LoL Tournament - G2 vs Fnatic

Jul 23, 2024

LoL Tournament - G2 vs Fnatic

Key Points

  • Major Rivalries Left: G2 and KC (between countries and streamers); both haven't hit finals together yet.
  • Bans and Picks:
    • G2: Ban Kaisa, first pick Rumble. Target Noah Z's Kaisa.
    • Fnatic: Picks include Zyra, Lucian.
    • Interesting Picks Considered: Brand, Leona, Lucian, Renekton, Poppy.
    • Matchups: Lucian & Zyra mid jungle; Brand Leona combo as potential picks.
  • Draft Analysis:
    • Fnatic: Should drop Poppy ban, consider AD picks like Faris, Ash, Kaisa, Ziggs.
    • G2: Potential picks like MF, Jhin, Alistar; engage supports are preferred.
    • Fnatic: Potential Kalista with Leona or engage support like Nautilus.
  • Gameplay:
    • Top Matchup Analysis: Renekton vs Estal.
    • Mid Analysis: Caps getting favorable trades, pushing lanes.
    • Game Strategy: Pushing lanes, mid-game trades, dragon control, attempts to shut down specific champions.
    • Challenges: Renekton finding challenge in top lane, misplays in mid, support moves avoiding mid trades, jungle focus on crabs and respawn side.
  • Player Comments: Influence of certain champs like Renekton, Jhin, Ziggs.
    • Brands: Strong mid-game trades, build specifics.
  • League Mechanisms and Tactics Discussed: Camps, crabs, roaming supports.
    • Engage Strategies: Importance of bot matchups pushing mid.
    • Escalation of Fights: Nitty-gritty fight details, considering mid, top and bot priorities.

End-game Analyses and Reflections

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Importance of vision control, early games pans, targeted player actions.