Earth Science Final Review

May 31, 2024

Earth Science Final Review Master Overview


  • Mini-series Purpose: Full overview of the Earth Science course for the year
  • Important Note: This is a high-level overview; for deeper dives, refer to linked specific topic videos

Unit 1: Prologue

Observations and Inferences

  • Observation: Use of five senses (see, touch, taste, smell, hear) to notice details
  • Inference: Drawing a conclusion based on observations (similar to a prediction)

Rate of Change

  • Formula: Change in value / time
  • Example Calculation:
    • Change in value: 400 - 100 = 300 meters
    • Time: 3 minutes
    • Rate of change: 100 meters/minute
    • Units: Ensure correct units


  • Definition: Amount of mass in a given volume
    • Water expands when it freezes; ice floats on liquid water due to lower density
  • Density Relationships:
    • Increase in temperature -> Volume increases -> Density decreases (causes convection currents)
    • If an object is cut in half or doubled, its density remains unchanged
  • Formula: Density = Mass / Volume (manipulatable from the reference tables)

Unit 2: Describing Earth

Earth's Shape

  • Actual Shape: Oblate spheroid (Wider at equator, not a perfect sphere)
  • Effect: Weigh more at poles due to proximity to inner core
  • Reason: Rotation causes widening (like spinning pizza dough)

Polaris (North Star)

  • Location: Directly aligned with Earth's axis of rotation
  • Usage: Navigation
  • Altitude: Equals observer's latitude (e.g., 42° latitude -> Polaris 42° in the sky)
  • Evidence: Photos from space

Earth's Spheres

  • Lithosphere: Solid material (land, rock)
  • Hydrosphere: Water (very thin layer compared to earth's size)
  • Atmosphere: Air/gases formed from volcanic eruptions (78% nitrogen, remaining oxygen and other trace gases)
    • Four Layers: Divided by temperature changes (Refer to page 14 of the reference table)
    • Ozone Layer: Present in the stratosphere, absorbs heat, and protects from UV radiation

Latitude and Longitude

  • Latitude: Parallels running east-west, measure north-south
  • Longitude: Measure east-west, staring at prime meridian through Greenwich, England
  • International Date Line: Opposite of prime meridian
  • New York State Map: Latitude and longitude with minutes
    • Same Lines: Same solar time
    • Time Zones: Move east -> Time increases; move west -> Time decreases
    • Earth Rotation: West to East, 15° per hour

Iso Lines and Contour Maps

  • Iso Line: Connect points of equal value (definitely on the final exam)
  • Gradient: Formula (Change in field value / distance), similar to rate of change
  • Contour Maps: Iso lines to show the land shape (smaller circles mean higher spots)
    • Contours: Close -> Steep slope; Far -> Gradual slope
    • Depression: Indicated by hasher marks
    • Max/Min Elevation: Max is one less than the next line would be; Min is one more than the previous line
    • River Flow: Contour lines bend upstream, indicating flow direction

Next Units and Review

  • Upcoming: Astronomy (Part 2)
  • Additional Resources: Check linked videos for deeper dives into specific topics

Good Luck!