hi everyone it tianis here and in this video we will explore what is flow theory when you immerse yourself into something so deeply that you lose a sense of time then you have experienced that state if this is your first time on this channel then make sure you subscribe and hit the bell icon to get updates on my latest videos about time management and productivity flow theory is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter this experience is also sometimes referred to as being in the zone and when you are in the zone you're making progress towards the desired outcome have you ever been working on something so intensely that you forgot to eat if you have then you know what the flow state is in the flow state you're getting things done and the challenge of figuring things out is pushing you to work even harder when you're in the zone you feel complete focus on the activity you have a clarity about what you want to achieve and how you're going to get there you might be writing a book and suddenly ideas start flowing into your mind and you just keep writing and writing there is no exact formula or steps that you can use to achieve the flow state every time you want as it comes from combination of different things but if you want to increase your chances to achieve the flow state then here are some pointers to help you get there first passion you have to feel passionate and you have to enjoy the activity that you are performing second challenge there also must be an element of challenge involved as that indicates progress and achievement third meaning you are performing this activity as you know that it will help you or other people to achieve the goals or make progress i hope that you enjoyed this video and i was able to give you a quick summary of what flow theory is and how to achieve the flow state if you enjoyed this video i would really appreciate if you could press the like button as this will help the video reach more people and spread the message you