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LoL Tournament - G2 vs Fnatic
Jul 23, 2024
LoL Tournament - G2 vs Fnatic
Key Points
Major Rivalries Left: G2 and KC (between countries and streamers); both haven't hit finals together yet.
Bans and Picks:
Ban Kaisa, first pick Rumble. Target Noah Z's Kaisa.
Picks include Zyra, Lucian.
Interesting Picks Considered:
Brand, Leona, Lucian, Renekton, Poppy.
Lucian & Zyra mid jungle; Brand Leona combo as potential picks.
Draft Analysis:
Should drop Poppy ban, consider AD picks like Faris, Ash, Kaisa, Ziggs.
Potential picks like MF, Jhin, Alistar; engage supports are preferred.
Potential Kalista with Leona or engage support like Nautilus.
Top Matchup Analysis:
Renekton vs Estal.
Mid Analysis:
Caps getting favorable trades, pushing lanes.
Game Strategy:
Pushing lanes, mid-game trades, dragon control, attempts to shut down specific champions.
Renekton finding challenge in top lane, misplays in mid, support moves avoiding mid trades, jungle focus on crabs and respawn side.
Player Comments:
Influence of certain champs like Renekton, Jhin, Ziggs.
Brands: Strong mid-game trades, build specifics.
League Mechanisms and Tactics Discussed:
Camps, crabs, roaming supports.
Engage Strategies: Importance of bot matchups pushing mid.
Escalation of Fights:
Nitty-gritty fight details, considering mid, top and bot priorities.
End-game Analyses and Reflections
Importance of vision control, early games pans, targeted player actions.
Full transcript