Lecture Notes: Switch Level Modeling Using Verilog
- Topic: Switch level modeling using Verilog
- Objective: Understand how to model circuits at the transistor and switch level, not just gate and functional blocks.
MOS Transistors
- Types: nMOS and pMOS (based on impurities in source and drain regions)
- Use Case: Typically, designers do not model using transistors but may use them for low-level modules (leaf-level) in hierarchical designs.
- Example: Implementing an XOR gate using MOS transistors and using it in higher-level designs.
Switch-Level Modeling
- Concept: Model transistors as switches.
- Transistor Representation: (Diagrams not included)
- nMOS: Gate, Source, Drain
- pMOS: Similar to nMOS, with differences in control signals
Verilog Facilities for MOS Level
- Logic Values: 0, 1, x, z
- Signal Drive Strength: Importance in modeling
- Switch Types: Ideal and resistive
- Ideal Switch: Zero resistance when closed
- Resistive Switch: Low resistance, not zero; causes signal strength to decrease
Switch Level Primitives in Verilog
Ideal MOS Switches
- Keywords: nmos, pmos, cmos
- Resistive MOS Switches: nmosr, pmosr, cmosr
- Bi-Directional Switches: tran, tranif0, tranif1
- Resistive Bi-Directional Switches: r + respective keywords
- Power Supply Keywords: supply1 (Vdd), supply0 (GROUND)
- Pull-up/Pull-down Keywords: pullup, pulldown
Instantiation of Switches
- nMOS & pMOS:
nmos (instance_name, output, input, control);
, pmos (instance_name, output, input, control);
- cMOS: Includes complementary nMOS and pMOS, declared with
cmos (instance_name, output, input, n_control, p_control);
Examples of Verilog Models
CMOS Inverter
- Diagram: (nMOS and pMOS in series)
- Verilog Code Example: (Description and Implementation)
module cmos_not(input x, output f);
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
pmos p1(f, vdd, x);
nmos n1(f, gnd, x);
Two-Input NAND Gate
- Explanation: Two nMOS in series, two pMOS in parallel
- Verilog Code Example: (Description and Implementation)
module cmos_nand(input x, input y, output f);
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire a;
pmos p1(f, vdd, x);
pmos p2(f, vdd, y);
nmos n1(f, a, x);
nmos n2(a, gnd, y);
Pseudo nMOS NOR Gate
- Explanation: Pull-up resistor configuration, two nMOS transistors
- Verilog Code Example: (Description and Implementation)
module pseudo_nor(input x, input y, output f);
supply0 gnd;
nmos n1(f, gnd, x);
nmos n2(f, gnd, y);
Two-to-One Multiplexer
- Explanation: Uses two cMOS switches controlled by select inputs
- Verilog Code Example: (Description and Implementation)
module mux2to1(input s, input i0, input i1, output out);
wire sbar;
not n1(sbar, s);
cmos c1(out, i0, sbar, s);
cmos c2(out, i1, s, sbar);
Bidirectional Switches
- tran: Always conducts
- tranif0: Conducts if control signal is 0
- tranif1: Conducts if control signal is 1
- Usage: MOS switch primitives are mainly for simulation, not supported in synthesis tools.
- Next Lecture: More examples on switch level modeling and additional discussions