Transcript for:
Lecture Notes on Gameplay Analysis and Strategy

if you have 40 life and you're about to be hit for 41 damage you know you're going to die but if you have 40 life and you're going to get either hit for 38 damage or for uh 42 and you don't know you now have to make a value judgment a judgment call whether you are or are not going to use the town portal and I think that's interesting gameplay instead of having certainty of outcome there's the uncertainty of the outcome because now instead of just doing the right thing you're either going to be a greedy player that tries to get away with another hit or you're going to be a safe player that would never tolerate the highest damage ceiling so you see this sometimes in pro pro games you'll see like um you see a blade Master with Critical Strike level three that is dishing out 300 ra damage and the Demon Hunter with 150 life is taking one two three four hits and then he uses TP the damn stand he could have died will I gladly he could have died my f is and he made that decision and you now know as both players that you made that decision willingly you now know it as uh let's go dread Lord you know it as the player you know it as the opponent you know it as the viewer you know that they took a chance and none of that exciting uh balance between chance and certainty is there when you don't have any RNG I vow to your so Starcraft is the mathematical extreme of damage values and so on Starcraft players are educated on the fact that if you get one armor upgrade on zerlings it will offset the one attack upgrade on zealots and you want the one attack upgrade on zealots to double shot circlings everybody knows this but where there is not such strong relation between upgrade tipping points of damage numbers you're just generally building towards good outcomes and then you have to have a feeling for how much you can get away with I like that about Warcraft 3 does the UND get any benefit from their own terrain yeah UND that can build on their own terrain and they can't build on not their own terrain so that is a benefit except with necropolis and gold mine so that's a pretty big uh Advantage my f is and also Regen faster so Undead regenerates four times as fast as orc and human I must hunt but they need to stand on BL to regenerate it all now Heroes have some of their own extra regeneration that comes from strength but a ghoul will literally regen zero points GL uh off blight where that light still must I wish only to my very Master Yes master so that's the advantage of blind what moral will What Mortal you [Music] my he can go for one cancel but if he does we get the rest of the mid my life I will die well summon I I hunger what what is it now that was my plan soon where shall my blood SP agreed I he might be he s dreadlord he might know we have an expansion what is it now I am I home in time I'm a little bit too late I forgot to make maybe I'm time what is it now where shall my blood be spilled I must hunt soon very well greetings what upgrade that that was my plan what is it now my that was his last chance to get interrupt what is it now my fate is Seal I he's gone straight to tier three my that's so funny my f what is he now he has nothing guys what is my life for GRE I bow I what is it now where shall my blood be sped I will done I gladly oby more gold is required I gladly obey I must hunt soon I wish only what make WN I wish only to serve I bow to your will my fate is Seal th will be done I think he's going to make WN my life will what is it where my blood AG my my life greetings I must hunt soon what is it now agree greetings very well that was my plan that was my plan I wish all deserve my I hunger our forces are under attack oh thank you agree I wish only to serve I must hunt soon what is it summoning is complete [Music] you should have gone straight for the towers you know this ghou I I actually sacrificed all my ghouls because uh I didn't care about them what moral greetings my life it was all to buy time it was all one big Spiel to buy time I yes master I I gladly I am Sanctified will imagine losing a bird choc what my was my my M acces by the way in case you're wondering I'm not on melon I'm on my main account two3 against vast Expo is something he did it on purpose th will be done my face I wish all to serve suon my life you of that wonder if he went for a tiny great hole where shall my blood what Mor I wish what let's see if he can out kill the tower the boys are ready to repair what I can't believe he hit it the tower I my life for you see the acolytes yes my that that was my upgrade must hey today I learned you vampiric steel from uh serpent WS more I wish only to serve ah he does have an expansion okay good for you you thought of that where shall my blood be spilled what is it now that was my plan agree I wish only deserve that one my my life I he's like maybe the tow won't attack me this blade walking into the me dragons I got this my life for where shall I [Music] what is it now what that was my plan what is it now he's trying to walk the gauntlet trying to go through oh new me wagons could beat wver more go re what is it now agree I bow to your will thy will be done our forces are under attack mortal my life forness gretings I must that was my plan I wish only to serve our forces are under attack where should I run still I must come my life has no it now our forces are under attack I was wondering if I was going to get a mid Dragon stack there turns out yes I am summoning is complete beautiful cobby hole GG what is it now can you explain what is happening this game after the match I went for a dreadlord tier one fast expansion it was a cross map so it's hard for him to get to it there's a couple of ways to counter it you can go blade or far here first and if you're blade first you need to have a speed scroll and two three grunts you have to cancel the gold mine once in order to delay it enough to make it less worth it is one of those players that skips Barracks as many people do as orc which is a very bad strategy very very bad strategy and I hate to see it as an Orc main but he's a Barrack Skipper because he wants to save up all the money and get all the fast dech in order to get fast mass wyver this is weak against tier one Expo this is part of the reason why you don't do it right so once he became aware that I have an expansion he tried to go for the cancel anyway nearly got it but doesn't have any grunts this is why even one or two GRS would be very helpful my gold mine comes up that's practically like a wi condition I can play the game out normally now it is not a win yet the best way to follow up for him would be Shadow Hunter some Raiders counter expansion Raider wyvern map control creep the middle prevent me from canceling his Expo Etc instead he got to tier two he insta ta tier three so there's a couple of different advantages you can have in Warcraft 3 you can have economy Advantage Tech Advantage hero Advantage Army size Advantage just to narrow it down to four so I now have an economy advantage and too much of one if I make my Expo after he cancels it I have less of an economy Advantage but now I have a lot of economy Advantage this needs to be compensated for quickly by something that can have another form of Advantage within the next several minutes at most he could either start get killing lots of units and get higher levels and more army even though I have the money he can compensate like this or he can uh try and go for a kill move so actually win not just Advantage but win or he can get his own expansion as quickly as possible he'll be behind on the economy but he'll have economy but he'll be ahead of hero levels he'll have more Heroes as well because he will have a second hero and he has better units I have ghouls he has wokie doie instead he said I have Tech Advantage you have economy Advantage I'm going to go to tier three to have even more Tech advantage to get wyvern's tier three and the ability to buy tiny great hole but the Gap towards leveraging a tier three Advantage is too large from a tier one expansion that came at 4 minutes if I had a 5 minute or a six-minute expansion okay it's fine you can make it right but he was trying to cross a desert without water when instead he should just have been buying that overpriced $10 water he was trying to be like I think I can make the trip without water and if I make it without water I'll save money and I'll invest it no it's too far away oh I almost accidentally cancelled my new acolyte uh we are playing against action he is pretty good high ranked orc okay one sec one sec R Master yeah that's fine P after this game I eat cold pizza wait yeah there we go gry would you like to be my father well what are your skills let's talk about this lawnmowing how well can you do it willm is you're going to have to earn your keep around here boy I wish only to serve I as you as you'll learn Nothing is for free Sun try out and what race do you play ortel is it nightelf my life for I like to play this early fiend build against orc I feel like it's my most comfortable play to your will I gladly obey thy will be done is that you outside Logan come he came cuz we got pizza only to serve I master Fear the Reaper fear the reap be SP I my fate is SE feel my w my life for my patience my venance is yours I bow to your our forces are under attack has ended Master Yes master let life cease I will light cease he's very passionate about letting light cease huh you got to respect that in an Orc in an in a sorry Undead and an undead of course not orc boo to Orcs patience who likes Orcs here not me I wish always to Ser I bow to your my patience has end where shall my blood be spilled my vengeance is yours you call I myat has end they're going to die from Spike damage for the L King you call I my life you my patience has ended as you order summoning is I wish serve let battle makes your choice my vengeance is yours let battle Joy th bidding M our forces are under attack cry or Die My where shall my blood I bow Darkness you where shall my blood be spilled I wish only to I gladly obey you call my life for this acolyte Must Die My so that I have Supply capacity our forces you call for King my vengeance is yours I am the [Music] darkness let B for the my is is done the time is now find soon proceed I bow my patience has ended as you order for the L King let B Be Joy at last r or die I I wait master you make your choice make your choice the time is now blose and the Darkness let B Jo you I wish for the [Music] he's doing the orage now of course research summon is compl yours the At Last I wait and then he's going to do his Expo proed Master let batt Joy embrace the make your choice my PA has ended to come am let battle to command for the as you let battle be Joy Pro for the my PA has ended at last my patience has ended as you I my our forces are under attack my Vance is my patience has ended command my patience has ended I SW to NE summoning as you order it is destined to my v it my to command I come from the dark attack my their [Music] our under attack my patience has ended my vengeance is yours you call I am my light for my has ended SC let battle what tricker is this the I will say pit Lord was not the best idea on Spirit Walkers it should have been uh duck Ranger but that was not even close this Strat sucks what he did and he doesn't know how to creep his Heroes and and take fights not too early hey Pizza Time surprised he committed to Torrance after seeing Frost armor yeah true