We each have within us an inner temple, a place where our souls, whispers and intuitive senses can be felt, heard and known. Where we can drink from the sweet waters of our soul, a resting place, a place where we can feel at home, a place where we discover that we are indeed the oracle that we've been searching for. Poets, saints through the ages have been writing and singing about the place that resides within you.
In our noisy busy lives where we are bombarded by external forces and voices all around us, it's really easy to feel overstimulated, depleted and completely disconnected from our own inner guidance. I'd love to lead you in a short meditation now to connect with your own inner temple so that when you need to you can take refuge here. Any time that you feel uncentered, stuck, lost, alone, or just a bit ungrounded.
Okay, so take a moment to get really comfortable either sitting down or laying down. And if you can, close your eyes and really sink into the gravity. So allow your body to be completely held and take a deep breath in.
And breathe out. Just continuing to breathe in and out really deeply. Allowing every cell in your body to deeply, deeply relax.
Entering a state of deep listening and healing. In the center of your heart imagine a beautiful flower. Noticing what color it is, what type of flower it is, and also how open it is.
And as you breathe in and out really, really deeply, invite that flower to open courageously petal by petal. And in the center, the very center, imagine a light, your inner light, the inextinguishable part of you, the part of you that is way more wise and ancient than the years you've lived in this life. Take a deep breath in and really sink into this place. As I count down from five to one, I invite you to travel into this light, imagining it's like a portal into your own inner temple. And as I reach the number one, you'll find yourself standing in front of your own inner temple at the steps looking up at your inner temple.
Five, four, three. Two, one, take a deep breath in and breathe out. Finding yourself at the steps of your inner temple, look up at this beautiful, sacred temple, this home of your soul.
Begin walking up the steps. You'll be met at the door of your inner temple by your inner temple guide and just notice who's waiting for you. And as you greet your inner temple guide, maybe you ask them for their name.
Just notice, do you recognize them? Do they look familiar? What do they look like? They now open. the door to your inner temple and you cross the threshold, stepping into your inner temple, walking inside and looking all around, feeling the shift in energy, feeling the vibration of the soul, the timeless vibration of you.
Feeling like you've entered a realm of healing. It's also a space where creativity exists and your soul whispers can be heard and felt. Your inner temple guide guides you to an altar in your inner temple.
And they invite you to bow down at the feet of this altar, which is really bowing in devotion to you, to your ancient wise soul self. You begin to breathe deeper and deeper as you hand over anything that you're holding, any questions that you have, any... Anything you're clinging to, you just surrender it, laying it on the altar in front of you. Breathe.
Allow yourself to drink in whatever quality you're most yearning for. Breathe. Really surrendering.
Any part of you that is resisting life, breathe, loosening your grip, breathe, deeply, deeply surrendering, opening yourself up. whatever quality you're most yearning for. Breathe.
Really coming home. Breathe and let go. Feeling the presence of your Team of guides and angels or whatever word you give them. Feeling them surrounding you.
Healers, teachers, guides. Allowing yourself to feel and receive their love and healing and support and guidance right now. If there is anything that you would like guidance on or a prayer that you have, your heart's deepest prayer, I want you to put in your request now and allow yourself to receive.
A symbol or some sort of guidance. Allowing yourself to be completely replenished and filled up with whatever that quality is that you're most yearning for. Taking another deep breath and really calling in that support of your guides, teachers, helpers, angels. All of the forces that are here to support you, drinking in that support now, feeling completely anchored in the very center of your inner temple, feeling how good it feels to anchor yourself here, to come here for guidance, to come here for healing. to come here to create.
Take a deep breath in and breathe out. Your inner temple guides now, guides you out of your inner temple, reminding you to return here. Please return here whenever you like.
You cross the threshold and they close the door behind you. You walk down the steps and begin traveling through the portal of your heart back fully into the room that you are in. So I count down from five, four, three, two, one.
Take a deep breath in and breathe out. Now very slowly beginning to stretch. Maybe just squeeze your legs and your arms a little bit.
And gently opening your eyes. Feeling replenished and supported even more than you were before.