Understanding Human Behavior Through Research

Sep 3, 2024

Lecture on Scientific Research in Human Behavior


  • Importance of scientific research in understanding human behavior.
  • Challenges of studying complex organisms like humans compared to physical sciences.
  • Methods for studying human behavior include experiments and case studies.

Case Study Example: Donald

  • Story from Oliver Sacks' book illustrating a case study.
  • Donald murdered his girlfriend while under the influence of PCP.
  • He claimed amnesia of the event, later remembered following a head injury.
  • Illustrated the concept of repressed and recovered memories.
  • Raises questions about biological influences on criminal behavior.

Research in Psychology

  • Psychology involves both scientific and common intuition.
  • Public perceptions of psychology can be misleading.
  • The role of science in proving psychological claims.
  • Importance of understanding authority, repetition, rationality, and scientific analysis.

Experiments in Psychology

  • Discussion on what constitutes an experiment: dependent and independent variables.
  • Psychology experiments began in the 1800s.
  • Examples include measuring mental chronometry.
  • Different historical approaches to psychology: introspection, behaviorism, cognitive revolution.

Correlations vs. Experiments

  • Correlations do not imply causation.
  • Example: parental age and disease risk in children.
  • Challenges of interpreting correlational data.

Stress and Empathy in College Students

  • College students today report higher stress and lower empathy than previous generations.
  • Uses of consistent self-report questionnaires.

Broken Windows Theory

  • Theory suggesting that visible signs of disorder encourage further crime.
  • Experiment showing environmental influence on behavior (graffiti and littering).

Experimenter Bias and Subject Pools

  • Self-selection bias in experiments.
  • The "WEIRD" problem: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich Democracies.
  • The impact of non-random sampling on generalizability.
  • Influence of experimenters' expectations on outcomes.

Small Influences on Behavior

  • Embodied cognition and its influence on perceptions.
  • Studies on the influence of warmth (coffee) on perception of others.
  • Effects of money-related thoughts on self-reliance and helping behavior.

Speed Dating and Gender Differences

  • Evolutionary psychology vs. environmental factors in dating behaviors.
  • Experiment showing role reversals in speed dating eliminate gender differences in desire.

Folk Psychology vs. Scientific Evidence

  • Common psychological beliefs evaluated against scientific evidence.
  • Examples include self-esteem, interviews, Rorschach tests, and academic advice.

Praise and Effort

  • Carol Dweck's research on praise for effort vs. intelligence.
  • Impact of praise type on performance and mindset.
  • Growth mindset vs. fixed trait belief.


  • Overview of psychology's scientific approach, historical context, and practical implications.
  • Encouragement to consider the role of effort and talent in personal success.