Transcript for:
Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Overview

okay hello students good evening good evening good evening good evening good evening good evening alide ketones and carbo yes yes hi hi hi hi shini sh Melvin good evening NBA good evening yes jna Teresa Jo good evening good evening ariflam good evening ready chrish ready Papa ready okay yeslam yes yes yes Al yes ready you ready on uh V yes Roy like sh very good very good very good Hua good evening yesmi okay yes yes yes na no hi very good yes family wagon yes good evening Nial okay okay alide then ketones and carboxilic [Music] acid carbon compound carbon compounds carbon compound cou Bond o compound ketox second k reaction very good fire fire fire fire fire fire yes yes yes yes very good oxidation of alcohol primary aloh oid same number of carbon secondary aloh number3 ch2 primary same number3 ch3 C ch3 all to secondary aloh same number of3 C3 alh secondary aloh same number of carbon chromium trio chromi trio ch second very good very good very good very good very yes okay kadish okay just ready yes yes yes yes yes very good yesen the dehydrogenation of alcohol hydrogenation hydrogen deog REM C3 ch2 573 temp Al secondary Al 573 he Co [Applause] ch3 C C3 propen propan to all propen to dou ch3 couble Bond o ch3 prop prop reaction reaction coer Catalyst 573 hydrogen remov very simple yes very good very goodis of Al Al [Applause] ch3 CH double bond ch2 prop O3 ch3 ch ch3 ch3 CH o ch22 H HSC name methanol methanol ready yes ch3 ch3 ch3 ch3 2 three dile 2 comma 3 dile but [Music] 2 this is important answer this is important answer very good very good com3 ch3 C3 ch3 C ch3 ch3 c ch3 acet 2 alcohol oxidation alcohol dehydrogenation Al preparations already very good very good yes very good very good very good property add ation of Al triple bond ch [Music] 333 dilute H2O H22 A hgs merri sulate mercuri sufate 333 temperature dri ch2 Tri rearrangement rearrangement AR single carbon double bond 333 temperature dilute sulfuric acid in simp ch3 C triple bond C 3332 addition rule ch dou single3 333 [Music] dehydrogenation of alcohol dehydrogenation of alcohol dehydrogenation of alcohol uh primary Al yesy yes very good rosenman's reduction St reduction reaction Gman reaction okay alide [Music] prepl acid chloride ch3 C reduction CHL AT3 cou Bond C it's very important very important very good clear clear St reduction St reaction St ch3 process hl2 HCL chloride HCL sn2 h n Tri dou Bond ch3 C oric [Applause] ch reaction reaction very good very good St isole aluminium hyd isole aluminium hydde okay ch3 CNL okay ch3 aluminium hydde di isole aluminium hydde important okay GR okay aromatic compound aromatic important preparation of aromatic Al preparation of aromatic o chromium trioxide in atic anhydr chromy anhyd ch3 Co chromium trioxide in atic anhyd this is very very important this is very very important CH chromium trioxide a chromium trioxide atic anhyd followed by hydrolysis we will get reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction Chile chloride chrom CHL C2 cl2 chrom chloride Chromo CH chloride carb2 CH chloride in carbonide followed by CHL side chain CL ination side chain chlorination side chain chlorination side chain chlorination okay chloride Benz chloride Benz chloride reaction reaction very very very very Cho CHL important simp very good clear clear clear clear reaction Gman coach reaction reaction benzal tomorrow Benzene benzal tomor benzene benzal this is the IDE okay okay ruction ruction reaction very good clear question reaction in reaction benzal can be prepared by oxidation of to reaction chrom chloride in carbon chrom CHL C2 cl2 so option C is the correct answer C2 cl2 that is chrom chloride name the reaction reaction briefly describe G Co reaction aluminium CHL that is called Gat reaction simple R3 c c acid chloride ch3 twice ch3 twice CD dial cadmium di cadmium CH H3 C ch3 it aceton common name common name Chlor simple n reent addition Benzene ring a Benzene ring ch3 C unhy anhydrous alumin C3 C k preparation chloride yes that will make me happy yes clear very good very good very good boiling point boil Al okay basically [Applause] hen interaction interionic attraction attraction iic interaction solil reactive reactive more reactive more reactive Ketone Al more reactive c ch3 couble bond o ch3 reaction reaction3 El re POS forides are more reactive than Ketone towards nucleophilic addition reaction boiling point of is lower than aloh that is reason addition reaction nucleophilic addition reaction H sodium hydrogen ch3 ch C okay double bond single sing Single acetal cyanohydrin acetal cyanohydrin okay it's very simple okay alh cenen addition re O2 O3 O2 acet alide by suf adct addition for reent primary [Music] alol for any other okay yes addition of alcohol c bond ch3 H2 sorry Al c25 sorry C2 acet c2525 already o25 AC add second how conversion of of alide to acet can be carried out El ch3 hyrox hydroxy am hydroxy nh22 H2 then2 hydren 2A 4 dinitro hydr H2 El okay2 AC o addition reaction with elimination of water C k second ch3 CH ch3 cble Bond o ch3 alumi same number of carbon primary alcohol secondary aloh ch3 ch2 the primary alcohol ch3 CH second same number of carbon primary alcohol KET same number of carbon secondary alcohol this is the idea okayu reaction reduction W Kish reduction reduction W Kish reduction clemenson reduction W Kish reduction this is very important3 C okay ch3 reduction compound hinc this is the idea ethanol ethanol alide number yes WF kishna reduction W2 double b krox boil boil ch33 single high boiling that is called w ruction com very good add addition with elimination of water reduction to alcohol reduction to hydrocarbon oxidation oid same number of carbonox number chromi trioxide to reagent fing solution number of strong number of car oid number weak Kone oxid and weiding aent strong oid agent mixture of mixture ofx uh ch3 ch2 chromium trioxide to re agent fing [Music] solution per carboxilic axic ch3 ch2 Co ch3 ch2 c33 we H formic acid ch3 Co mixture ofx oing AG to reagent toing solution Ben AG ammonia silver nitrate solution to reent silver nitrate solution carox solution silver silver silver silver silver mirror test filling solution a filling solution Bing solution a alkaline copper nitrate copper sulfate solution alkine coer solution filling solution a fing solution solution Sodium potassium sodium nitrate solution silver nitr soltion solution ofer sodium potassium tartrate silver Brown okay solution solution Aline solution of coeri solution sorry yesid for reaction Hof form explain reaction3 group okay e grou E Group reaction t33 hyal sodium hypo sodium hypohalite sodium hypohalite sodium hypohalite this is very important this very important reaction3 acet comp aceton ch3 Co ch3 ch okay3 yellow color ch3 co ch3 co I reaction reaction reaction condensation reaction condensation sorry condensation Al condensation condition Al hydrogen at ch3 ch3 ch3 ch ch3 ch okay dilute na functional group Al single okay hyro y Al beta hydroxy C3 c bond C single Bond beta bet unsaturation Al beta saturated unsaturated alide okay condensated crensation cross condensation that is called cross condensation no no Alpha hydrogen atomen okay concentrated ALK okay strong Al okay h cated k sorry same number of carbonx ch3 okay reaction retion reaction retion identify the product give the name the following reaction con sorry function El met dirting metting f question question which among the following reduce to reagent since both and Kess carbon function grp they undergo similar chemical reactions explain the give the chemical test to distinguish propol and propol propol Sol comp Co function Prim AG same number of numberx from ALK Benzene sorry yes alky benzene Aline product will be always benzo [Applause] sorry carboxilic acid very important conversion of carbon carboxilic acid carb carbon diox c bond o dou bond3 mges ch3 ch3 H3 Co from and unhy chloride C3 C3 c ethano acid atic is very important this is very very very very very important okay unhy c33 ch3 Co atic acid eanl H3 c o o o C2 H5 e acetate EET okay3 c bond C2 primary Alid boil alil Al boiling pointx [Music] CarX proper character ch3 C H3 it will stabilize it will stabilize it will stabilize by resonance resonance C3 cus ch3 c bond o single bondus C3 C single Bond minus double bond o s okay carboxilic acid electron withdrawing group Nitro group elect withdrawing group elating elating El with group among the following which is more3 electon donating group electron donating grou C3 C C3 [Music] c33 C atic atic anhydride unhy okay acid come ch3 cou Bond o o alcohol come C2 H5 O Okay few drops of concentrated H2 so4 H3 c o c25 esterification reaction with PCL pcl3 PCL 5 preparation from alol p p phosphorus a32 C3 C reaction with Prim number3 n sodi n232 CO2 reaction reaction Alp hydrogen atoxic ACI ch3 ch2 co uh Al Alor ch3 CH chlorine C o function al Carbon Alor aloro carboxilic a generally carboxilic chloro BRX reac reaction reaction rexic acid carboxilic acid ammonium ch3 c2x C3 okay elic sub3 under elect reaction write nitration of benzal with chemical equation name the product obtained by the reaction between atic acid and ethanol any two test disting chemical reactions are given below identify the product CL ruction reaction carboxilic acid oxid ch3 ch2 Co prop hydrocarbon ch3 ch2 ch2 ch3 two broo okaye broo a explain the following reaction reaction Christmas exam Nam reaction the very best