Transcript for:
AAP01 Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

about a year ago i reviewed the aap01 by action army it quickly became one of my favorite handguns to work on in airsoft and it quickly became popular after its release among airsofters across the globe it was easy to customize easy to work on and was a great performer for a very cheap price since its release i've also released products for it that everybody seems to be enjoying and i'm very grateful for that it just seems to have had a very healthy and good life however i have noticed that a whole year later there isn't any really good takedown or disassembly and reassembly of the entire aap01 so that's the plan for today's video i'm going to show you how to take apart the aop01 from every single piece and put it back together and maybe we'll even throw in some lube there so you know how to maintain it properly so for this video i bought a brand new aap01 so we're all going to be on the same page here there's nothing in this that is different or something you shouldn't expect so here we have it the pistol we all know and love and so what we're going to do is just inject the magazine first put that to one side and so the aap01 can be very simply explained in two pieces there is the upper half and the lower half some call this the upper assembly and the frame but for now we'll just go upper and lower the upper is actually very easy to disassemble in its entirety the lower is when we have issues especially with the hammer assembly it doesn't necessarily cause problems it can just be quite difficult to take apart especially if you don't have a guide so hopefully this video will make this all a lot more clear so first off we want to take off the upper from the lower and to do that you just press down on this button here once that is done you can just pull off from this point here you don't need to be forceful it just pulls apart like that put the lower away for now and that leaves us with this tasty looking upper in here you can see the bolt the nozzle the hop the barrel and all the screws that keep it together so to start with we are going to need to take out the rear iron sights this is simply just two screws we take out you can use an allen key or a tool set i'll be using a tool set today it should be very easy put these screws somewhere safe where you can get to them later once these screws are out your rear sight will just be able to lift off like that no other piece is connected just keep that somewhere safe for now and then once that's done your bolt will just be able to drag out there'll be a small bit of resistance because your nozzle will be sticking in your hop-up chamber other than that it should be easy i'm going to put our upper away for one moment and here you have it our bolt assembly all pristine and new and lovely this is very simple to take apart first off we are going to unscrew these two little screws here they hold in sort of a retainer that keeps our nozzle from coming out also houses our recoil system once these are unscrewed it will poke out just a bit like this and you can just simply pull it up and out comes these three parts so these three parts are two screws the plastic block and our nozzle return spring i do actually sell a replacement nozzle return spring should yours break it is a 135 so it's a bit stronger than this and that allows you to feed just a little bit better but for now we will uh put this all away if you do want to change your nozzle return spring you simply just pull it off this post and you put on a new one very easy system once that's done you'll be able to take off your recoil spring you just simply slide it forwards and out it comes this is the stock recoil spring i also do make a replacement of these that is uprated to about 150 percent gives you a faster cycle rate uh but we will be moving on from that now put this to one side and then finally we have our guide rod this just pulls out just a bit that way and then you just pull it out from the rear this is made of quite frankly quite a weak cheap plastic however it doesn't take much stress so it doesn't need to be too strong and we will also put this to one side for now this then leaves us with our bolt and our nozzle so you just pull out the nozzle from here very simple this is our plastic nozzle i will actually be taking this apart and showing you how to do so in just a moment but we'll continue with the bolt for now and this is our bolt and in our bolts we have our piston head this can be just removed with your fingers it is just held on with a bit of friction it's good to lube that up keep everything nice and smooth and sealed and then here we have our fire select system so this is just held in by a screw and we're going to go undo that now put that screw down to one side pull this out or fall it out like that and then that is your bolt and then these two pieces these two pieces are your fire select they rub against each other and push the sear into certain positions to allow you to shoot full auto and semi-auto so next we'll put this down and we will come back to our nozzle so let's take apart the nozzle to do this you need to push out a small pin located here and here on the same side it's the same pin and you just pull push this out and uh you'll be able to access your nozzle you can do this with just a fine head for a screwdriver this is held in by a little roll pin it can take some force to get out but just be aware of that to keep that to one side and if you turn this upside down you will get your valve and your valve spring and that is everything totally taken apart in your bolt assembly so what we'll do is now we'll just quickly reassemble it and see where we get to firstly you want to drop the spring down into this hole it should go right to the bottom of your nozzle sometimes a little easier said than done you then want to put your valve this way down into your nozzle once that's in there you'll be able to poke it and it'll be nice and bouncy all snug and good next you want to put your roll pin back in so you put it the smooth side first into the right hand side of the nozzle push that down there and then you'll need some force to get this all the way flush all the way in sometimes you can just push it against the table and it will go in nicely there we go just push that in almost perfectly flush now i'll just give it a little more and it should be fine perfect so that's all done now what we'll do is we'll put this to one side and then we'll do the fire select and then we'll come back to it so first you want to put the actual sear this way up this side down into the rear channel here of your bolt there'll be a little play left to right but that's fine that's the way up it should sit then you want to put your fire select so it sits over this little post here in the middle of this hole like so and then you just want to put your screw back in the middle and then screw that down there's no need to tighten down this screw very hard nice and hand tight is more than enough once that's done it should positively snap between the two next we can move to our nozzle so the nozzle just goes through our bbu through these channels and sits over our piston cup next we can move on to our recoil system so we want to get our guide rod and we want to get the guide rod so that it has this little hill here going into the channel of our bbu so you can push it in head first and so that it is this way up as you can see next you want to get your recoil spring and slide it through the top here through the hole and down onto our guide rod very simple and easy then you want to get this block with our two screws in it on each side and our nozzle return spring on this little post this is held in just simply with friction and you want to put it in through the top as well with the nozzle spring going through a little chat channel on the right hand side here now obviously it won't go straight on you will need to screw it tight so we'll just do that now and just like our fire select you don't need to overdo this just do it nice and hand tight nothing too crazy simple there we have it our bolt is done so now let's come back to our upper assembly next we can do our hop-up top-up is held in by these two screws so let's go and remove them now put these screws to one side to make sure they're safe once this is done your whole outer barrel and hop-up unit will come out as one piece comes out through the front like this and then you have your upper assembly and your barrel assembly in two separate pieces so we can put this to one side for now so hop up isn't quite out yet there is still this screw holding it in here as well as this screw so we will just go and do them now once that is done your hop-up will just come out you will need to twist it to do so but it will just pull apart like so that leaves you with our barrel which we will just quickly finish off so on your barrel you have your front sight and your thread protector your thread protector will just twist off like so there you have your threads 14 millimeter counter clockwise we'll put our thread protector to one side for now next up we have our front iron sight so we will just unscrew that really quick once this screw is out your front sight will simply just lift off and here is our front sight and our final outer barrel too so back to our hop-up unit so first off we have a little o-ring that goes over our inner barrel this is just to keep it tight at the end of our outer barrel to stop it from vibrating barrel is aluminium and 129 millimeters long and we have a lot of screws here that will help us take it apart so let's just start with those ones we're going to want to start with this screw here which is our adjustment for our hop-up unit this will come out and we'll just put it here safe for keeping so we'll then lift off these little cog looking things and then we can move on to taking out these four screws that hold in the two sides of our chamber block once this is done you just lift it up it all comes into two pieces so let's put this all down and see what we have inside we'll start with our inner barrel and hop bucking so barrel bucking working just pulls off like so very simple very easy to do and to put it back on there is a little groove in the bottom of the barrel here and you just line that up with a groove that is also found in your bucking once this is all into place this will align this little outside nub onto the right side of the barrel this aligns into your hop-up chamber and makes everything straight and shooting well let's move on to the hop-up chamber itself so when you took out your hop-up chamber you might have noticed there was a little screw this is here and here these are actually what screw into your outer barrel to hold it into place so sternly so let's just make sure they stay there they can be quite easily lost in the other section of our hop-up chamber we have our hop-up arm so now we can get back on to reassembly so with this half of the hop-up chamber that says hop upon it with our cogs you want to get your hop-up arm and with this little sticky out piece you want to put it through the hole on the left hand side to the left of the h let's make sure that it's aligned correctly for our bucking then you want to get the other side that had those little nut pieces so we make sure they don't fall out because they're not held in with friction and you want to align the little nub on the side of your bucking with this cut out here put one inside the other and they should hold in place much more ideally now that we have both pieces we want to slot them together so that everything fits snugly so the easiest way to do this to make sure that these bolts on the right side of the chamber with our inner barrel slot into the little slots on the left hand side that houses our hop-up arm just like that they are in one piece together everything looks good once you have the two sides together you want to do the four screws that hold it all together tightly and just like every single screw in the aap you just want to do it hand tight nothing too torquey next you want to do the hop up cogs so first you want to get the cog without outside teeth and put it on the left post and have the arrow sticking to the right then you want to get the right hand cog and put it so that the other arrow is pointing also at the same arrow pointing leftwards once these are together they should spin nicely after that put in the screw that was holding in the right cog and we should be good to go just a little word of warning that if this screw is too tight applying hop up will be increasingly more difficult so it's extra important not to do it too hard next we will move back to our outer barrel and assembling that so first we'll add our thread protector again nice and hand tight yet again and then our front sight has a little post on it that aligns perfectly with a little recessed hole here on our house barrel this then aligns it and we put in our screw to hold it all in place there we go all fixed and ideal next up you want to slot your hop-up chamber back into your outer barrel once the hop-up chamber is into the outer barrel we want to do these side tabs here which is the shorter screws of the four we have remaining again not too tight just enough to keep it snug we can then move that into our upper receiver and that should align with the two holes left remaining on our outer barrel which are our longer screws now that that is assembled we can put our bolt back in the bolt just drops into the rear here nice and simple and then finally we drop in our rear iron sight on top and put in the two screws that hold it together perfect that is our upper assembly finished and completed and now we move on to our lower assembly this is definitely going to be the most difficult part about this video i have struggled for quite a significant amount of time with lowers of a glock and aap style uh particularly with the hammer section but i've done it enough times where now i'm comfortable enough to show you how to do it but just bear in mind that it is still fidgety and it will still be difficult so first off we will need to take out this screw on this side and this screw on that side once these are out put them somewhere safe so you remember where they came from what we'll do next is we'll also take out our safety switch here and to do that you just need to push in on this piece here so that it fits through the plastic slot that the button comes through on the other side just like that put it to one side now that we've done that we can take out this front screw here on the front now once that is done we are going to take apart a pin that holds in a lot of key components in this front section and that is this pin here you can use a punch to get it out and once it's done just realize that a lot of this is going to come loose so just be ready uh try not to lose anything keep it on something where you can clearly see everything where that might fall out it is advised that you push it out from this side to come out the right hand side this is a knurled pin so definitely easier to do it the way i said to once this is out this front metal section will now be able to lift out however what you need to be careful of is this spring here known as our trigger spring so just be careful of that when taking it out also be careful of this lever here this lever is what you use to actuate your slide release there is a small sort of stick like spring that holds this in that is also probably going to fall out so just be careful of this now this trigger spring is held in by a little post that is uh also kept into the body through this little bit of friction so just be careful and maybe slide it just off that post and make sure you don't lose it okay so this front metal section is out now we can put it to one side and now let's remove this trigger spring that goes over our trigger bar keep this to one side that very important we will need it now luckily for me my slide release spring and pin has not come out yet so i'm just going to remove those now this slider release is ambidextrous unlike on a usual glock so it's double-sided like this and this is uh the spring i mentioned yes this is a spring believe it or not uh that uh sits on this so we're just gonna keep these together and put them to one side now you will have just your trigger your mag release and your hammer unit left so what we will do next is we will have to take out these two pins here which hold in our uh trigger mechanism and that will allow us to take out our trigger bar and our trigger because they're all sort of connected and it will also allow us to take out the uh take down lever at the back here so let's do that now now these pins you're going to want to push out from the same side as before so from this side you push onwards to the right side there goes one it is important to remember that this bottom pin goes into this bottom section so just keep it somewhere where you will remember this and then we take out the top one likewise now this pin is just slightly different it is knurled on one side not the other but it's also sort of like a baton sort of a weird unique shape remember keep that somewhere you'll remember where it belongs now that this is done you'll be able to lift out your trigger mechanism however something you need to be very careful of there is a spring underneath this metal piece here and it is held in by this side of the lower so when you take this out keep your thumb here to prevent it from flying across the room and lost to the abyss there we go my trigger will just depart like that now i won't show this breakdown its fullest because it is very very simple but if you would like to swap your trigger you just need to take out these two pins here and that will separate your trigger bar out and then just simply attach your new trigger bar and we'll you can do the reassemble steps when i get to them so before we move on to the trigger box here we have the lower now to remove this rear piece here that lets us take down you simply just pull it backwards and it will come out a nice little metal piece and that leaves a spring in here that is held in with friction so you can just pull that off and put on a new one as you need it i'm just going to put this on here because it doesn't matter that it's there and it just is a place that i will remember it next up is a fidgety one and it can also be quite hard to show on camera so i might need to get an additional light but we're going to take out your mag release i'm going to get my phone light here to see if i can illuminate it for you now in there you can see a small little sticky up spring and you want to push that to the right and then forward towards where you would be shooting uh to try and get it to come loose and then your mag release should just come out and like so mag releases out and that just leaves you with the spring still in your aap now to get this remaining little spring in here that was holding your mag release you will need to push the right hand side of this spring located here it's very hard to show on camera you will need to push it to the left and then you will need to pull up on the longest side of metal on the left hand side you have it the spring is out i'm going to put this back in now because there's no reason for me to take it out and to put this back in you just simply align it with the channels and just push it all the way in once that's in we can put back our mag release so i want my uh mag release on the i guess the left hand side of the gun for right hand use so i just push it through that way and then just like we did with takedown but in reverse we push the spring forwards and then back down into a little channel in our mag release and now it's all working fine so now we move on to by far the hardest part of your aap01 takedown and the reason this is hard is because uh there are lots of small parts in here and they're held in by tension so lots of spring tension in here and you also have to make sure everything's in the right spot it might take you a few attempts it has certainly taken me a few attempts in the past but we're going to try it together and hopefully this will help you first off we're going to take out this metal piece with the spring underneath it as i said before keep your thumb over it lift out this metal piece you might need to push down on it to get it out put it to one side and then the spring will just fall out with it let's keep those together next up we're going to remove some of the pins that hold in the hammer and the lower section which cannot controls your disconnector now it doesn't matter which way out you push these neither end is knurled and again keep your hand enclosed over this as one of your springs may come loose for instance mine just did this spring here let's keep that together and remember that this pin went on the bottom if you move this about you'll notice that this also comes out so let's keep all these together next up we're going to move this top pin now there is quite a bit of tension held in by this top pin with the hammer um it is not easy to get back in once we have done this so let's just be careful when we do this and also as i said before keep your hand on it so it's not going anywhere so next up if we flip over the hammer housing we have this pin here which helps hold in part of the mechanism that holds our hammer so we're going to push this out and just as i said before try keep your hand over everything to make sure nothing comes loose and flies across the room there is quite a lot of spring tension so do be careful as you take it out just like that this pin is out put it to one side that's our middle pin and out comes this silver piece so we'll put that with the middle pin and also out comes our hammer here on the hammer we have our roller which is this sort of spade shape for like a pack of cards and then our hammer spring and we will get to these later when we come to reinstall so just take them out you just simply pull them off and put them back on again it's very simple to replace them some like to repeat people like to replace uh this little spade piece with a a bearing uh but we will uh move on from here and keep this all together in one piece and then finally we have the top pin now the top pin helps hold in our auto sear which helps us select uh semi-automatic and fully automatic so uh this is also held under spring tension so just be careful as we take that out i'm going to flip it over so it is this side and i'm going to push this pin out of that way doing so will now leave your hammer assembly totally empty so we can put that to one side and just now out came all these little pieces so this is our auto sear and the pin that held it in so let's go put it back and fully assemble this so we get the piece we just took out and we have our pin our auto sear and our spring and in this orientation you want to put this spring in here and through the little crack that it has in the rear like so now what you want to do is you want to put the spring side in with the metal piece onto the right hand side here of this chamber now because of the spring you will need to bend it so it fits on this edge here and there will be tension so you will need to hold it in place this is not easy and it will be finicky and uh despite me having small hands even i struggle with this so let's all just be patient with it and it will eventually get there so there we have it inside there so i have the spring on this side and i'm holding it in place and it is remaining tension bouncing along and so what we do is we grab the pin from earlier and we want to push it in to keep it there and prevent us from having to hold it all the time like this the pin that you want to put in has this side with a little cap on it and you want to put it in the little recessed groove on the left hand side here push it all the way through you want it to go through the hole in the metal and out the other side once that is pushed all the way through you'll have it here like this it will have some movement to it it's all held in place congrats we've done one of the fidget bits of this build now next we move on to the hammer installing this will take the most physical effort in this entire build takes quite a lot of strength and it's very uh picky so we're just gonna try our best here now it's good to have this pin on hand because doing this is pretty difficult without it so just as a reminder this pin goes into this hole here and it goes pointed side first so the flat side sits this side it's just useful to remember that whilst we do this next step with this arm of the hammer spring rests against this inside piece here what you want to do is basically bend and push against this hammer spring until you eventually get it so that there is it sits well with this hole here and it aligns perfectly for you to push the pin through now when you first do this you will laugh at me and you will think that this isn't possible and i promise you that it is and this is the way to do it there have been times before where i have had to push this against a table to get it uh to line up properly but we will just uh see where this takes us as you can see even i'm struggling here so don't worry it will take time you will get there it will be worth it and once you do get it lined up with the hole have that pin ready and put it through so that it holds the hammer so i'm going to have to do this off camera because this is too difficult to show on camera a little bit of frustration i've managed to get it and my fingers have seen better days but what i would suggest is once this pin is through you want to have it so the pin actually doesn't go fully through this middle gap here in your hammer because this is where a silver piece will be going also known as your knocker that hits the gas in your mag we back that out just a bit the hammer stays in and we can put in this silver piece and what you want is you want the silver piece to go in this way up and you want this metal hammer side to come through this gap on the front here just like that so it needs to sit there just like that and then you want to align it so the pin goes through the hole in that silver piece now once that silver piece is in there you will be able to push it all the way through uh this pin goes doesn't go flush on this side too much and it also sticks out slightly on this side but there you go that is the hardest part of this hamburger assembly done so now we can move on to the easy a bit you then want to get this piece here with this little ledge and you want this ledge to fit in this cut out here so put it in here slide it along and it should fit in like that so here it is here get a bit movement on it so once that metal piece is in there you want to grab this weird spring we had before and this part wants to lay in a little part of this piece that we just put in i'm sorry this is i'm not putting a lot of technical jargon into here this is just how i know it so you want to put this metal post against here and so that it matches up with this hole here in the hole in the spring so we'll do that first so the easiest way to do this is to put the spring in here so that it lines up with the hole in the metal piece and then also with this side hole here and then putting in the pin that came with the trigger box and so once that lines all of them up and it stays in place that keeps the spring in there as well as the metal piece and allows you to push back this spring in like that and you want to hook it in to the silver piece in the middle that is part of the inside of our hammer you will see that it is in there it has hooked into the silver piece and now there is some tension on it next up we get to the final bits now remember this little guy before he used to hold in that very tense spring here so what we will do is we will grab that spring put it in like so so it just sits in that gap and then we want to keep our thumb over it whilst we push in this guy he pushes past it and hits in this a little dent in here little channel that's all held in tight well done you've done the hardest part now now that this is done we can see about putting it into our lower and getting everything meshed up nicely so to do this we are going to need to grab our trigger piece from before and your trigger bar is going to want to sit just about here sort of lives in this sort of section here just be a lot more easy once we put it into the lower so let's get our trigger worm it through the guard there now we've got it sat nicely here and then what you want to do is whilst that's in the guard there slip it over your little piece in that channel i said before and then luckily the ap handbox has a little hook here that hooks into back here so let's all slip that into place it actually has nice little channels on this lower so it should actually be a bit easier and there we go that little hook falls into this pushy button here that we used to take up the upper off it aligns with this hole here which we used before and our trigger is in there i'll buy it wobbly but that's where it should be okay so next we get our weird pin that we had before that was on top this is the one with looks like a baton actually it is knurled so we will need to go from this side so no old end is this one we just push it through like so and then just make sure that this is nice and flush so i'm just going to do that off camera really quick with a little punch and hammer there we go that's all nice and sits well then we will do the same with this bottom pin here you grab it has a nailed end no it ends this side push through here and then push it in with a nice little punch set there we go a hammer assembly the hardest part is installed so now we move on to the fiddly leftovers so now we move on to the home stretch and what you want to do is you want to grab your metal front piece and slide it on top front and just keep it there you don't need to put the screw in just yet we then want to attach our ambidextrous uh bolt release you will need the weird spring from earlier this wood spring has a little foot here and you want to slide that under the bolt release and onto this little lever here it's on the underside like so and then it should sit like this then you want to put this underneath the metal piece but on top of your trigger there's like a small small gap here and you want to slide it in place of where it should be when you want to release the bolt now this will be tricky because you will need to hold the spring in place at the same time but once it's in there it will stay firm and you won't need to worry about it again just like that it's in now move on to the next thing and this next thing is going to be fiddly but it will save us a lot of time later you want to get your trigger bar spring and you want to put one end over the hook back here like so and then you want to lift out just slightly the metal piece holding at the front then you want to get the hoop of the top end of the trigger spring and put it over the bar on your metal piece here once you have done that you just slide metal piece back into place and it should remain tension and keep it there very fiddly but uh that's the quickest way to do this next up you want to put in this pin here our last main body pin you want the knurled end on the right hand side and you want to push it in from the left and what you need to do at the same time is making sure that the trigger and the arms are all lined up perfectly so they leave a lovely little hole for it to go through perfectly this might take some attempts for you to get right one way to do this actually a bit easier now that i think about it would be to put in our front screw here screw that in like so perfect and then just like i said an old side on the right push in from the left make sure the trigger and such is aligned you might need to pull the trigger to get it to look perfectly down the hole you might also need to hold down your little release like so push it through and then with a little punch get it in nice and flush next we're going to put in your little safety now to do that you just want to squish down on this arm and work its way through like so push it through the body get it to the other side and push it down again on the inside and there you have it it's in again working as it should finally you want to get the two screws from the very beginning that held in the metal block at the front now that this is done we can put our upper back on top and see how it works you then want to put your upper on top here might require a little bit of a nudge and then you want to push it down here push this button in at the back to get it sit nicely let's put a mag in it to make sure everything's working correctly there's no bbs in this mag no bb's in the chamber bolt lock is working full auto working properly and semi also working properly congratulations you have taken apart your aap01 from the upper all the way down to the lower to every single individual piece so there you have it we've managed to fully disassemble the aap01 everything in the upper everything in the lower all completely done as you can see it is not so easy first time around but the more you do this the easier it will get more aap01 products are coming so that means you'll need to be disassembling your aep more and more however the more you do this the more familiar you'll become speaking of which i do in fact sell my own aap01 upgrades i have a link in the description where you can check out my website and see the stuff we sell we sell everything from short stroke kits recoil springs nozzle springs soon stuff for the hop-up unit of the aop-01 as well as lubricants to keep everything running nice and smoothly if you did enjoy the video i could really appreciate a like on this maybe share it to a friend and ultimately a subscription goes so far for us it's actually quite crazy how quickly this channel is blowing up and i really appreciate all of you for watching we've got a lot more videos coming i know i do keep saying that but we really do there's just so much going on at waldo customs it can be hard to keep track sometimes but it's worth being patient for there's a lot coming and i'm really excited to share it all with you you