[Music] foreign people more susceptible to infections so again not everybody's interested in weight loss some people are coming because they're worried about cancer some people have got autoimmune diseases some people just want to get rid of depression so there's all different reasons of why we want to have an optimal um body clock hello and welcome I'm Sarah and today I'm doing a little presentation for you about Quantum biology and energy and misconceptions people have about calories and food and stuff like that so it's explaining energy in a more of a Quantum biology context I'm also going to touch a little bit on leptin and how that works and how that relates to appetite and our desire for food or food electrons so this was part of a presentation for my friend Sarah kleiner's private Facebook group so I've tried not to make it too complicated and too over the top so it is more for sort of the lay person but it's also sort of a practical introduction into Quantum biology and how you can apply it to your your daily life and if you're interested in joining Sarah's group The Links in the description also Sarah Kleiner and I are starting a new very special Quantum biology group Geared for people who feel judged in other groups online especially people who are bigger and we've got a lot to offer there and I've mentioned some supplements in this video and including ones that kind of blown up mitochondria so if you're interested in those the links are in the description I'm also doing a 5k Lake Swim to raise money for veterans and I only had three weeks to trade and I haven't really swung for 30 years so that's why I'm kind of wearing my kaniki swimsuit so a kaniki is something where the light can go through and if you want to sponsor me the links in the description so let's dive in when we talk about diets um we actually really need to consider everything that we take in on a daily basis so from the quantum point of view we've got to look at the hot and cold the lights the information that you digest the thoughts you generate the water you drink and make planet Earth's energy and food it as you can see is just in the list it's not the most important thing so this is where the quantum idea comes into Quantum eating so this then leads into what are we and how do we work so we're basically made of atoms so we're made of particles so that will be protons neutrons electrons neutrinos and more and also we're a wave and lights a particle and a wave as well so that's why light effects are so much and our brains are incredibly clever so they obviously are able to make us you know have a reality have life have substance and stuff like that but but fundamentally we're made of particles so where bits of information traveling around and so is our food and so is everything that we interact with but we're also 99 water atom for atoms obviously that's going to be important as well then we need air or we need oxygen so the reason I've put this in here is that sometimes people get massively stuck with their health and then I find out they live at really high altitude and the more the higher up you are the less oxygen there is and again not that I like saying telling people to move but um sometimes that has to be the solution so we're not going to talk about oxygen in this presentation but it's just a little thing that I um came across over the weekend doing something the summer without timers that the Alzheimer's went crazy because they moved seven thousand feet away from sea level so they're back now at sea level so all of these things other than food affect us and then also we're powered by electricity so that's a flow of current or electrons so we need to collect electrons so where can we get these electrons from so with food that's only 30 of them and this is why as much as you know we know if we eat too much then bad things happen there's a lot more to this that can't sort of get our heads around sometimes so where do the rest of these electrons come from and this is like how are we going to make them so the easy water is the exclusion Zone water so this is the gel-like water in our body so it's sort of like a liquid Crystal and it's got a negative charge and it's um really important for how our cells have a charge so if our charge goes down it's like our battery goes flat so first of all this water helps with our cells to have let them be charged up enough but also from a physics level it's a reservoir and a semiconductor of electrons and it can also um separate out into protons and electrons so now we've got positive um ions or and which would be protons and then we've got electrons that are negative and this means we can have a current that flows and like I said before we're electric beings so if we've got plenty of exclusion Zone water we're more likely to have our a better battery and basically this battery is all the way through our bodies so it doesn't only Power us it can also provide information and the way that the water system in the body communicates because again remember it's electrically charged now because the EZ the exclusion Zone the water's sort of separated itself out this can actually be quicker than the nervous system because the nervous system can actually be pretty slow because it's got to release chemicals in the synapse and you know there's like all these different things it has to do so there's always been there's got to be something quicker than the nervous system in the body so this idea of having um water is energy not only to power us but also so we can respond it is one reason why water is really important and you can read more about it from Dr Pollock so I've put the link here um so where else can we get energy or electrons from so with melanin we can get the melanin from the outside that'll be our normal melanin and it basically melanin just absorbs everything it's like a black diamond like diamonds reflect everything and melanin absorbs everything including emfs and x-rays and all sorts of things so the clever thing about melanin is it can split water so now we've got molecular hydrogen which is a really good antioxidant and we've also got molecular oxygen and both of these can move electrons and protons around so the melanin can cause water in our body to now become a source of energy so this is why we go on and on about the sun all the time and remember the neuro melanin is the inside melanin and that's why I go on and on about cold therapy because that's how we can make UV light inside and we can help build neural melanin and the cold is going to help do that but also people will suck melanin out of their skin into their body and use it in their brains use it it water but then we've got grounding so this is just a magnetic effect so we can stand on the earth and suck electrons in through our fingers our feet our pets our plants and this is a magnetic effect but just bear in mind the Earth has been losing its magnetic fields over the ever since it's existed so there's just a bit less um electrons available on the earth than they used to be but that doesn't mean it's you know all game over and as I mentioned oxygen before we've actually got about 10 less oxygen than we did millions of years ago so we do have a little bit of an energy sort of Crisis going on at the moment then we can use red light because this makes the atpas spin faster so this is just something in the mitochondria and then this is going to make ATP so this is a sort of chemical energy that we have and scientists used to think ATP was the energy currency of everything but then Gilbert Ling showed that it's not powerful enough to power everything that the water at the melanin and all of this other structure in our body the electrons not just the ATP is really important for energy however most people that use red light know they feel kind of good and invigorated after so it helps their mitochondria push out a little bit more ATP because we basically want to get as much energy as possible from everything oh and also the ATP moves nitric oxide out of the electron transport chain which we'll come back to um in a moment then the other thing that most people know is that where a solar panel really so we can absorb energy from the Sun and whether people believe in breatharians or not I do actually know some and I do actually think that they don't eat genuinely but they pretty much live outside and they're grounded and they're tanned and they do Pilates and somatics and yoga because also if we move our fascia about we can produce electrons and piezoelectrics and we can also produce more structured water so most people know when it comes to fidgeting um when people not that we're going to talk about calories too much but some people just need a lot of food because all they ever do is move about they're just fidgeting away non-stop so they're using their electrons but also they're creating more electrons and more structured water themselves so again you don't have to fidget but just any kind of movement is really really helpful it doesn't have to be exercise because it's from the level of the fascia you can sort of make make your own energy so basically you just need to remember that inside you you also make something called deuterium depleted water so that's water without big hydrogens in it because big hydrogens um deuterium can break the um elect the atpas and the mitochondria and also when the bigger something is the less energy it has so we're going to get to that at the end of the presentation and we also make UV light we also make infrared and we make ATP and we make other things as well so how do we do that so basically in our mitochondria that they're a mini Factory and most people just think um that the food goes in and they're correct there that fat glucose amino acids and ketones and Alcohol and Other Things um can go in and then it makes something called a settle COA that's just a molecule and when we've got loads of acetyl-coa that's a that's a seesaw point to store body fat and we don't have very much that's a seesaw point in the body to burn body fat but then our mitochondria also make exclusion Zone water but it's um deuterium depleted so it's perfect water and we also make infrared so that means we basically structure our water as we make it and also we make carbon dioxide and we make light and we make hormones as well in the mitochondria so these mitochondria like a mini Factory and they're really important for metabolism because the hormones that the mitochondria make it's called it's called pregnenolone and that then goes off and makes your sex hormones and if we don't have enough sex hormones that can cause trouble for people as well and then the reason I've mentioned carbon dioxide here is that it gets really neglected and some people have got problems with their metabolism because that they've got an issue where their body thinks their oxygen starved and the test for this is the bolt test so if you can't walk very far and hold your breath then you've got an issue with having a problem with your oxygen and carbon dioxide balance and this is why people do things like mouth taping or you can do things like holding your breath and walking for 20 steps so basically a person should be able to push all their air out hold their breath and go over 20 seconds and I've measured quite a lot of people and even unexpectedly like fit looking people gasp for air after 10 so that's just a little sort of other tip about energy that if there's something really wonky about your carbon dioxide and oxygen um that's going to affect your levels of energy and then as we know if the brain thinks we don't have enough energy then it starts asking for more food and more food electrons so that's where this is going and then another thing that bothers people quite a lot is that this thing about carbs and fats and glucose um so just quickly when we eat fat it first of all provides more electrons so it just means more water and hormones and heat and energy and light are going to come out the other end and when it comes to making water um it's about 100 say units for fat it's about 77 or 75 a protein and it's about 50 for for glucose so basically if you want to make more exclusion Zone water or your own water which is the ultimate hydration and what sort of lubricates and fuels you and it sort of provides sort of energy in your battery that's why uh fat is going to be better but it's one of these things every now and again we do need to put glucose down the electron transport chain even though in the long run fat and protein are better we do need to sort of change things or reset things every now and again but on the other hand people are all you know we're all different I've got a friend that's been in ketosis for probably 30 years and she's fine but then I don't know how she'd feel if she came out of it so you know she might feel 20 times better just to have a break we don't know so then this leads into another question okay so those are all the quantum things but what what else can I do for an energy boost so one thing is something called d-ribose and this doesn't work if you're mitochondria or rubbish so that's quite a good test because people ask me all the time how do I know if my mitochondria are rubbish well if you took d-ribose and nothing happened then they probably are because if you take d-ribos and your mitochondria are happy you're going to get a boost that then we've got something called C60 so this delivers electrons to the um to the mitochondria and also its anti-inflammatory so we have less swollen mitochondria which we'll come to in a minute of why being swollen whether you're a mitochondria or a person is a problem then we've got methylene blue because this can help carry electrons down the electron transport chain and this just means that more water and more energy should come out the other end however with anything to do with biochemistry if you overdo it and push your mitochondria too much they're like a machine or you know like putting rocket fuel in your lawnmower it they can actually pop and blow up so you don't die or anything um because they grow back in a week it's just I have warned people because some people are all or nothing they just want everything they want it now and I've done this as well because I'm like that the first time I fiddled about with C60 or lipofullarines I was doing all sorts of other things and then I suddenly got really tired and I thought well why am I like this I'm doing all this Quantum stuff and I feel worse but the thing about it is they'll grow back but the point is it's just about if you try and cheat with biochemistry okay so I've been talking about this electron transport chain all the times so basically it's just something in the membrane in the mitochondria and it's like an obstacle course and the might and the electrons that come from the food or that they go down the electron transport chain and uh they different things happen at different points and when they get to the end we get water and ATP out so I said it was like an obstacle course because electrons are a bit like people they're really lazy so if there's something in the way that's going to make them not want to go down the electron transport chain that then they're they're going to sort of wander off into the membrane somewhere like like when people have a race and they kind of can't be bothered to carry on so they just wander off um because the elect the um obstacle course is too hard so what what would happen then is when the electrons start to escape into the membrane the mitochondria starts to swell up a bit so I when I when I said earlier that um when something gets bigger it produces less energy so basically swollen mitochondria that's a really big um thing of inflammation so if the mitochondria are swollen and inflamed they're not going to work properly so this is where metabolic problems start to come in so people can't use energy properly so they it gets wasted and it weeks and people start to have pain or low energy so when we do cold therapy what happens is it's not just us that gets cold our mitochondria gets compressed or or contracted so what happens now is everything in the electron transport chain or the obstacle course gets all squashed in a bit closer so it's much easier for the electrons to go down the electron transport chain so obviously it's like people in an obstacle course or in a race if the race is shorter and people are much more likely to finish because it's easier so this is why cold therapy is so powerful it's not just to do with making us feel good or making oxytocin it can actually make the electron transport chain and our energy production better and also when it comes to this cooling down effect the mitochondria now have to make more heat um and they have to make more infrared light so we can make more structured water now because we've made our own infrared light and also everybody knows that if you pull something down you need to put energy in to heat it back up again so this is why some people use cold therapy for weight loss because they can't exercise because they're in too much pain or they're too big and it's too dangerous or they don't want to or it doesn't work or they've got leptin resistance and then supposed to be resting so that's why I'm a big fan of cold therapy because it's got lots of value and there's so many different ways from a Quantum level that that it can be really helpful so as I was saying before when things lose energy they start to get bigger so even if we were just talking about a mitochondria so we're talking about the mitochondria and the electrons got lost in the membrane and then it made it swell and it stopped working properly but with a heart that's got cardiomyopathy it's kind of got really swollen and the muscles are really stretched and it's not very good at doing its jobs so the heart isn't a pump but it still has to do something so it vortexes the blood so if it's really swollen or full of and inflamed it just can't do its job properly so it doesn't output uh enough sort of of its work which would be vortex in the blood but then in terms of what we're talking about today it can also be a person with obesity or just a person who's um thinks well I do everything right but I can't lose weight so basically if we are really are leaking our electrons out all day we're going to get inflamed and we're going to get bigger just by these laws here so this is something that it takes people ages to get their Hedge round especially if you've never heard any of this before and you're coming from a calories in versus calories out world and this is why when it comes to people asking about food and calories and things I sometimes don't really answer properly because you know you need to sort of know about the physics of it and this is why the leptin reset and the Circadian stuff is so important so basically if we have a quick summary here so when it comes to inflammation and and sometimes weight issues it can be electrons leaking out of the body and because we're losing energy or charge we get bigger to try and compensate like the cardiomyopathy heart or the swollen mitochondria and basically we are actually an electron Hoover as well so we can get these electrons back from all these other places I was telling you about so the melanin that the water the Sun and stuff like that so that's the problem that some people are really good at doing Quantum so they're Gathering electrons really well like a Hoover but somewhere in their system there's a leak so they're escaping out and some people weren't leaking electrons in the first place or they come and do Quantum and obviously it works amazingly so their life changes overnight because it's like they they um have this whole new sort of Revelation and then um some people manage to block up their their leaks a bit they're not very good with the quantum but they still manage to get a result because people get really angry that well I'm doing everything right and it's not working and my friend lost 50 pounds it's not fair and the thing about all of this is it's really hard to measure how we're leaking electrons and losing them but there's certain things that we know steal them so first of all emfs are going to steal electrons because they steal our water so they St and they also annoy the mitochondria and disturb how calcium flows in the body then alcohol steals electrons as well and certain people can steal electrons too unfortunately so you might have a husband or or a partner that needs electrons and they steal them all from you so it sounds really stupid but um that's why some people just love going around hugging everybody because I've got a feeling they're kind of stealing people's electrons not that it's a bad thing I just don't know the answer of you know how to stop all of that from happening so we can go on forever with this but basically the point of of all of this is how does this relate into leptin then and why why do we have this leptin reset so basically leptin is the thing that tells your brain how much electrons you've got in your body or how much charge so if leptin is broken uh what happens is your body thinks oh we don't have enough electrons and we need to eat more food to get them because it knows how to do that um so basically the quite simple message that leptin sends to your brain is either keep eating and store fat or stop eating and burn it because the problem with our brains are we're wired for survival not not looking sexy or performance so if in doubt like say if the leptin couldn't signal to the brain the brain's just going to think okay we haven't got enough energy then so I must store it so it's like um I sometimes say it's like an accountant and a CEO the accountant to tell the CEO every evening or you can spend this much money tomorrow on Facebook ads or you know you can't spend any money because we're nearly broke so that's what that's what leptin does and most people even people that don't know anything about Quantum know they shouldn't really be eating late at night so it's not that um it's also uh because it disturbs how lectin docks and into an insulin also interferes with leptin so say if I have a person that's doing the lectin reset and then they're really overwhelmed and they can't do any of it yet I would just say the one thing you can do is stop eating after Sunset even if they are eating six meals a day and they're on the standard American and they're waking up and looking at their phone if you can do that bit that's probably one of the most important ones is uh don't annoy the leptin in the evening and it's never ever ever going to be as simple as that but although obviously you're always going to get that those people that stopped eating in the evening or stopped eating at 6 p.m or 4 P.M and everything worked for them because there's more to it than that because like I just said most people think that leptin is something that makes them thin or fat but it does load more because it works with the immune system it can make you have high blood pressure or not it can control insulin resistance it controls the thyroid it controls the heart it controls periods and it regulates bone mass so it's kind of a lot more complicated than we think but all of these things tend to relate around energy so if we don't have enough energy or your brain thinks it doesn't it's not going to let you reproduce because I know people who are kind of quite obese but their leptin is broken so according to their body they think they're starving even though they've got plenty of body fat the but the brain can't see it so they can't get pregnant even though you think they'd be really nice and fertile and then when it comes to diabetes lots of people go keto and they don't know anything about light so every time they eat sugar they're diabetes only flares back up again and they can only control it by food and then I know lots of people who've got osteoporosis for a variety of reasons but they've got leptin issues as well because if people are too thin they can have leptin that's really really low so they have a problem as well and leptin is found in the fat cells under the skin and the thing about that is that the light can get into the skin and different color light goes in different depths so uh the ultraviolet pretty much bounces off her so the way ultraviolet works it bounces on the skin like um throwing a ball at a wall and but it doesn't the ball can't go through the wall but the wall noticed the ball hit it and then the the blue light the green light the yellow the orange and the infrared and the red can all go through the skin and right into the tissue sometimes even six centimeters so basically light is going to talk to the left in and then to back up all of this the most important thing for processing and registering light are our eyes and obviously this is great if you don't wear glasses or contacts or had a cataract operation but not to go really stressed if you have got that because remember you've got loads of skin that can um talk to the light as well that's why I always go on about naked and being sunbathing it's not a jack Cruise thing it's just sometimes when you're really limited with how much sunlight you've got in your country you have to take more drastic actions so basically we want the eyes and the skin to always be able to have the same amount of light uh coming in so it can report to the brain so this is where we talk about a brain to sorry an eye to skin mismatch so somebody might not wear glasses but they cover up in scarfs and hats and coats all day so the skin isn't giving the message properly whereas another person might have contact lenses and wear a bikini all day and they're going to have a mismatch as well because the eyes can't get the light so ideally you want to get as much of a skin and eye um match as possible so that's why I'm wearing like blue blockers and clothes in the summer on the computer because I don't really I've got Iris on but I just don't really trust the computer an iris for 100 so I don't want blue light in my eyes and I don't want it on my skin so I kind of cover up both things when I'm inside and I'll obviously take all of that off when I go outside and the light is the primary driver of our metabolism so this is why it's really important to get the Circadian part of the leptin reset right first because some people um have never done a ketogenic diet before so when we go through the leptin protocol if people want to do that next they get in a massive Panic about the fact it's keto and only 50 grams of carbs but like I've said if you just ate three meals a day and did your circadian really well that's a massive Improvement in helping your leptin helping your circadian rhythm and you never know that might work for you foreign so why is this so important about this timing because basically we've got all these different clocks in our body like different organ clocks cell clocks and there's thousands of them and it's like a big airport and everything has to be organized and if something goes wrong it messes up something else so it's not just about getting up in the morning and going to bed it's like we need to know when do we need to make hormones when do we make neurotransmitters when are we supposed to burn fat when are we supposed to store it uh when are we supposed to sleep when are we supposed to be really alert when are we supposed to heal when are we supposed to detox and basically all of our healing processes kind of happen at night so we do our healing in the dark but we do need to know all the cells need to know all the time or what time is it because what am I supposed to do because the cells do totally different things in the morning versus the evening that's why eating late at night is terrible because the intestines want to go to bed about um six o'clock sometimes or earlier and then there are certain times in the day where we know it's much better to do a driving test or to compete in sport so all of these things have a special particular time they want to do something so they have to know what time it is and like I said before if the brain gets confused or doesn't know what's going on it's going to automatically assume the worst and do things like um causing anxiety and storing body fat because it's feeling threatened like if I was a brain I had no idea what time it was I'd be kind of stressed out all the time and then that's why people get mood improvements and Metabolism improvements because the less things your brain has got to stress about the more likely it is it's going to let go of body fat because according to your brain fat is amazing because it's full of stem cells it's it's like water's stored in there so even though we're not camels we can still make water out of our fat it can make hormones so our brain doesn't like giving it up unless it feels sort of safe to do so or it's appropriate so that's why even if we don't like the fat according to our body it's the most it's like gold so that that's why it gets reluctant to give things up and without going into detail there are lots and lots of studies on um circadian rhythm and different diseases so we know full well it's implemented in obesity it's massive in diabetes um it's also controls pain then we've got uh lots to do with circadian biology and cancer and also it can make people more susceptible to infections so again not everybody's interested in weight loss some people are coming because they're worried about cancer some people have got autoimmune diseases some people just want to get rid of depression so there's all different reasons of why we want to have an optimal body clock and how if we get it right just things seem to flow better in in the body thank you