[Music] hello friends welcome to a very unusual video for my channel i never thought i would make a video on this subject for various reasons number one i didn't think many people were interested in it anymore i didn't know how active uh the discussion was on the subject and to be honest it doesn't really belong on my channel but i've made two videos which i felt were actually valuable where i added information that at least was not discussed in our community and in in one video i actually created introduced new things that are not even in the research one of them was on how to improve sexual drive acutely and one was on how to improve erectile quality this video is about the subject of penile enhancement or penis enlargement it's usually called pe that's what we're going to call it from now on pe has been going on for at least since the 60s maybe the 70s the way it originally started with was with something called the pump we're going to talk more about that in a little bit why i'm making this video is specifically because in the last video i made which was about erectile quality which in the pe community we call eq i made a video about eq and a lot of people responded mentioning the bathmate and various penis enlargement stuff and then i realized there is still a lot of misinformation in this world i happen to have a lot of expertise on this subject i assume i probably know as much about the subject as anyone on earth because i was a member of the largest uh forum on the subject which was called thunder's place for a number of years specifically between the years 2006 to 2010 or so i was a major poster on the board i tried every single experiment that was ever that i ever came across i read extensively on the board and i had by the end very specific uh ideas of what was effective what was not effective and not only that but i stopped doing all of that stuff completely for the last 10 years so i can tell you for sure what's permanent what's not permanent what worked how did it work and i could tell you all that stuff from the background the reason i'm doing this honestly is not for views this is gonna get demonetized it's not gonna and by the way just so you guys know once something gets demonetized the youtube algorithm doesn't up it doesn't like push up regulate it so exactly from biology but it does not regulate it anymore the video so basically this this gets demonetized not many people will see it but i'm doing this for my subscribers to save you guys some time that i wish i could have been saved okay if i was your age i assume most of you guys are in your early 20s or in your late teenage years now i want to say something up front just for the for the sake of saying it not everyone interested in penis enlargement has a small penis in fact most of the people that i came across on thunder's place because the sizes are always discussed because people are constantly measuring themselves and you know it's just like if you're weightlifting you're measuring your weights your biceps so on most of the people didn't start off you know there were very few micro penises or people below the length of like four inches or and there were people with five inches and so on but very few you know there were some by the way that there was one guy that had a micro penis that gained almost four inches in length which was very very unusual which is i mean undocumented but we can talk about that later i i believe that the actually i i don't i don't believe that story i believe that that was a hormonal thing and it was stolen maybe from a publication or something but anyway the point is being interested in penis enlargement does not mean that you have a small penis most people that are interested in bodybuilding or interested in improving their brains improving their lives want to improve everything about themselves now most men don't have an issue with their penis size themselves but what happens is they want to satisfy a woman or they want to be the most martial that they can be and unfortunately penis size has become a measure of this in society both among women and men so a lot of men are trying to have the largest penises that they can have especially if they're very sexually active and especially if they're dating often um and you know it is it is sort of a relevant metric huh by the way because for example if you happen to be 11 years old and you took an aromatase inhibitor not only would you grow a little bit taller but you would also likely end up with a larger penis and the same thing would happen would happen if your androgenic signaling was particularly dht was higher in those years with estradiol being lower this is well known this is actually how doctors treat this but you can only treat it while the child is growing up you can't after they're an adult usually usually so anyway let me tell you guys a little bit about the background of thunder's place how should i do this so first of all i want to tell you guys about what to watch out for thunder's place by the way doesn't exist anymore i think it's still online but i don't know where the community has moved to i've been out of it for 10 years not much you can have developed so you know you could go find wherever the community is and if you guys know where it is comment down below so people see it could be reddit i don't know where it is now it's definitely not thunders but thunders used to be the big place and there were some very famous members there for example one that most people know is bib another one forgetting the guy who never left his house but claimed to have gained five inches in length or something like that there was big girth out who used to post a lot for a couple of years anyway there are a bunch of well-known members who introduced a lot of ideas and claimed that they had major gains and what i wanted to tell you guys is there were two kinds of people there there were con men who were making money and there were people with psychological problems who wanted to develop respect in a virtual online community by lying about their progress these people are the same people that used to be on the bodybuilding forums that used to say that they're 250 pounds or whatever like you know i can remember names but i don't want to mention them but there were people like that who probably were skinny kids in their rooms that were lying about what they were actually accomplishing right and never posting pictures so those guys never posted pictures by the way of themselves there was on thunder's place i know it's weird as a guy you know if you're uh if you're a heterosexual guy you don't really want to see other people's penises but people used to post pictures to show how to do certain things and stuff like that and or to show evidence of major change and of course bib who was the biggest gainer of all never did that even though he made a company selling hangars i'll talk about hangers in a second and even though he made the company to sell it and in fact he said he hired his son to help him build them and this was like their full-time thing he would still not show even an after picture evidencing the fact that he had reached 11 inches or so now because of some articles in the medical literature showing major size increases because of preappositions which we've discussed in a previous video some people thought that this could actually happen basically ah it's i'm sure this video is going to be very long-winded you guys are going to have questions and i should probably make follow-up videos but let me try to stay on topic here what i want to tell you about is first there's two kinds of cons there are people trying to make money and there are people trying to make a reputation because they are they are sick people that are don't have many friends don't have a social circle so on the second thing i want to tell you about is what is really possible what can you do with pe exactly number one you can change your flaccid size so some people are called growers and some people are called showers so a grower usually is somebody that has less connective tissue in their penile tissue but more uh vascular tissue so somebody like that will have a bigger difference in the size between their flaccid penis and their erect penis those people can experience much larger flaccid sizes if they do certain things specifically what has the biggest impact on this is what's called an all-day stretcher or an eds if you ever do purchase one because of this purpose and that should be the only reason you purchase it unless you there could be one other reason i'll take one in a second um you should probably try to find one with a vacuum seal that seals on the glands at the end and that stretches you downward it will not cause permanent length increases at the actual penis but it may this is the other reason to use it other than the facet side it may um sort of cement the stretching that you've done to a connective tissue that's at the top i forgot the word of it but at the top of the base of the penis which we're going to discuss in a little bit so that could be another reason so the all day stretches they do increase flaccid size but this is not permanent you stop doing it for even six months it will go back to normal but you can get to a point where the flaccid is so long that you have problems you know sitting down to pee and so on this has happened to all of us so this really does work certainly second thing i want to tell you about depending on the structure of your penis which what it means is this so if you think about it from the side so say the base of your of of like say your penis is coming out from here and there's a base there's a tendon connecting it here depending on how tightly your penis is actually connected you may be able to stretch out that i mean it may not be a tender maybe a ligament i don't know but stretch out that connective tissue you may be able to stretch it out more than somebody else so if somebody already has it stretched out they may only gain a quarter of an inch most people can gain a half inch in length but if you have one that is particularly you know it's it's holding a lot of the of the bottom of your penis uh tighter to your body you may be able to gain you know i guess i mean uh you could you could gain an inch and i mean the only thing i know for sure is 1.75 inches and that's because i did that but but you can certainly gain that much i don't think you can gain more than two inches i think everybody on that form and there used to be a threat called the biggest gainer story something like that i think that everybody saying more than three inches was lying i do think so so i just want you to understand that now that length gain will be semi-permanent depending on how long you do it how long you stretch that out and then how long you keep it stretched afterwards so probably if you don't do anything for 10 years you'll maintain about half of the development that whatever you extend it but you're not you're not growing the length of your penis you're just extending that connective tissue this will by the way also cause your penis not to point upwards but instead point a little bit lower you know it's not because of the blood flow or something like that it's because the the connective tissue is actually looser and not holding it as tightly so that's the second thing you can do the third thing that you can actually do is called gel kink and what jelqing can produce now junkie can do good things for you but what i'm what i'm talking about here is actually something called fibrosis in the penis you can develop fibrosis for example mostly in the corpus cavernosum which is the top part of it and this often happens to jelquers where at the end of their penis it'll get a bit wider and that's a little bit fibrosis the deposition of scar tissue in the penis this is not something you really want in fact it's something you should try to avoid which is why i don't ever recommend jelqing for any of my clients most of my clients happen to be interested in this subject for some reason so the third thing i wanted to mention so you can gain fibrosis and then you can gain actual what they call girth which is the circumference in your penis now how can you gain actual girth basically uh there are two mechanisms one is by or there are three mechanisms one is by making the connective tissue including the actual penis more plastic so that it stretches in the short term now this lasts for the short term the second is by angiogenesis that means the creation of new blood vessels in the area either due to hypoxia or something like that and by the way even with the veins you can also have this elastic this plasticity and elasticity also so the veins can also become more stretchy and the the penises connect the tissue like the corpus cavernosum can become more stretchy this is a short-term effect the third thing is a is a very i mean not a short term these are sort of medium-term effects the third thing is a very short-term effect which yeah i should mention here which is edema you can also produce edema sort of edema like a lymphatic fluid stuck on your penis which is very short term it lasts like two days it's a party trick a lot of porn stars do this people want to impress a girl do this and so on so those are the things that you can do uh and one last thing you can also change the angle that your penis uh like uh points at with the use of weights which you can use while erect now this is getting into details that most people don't know about this was as you can tell i i really study this issue in extensive detail there are other things also you can do by the way you can increase your semen load volume so the amount of semen you produce with a simple simple supplement stack which i should make a video on which i didn't come up with but i didn't couple with anything here i tried a lot of things but i didn't come up with anything so that's one thing you can do the second thing you can do is uh also you can multiple orgasm as a man without losing your erections so this is a great subject you know i reached a point when i was in my early 20s where i was able to do this almost 10 times in a row uh over periods of you know hours and so this really impresses women it's a huge great party trick you can train yourself to do it and so on so those are the things you can sort of do to enhance your sexual performance other than the two videos i made already which are about sexual drive and erectile quality so i'm not gonna talk about the all of these methods here i'm just gonna this is sort of an outline about pe so the next subject we're going to talk about is what doesn't work one thing that doesn't work that's very well known is called clamping clamping was popularized a lot by big girtha on thunder's place but also by a lot of other people we were using cable clamps to clamp the bottom of the penis while erect in order number one to stretch the vascular structure as well as the the connective tissue in the penis but more importantly to cause hypoxia so some of us were were doing this for like 20 minutes straight to see if the hypoxia could increase growth factors in the penis and whether this would cause effects it turned out that clamping did not have great effects the the worst element of it was that it caused major discoloration of the penis this can come also from pumping but basically capillaries at the skin level of the penis burst and discoloration will develop as the blood hardens in in some connect in the like the skin or something like that so a lot of former pe people have discolored penises some of them like it because just like bodybuilders go on stage they put on dark tans it makes you more visible some people don't like it you know i wasn't a very big fan of it so and clamping doesn't work anyway so i just recommend you guys avoid clamping and number uh number two the the permanent girth growth that's not fibrosis is not real okay there's no there's no kind of girth that can be gained that you don't do anything for three years and stays with you unless it's fibrosis and if it's fibrosis it will eventually if it's big enough to matter like if it increases it by any significant amount then it'll be enough like over a quarter of an inch say it'll be enough to start damaging the function of your penis so that's something again that you don't want finally what's also not possible is more than two inches as i said of of length gains basically it is not possible to cause more than just that connective tissue stretching you can cause the penis itself to stretch for a short period of time and it can be elastic and it could be like that for a short period of time but if you stop for a year it'll go back the penis itself will go back to what it was but the the the attached connective tissue may stay extended about half as much over a period of a number of years and again just to repeat the concerns are discoloration and fibrosis other than this you shouldn't have too many concerns with pe now i want to mention briefly the story of bathmate which is something that personally offended me and many other people on thunder's place when we were there i remember the day that someone posted a thread about water pumping i was there i was on the you know probably one of the first few posters on the thread and probably you guys can find that thread um what happened was so there was this device called a pump a penis pump that was used from the you know at least the 70s what people used to do was get their penis erect put it in the cylinder and then create a vacuum with a machine that removes air from the cylinder the problem with this so number one the effects of this again you're stretching the penis but instead of clamping you're not doing it through i mean it's causing hypoxia too because blood is getting stuck there but you're doing from the outside rather than the inside out number one so it does this kind of stretching thing it may stretch out the blood vessels it may cause angiogenesis the birth of new blood vessels in the area it may make the actual penis more in the short term a bit longer or a bit wider or so on and finally it adds edema or lymphatic fluid especially if the person is not erect while in it or continues to do it afterwards so that's what we knew about pumping and because of that reason and all of us on thunder's place thought the pumping had the least permanent gains so a lot of us were hanging for hours and hours and hours a day because of bibi said he used to hang for 11 hours so everybody was doing that you know some of us used to uh you know clamp for like 10 sets a day or something like that i mean we tried everything and we thought pumping was not very permanent but another thing that was annoying about pumping was that or what's now called air pumping is that it often caused blisters in people until they got used to it so people just veered away from it and you could you could cause too much of a vacuum with that machine one day somebody knocked myself somebody who deserves the credit that bathmate got and the money that they got came up with this idea he i'm not going to get into too much detail because the video will be too long but basically he filled the the the the and by the way the brand to use is not bathmate it's la pump that's what everybody has been using for many years you don't need to buy that that's the company that stole the idea from these guys but basically normal pump you just have a pump you just don't need the machine you have a pump you have a connective like a tube at the end of it basically this guy filled up the pump with water and then connected it to the base of his penis while it was erect put inside and then used the tube to suck out the air and then just detach the tube for anyone who's ever pumped before you'll know exactly what that means when you think about it for those of you who haven't you go online search thunder's place water pumping and you'll find the threads they'll explain to you how to do it just like it explained to me how to do it over you know i don't know so many so many years ago now but the important thing is that water pumping turned out not to cause blistering not to cause as strong vacuums and to be much safer and what i discovered after my years of experience with this is that water pumping is actually probably one of the healthiest ways to uh improve penile quality erectile quality to maintain gains in the long term and so on with with the least amount of damage now again about bath mate basically what they did was one of the guys on this thread i don't know who it was went and made a really branded uh you know you know made a pump specifically about water stuff stole it from the original guy on the thread and popularized it and people made millions and potentially hundreds of millions of dollars from that product which was stolen from our page i remember bathmate coming out about six months later and us being very upset on the on thunder's place that somebody went and did that without asking everyone else at the very least they could have given some credit to the original inventor of the idea anyway the important thing is this bathmate is a you know bs company but the point is this finally let me tell you what is the most efficient way if you're starting out like you don't want to increase your steam volume load you don't want a multiple orgasm you don't want to last all night you don't want you know uh whatever to change the angle of your penis all you want to do is get the most gains that you can get with the least amount of effort what is the maximal what is the best program this is what it is okay the first thing is you and if you want to do it you should do it sequentially probably what you could do okay the maximum you can do i'll give you a maximum one and like a minimum one the maximum one you could do is this you could begin hanging you could use bib's hanger although he is most likely a con man and a liar it works very well i don't know if he still produces it you use bibs hangers probably another hanger you have to be careful that the hanger doesn't cause a uh like a blood vessel like doesn't cause doesn't prevent european the end of your penis from being able to receive blood and basically use a hanger and you sit in a way in which you're pointing your legs a bit upward what bib used to do is do this on his table so you put his legs on his table so that basically in between your legs your penis goes as opposite the direction of that connective tissue as possible it goes the exact opposite direction in fact the way bib used to describe it which shows that he really did do some of the stuff it's just that the amount of gains were exaggerated the way he used to describe is basically putting it almost between his butt cheeks so his pelvis was almost facing up and his penis almost opposite direction that's the best angle if you hang light weights just weights high enough not 50 60 pounds like many of us started doing or 100 whatever no just like you'll get up to a weight that's you don't want to make you make the ligament stronger you just want enough of a weight that causes an ink in exactly that ligament which you'll feel and once you get that eight going you just keep that ache going with with the stretch with this hanging now the more time unfortunately the more time you spend on it per day to a degree the quicker it will happen so you can actually have it fully stretched out probably in two months once you have it fully stretched out you can maintain that if you want to with like a once a week twice a week hanging thing or you could use an all-day stretcher to keep it stretched with like a vacuum seal and that'll keep that ligament stretched until it plastically molds itself like that once you've done that even if you stop for 10 years i can tell you it'll never go back to normal fully you'll have kept a lot of that length gain other than that and why i say sequentially you can also pump why i say sequentially is because even though pumping is a little bit different than it has a suction at the base of the penis it still stretches out even that ligament a little bit especially if you've already stretched it out so it would be best to do it right after you begin hanging so or you're done hanging i mean so basically if you really want length gains if you just want um girth gains there's no reason to hang and also if you just want erectile quality gains you which are huge by the way very serious with pumping then you certainly don't need to hang at all so in terms of pumping you should if you're gonna do it go to la pump don't donate to this company bathmate because i really don't like what they did go to the original pump company that everybody uses from california la pump you can get a pump you can get just the pump and the tube you don't need the machine unfortunately the client recently bought the machine accidentally the machine cost the most part you don't need that for water pumping you go to thunderspace.com you read about how to pump and learn something you start with the shortest time period you can so five minutes ten minutes you slowly increase it you do it twice a week in the beginning then three times a week more than four times a week is never good having days in between is always good no matter what but doing it for more than 20 minutes is inefficient and ineffective for sure we've tried it we've tried six hours we've tried seven hours we tried everything 20 minutes you build up to it and you water pump for six months or seven months probably you'll reach your maximum medium term gains what i mean mean by medium term if you stop pumping all of it will go away after about a year but there will be short-term gains that are acute those are mostly lymphatic fluid and some short-term elastic gains then there will be medium turn term stretching and angiogenesis vascular structure it'll be much easier for you to get erect erect quickly you'll have more sensation in your penis it'll improve sex so much for you that stuff will be medium term after doing it four days a week until you got the results you can't get any more results for a while say after a year or so you could go back to twice a week and probably maintain it for the rest of your life and probably should because when you don't use something you lose it and a lot of men in their 40s and 50s have less sex maybe because they're married or whatever and end up actually losing the ability to use their penile tissue and i can get into this in another video but penile tissue you can't have apoptosis of cells in the penis because it's not being used so in the body in general what you don't use you lose so even just using the maximum capacity of your penis so if your erections are always 75 you're not getting 100 your penis will actually permanently shrink eventually so one way to avoid this is by doing pumping twice a week and it's very healthy that's what i like about pumping and that's why i don't mention clamping pumping is healthy it adds value to someone's life and probably is worth 20 minutes twice a week i don't do it personally because it's just not worth i'm not that sexually driven anymore like i was in my early 20s and i'm not that interested in it but for those of you that are at all if you if you care about that this is probably very very valuable to you and you'll probably benefit a lot from hearing this so this is the short story i mean there are other things that one can do like i said the way it's changing the angles multiple orgasms uh cement volume um and that's real and again the flaccid side was with all day stretcher but that's really all there is everything else and by the way jelqing for those of you that are interested in jelqing pumping is much superior to jelqing for sure much less risk of fibrosis much better angiogenesis much better erectile quality everything is better it's much safer and when it's water pumping and so on so i hope this was and this is really difficult for me to make a video on the subject because i just know a lot about it and i don't know where to go with it and i know maybe some of you guys don't know that much but some some of you know a lot so ask questions down below if you guys are interested in more videos on the subject on particular parts of it or whatever i'll make more videos on it i spent a lot of time on those forums learned that a lot of them were liars but i also learned that some things worked and since i haven't done any of that stuff for at least 10 years i really know what worked i know what stayed i know what stage a year i know it stayed two years i know exactly what what worked and and i tried oh sorry i forgot to mention two things when pumping there are two tips that one should know not just when pumping even when hanging if you heat an area it will stretch much more so what we used to do some people just have infrared lights and some people used to have heating pads around the pump stuff like that you can also do this when you're stretching uh when you're hanging i mean or even with an all-day all-day stretcher if you're very you know into it but there are but there are diminishing marginal returns to this everyone uses hot water but not everybody puts the infrared lamp on it not everybody puts a heating pad on and so on the other thing is there are some tips about pumping that i feel uncomfortable discussing publicly like this which i can talk to clients about or stuff like that which i already do and the final thing i want to say is if you're not erect the entire time in the pump it's useless okay that's important to know because many people were sitting with pumps with flasks because they they just get it wrecked get inside and they think it's fine and the blood the blood goes back in and lymphatic fluid fills up and then you end up end up just with this short-term effect it doesn't cause the long-term effect so important notes i think this was a useful video not very organized i'm sorry guys ask questions below for video topic ideas and i'll answer more of your questions thank you [Music] you