What is up everyone? Coach Felix back with another, come on, Rally Word of the Week. How y'all doing?
Have you been getting your sleep? What about you been checking out that nutritional facts on your favorite box of cereal or that big bag of chips you've been eating, huh? You know, just, we must become aware of the things that we're putting into our bodies because I need you to be at the best version of yourself and part about being at the best version of yourself is what we're going to discuss today. And it's all about our mental health.
That's right, mental health is all about how we think, feel, and cope with life. That's right, it's about how we think, feel, and how we cope with life. Our brains are like these powerful machines that we must keep fully operational so that we can be and do the things that we desire to do and be in life.
You know, that they control, our brain controls everything from math problems to... writing to video games to the sports that we play and if we're not taking care of our mental well-being guess what a lot of those areas will begin to suffer so there are a lot of different things that we can do in order to be mentally alert and to take care of ourselves mentally but i want to start with just a couple number one i always do this remember to fly that's right remember to fly now listen i'm not talking about with birds but fly is an acronym of first love yourself. That's right.
Stay fly. First, love yourself. I think that it's so important that before we can love other people, before we can do random acts of kindness, not saying those things are not important, but it's important for us to learn to love ourselves.
Embrace who we are. I have this thing that I always say, be you. The world needs you to show up as yourself.
Stop trying to impress people. Stop trying to please people. Be yourself.
Why? Because the world needs you. needs that gift. The world needs you to show up who you are.
And the moment we start trying to pretend like we're somebody that we're not, guess what? We rob the world of the gift that we have. So remember to stay fly.
The other thing that I want to share with you is to practice gratitude. Listen, it's so easy for us to become overwhelmed by focusing on the things that we don't have. So we can think about the school that we're not at. We can think about the city that we moved from and now we're here in this city and we're here at this school. We can think about the friends that are no longer our friends anymore.
But we can also choose. It's a choice to be focused on the things that we are thankful for. This attitude of gratitude. Listen, this battle of comparison, it is a battle that you will never win. It's a battle that Coach Felix would never win.
Why? Because we can always find someone. We can always find something that is better than us.
we can always even even look at ourselves and see everything that is wrong with us but if we can focus on the things that we are thankful for right waking up in the morning and just at least writing down three things that we are thankful for not just thinking about them right i want you to think about this but taking time to write them down that action of actually writing down the things that we are grateful for another one that we can do is be thankful and be in the present moment you know we're going to talk about this in an upcoming video but we can be so focused on things that haven't even happened yet. Or we can be so focused on things that happened before that we miss out on just being in the present moment. There is something that's so empowering. We can just focus on the here and the now.
So remember, there's a lot of things that we can do for our mental well-being. But Coach Felix shares some important things with you. First, love yourself, right? Embrace who you are. The world needs you to be you.
Also, too, have an attitude of gratitude. That's right. Be thankful for the things that we can be thankful for.
And I know for some of us, this is a challenge. It's hard for us to focus on the things that we're thankful for. Why? Because we're constantly overwhelmed by the things that we don't have.
Learn to have an attitude of gratitude. And then lastly, be in the present moment. Enjoy that moment that you're in right now.
Listen, there's so much profound incitement and enlightenment that we can get from just being in the present moment. All right. This is so important for our mental well-being.
But now it's time for us to complete our reflect and respond for this week. And this is what Coach Peters wants you to do. First, I want you to identify one thing that makes you uniquely who you are, right? Maybe it's a skill that you have.
It's a talent that you have. Maybe it's your eyes, your smile, whatever it may be. Identify that one thing that you just love about yourself. Second thing is I want us to focus on...
how we can have an attitude of gratitude. What are three things, at least three things that you are thankful for? And then if you have time, I want you to discuss why do you think it's important for us to be in the present moment and to focus on the here and now instead of worrying about what has yet to come or what has already happened?
Why is it so important for us to practice being in the present moment? All right, here we go. I know that was a lot for our reflecting response, but I know you guys can do it.
Take some time, but more importantly, I want you guys to identify at least that one thing that makes you uniquely who you are and learn to love that about yourself. Remember to fly. First, love yourself. And there ain't no stopping what you can accomplish in life. I'll see you guys soon for another, come on, Rally Word of the Week.
Let's go.