if you want to make Little maps like you don't really like blender. It's too hard or something you could download you can get blender or You can get pro builder go to window package manager make sure this says unity registry go to pro and then pro builder and then install once it's installed go over here to tools pro builder pro builder window and this will pop up i recommend putting it right here or you put over here wherever you like it pause okay great so if you wanted to make a skybox go to sphere also i meant skybox sky whatever make a sphere make it pretty big just so you know it's actually a sky then we need to do go to assets and then or if you have a folder whatever make a material a new material name it whatever or you don't have to name it doesn't matter change move this moves this down go over here which says front and turn it to back and drag on here now some people may notice that like if you have this set to a color like this maybe it may look darker than it actually is like if i were to change it to the front you see it's so much darker that's because you need to go over here where it says this like universal render pipeline lit you go to universal render pipeline then go to unlit and then boom there's the actual color um so you know if you want to do that stuff you know okay so let's say you have a texture that you're gonna add to your map so i dragged this one because you know i found it it's already in you know the project you see how it's like really blurry please go over here where it says filter mode linear point no filter and apply got way nicer let's say you want to change down the pixels even more you just move these down As seen see the pixels just get even like worse as you move down like just more and more pixels um Just a lot of stuff you need to do also if you go in here And then you just turn down the smoothness just so it's not like weird And if you need to change the towel in to make it, you know, not look repeat it, please Um, you know you do something like that.

See that doesn't look Repeated but you know Something like that always makes your map look 10 times better. So just please do that Alright y'all, so that's probably gonna be it. Of course, everything, like I said 20 times, check the description please. There's gonna be so much stuff in there that you're probably gonna need.

Because I probably forgot so many things. But just check there. And I'm gonna put a lot of things there that's useful. So yeah, see you guys.