we talk about hard skills and soft skills I despise The term soft skills because there's nothing soft about them number one and number two hard and soft are opposites and these are not these two things are not working against each other hard skills are clearly the skills you need to do your job you know I wouldn't trust you to give me medical advice if you didn't go to medical school and pass some of the tests that they give you those are hard skills right I like human skills not soft skills and human skills are the skills you need to be a better human being and human skills make you a better leader they give you a better bedside manner they G make you a better team member and teammate right um and we don't teach human skills we just don't teach them so a lot of people are bad team members or substandard team members or substandard leaders not because they're bad people they just have never been given the education I would never expect you to know how to do surgery without training how can I expect you to lead without training it's a skill and so we've we built the optimism company to fill that Gap and teach human skills only things like how to listen things like how to have an effective confrontation like somebody's screwed up badly how do you or you need to go up the chain of command your boss is an idiot how do you tell your boss they're an idiot in a way that they will hear the information rather than just be defensive right and it goes in every direction in an org chart um how to give and receive feedback I like to we all give feedback the way we like to receive it turns out not everybody body likes to receive feedback the way we like to get it turns out so these are some of the skills we're we're dedicated to teaching and the amazing thing is when you talk about improving lives like you're devoted to helping people improve lives um turns out if you teach the skills at work in order to help them improve work turns out once you have those skills you have those skills and you find that companies that make companies that do a good job of teaching human skills they the people who work at those companies tend to have better marriages they tend to have better relationships with their kids because all those skills come home you know if you get better at listening guess what you get you're better at listening to your spouse you know if if something goes wrong at home and you've learned how to give feedback or receive feedback guess what it works at home too so when you talk about improving lives this is what I'm talking about the ripples of our work