is G2 the only rivalry left I guess KC mad is like a rivalry but that's more between like countries and streamers they haven't like both hit a finals yet they both got a hit a finals together against each other yeah Rumble it's Rumble first pick oh my God I mean kaisa is Ban that makes sense oh this okay so what G2 have done is they've targeted Noah Z's kaisa ban first foral it's time for Zyra Bren or draft both are good pork is open for Mar if you want it pick top on three depends you pick on one two pi two Zyra okay Lucian okay Zyra Lucian that's fine that's a mid jungle yeah they could do to be honest they could do would be really cheeky and a very LC style is brand Leona brand Mega LC sty re bro I would drop the fattest poppy bam of my life Lucian rennington solo L Poppy is BR um is he a is he a n player I mean to be honest what they should do is B bra and they should B I don't know why they B varis but sure they're trying to stop Faris mid but I really think they need to drop a puppy Ben because what happens if they B Brown they B they B puppy you four pick ad Faris Ash kaisa Zer estal you're going to have to play a Caitlyn game I think but then because I have estal Leona maybe you can play like actually maybe play kalist R actually he definitely zigs fits into nicely but I don't know if they're going to playig bro they B TF top over poy I am absolutely mind blown if they pick kalista on four here this is pathetic if they pick four here no way surely they're going to pick something like actually oh MF would be pretty good if they B it's it's it's annoying but otherwise they have ra and then MF really good okay down okay well they have zigs they have they have MF alar into come on man come on need an engage support alar is fine yeah I mean alar notless the only Champs left unless you want to go raan it's going to be rough's fine I'm just worried about what they're picking on five would be horrific into Bren Chase could be top or mid could be estal yeah could Beal mid but I doubt it right surely they don't put estal mid here estal bot seems kind of chill but what you pick inan unless you play Cory smolder ad oh they take the MF yeah I think MF was the ftic oh Jin Jin's fine Jin's okay Jin Alistar is not the best but it's fine mid J MF oh my God they only have one they only have one a this the way the game works mer for Lea a bit tricky against Triple car I mean G2 Sports four range Champs in Leona all they're going to do is throw spells because Q's MF MF BR Q's BR W's CH Q Le their rang is don't have much engage this is just going to be an AR game I'm not even Kidd absolute AR game I would really appreciate it if you could drop a like and a comment or or subscribe that would be awesome thank you top match up is pretty tricky for rington I actually I'm not sure how mid goes I think EST probably wins level one I don't know you could probably EST e Luan Q there's probably some mechanics there but I'm not really sure I think Lucian Dash is probably really important in this match up both match up surely MF can get push in this match up with Leona right alarin you agree with the way drafted ific if they first pick and they want to Lucian Zyra and enemy goes Leona Brent I think they should go BR on three search for ad on four and counter pick top and B blind tops but they value the rennington really highly and to be honest renon is really strong champ like in L's quite strong quite early in draft withs usally and it was a six game L for quite some time pretty onesided oh you Cap's getting some good traes he's King away keep his attack spe it like G2 have three pushing Lanes oh that Miss but it doesn't matter J Q level two doesn't do that much damage I actually see a lot of K and jce in Top Lane they don't Q until level three they put two points in Q and then they Q in range they don't put points in W because Q level one on Q and E do no damage priority for ftic is it's okay three pushing Lanes see Dash is important yeah if he dashes W maybe Lucian can Dash over theal SK W and then get his e and then that's when Lu wins in my head if estal e is bad and Luan has a good angle for cing then obviously [ __ ] but Lu need to force itce by full clear they're going to trade crabs I mean Razor's just going to try and go to his respawn side because I mean contesting crab is absolutely impossible looking man I think these matchups like they got a little bit AB I swear absorb life is as [ __ ] FL that's the com combo Baby Q Flash doesn't give him a chance to react flash trying to take his respawn over the wild mickes Zyra so he knows he's around there yeah you're not going to get anything here maybe can get the big one are available will be seced by theg is like yes got a kill but BB saves hisp which I think is pretty B humanoid blocked nice Dash hey good trade by humanoid in that trade so it's kind of nice it's a best of five by the way so the first best of five of thec in summer we love best of long series ahead lock in know TP FL cap just bought long sword there I thought he was going to miss looks like I lost flash already the a more Flash coming out from Le so Le so op oh my God what's happening in B we're 300 gold down on ad man even happened we're just down 10 going off the trying to nice dou Das the wasn't fur little come on man they just have three losing Lanes all right Razer K might get some camps here but Al has no flash so Alis being here R has no SM man oh my God pleas just lose this for free to regain but he has no Flash oh my god he has no flash nice yo nice where's the just one what that barrier just won the game or what that barrier just won the game that that but Hees it's the G2 classic the pins on Mid have the available Flash from surpr [ __ ] game looks unplayable they're going to get perfect game it's a perfect game like the game is unplayable three losing Lanes into collapse mid GG EAS he actually K him here the tower as well not have been the best look against BDS how is rton dead you just solo killed him how are you dead to PR my R's dead my Ron's dead how do that is mindblowing oh had to cancel his BAS fuing support MP no I get that but that Miss I'm GNA give I'm just G I'm give oh just oh yes oh I missed this we missed this entirely yeah Osa over stay in Top Lane broken okay I don't blame you I don't blame you that's okay yeah he does the T behind is fine I just saw him die and Jason was on the tower and I thought he overstayed on the tower to crash the wave man it's a 3K gold lead every Lane's losing stop complaining start believing my R won't get those it worked to be honest if G2 rolls this game it is kind of irrelevant because a blue side b game one because I said so winning game one is a quick way to lose a series World 2022 finals don't don't don't even try and dispute it going to T back I ring he's going to St he canel his Rec why he can all right so they swapped Luan spot no TP could be a 33 here no flash concerned J can kind of cheat the fight Alistar is getting murdered in these fights before he can even engage or look Mickey look Mickey nice that cing Mickey took a bad p wait what I thought he Al attack the pl was that Lu passive second Auto Kraken that did that much damage that must be a bug what is that damage his first Alo went to the blast there's no way that that second Alo did that much as well what the [ __ ] that was insane amount of damage why is not meta CU she's not really like an AP carry she's more like Supply he doesn't scale like ay ftic have to win this fight or it's over just actually lost game oh my God they can't even engage they can't even locked up curtain there but no has completely stunned himself he going to have to back away Lily no man with an accelerated shock blast TP he knows they have no TPS he wants to take top Tower three outers two Lan a 4 Gold lead in minutes BR this a this Ain a competition what the hell is this am I the curse is it me it's okay they go game two they go blue side they change this draft quickon BR the most OP J it is it is it is every game that champ damage is absurd you broke it down in the dra it's Bren it's BR it's like what is the meaning of life it's Bren I'm telling you watched about 400 games in the last three weeks I'm telling you brand is that guy this is the the new League of Legends expansion it's called Marksman Mania they released a new expansion a couple weeks ago everyone's already at max level Lu they're actually reverting Marksman Mania quote unquote next week for play on the 144 expansion Absol Cino without milk is still being played on the new patch as can't even right click them they're playing a MOA and they can't even right click them it does caps just in Micky by stealing the herald from him did he just steal the herald driveway from Mickey caps could have just let him drive it out oh my God drop the Mickey reaction quick drop drop the Mickey reaction I need the coms right now dude where's my car film number two featuring Mickey X Le into J absolutely unplayable flash more valuable than than support drop the reaction drop the coms rather than trying to ban it away regardless razing up for okay a pick no flash cut out here a bit but the follow the damage is just good damage but now it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] damage where's the damage a bit of desper G now the J is [Music] Deads osar and again but it's not going too hard going es es J's gone for the forward tactic Oscar is trying to find the sneaky tactic Noah's going to go with the Run tactic is this really just going to be a 30 25 minute game is that just pushes he T say I like razor K on on on brand can we just first pick that [ __ ] or some [ __ ] is you're never pick you don't pick with st sh rapid fire and lose Lane and is that the build on Jin static shift rapid fire that just looks so useless am I blind I know he's going to go I third and when he gets I he probably has big damage yeah I think they should have Pi BR three Dro top for last not sure what value they would have got out of it CU they still have to pick ad on four but they have brown so it allows maybe like a little bit of space humanoid finally here ftic they G up a tower maybe this is their fight now Micky full engage continu to just lay down a little bit hold up hold up someone hold the phone yo hold it hold it hold it hold it okay give me back [ __ ] lost give me the phone back give me the phone back there is no phone it was a Mis call it was a fake caller asking me about if I want insurance or some [ __ ] it wasn't a real person the same oh up aare right you win you get about 5k gold win this fight and get the Drake with objective BS and shut down open NEX so we're going to Dragon but what happens if they go for our base what happens I like it we're going to fight I wish we had Teo just put the mushrooms everywhere I've played against that before but you can see how little damage now it does with these Auto attacks the shat yeah oh yeah wait hold up they went two for two in that in a 10K deficit fight against three carries vers three carries who's got it it's like an arena Showdown but fast incredibly strong forward one more double up and AO should just be the end humano trying to heal up but no now going to be the one in trouble to the come down but no with an ex Ed route hold up hold up give it back again wait let me let me take the phone let me take the phone hold up or does he want a little bit more fight and it seems like the answer is [Applause] [Music] fight all right nice little warm up nice little warm up all right blue side stop trolling I think s is high PR Bren is high PR anything with range G2 are just out ranging them so hard as Le I like the Lea that covers off a bit of their range and engage I hope they don't get hit by BR here if they're going to startop blinding re or some [ __ ] I don't know probably just going to B rumbl then I guess and here standard but unless they want to try something else yeah could banal if they want if they don't want to play it but no as estal is good they could ban kaisa for and EST ban first trist something like that could happen just depends if G2 gets sucked into it if they don't then it's quite awkward Bren wow they B Bren I don't think the brand matters I mean I know brand is busted but I feel like Zyra is just really strong now if they first pick and they give over Zyra I'm a bit worried seani is also open you're giving Han free kais if you pick here unless you can Flex it they've changed it up but I am scared that G2 just play Zyra hopefully they don't or I Zyra Ivan estal up maai are they going to do like maai corki J I mean what does ftic have into this they can't I mean they could pick Brown here but I'm scared of RA three they could just do like seani brown think BR here is fine you're going to drop mid pretty heavily though they're going to go here W they're going completely different as well at least okay not bad not bad I mean G2 just pick K on three right they should pick K on three unless they want to do get baned what your now G could what do you look for on four here yeah Brown and now could try to take away J I think it's not a bad B they could do Jace I think they need to be careful of GP here as well I think G2 would go GP somewhere here I can feel it even though they haven't shown it I would be concerned about it I think the safe BS are jce especially if G2 B Alistar last so they should just cover J now I think for sure I think TF top is useless YP I don't know I think Malai GP kais can do really well against azir I think azir's life is a horror especially if they blind renon it's what gen it's what H life were doing they're picking and J picking GP into rton there's the real so they're not going to play it maybe they're looking for nless maybe they're looking for nless for lock down on yeah nless not bad now this gives up a free Alistar pick to G2 which I think they should take I think G2 should probably just and they should count pick top and I think G GP is actually looking pretty good so far on this dra I think G ftic need to not fall into a trap here where if they pick raan they don't go Karma don't go Karma don't go Karma just pick Alistar yeah just go Alistar nice if you want to Blind poppy top that's fine but I'm definitely sure if you blind poppy top it's a GP game they could just go J on five as well it up Cante is fine it's just front line it does make sense right now just please don't play pleas pleas please don't do it don't do it please they have Luis is fine I like nice okay I like Bart now what is what is G2 going to do are they going to pick safe Nar or are they actually going to commit to like jce or GP how much they been watching j g h life them one I don't know how GP is though you could go V top here actually unironically or varus top oh my God the bar does went into VAR top too many or not G2 got the memo I don't think it's too many because VAR was 380 carries all right so GT rocking triple 80 carry is R playing Sudden Impact triple ad carry versus Cante Bard I think Bard is actually a really good pick here Bart's good into raan B's good into iMobile 8 carries like Ash and bar and Jin and here comes the late invade from G2 that's going to [ __ ] Razor's entire life up and his game might be lost play let's hope he can get his red buff before walks press the button because if he doesn't the game is abols coll on thatti wants to back step step forward as we see the red away thate is beating down oh my God jungle is absolutely lost it's sools is there a is there an adjective for lost that's more difficult Doom oh my God here comes the level B dive I don't know if they can can they dive but can they get level two quick here that heal was really early Jesus imagine caps R to Blue there not the end the world will bee got level three he's going get a crab even better if he can get enemy blue if he checks it please check it please check it please check it check that blue buff check that blue buff check that blue yes he checked it huge okay so technically now R's only really down okay he's down a lot it's fine because it's actually the way jungle camps work is if I get a camp and you don't it's actually an HCS right I me it's not even about the ward it's like look where his jungler is and look where raan is raan is marking Sani [ __ ] me back help going start crashing this wave now he's a little bit scared of jungle will G2 Golden Road this year what you mean will G2 Golden Road they haven't even put a brick in they're walking on the dirt track right now bro Golden Road a golden Road is what you're looking for let's just say EU has barely cleared the trees to form a [ __ ] path we haven't even invented the wheel to go down the road yet this game's a lot better for ftic though they haven't blown it up yet and they got a single grub we take that that's one more grab that's a grab M CS is good top CS is obviously behind and it's expected but Bard is uh I think Bard is going to do a lot this game for massive hit on that that box was kind of weird not going to lie so it's one one grub for two and a Drake and M is in a great state hey that guy Dash forwards is that legal that was definitely kind of drifted there on ATT Oscar level we'll see the3 Falls away Oscar immediately going back off going in Stacks wow why did that look so easy why did that look so easy nice that cancel on cap was nice okay M even B Sports even jungle has a lead level one and top just got a mega dive off with a onek gold lead mama you know I'm not worried about this far toop I know it's going to be like Nara 20 minutes later pent kill for Broken Blade shut up please he needs Terminus and stuff he needs time is it worth for Cante to go sweeper in this Lane no joke these Wards in the bushes seem really annoying for cassant to even be able to walk up and take XP in these range matchups I think should just go sweeper to get top ASAP and ifes down can kind of l a bit better is everywhere oh my God you can't miss like that okay flashing the Broken Blade W goes after nice W but the slow is there walk my God man what the hell the you no late really good range I think a real B will do good against varis with no flash late game and they can force flash quite easy don't look at top I'm very aware of what's going top maybe can kill actually he stepped up quite far there forward flash bamage base damage base damage oh yeah oh yeah top Flash that is huge that Varys just lost so much pressure no flash VAR against barani I don't mind if the whole gold lead is on bar top it's really fine but herold's up in 50 I really think Jun can make a mega Play On Top wait don't you normally play VAR top with ghost isn't ghost like a core component of varp barrier oh yeah barrier God this fight is power of the kais okay maybe not too bad support trade and no flash kais not that B it's going support for support at the end of the day yeah it was ackage from G2 but because they couldn't quite lock down Noah lower and lower coming from Raz theage onama try to get the fight but uhoh he's just watching his team fall apart caps picking up the double Q AO AO one more the he from trip Evolution 14 minutes in it was an even fight and ftic chose to re-engage this was the worst case scenario for fanatic as take the one for one I think that fight is good but I think ftic overlooked the idea that maai can just dou the and that's it so the idea is like we have up we can go on them and he want Dash on them I'm not sure why maybe he lost but if thats dead but that turned the whole fight be dead right now and could Step Up can't step up like this without First Tower to a is Big varus TP top they have five grubs it's a tra it's a trade of it's a tra of it's a trade of they should get that TP is respectable respectable oh [ __ ] that's a big at least come okay two is fine two is fine why you saying ftic equals G2 equals R bro shut upal this big cuz you can Herald m one and this 4 Z Lu is 300 gold up Mega positioning byid look at this he goes through two walls here look at this he call him Wally look at that damn that's a dash and a half maai W is busted he shouldn't become immune [ __ ] do [ __ ] he would be dead twice two minutes on Drake have or they have heral to because of push top they need to not drop any mid push otherwise if can play on mid top this game is absolutely lost with five grubs he lose mid tier two top tier one they can threaten top tier two so they're going to Herald B for two Tower spots is this going to turn out well can Lu just keep pushing so you're in a decent position here as ftic when you look to these fights but that's where the pick is coming but interrup the only more he there watch out for the Q watch out for the watch out for now push up quick Drake spawn timer is good TB behind is good look Michel X push push push push Top push mid push everything maybe look for TP on B here too with Cante thoughts and feelings more comfortable iname top fake gold lead it's like TF top useless trash get don't lose mid good Pace good good Pace good this guy got So Co on J Top he went top sit down sit down chill out have a honey a honey tea with some with some jine green ice relax I'm looking at you cap that Lucian Bounty come on you know you want to dash in one time one time for the boys what you got in B you got a needlessly large rod for me hey hey you got BLS we got B for this on nice TP B hit bit slow that [ __ ] down slow it down going too early wait for his here yo wait for his here killer intin com through good on you see any you see any they need to go there they need to just chill a bit down below too far too fast too quick speed is good if it's aim didn't quite have all their and it that once the fight a little get a little nervous that bar take everyone for G2 was like oh no Lu's close to I break point ka's close to n's break point and air is close to his Rons thisal is going to be I don't know what he has in base yeah but I don't know how far away he is I'm surprised G2 haven't just taken his mid to I feel like they have such a free objective in if they just drop bar vision for one wave I guesso helloo bared alert man get Noah some Nikes I think he need steel caps or some [ __ ] maybe he need Lucidity I don't know but he ain't buying shoes do humanoid have Rons yes or no the [ __ ] out of them now they don't have and they do have I in base as well humanoid find the road and drive the [ __ ] down it quick find the road find the road find the road find the road they need a roadid look for it look for it use U I scan I scan check it out you're hitting the Malai it's usess he has War he's going to stand in a bush change song check the new Netflix St series and then T back in full HP we okay there we go there we go now you're speaking my language okay okay they're trying to they're trying to fake a baron here don't get baited don't go quick you're going quick M any roads any roads any roads any roads any roads any roads for no no Road there about over here nice side get Mich X not bad not bad Noah I did not see that flash it's fine no would allow it was you traded with kaisa thought and feelings on a baron thoughts and feelings thought and feelings no jungler no jungler Jun is absolutely smurfing his but they they only that's let them have Drake get Nash yeah that's what I'm talking about patience that's all they need in this slowly the second they go too deep and get raed knock up triple carry nice push it down mid push it down mid get mid one put up a tower play to a s sidee b would be best because B two is up no it's not there's no on sides perfect just push it down mid run it down it down it down keep it up just be careful for Mal then we're good Tower this is beautiful beautiful now this is where usage becomes a bit tricky because sing in Towers at 27 minutes is kind of hard especially when just a raw 55 and the Gold's even it's really hard to see Tower the walles are too much it's very hard to step up you don't have much space to step up you need like you can use to Zone them away and they don't really have that so I wouldn't be surprised if G2 actually get nothing now if they get a tier three that's huge but they might actually throw the game doing it is up 500 gold on Lu and LU is a 1,000 gold shut down butat C is a 1K shutdown same XP down 700 gold on a zero 1K shutdown here comes the ti three sieg he gets kind of tricky it's very easy to slip up and throw forar is frying that's what you need to get a tier three that's a b tier three maybe they can B to forces if they want me the Tower will makes you have to dodge back and then boom Tower dies now they bar portal toid to buff the wave okay toow got interrupted in the bar to Zone again to try and get the tower they never wanted a fight they just want G2 to dash back of course razor knows capsule Dash hit Mal to try and stop them it doesn't work double in for ftic perfect nice nice usage to try and Zone them off it's it's all fake engages obviously if it hits they'll engage but they know that they're going to dash it I've seen this one Why did no I cleans I don't care we're not going to talk about it it's fine so where are those where are those game one endies that said oh my God Trio GG G22 good where you at there's no way BB went verant barrier but I guess he kind of has to against B and se but that's it that's why I think the gold lead on varis top is just completely fake if BS in the game that was such a mega pick this Bard what he has verdant barrier and Seeker arm guard what the hell this guy literally loged into elen ring and play shield with Shield where's the spear at you have no damage that a a build go now with what just going to pull three out of his ass like what you mean he's going to go Jack show now it's 31 minutes in hey that's F I think Lu was a free kill there but maybe they lost track of his flash timer now go Baron Mara abely CH took a lead for a for Lu shut down to match a stop why don't we just finish bar why does this feel sketchy okay it doesn't feel sketchy nice easy group five nice Retreat here de but he cannot finish off a kill Noah jumping in who cooking worse chat my chicken nugget pesta or g2p me save the top Tower the [ __ ] a [ __ ] a a don't don't hate on chicken nugget pesta with K pepper it goes kind of hard G2 gave them the opportunity to bounce back a ftic have grabbed a both yoer F on own team mer beautiful all right so they didn't do the a they also banned Ash first which I don't like cuz now if they do kais like they did last time it's a problem I think G2 up there's no way now there's no way B and they same they're doing it I mean they have to B Rumble oh my God I think have trolled so hard they've Tred so hard I think they should B bro if they just had if this was Rumble they could just ban random here and trade Ash they they for what what is plan like we saw in the first maybe their logic is we don't B if they don't B A and I think this is really a call out to they a obious they don't have though so they like range there's no way they're picking BR or zra here please be ready to play BR on three please if they play Lea here please are SE is here now if they do BR Le again please look for br on three they're going five I like that a lot actually don't like VI for G2 you have to do VI oh they're going Zyra Zyra renon actually okay don't panic I think top is best here maybe just go poy ory N greas I don't know Le I don't think it's worth it don't pick ad because I mean you don't really have any AD Pi a top ler or yeah or's fine I think you can B Lea but you do have brown you need to be careful of enemy team getting Brown into or and estal brown so if raan is banned Red Alert Cory ban they think it's estal B I don't think it's I think it's iort can see from just try get B okay there's SC of brown now think of MF why would they ban Brown if you have hor obviously they want Leona Leona MF is their favorite 4 five here 100% think about it Leona B good good good now think about MF maybe they have to B here don't go Jin if they go well northless is not bad you could think about a kalista draft but kalista inter range is do [ __ ] maybe another kalista I don't like MF with this oh G2 thought they would take MF take perfect perfect let them go Alistar I think they're doing well here fic they're actually doing well I just don't like top I think no oh Caitlyn against range ohos against range please be careful what if they the thing I don't like about K is if they want they have two options one they go estal Karma bot and play something like y Karma and that's annoying go I'm scared of zigs and I'm scared of I'm scared of G2 going Jin as well actually's on the B that's bad that's actually not that bad I don't think Jin is that insane Jin or is not the best they needed a range what as much as it sounds like a meme it's really bid it's just not that good in attacks he only gets my first question is because I don't know how Caitlyn versus Jin North Coast have three pushing Lanes ortic have a pushing B should have pushing B right isely I'm guessing rton gets push into or easy into a I think can probably get pushed just the W as long as we have a pushing that's all that matters because if you're playing Sani versus Zyra and she has three pushing Lanes the game is already unplayable yeah I can see Cap's like good thing you can look at is here Cap's already queed twice and hum full HP so he's queuing the wave so caps is playing for push which I think he can get pretty easy cuz he has PTA they're losing B push or what with that LE lost push that LE oh that hit nice scar nice level up timer nice okay I think in a fine spot they lost the push a little bit but now I think they're fine they need to wait for the next wave to come in cuz it's northless and then they should start pushing but I guess they don't really need to push cuz San is top but I really am convinced that San is not getting that top grab so maybe they do need push on Ward rington got such heavy push early that he could Ward TRS are they going to chance to clear the W he need to survive he need to at least make to base damage boys nice no flash rton is huge if four there that was a dead R that's not bad catches the wave RT loses flash nice cover by J learned a lot from the last game the last game one much better game ST the cover mid is good matching Mick is good you see how both supports stay on the on the on the on the map when both ad B they both move towards mid and then seani will get the B Crab which obviously like I said it's pretty huge forani all right so the game's pretty even of time spent right still in the lead in terms of csid in trouble nice Dash to the side is taking from that's a big kill for G2 he blocked it with the St and jumped the rout G2 off to a pretty good start but I wonder does comp fall off renon J against or no he's get six on the wave though if he's smart here just get six on the Canon and then fights it that's so unlucky the Canon dies he hit six he might turn that and kill one for one oh Zyra shows top as well to fix the wave that free upic bot Lan B have TP Oscar is kind of [ __ ] here loose grubs no B push lose Drake as well I guess no mid push loose everything m is rough it's okay Oscar is scared that Zyra sitting there he's waiting for to he has no spells Oscar walk up top is not that bad that canel is big for caps though this Caitlyn pick is looking kind of Caitlyn will scale a lot yeah I hope so I mean she'll have a lot of range I hope but Caitlyn versus estal Jin does sound a bit rough Ka a against Jin late game as much as I know a Kate have a lot of damage that range on G2 I think is too much I don't know let's see they have ra flash they're Al quite squishy as well nice trade [Applause] by here if he want Tov in on the they him but he's going to it flash by Yo the base damage boys this renon is 0 to Z and down in Gold vers or at 9 Minutes B tried to over complicate it wait Mi on award clean by Noah he would have died clean by Noah he would have died if he flash Auto I think he dies to ignite but that's definitely the way to secure the kill top and Bot are winning for ftic when they were losing and Jin renon doesn't scale very well into or sichani because obviously they're pretty difficult to get to front but renon is more of a disruptor he's there to just be a beefy Bruiser and force is here to ult him away right so I don't know like gain space I think or is at a point right now where rennington actually can't really do much to him like the trades are just horrific obviously you can just ignore him and push wait BB actually dead no he has no e Lan swap timer from ftic was good I don't know if grubs just spawned but they just swapped on the grubs and just killed the no flash renon they also is playing with Merr so I mean yeah Kon just rocks up and one shots him nice play by Yik oh the wall blocks in wait that was sick by humanoid flash to the side as you're about to get knocked up to to the Zyra to block her from leaving Tower range and and the FES give her AG CU she flashed over the wall to commit the play I mean obviously it sucks still for humanoid because he's going to lose plates waves he has TP has to use but to be honest like f are answering these plays pretty well by G2 caps is going to have to carry this game and I mean caps is very good at carrying I'm just convinced this Reen are not going to be useful for a while look or is just ignoring him I'm just scared of caps I mean that's G to right you're just scared of caps need to be worried about what caps is going to do so he's going to e flash over the wall here wolf style any on T1 W played by I think I mean Oscar could just 42 gold I think he could just the wave but I think Mickey's going to try and stop him from doing that by doing this right has no Mr but it would be great if we could that wave okay though who gets first Tower gold then looks like Caitlyn might get it but it's quite close they're using plant yeah G2 should get it pretty easy Drake's up in 20 G2 can't by Drake Oscar need to go top and catch wow very even game it's been a while since we've seen ftic G2 like this I know the finals was like good game for ftic game one but and would say this game is slightly ftic favor in an unbiased comment because of draft because I think g2's range is good but their engage and their front line versus is so bad g2's range is so important their engage is a northless hook and a Ren and you're you're hooking best case Sani but they have got estal zy so if they can control River like this and throw eal cues they can throw eals put Plants up block poke them down then it's perfect for G2 the second re gets on their head is when G2 needs to start being really scared so when re remounts here and looks for a flash hold like this engage is where G2 needs to run for their lives cuz they can't do anything about this this is where the draft becomes a bit difficult but the damage is crazy from G2 for as well so it's two for two and G2 got Drake so big play for G2 lucky for RoR didn't die there Oscar where was Oscar's positioning where was Oscar's positioning and why is humanoid there they're playing the most Classic front to back known to humans known to humanity and the a is split he doesn't hit those right position is not great and wasn't really frontlining enough but on the bottom we see good fight by could get top with I mean humanoid has a TP in the pit if G2 commit to this I think should consider an a TP fight the problem is azir has no stopwatch and renon is kind of marking a not where you want to be you don't want to r enely on your tank line for [Music] fight yeah the rennington has been on top of marck I think ftic thought they were going to TP play there but humanoid can't TP he's got they got the two big plays by G2 I think they're playing really well keep having to answer to g2's plays yeah theal is really strong theal is really strong it's also crazy that Noah is this strong but it's only 300 gold up on that's it he's 300 gold up the is getting so much gold I guess it's the global gold this whole ad is just gone almost on H going to need I and then some kind of ldr and be all right but until he gets ldr I don't think he'll do much no up the now the going absolutely what is he even doing in River why is there a Caitlin in River I'm so confused they're pushing mid what is CIT doing oh he was going for crab we have a situation where 31 Caitlin who was given so many resources who individually put himself very far brok just been fighting each other this whole game amade I think he didn't right G get Drake Point stay just push he's going for crab oh he miss Q on the crab stay nice he pushes top yeah the gold top doesn't matter ad doesn't matter jungle 900 gold on Zyra doesn't matter it's this it's a massive pain almost Hasa they're getting collaps on top and can't be there on top of them interruped from dead actually tra hit to flash not a bad save there by ftic it's not going to get them much it's nice that they save but it doesn't really do anything this is the thing with G2 they force a fight on Windows where ftic can't do anything like they killed Ron great he's 0 five great kill goes and what all have to base anyway like this window is such a really good fight for G2 as long as they don't over Chase they can force some of course they're going to fight you here if this wave dying but yeah too far that t was Psycho if can beat G2 I can beat fact yeah get him with the NRG logo [ __ ] him up needs War ASAP one will push one will push top it's just side push trade and then mid push contest and GT will always get mid push cuz they're ahead just Dres in 120 and I think ftic might have to go through b I think or pushes top waves moves mid they can test this midwave maybe a zero has t on it I don't know if they lose his midwave then I think they have to come through b minute I think they have to go through b the problem of going through b is they can L maybe just go bar try and go through mid again but they're not going through mid they're going to try and pull them to Baron the problem with pulling them to Baron is s solo Drake I think this Soul's gone it's absolutely gone look how much shit's on the floor gin trap Zyra seeds they're ready to proc hooks be honest ftic I think just give it they going to go through b here but I think they just have to give this looks horrific they're going to try and go through mid but not going to work unless they engage now but farming 5 seconds on the spawn they're not bro walking through this choke looks impossible walking into that bush looks impossible everything looks impossible oh my God just engage maybe I don't know need to get this mid with maybe oh they engage on cap nice cap FL out that's pretty good for quite strong this is where nice engag by R cap stepped up way too far they hit Noah with the fourth shot though so there going to go Drake now and yikes going to Zone while the Carri it look at those kinding resor just blasone in oh that K damage does res steal no he doesn't oh a road he found a road it was paved it's like a highway I'm in my Moto car boom cap dead boom kill for Noah go bar now huge fight by ftic that was a really tricky fight to play that was a really tricky fight to play but RoR onto seld was massive it forced cap out of the fight it's going to be a close game this Baron won't win ftic the game this Baron will get ftic mid tier one that's it I think they're not going to get this but lost flash which is massive it's going to be a close game it's going to be a long game and I think long game favors a bit because the front line is too strong all right Noah just got five kills in a baron all right Noah carry this mother sucker you got rapid fire Cannon you got everything you need this rington build Spirit V mer traits Noah murders him so look at his from Resort Mega QR onto that's a mega engage cuz now he has to flash the orn and now s's completely out of the fight Mi dies he steps on a trap and this four shot from hand saves the fight because Noah kind of low so they have to play way slower than they would have then the pl Zone away the top side but BB is kind of tring here I don't know if he had e or not but he gets caught Noah boom and it's just a 53 right no flash onid get play good good fight overall by the tri look at Ren items out of the replay just look at Ren items Spirit V Merks he just brought two cloth armers and that Kon has upgraded iie rapid fire Cannon so yeah Kon will murder the ren okay the flash maybe J has the flash well nice getting caught in mid like that is absolutely illegal absolutely criminal but like I said I don't think fanic can get much with this Baron the only thing they can maybe get is mid one and I think fanic should realize they cannot get side Towers they should just group M and or them off the tower and take it and then just try and get PR forer only thing will do they'll group up mid they'll if they have to to get mid mid will die barff will fade and need to hold control here for when elder spawns that's it and the biggest value they get is that on the Elder fight they don't have to face check Zyra that's the ideal situation for here I don't know why they're trying to push sides maybe piing B is fine but next mid when J's here they should just run it down five and AR holding this River control is everything bro they're not even getting mid with Baron it's crazy they're just basing on there m they have another wave bar when did Noah flash Noah flash they need to group on they need mider one it's crazy if they don't get mid one can they not just or them back to get this Tower just [ __ ] fight them push them back they have ra flash as well it's crazy if they can't get M got and now they are G yeah there you go there you go push them back locked up they're giving them way too much space like P are respecting them so much just [ __ ] fight them H anybody Mickey already dead curtain going as asess into the back line again curtain good D War here and then the baron Buff's going to drop they're going to lose mid push oh this is going to this is horrible I think they should have done that way earlier but sichani based man's range is so annoying they still didn't get mider one so this elder fight is horrific G2 is playing the fights well they're giving like so much respect and obviously someone will die Mickey or broken have to die because someone's going to get engaged on by it just sucks whoever gets hit does matters or what was it here not there on the engag think they're both playing good yeah both teams are playing pretty good I think some mistakes like Noah getting caught in River was absolutely criminal 4 seconds oner rington hovering both sides he's close to level 16 thre a flank tring sucessfully for first set mid is the last mid contest this is the last one if can get this push they can take mid on cuz G2 are trying to hold River control they should just go mid here they shouldn't take the fight it's really good if they go mid take the tower and then come into osar bit they got the mider one that's huge for f but now face checking right Elder is the horror this is the horror hor for G is risking everything on keeping this control they droan look this mid tier two as well it's crazy though renon doesn't have a flank either I think re's just going to have to flash in if they can break the northless support item they can just trade forless fl's dead they didn't trade supports has War though and he's still alive they pushed in he died flash try it's 4 has War has TP it's gone I think oh Mickey stepped up a bit he's trying to he's trying to allow space for The Elder did they fot finish that I think can run though Fric should be able to run oh the psychopath there's no way he went in there Noah has no flash he can't finish the Gin it's three three for three that eler died on 3K what I don't think expected that either was that gin for shot Smite that was an absolute One Tap I saw 3K and then it was gone man if Jun lived here on the back end of the fight with warm he could have regen and they probably could have won but he died for Noah e backwards a bit too early I think he could have killed Micky humano turns on to BB here but he gets stunned so H flashes over to try and kill and then humanid could have B TP here but he knew the El was going to die look at the shot FL dead in if had a sold here to put in hit he could probably go for but they're going to lose bar going L Bar because have for they have Elder for a minute and have pushed out mid they need to push this wave tops pushed out maybe maybe maybe they get Baron here and G2 just send it mid with I think what will happen is they'll get B here to and that's probably un they full send it a minute I think yeah actually never mind I think they're going to full send it they're going to get a lot they're going to get minut the traps are good someone need to tank them gone maybe maybe they go for Nexus towers with their range they could just G an estal and play a hook they might need to or here ftic if they get a bit too scared they can ornal G are trying to threaten them into it a bit yeah looks a bit hard I think looks a bit hard for G2 to get the Nexus it's whoever chokes first right G2 are they really able to end here or are they Faking It they're going to have the JS or some [ __ ] if they think they can end they're faking it there's no way they can end maybe they're waiting for bot wave actually see that bot wave I think they can maybe come into this oh they're engaging the ERS off it's not off yet though two seconds one ERS off now trying to slow them down a lot B TI two is getting hit they're not in time for it maybe they can buff it f are pinging it maybe they can get the wave trying tox don't let them get these tow for free so the engage me stops the tower from dying actually slow G down enough actually no it doesn't there's another way it's gone they AE 30s to keep structures alive Works risky for Micky he gets hit by re TR this is a very close game this is a very close game didn't get to they should get it though they should just keep going they haven't used yet I think they can just buff the wave and they should get it missed they can't get it they can't get it can they get it I feel like they can but andani Al coming up so now if really want to they could fight this tier two the problem is there is a midwave so if they go like three for three and runnington tp's in the base the game might be over or you want to do it do you really want to hold that tier two it's at 700 gold you don't give it for free you might lose a Nexus Tower though they might lose Nexus tower for this that's clearity does wow that's ballsy that is ballsy by just it oh my God calculated calc hey they kept both two alive that's buy by ftic to hold that tower that is buy by to hold that Tower that's crazy they so went G A got rabons in all this stall time they got rabons and and and G upgrades are coming in of course or items there's five or items now ontic so I think at this point in the game it's very hard for G2 in in a straight up 55 but's comp relies on poke and controlling Vision so all they'll do is one minute Bing Stack Up on pinks refresh the wards he props his Wards down he bases refreshes them walks in here and they're going to hold this control again the BG thing is can ftic engage and force a fight can G2 hold the control see how ftic are instantly in here trying to take as much control as possible faceing is so hard outter get second ni engage by a perfectly final shot caring alone dead it's three for three but G2 have a carry oh you can't get caught like that just sell the G buy [ __ ] God knows what BT I don't know they can't end I think I think fantic has enough front line to just ignore Jin and get the wave they just need to stop the wave from crashing they can't kill the wave though a lot of time try to focus down the tower will atast the minions are alive the minions they dead oh Oscar has TP slow Chase slow Chase Oscar has this is Nightmare scenario for G2 maybe if they TP here and slow Chase with there it is now G2 they're not aware of the TP they just need to collapse on H with everything but can TP R went too fast H has no flash Oscar there can he get the knock up on to too quick little he can TP on B wave if that Min dies he could T here and T on Wave TP on Wave baby he's going to t you with rro that's risky but I allow it that's all risky actually there look Mickey look Mickey look Mickey look Mickey this is a big fight I think SM gets it but Yik dead then show is MI they get Elder but at what cost they're going to lose Baron as well it's 60 seconds on Jungle support and it's 53 the respawn there's no there's no super creeps they can just take Baron G2 are smart though they realize they can't fight they're going to push take B Mar needs to be really careful here humanoid could lose the game for his team right now he needs to chill he's going to try and solo kill caps humanoid please don't do it please don't do it g it's worth took an elder buff off it's only chin now how long's Baron how long's Baron how long's Baron is it dead oh my God it's taking forever just [ __ ] kill it they're going to lose in Bol they're going to lose in fenx 5v5 is stronger but G2 are like rats running around biting them they're like mosquitoes Noah getting C was absolutely criminal though being like a massive [ __ ] elephant but there's 100 mosquitoes biting your eyes can't do [ __ ] if get one good fight they're going to wipe G2 but G2 are playing it well how is getting CAU there though the G2 SM with shot again I didn't see it's crazy I mean it's basically like Q Alo is two smites combined at this point it's like 2.5k damage or some [ __ ] isn't maybe 2K damage all right no you have sus up and G coming up please don't die is he baiting for Z here he's going to have six with z and just lock in lock in lock in is it worth for air to sell SS and buy Z is that a thing czy cap is six items yet the armor pen is coming through he buildingin L how he not got it yet score is basically my average twitch viewer [ __ ] sound a g trap and they have double TP and bar off they could lose double in to TP when is that trap expiring surely that trap will expire soon right trap there's no way G2 are going to win for a trap all right caps has Shin now that's why G2 have given up map control for I think cap is screaming for he he doesn't have it yet the third Elder I think it's third times the charm that one has to decide the game there's no way the game prongs after that Elder sping to reset Wards have control that's big this control thing is a really big deal at this point but humanoids health bar is everything he doesn't have life steal he doesn't have War if he gets hit byal poke W's they're trying to chunk as much as possible 30 seconds maybe they could just pull a trigger here I think ftic can pull a trigger I don't like this may look for fight atast to look caps look real flash look caps look real flash they're teasing it they're teasing it the bodyguards just block with the warmogs only poke ex couldn't get humanoid no but it's 33 no alive no if they chase re kill they e q q get the stun yes he got the stun attack no I run you R hit him they're going to rusher they're going to rusher they're going to rush Elder they're going to rush elder get to the dragon get to the dragon get Dragon no it's fast he has fourth shot just go on him go on him go on him yeah they can't get it they can't get it they can't get it they can't get it they can't get it they can't get it hey why didn't geted up there they should be able to but send it just fight don't let him secure and relax and relax and relax go bar grp run it down care for wave clear wave should just run it down now Jesus that engage missed the look this look this Oscar e but J goes on rington I think maybe could I guess too far no here miss flash I like that actually Dash by time could have backed off here what's he doing look at this red just run B T he's dead he has no FL could have just not died and just TP back and they would have just ended the game mid no sums on G2 just press RS everyone group up open your clients click on the AR button up have just going more all they do anyone Mickey B anyone just R A did sell SS and buy Z here anyone anyone just them yeah they're perfect caps love it best Target dead over that's it g com to and they have bar all right two up you're molding you're molding you're molding 60 Minutes that was a good game that was some good fights that was respect on the name that was never play running again 010 on the scoreboard C in for okay absolutely criminal where's the police where's the police 01 rton no that mistake almost cost the series okay let's get some let's get some blueberry juice let's eat some [ __ ] strawberries get the sugars come on we can't get hit by those hooks sweet Jesus it's been a while since Panic G2 delivered like this it's about time it's been a Savanah for years Zer kaisa they B last time they could do a I wonder if they first pick a and now is it first pick Sani for G2 is it that good though because G2 if you first pick s they have I maybe you first pick estal anyway and play ion or what do you first pick here you could first pick kaisa I guess but I don't yeah first I mean I don't like that I think ftic should do Cory IV or or estal I or corki estal Ian on three or maai estal corki Ian they're going Lucian oh my God Lucian brand okay I they give I prefer I prefer I so much more but brand is op I'll allow it Lu I I'll allow it can Caps play Silas or or what's he going to play aali what's he going to play with s Delan corki looks kind of complicated though corki if they go Leona here I think fantic should be ready for br varis Flex varis Flex on three I would love for let's go Lea here supports is a flex they shouldn't overthink it it's either eal with kais b or it's Leona with support b or it's renon with um but rington is not that good I think because of the varus flex they should wait for Ben and see where the varus is going yeah really good now I think yeah perfect BR love it I think this is really good by ftic this opens up really well because on four you can goal you can go kaisa you can go M and you can give top last pick where the bars goes so they can B kaisa they can B they can B ads here but to be honest if they B tops like Jack you're giving away where varus is going right Olaf right that already screams that vars is probably going top as much as maybe varis is good against Olaf early in my head Olaf runs over varis I think real ban is good as well I think real ban is good or northless because Mickey's a big norless player I think top might have to sack hardcore here rata okay they're scared of varis rata kalist what's the last B Jack exactly like I said so you kind of know VAR going top here now you have estal here but match with kais top you have kaisa here but they can match with Draven they should think about that they should think about Draven or Draven some kind of Draven Lane I think MF blind is the best it stops Draven and it's fine if they go as real I'm scared of kaisa blind because they can go Draven here really easy it is open I think this is kind of scary they do get they're blinding B Lane Draven into Ka is annoying let's see what G2 do they're cooking something though they're going to go MF themselves they're not going to go for the Draven Lane there's the MFL more team fighty I think they could have gone Draven there all right so what are you playing thear top is it just a Mal fight game no cap do you just go down 20 Cs and just press R I don't know what wins Lane against varis top unless you play like kalista top I don't know what wins against varis Mundo what is Mundo the don't play rington please no I think you should have G Mal I can't anymore I can't that's what I would say because if I'm right now it does I mean what they could have done is just picked Mal fight and Lane swapped behind both a tin bit they could done something like that would both dropping a ward I think maybe because varas can then Auto attack and use the brush to weave so this Ward stops rington from getting XP by playing the brush it also means that if varis hits rington from the brush the minions will AG him it just makes the a little bit easier for both I really think just G Mal fight man I don't think top is going to be useful this game ever anyway like imagine with getting some CS which is good getting pushed in B nothing to be surprised by with a meth I guess to and humanoid has no dash so if he dies here it's just disappointing that's the important thing he's getting XP that's all it matters here jun's coming don't Flinch could e flash but too far all right nice push out for humanoid lost a few creeps but it's whatever Razor's going to find Yik nice damage from RoR oh Too Late by maybe J can kill Way Too Late by J this with red de K Micky toast got the kill as well which is quite unlucky but n has no flash and humanoid does so maybe humanoid can Dash here and get the kill first they're Des to finish the kill the extra coming the okay so it's dead even J get kill mid get kill if anything you can't pick this and die [ __ ] you can't pick rennington into V top blind and get solo killed please get the crab oh my God it's a [ __ ] horror it's a horror for ftic look at varis items he's absolutely frying now that renon can't touch varis ever again and RoR lost the crab to so he got double crabbed deid oh here come the boys again Flash oh the St missed bro I swear Y and Mickey are cap his bodyguards timeo ultimately a little over aggressive G2 quick to punish that last Auto eluding caps will take the kill you know when Mickey watches the boys and caps are the boys but there's always MERS of G2 here and now they're moving top as well oh nice flash by razor K but can they kill TR to quite tanky oh no he's going to live or what okay they got him the 22 is fine maybe oh my God this game is an absolute degenerate L they push out so I mean this helps Oscar a bit but I mean f are trading down they're trading down heretic they're going get the freeze oh it's a horror for Oscar Mega freeze for varis we slowly push maybe after the next wave dep if tanks W on the tower getting grubs first set of grubs over looks like pretty good for ftic G2 could trade Drake really easily if they want maybe ftic in time to fight Drake but looks really hard to fight know it's just been sitting B in isolation getting pushed in play over MF might be a game f unless can get a big team fight on the next grubs but basically the reason I say that is they have three really hard Lanes right now and Bren is behind so had a Mal fight though maybe I think otherwise that's what I'm saying but Oscar has to be so careful if he doesn't all in it's really hard damage that didn't hit that's crazy weird alate re shouted an answer I didn't hear what the answer was but someone has a favorite now looking for the fall here Broken Blade not nice K good get some gold freeze up the rton get this RT to the Mame really good by ftic to track VAR flash Tim though there is a on top now Oscar thinks this opportunity to go all in Yik on the way forward but the initial so good it's just absolutely in on gr I mean he would solo kill him but it's just bad timing really bad timing I mean he could double down and TP behind him on the but hey think about the bright side and can we fight grubs in 20 seconds maybe that was the play so six grubs to ftic and they should have a an easy time fighting dragon as well cuz they're basically getting but the problem is2 are not rookies right they're going to cross and I mean it looks quite unable down here but I mean the grub should give them the the back tring aggressively TP to push his W in Bas terrible right now all right Dr in 50 ftic going to base here and they're probably going to look to contest I would imagine no's going to push B Cap's going to push M maybe caps can sneak a base here nice for to defend humanoid I mean if if I know humanoid well here if he gets crack r del will I was going to say humanid t behind them I mean what they can do here G2 is a bend in the Drake spawn and just basing go top think basing and going top here is pretty good for ftic MF can wave right she can kind of cheat it we'll see maybe six grubs get some plates all the kills are going to set you though so gold Le doesn't really matter too much I'm surprised if G2 don't play top here greeding is jungle clear instead of contesting midwave they'll lose mid push but maybe they can fight should be here is almost here big damage from BR they didn't have the damage to kill J there nice Flash from oh humanid it Forward did he level up or what did he level up why though LEL to step up walking into melee range but he is just not scared it's a game five listen pick fight cuz then if you get solo kill top three times I don't care just come Drake and [ __ ] press R how did cap get out if he ended up in their jungle what he the the top but here on the bottom end we see Noah try to things happen against initial play on or trade I should say but then the pass gets proed from Noah and then the ulti comes in the auto doesn't quite do much damage oh I mean it's actually just a blood threr diff he blood tooo is too strong don't look ad gold all from Noah B No Cap this all because it's our button is disbled immedi see now if you were playing Mal fight and you had six Ruby crystals I wouldn't mind but you're not so I do they don't have grubs though don't have grubs top really dead to just a Cory for like 10 seconds come after wake up in a few hours just gets the solo he's going to look to take down Oscar to but surely too much damage has been dealt I just looking for the side step light coming in it's the top classic G one for on I [ __ ] hate that how can they not pick rock on five there if that was this is theal too muchal lock yes you're going to lose LTI get top one actually sneaking Towers out here with boun with like just over over sending members on one side which is good B with no TP but he's moving up for the fight okay no two down two down I think have to take this fight see what happens they're not going to get they win the game they go now my God thank God they don't have thank God they don't have Koski Koski that's just leave him leave him leave him leave him good can't see it you can't be a hindsight Harry they're going to fight Drake I think it's okay to give wait Mar bre two item nice one you have no narator siani was not trolling she was good damage maybe it's GID okay we're going in but why thought some feelings feeling some thoughts yes send it FL yes play the steal cap out it's busted humanoid oh no it's humanoid it's not humanoid it's not ganoid it's it's not aloid it's not ganoid it's not rero it's [ __ ] humanoid no no no no no no no they might go for a baron angle here with Bas and TB from BB good bit better a bit early a bit early a bit early this brand was huge he bounced it off the Drake on the Caps smart by Razer K lock in lock in lock in lock inp oh no VAR might hurt here oh the VAR hurts oh the front to back hurts oh no get murdered imagine you playing just putting it out there oh G too just suggesting what a possibility would look like if you had it and just like that up can we play this can we play this can cover respect doell of down Hees good ANP eqp don't top don't top don't top don't top top don't top the going [ __ ] look I mean he did it again does he have Jack tra or some [ __ ] is he build is doing build AAR or what you're going into everything G TR to the standing if they but they need to more Mi as he take fash up in like 5 Seconds delete that if get get didn't get the I didn't hear no Bell I didn't hear no Bell hear noell yeah I mean it's good the fight but I mean what is there to say this game is over this is done over is [ __ ] G are rushing they're rushing a lot I mean they should still win this game really easily but they're rushing rushing rushing where's the MF W for but Ian he doesn't have to do that but let the waves do the work they should just win this easy G2 but they're going to have to make Mega mistakes if they lose this game Ben any Ben ni red buff from war he can heal up easy mode yeah triple it's done it's done it's already it was done ages ago G2 is just trolling random mistakes and random fights they're going to get top when it respawns top bar spawn this is a game f and going go blue side they got to pop off on on draft I would be hyped about this game if they had NEX towers and it's unable isn't it they have Mountain Soul coming up they have Nash they have really insane scaling it's tough it's really tough to come back was nice I think the the VAR sto from this game was pretty good but I really do think he wasn't punishing dra you gave me aight even an open open Nexus it's winable I think Mal will also be down 3.5k gold have so much damage it's crazy how much damage G have crazy oh got the flash flash G way too strong way too much damage crazy how much damage all right game five lock it in lock it in for game five lock it in blue side all right G2 what are we saying a little b r a is that their red side B they took out the VAR top nice zeri was going to be open they could do Sani zeri if they early rotate something like Zyra brand then they know they can't go on three is annoying so they could pick BR and they play Z into I actually think leaving up Rumble would be a big curveball if BB has a practice into it no okay so it must be BR Zyra are up with especially if they can first R I'm going to lose it they really went full L I thought about it last second that VAR banned why are they Banning VAR and thenen as think an for yourself like even they need to be really careful picking at least set up wait hold up up is Raz going to game five and is Raz going to game five and been banned every game yes I like it I like it I mean they should just Pi top here right I don't know what's terrible has been completely awful this is a champion Reser the problem do get kais z b and on they could do kais eloquently was like do you b z isy that always they need to be careful of Draven as well I would B Draven I would B Draven here if they B kaisa I would B if they B nothing I would Bal give them kais and play Z or some sh I know I mean if he can play Zs it's perfect but he can't play I think now here if they B kais they're giving away if they B nothing let's say they B let's say they B then you should B you should B give them kais Ka just depend they here if they B ra they're blinding Brown that's weird do they won Z wait are they doing Co BR I don't they should have I'm bit scared of Co BR if they pick Brown here raan's open they can't blind it they got brown they got Z raan and they got some kind of if they want toit he's going to have to Goin Zin are both good into Kate it's just can you play Z I don't know if I trust it both are fine don't go AOS please I know you don't want Jin but you're going to have to do it you're going to have to do it they're going to play C like what are they going to play do you just go Jin Blitz crank I'm not even kidding what if happens if they go Lu what Happ if they go blind blit I think you just BL blit [ __ ] it they just lost is it BL support is the safe option Lea is also bad they can just go Kate BR I hate I Kate BR is going to murder them I mean they have Kate BR more Alistar I mean they could go Caitlyn Lux but Caitlyn Lux is psychotic to pick in the game five I think GT1 draft I think that Caitlyn BR and Jin Leona is Jin re is rough I also think the BR is just really good against our Champs renon cor BR is so good against all their Champs BR might just carry this game alone but it does hurt g2's engage the TF is a fraud pick I agree but the TF this game might be pretty strong all right does G2 have three pushing lanes because I think they might actually getting level two first which is huge they get the flip here with the the trade really beneficial for ftic both J are ping top so this is 22 W in one second you oh nice try Okay flash for Flash I don't that because BR is so op after full clear could just B run flash they need to be really careful up his rough so Razor's nle has he played it in playoffs why did G2 ban nly every game has he been spamming it in Solo Q is it a scrim thing maybe I'm not sure games J nice got his b off I mean the good news is when hit four I think can win Top 2v2 I mean this might sound very stupid but what's going to happen here is Oscar's going to flash wbb going to flash level you can't sleep on it straight forward J is a bit out of position maybe here does he get crab here razor just Flawless play he didn't get CRA crab but he has no flash razor K let's see it the conquer nice spear there no flash on big kill R's running this game okay e maybe razes the creep tries to get to push quick he needs B Crab as well he wants to push this wave he needs more cover he needs more cover maybe they can bait it with Jun oh the spear got blocked by the J has Flash oh he faked it he queued but didn't flash so caps had to flash cuz otherwise how do you react you can't react razor two kills and he got a full clear off wow I can see why n was banned every game yes Le in base or what first imag just to try get KN he's probably dead if anything else comes through trap Landing G2 no here in theot Lan exchange Noah has made a lot of mistakes this series he's had some good moments but he's had some really bad moments I think the biggest surprise for me is top is actually in a fine State seen AC has deal get see it Oscar is actually in a fine spot which is great hope ftic win this series because I really feel like if ftic we beat G2 for the first time in like three years at least like we got some competition going into season finals in playoffs like that's big Pace like the LC got some competition going they have they have got hump but caps is all in mid right now lock all fall but least get exch further and further thees out Tak their going back Flash from they cross top I mean can't really take wwer he being zoned away's coming though he needs to be a little bit careful here resor going run trap so they get Vision nice there's a three Caitlyn versus a02 gin RoR is going to have to really carry this game by himself B is coming in they got three didn't get traed do B has a lot of camps up he's gold up on he's like four camps up as well but uh I don't know if he can carry this game if he solo carries this game he's like the best in Europe it's crazy if solo carries this game TF rapid fire stun seani Brown like n's got a nightmare ahead of her like granted they don't have a lot of engage but they have so much Point inck CC three CS here he's a level up he doesn't have mer but he has flash up for vision help out his team also checks for toply now but Oscar proxy connect level seven j's got ult Jun can look for the engage steel easy for RoR here but he has no merot a lot of damage hold it hold it hold it nice they forced him back Micky flashes good good fight by ftic steal as well from he flashed to the side thinking to jump out but he actually jumped out of the form to spear which missed almost got one shot so the early game lead for ftic is not a big deal for G2 like they're playing triple ad carry S brown they'll scale to Infinity did really have the upgraded SM easy SM only 6 320 right so easy steal for res nice for play the steal cap ver Luan I feel like Lucian wins cor gets steel caps corki wins Lu gets Kraken Lu can win again maybe that's really good denial against Champs like K and Lucian TF on sides and [ __ ] like that Noah just needs to be anbot and let the team do the rest they're going to get bot again though Oscar need to be ready to be called the TP let's see the mini map you can check if Ron's called to TP by his movement right and if he is BB going to chase him but that mid tower out nice cidan but I don't understand heed and then he Al queed instantly why didn't he just Alo W and then just Auto attack him and E after feel like his combo could have been way better from I think he would never one shot him right anyway big kill over to that's a kill on to J he's only 700 down now sure you killed flash wow re broken blade is here pring t top by Oscar on the respawn Han vers the world 4 Z Micky do a greedy base huh doesn't have the ad carry to jump to safety of course doesn't have the flash mistake there for Mickey n kills in 12 they have six grubs as well so this Tower damage from Oscar is a lot coming to try and Z away BB no flash First Tower Oscar he's going like 1.3k gold up on table maybe defend this oh no he got blocked the W here maybe a bit of a wasted flash but Tower should live no grubs no true damage Noah has static Shi so he can clear waves mid humanoid has no flash now which is a bit scary up in is what G G2 could take a fight with tftp a good Ward here if he wants to go for it but TF flanking is always trash they also have six grub to take midane bro all he has to do is clear waves to try and save the play but caps is going to read it humanoid though would not be ideal once again he did this once before hiding in a random brush looking to dash humanoid get the kill not in the world they have to invest TP they still get B tier one TF gets top tier one it's a one for one flash for Flash okay not in the world razor is absolutely frying same CS his top laner out of 5 K he's 1.5k gold up he's two levels up have a big lead top jungle over 3K gold up they didn't get mider one yet but they're just letting Jin clear waves and razor is running this gameold B tier to is a bit greedy but maybe they'll get it I mean they should just have Noah pushing mid tier and they should have mid tier one I need to move but maybe it maybe he's not safe by himself flash I guess they have a lot of ship damage on Towers here so have a lot of standing gold in M easy to pick up if they win a fight same as G game slightly favored because of this top tle but rennington can die really easily he's on a ward as well have really good gold on Mid and B right now if they can get them you can pull G2 bot we're going for bot TI two and then move mid get mid one you can just keep playing the sea to get one of the towers you see how they just pulling G2 around and now mid Tower dies and now they're going to go back and going to back back back because basically what happens is G2 have to go around like this whereas can go back and forth like this so their distance to travel is shorter push move push push it's always hard for got to go around and around they engage getting so much up time oh onto the Trap Of course is not bad but I don't think he can hit anyone they got the tower which is what they wanted but I think G2 were getting a bit frustrated weren't they they were getting a bit like pulled around the map too much where they said [ __ ] this we need fight I guess that's the problem with playing mer Ren is going to shred him TP on the Trap boom stop Boom the engage wasn't that good to be honest I think if he doesn't even TP in here ftic wins 45 chin item are troll I don't know this is the ruler build I don't like it but I think when you get iie you're really strong but until then you're pretty weak I imagine I don't know what else you would go right 10 seconds on oce second Drake for either side is the most useless Drake in the game so if n wanted to they could play on this top wave after midwave and TR top TI two with six DRS but yeah they're holding both control so I guess they're fighting also they don't have War yet2 so it's kind of hard this poke like that top wave looks so good for a TP after a fight St top one two dies they should think about t top they don't get a k trap trap set up they don't have that K line of traps you know down the but they don't have Vision in the Cru now tur their back TR to K the fight off OS going in way too early but he's got a massive damage on the backline oh he just one shot caps solo kills caps yeah it's over that flash from BB was weird RoR doesn't get shut down it's an ace I think they should TP top right now or they should go Baron I don't know I think humanid should TP top and take top TI two they're just going to take the Drake and push me I guess I'm surprised he doesn't TP top right now and just take top to late they not have Vision on did just fade already get one tapped but they used a lot their look at Oscar damage back my whatever though tag does I think this game is done this game is looking horrific it's not like they're like this TF top is going to be useless G2 are committed Broken Blade thinks he's ad carry they're committed to this trip carry threat if you fall behind it's kind of tricky it's so hard to play fights now need to be careful and not get baited into a bar I can get I can understand why they would do it because of the flash situation but they can get cleaned up so easily and their baring damage is not good they can just wait they can just wait they don't have to make play like this it's crazy what they're doing this is the worst fight ever un there they're playing the triple carry and they're in a tiny choke it's so stupid what they're doing just get out of there okay maybe that's not toad does that I like that a lot it's really hard to get to this funnel like trap lines T can kind of contest this has a bit split good spot they don't have flashes though only on I mean they have flash onton the's gone but does oh humanid one tap nice W it's over it's over it's over won the series it's done won this CH I swear this chat this fight is so bad because Caitlyn has such an easy way of just standing there and hitting behind the brown Shield but if Jun re-engages like that then that's fine I allow it they they're going to roll the game now Fen they're going to roll it they're going to Mid tier two is dead top tier two is dead top tier three is going to die as well three levels up is three levels up 4K gold lead in Jungle I think Bend for the rest of the entire spit he's not getting it through the entire playoffs kick theage finally going to be there the C now coming in going to be in trouble cap the humanoid toting gak oh my God for the first time days how long have fanatic waited how long have their fans waited victory over g2e Sports first time in almost three years Jesus G2 down G2 down and the Jersey curse I'm wearing the Jersey the Jersey curse is gone the Jersey curse is gone the curse is gone