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99 Notion Tips for Mastering Notion

are you looking to finally Master notion you've come to the right place here are 99 notion tips that will make you an absolute notion Pro and to make this video easier to navigate I've broken them down into five categories Aesthetics so making notion pretty functionality AKA building really cool stuff in notion efficiency hacks to use notion more easily teams if you want to run your business in notion and last but not least supercharge how you can push notion truly to its limits within each category we always start with the easy tips and work our way to the really Advanced ones and for some of those tips I've actually recorded already in-depth tutorials you will find all of these Linked In the description so let's get started with the first category notion Aesthetics these tips will help you design workspaces that look so much better because if the system looks good we are a lot more likely to use it let's kick this list off with tip number one how to change your notion page layout and defont this is one of the first things you probably want to customize when you jump into notion and for the first part regarding to the layout it's the fact that everything is centered so there's a lot of wi space on the left and the right of your pages depending on how wide your screen is and if you want to use all that screen real estate then you need to click on the top uh right in the top right corner on the three dots and then on full width and now your page utilizes all the space which one of the two you prefer will red depend what you have on the page right for a lot of text ones it's actually quite nice to have them in the middle so I'm going to uh turn it back off and and now we're back with our more centered look and then the second part is the font so if again if you click on the three dots you will see here you have style and you have the default font and you can also change it to one with Sur and one with mono if you prefer this type of look of the page now very very important this the settings always only apply to the specific pageon you cannot in notion right now change this on a global level and say right for every new page that I set up please give me this I will show you a tip later though how you can get nearly there so you don't have to turn it on for every single page so these are these two things and then the last thing is you can also talk on small text if you want to have everything a bit smaller on your screen but usually uh I have that one off for tip number two it's time to choose sides are you Team Dark mode or are you team light mode now personally I prefer light mode but if you want to change your settings all you need to do is go into your notion settings which you can find always in the sidebar under settings and members and here under my settings you will find the appearance Tab and here you can change between light mode dark mode and and just use system settings and that's how easy it is to switch between them now top tip if you don't want to go into the settings you can also just press command shift and L if you're on a Mac or control shift and L if you're on a Windows to just quickly toggle between dark and light mode in an instant tip number three is all about picking a consistent color scheme for your notion setup and then sticking to it now as you might know in notion you have 10 different colors available and you can find these colors whenever you highlight any text and then click on the uh a drop down here you will see all the color options or alternatively you can always click also on the six dots and then under color this is also where all the colors drop and you can always pick two different types of colors you can pick the text color itself and you can pick a background color right so this one doesn't have any background right now but if I go on here and then I say okay color please give me a purple background then you will see that the whole thing has been highlighted in purple now the most important thing when it comes to making your notion Pages look more aesthetic is to pick one color or maybe two and stick to them because if you use a lot of them maybe you can you know pull off that whole rainbow look but most of the time it looks better if you pick one major color and then apply that everywhere so you see on this page that's purple but again you could pick pretty much any color now that's the first part of it picking this one color scheme and sticking to it and then the second one is to preset your icons in notion you can give every page an icon simply by hovering around the headline of the page and then clicking on add an icon and here under the icons you have the option to either use one of the Emojis or to upload your own custom emoji or going on icons and then picking one of these really nice and minimal icons and the top tip here is that if you click on the select icon Color part you can either ask it to ask you about the color every time right so that means when I ever I click on any icon it will ask me which color I should apply or what I would recommend is to pick that one color that you pick you know for your whole workspace sets as a default and then that way whenever you add any uh icon to your page it will already match your color scheme speaking of icons you can also add an animated icon or Banner to your notion page and doing so is super simple all you need to do is to go to your GIF page of choice so in this case I'm using giy and then you can click on the copy link icon on whatever it is that you want right so I want to grab this for my page and then you can again click on add icon and then you hover over to the custom part paste in your link click on submit wait for it to load and there you have it your page has now a gif now for icons that can sometimes get a bit distracting so let's actually remove this one again and look at banners and here I particular really like the 8bit style so if you look on jiffy for 8bit or for pixel art you get these nicely animated animated graphics and again you can just right click them and then the one thing you want to do is you want to uh say copy image address and then again head on over to notion click on ADD cover and then change cover and here besides you know the gallery the upload and unspash you want to go to link paste in your link submit it and then you get your animated Banner here and you can easily reposition it to whatever position you want it to tip number five is about adding inline Emojis with the Emoji Keyboard did you know that if you press window plus dot on a Windows machine or control command space on a Mac that you can pull up an emoji keyboard and get emojis pretty much anywhere not just in Ocean this works in pretty much any app on your computer so all we need to do is press the keyboard shortcut and there our picker goes up and we can either search for specific Emoji or use one of our favorites and just insert it here to spruce up our page guide users right and help them quickly explain the context or yeah just make it nicer to look at tip number six to create more aesthetic notion Works spaces is all about using multiple columns and creating columns on notion is super easy you have two ways to do so the first one is to just take any information on your page that you want to turn into a column for example let's say this heading I want to position next to this heading and then clicking on the six dots and starting to drag it until you see this blue indicator line turning into a sideline right this would mean we just drop it below but if we uh get it here on the side and it goes small like this it means we drop drop it to the side and now we created two columns and we can now drag and drop the other information below these uh things so again we see our uh indicator go small below it and now we have things in this Left Right alignment the second option to create uh these columns would be to just go into any new line type slash and then call for columns and then pick one of these options so again I want to create two columns and now I have them here and now I can drag and drop anything that I want in here so let's take our philosophy and put it in the left column and then in the other column let's put our notion icon and quickly resize it and now we have our side by-side column layout tip number seven start using page dividers getting dividers in notion is super simple again you have several methods the first one is to just go into any new line type slash divider and then pick the divider option and now you have this small and minimal line here that helps you know break up things a little bit that's particularly nice if you have this like multicolumn layout and you add them below both your headings just to give the whole page a bit more structure now method number two is all about using the background color so you can just again take a new line and have an empty line and I will just drag this here um so that we actually have a full line and then we click on the six dots and then on color and then we can give it a background color so let's give this the purple background color and now we have this small purple divider we can also if you want to have it bigger actually go here and say well turn this please into an H1 and then we just need to add a space to the line so that you know this uh heading one uh placeholder disappears and now we have a thicker divider that's the second method and Method number three would be to go into canva or any you know tool of your choice and create a super narrow image and that you can design of course however you want and then just embed that into notion as you know a visual divider with a few more elements than just background color tip number eight start using toggles toggles are small but Super Mighty feature in notion and they're super useful to hide information or better structure page now let's say for example we have here uh this stuff below our different points of our Manifesto and that's nice but we want to clean up the page a little bit so one thing that we can do is we can turn these into toggles and if we already have our text what we can do and what we can always do in notion is so just click on the six dots and say turn into and then toggle list and now we have this uh toggle that we can open and close and we can just take our text and we can drag it in here and now we can close this to create a much cleaner look so here's how they now look with all four as toggles and we can just open and close them to see more information in particular if you have a lot of stuff in them that's really helpful to clean it up the second way to create a toggle is of course to just go into any new line type slash and then toggle and that brings up the toggle option now one thing that's also really cool is that you can also turn headings into toggles right so in here if we just if you don't want this join us information to be displayed all the time we can just again click on the six dots and say well turn this into a toggle heading and the type and now everything below it is hidden and we can open and close it just like we want tip number nine is about one of my favorite layout elements in notion call outs getting a call out onto your page is super easy you just type slash call and then pick the call out block and every call out block has three elements you can pick a specific icon or Emoji you can have a background color that you can change by clicking on the six dots and then on color and picking a different background color here and then of course the text it contains so for example we could just take this text element that we have in here and we could add it in here to like yeah draw a bit more attention to it now the cool thing thing about call outs and something that's not immediately obvious is that they can actually have multiple lines and you can have anything that you can in general have on an ocean page also inside a call out now if you just press enter in a call out you will always get outside of it and it looks like all that it can contain is this one line of text but you can actually drag and drop anything in there and once you do that you sort of unlock this call out so let me just take this element and drag it below here and you can see our blue indicator again like jumps inside the call out and if I leave it here I have now this stuff inside the call out and now once I've done this once I can go in here and I can press enter and I could add anything here from an image right to so I can have any type of upload we can have a database in here we can have anything in here that we could have in a normal notion page and through that create these visual elements that have like a container box around them and really help break up our notion page further tip number 10 is about using empty call outs for clean layouts let me show you what I mean now here we have a database with our different teams and of course we could just add this database as is to our page but we could use also a CL call out to spruce up the layout a little bit and in order to do that let's just add a call out here and instead of using this colored background with an icon let's actually make it here so for that we click on the three dots and then for color we select the default background that will get rid of everything but there's minimal line around it and then in order to get rid of our icon we unfortunately can't turn it off but what we can do is we can pick an icon that is just the same color as the filling that we have so in this case just a plain white square so I will go to custom and I will upload a file and I've prepared an ocean placeholder icon for this and for any other color it's actually part of the notion starter pack that you can download in description so there you have the done for like every type of call out so in this case the white one and now you see it's super clean and as soon as I have like anything in here in this first line oops uh let's put take a DOT and then space so the notion disappears you see I just get this super clean look uh of the borders around it's the only way to get this like border look in Ocean and now what I can do is I can simply drag and drop my gallery in here and now I have this very clean look of the gallery uh inside this surrounding part now we have always this like header part right we can't get rid of it and we can only have text in here so now to like space it out evenly we want to take another line and drag it down below and now everything is evenly spaced out and we have this yeah our database inside another visual element which can really help to break the page up and if you use them together with the other Design Elements really improve the aesthetic of your notion workpace speaking about databases tip number 11 is all about hiding a database name so whenever you create a database you always get this name part and sometimes you just don't want that here so one thing that you can do is you can click on the three dots next to it and click on high database title to make it disappear you can do the same by clicking on the three dots here and then going to layout and then here you have this toggle to show the database title or to hide it but I personally like to hide it most of the time because it just creates this much cleaner look which brings me to tip number 12 using empty view names to create even cleaner looks now hiding the database title is a great start to create this really minimal notion look but another thing that you should definitely look at is about hiding the actual view name or removing it so as you can see whenever you have a database anywhere you always have different view options and typically you need to enter a view name but since a few notion updates ago you can actually click in here say rename name and then just add an empty space in the view name and now it disappears now you only have that icon so if you want to create it even cleaner we can then go into rename again right and replace that default icon with one that we want so in this case right for teams we might want several people and now we have this far far more minimal and clean look compared to this fairly cluttered one where we have the database title and the view name in there as well tip number 13 get some color into your databases now unlike any other notion element you can't click on the six dots of a database and then choose a color for it there's simply no option for it but if you have your database inside either one of these call outs or inside a toggle you can set the color for it by setting the color for the toggle or for the call out let me explain you what I mean if I now click on the six dots here of my call out and I say well the text color in here should be purple you can see that the text color of all the database components in here changes as well and even better if I now click on here and say well give me also a background of purple you see that everything oops sorry that was a text background color purple everything except for the C individual cards is now purple of course in that case I would need to swap out my white icon for a purple icon to get the clean look again but you get the gist and the same thing works if you have a toggle so if I create like a toggle here it can be a toggle list or toggle heading and I take the database and drag it in here you see it again inherits the same uh settings that a toggle has so the second I turn here the color to Green everything in here will be green and the second I give this color a background color let's say brown for example everything except for the toer cards themselves and for the database cards themselves also inherited color so that's how you can get colorful databases until notion finally releases that setting directly notion tip number 14 quickly resize The Columns in your databases now if you build any type of database you probably have a lot of columns in them and one thing to create a much cleaner look is to change the default width of each column depending on what you actually need and of course you can go in here and just like manually drag it around but much quicker way to do the same is to just double click on this blue line and then it will automatically resize to whatever size you need it to be tip number 15 how to get super narrow columns for checkboxes now you probably know that in notion your properties have a certain minimum width so for example my last edited column I can't resize it to be super super small however if it's a checkbox property I can so in this case right where I see whether something is done or not I can take this and I can make it narrower until only the checkbox is left and I can for example drag it to the very front of the view for a very clean and minimal look now you might run into a situation where you have another property that you also want to have super super thin the work around here for example for the status icon would be to turn it temporarily into a checkbox so let's say edit property and then the type we will move it to a checkbox and even though this has nothing to do with what we actually doing here right this is a Formula property which has a formula to display green or red depending on the status we can temporarily change it then resize it to be super small then right click again and turn it back into the previous type and it will magically remember what formula it had so now it's a formula again and now we have our super small status things and we can drag them as well to the front so we can see at a glance okay what is done and what isn't tip number 16 get some notion wallpapers if you want to extend the notion aesthetic Beyond beyond your workspace then this pack of wallpapers for your phone is a great way to do so you can download them with the link in the description they're part of the official notion wallpaper collection and they're really cute and amazing speaking of cleaner database looks tip number 17 is to turn off wrap columns for your databases Now by default notion automatically wraps your text that means if you have a lot of stuff in your different properties you will end up with these giant looking entries in your database but often times you actually don't want that and want a much cleaner more structured look for that you can click on the three dots of your database and then under layout you will find the option wrap all columns and if you toggle that off you see that it collapses into this nice and clean look and then of course you could use the double click function that I showed you before to resize it to the proper length if you actually need to see everything on one line and in the case that you actually want to see certain properties wrapped and others don't you can right click the individual properties and turn on wrap for those so let's say we want to wrap the task name because that one we always want to see but we don't want to wrap this giant text that we we generated for it and in this case get this you know like compromise between all the information that we need in some properties and a mostly clean look on the other hand if you want to go beyond Notions normal aesthetic elements then you should definitely explore widgets there are a lot of widget websites for notion you can just type notion widgets into Google indify is one of them that I like to use but you can actually also use non notion specific widgets pretty much anything that is embeddable somewhere can be added to notion so in this case let's just get a quick um clock one for our workspace so we can just here Cate on clock widget and we say okay just let's call this clock we click on continue and then we wait a second for it to load and then we can like uh customize this in this case right but different dashpots or apps will have different options and the M part is that at the end we want to get this link and we want to copy that link and then head on over to our notion workspace and here we can now embed this by simply pasting it and picking the create embed option and again this works for preium much anything that is embeddable so not just notion specific widgets but yeah any website that gives you these like widgets that you could embed on your own website and then we could of course like just add this in here and drag it into the rest of our um page depending on where exactly we want to have it we can then resize it with uh these um bars on the side if you want to make it smaller and we can also pick the alignment so if we just hover over it we see oops uh this alignment option we could say okay please Center align this by the way this alignment option also uh works for all the other images haven't shown that but you could also like align in the notion icon again to make this look well properly centered everywhere tip number 19 for better notion Aesthetics is all about showing relations in different ways typically what happens is if you create a relation between two databases and then you connect a few pages like here I have my operations department and I connected some docs to it that they are shown as part of your properties at the top of the page now if you don't want that and instead you want a certain cleaner look then you can click on these six dots here then you can say show as and instead of showing them as a property you could show them as a page section and that brings them down here and now you have them actually here and here you could even turn on certain uh other properties that you want to see for example if you wanted to see the review status that I have here then we could show that directly on the page as well or to make it even more minimal we can click on it again and then we can say show as minimal and then all we have is this like for Doc section in here and we can click on it to see what we've actually linked to again here we can turn on on and off certain properties that we want to see in the preview and that way we can keep the properties that we show up here uh to the ones that we can actually edit right so only the ones where we have certain other information other than these relations for tip number 20 we go quickly back to columns now remember earlier I showed you how to turn on full width for your notion pages but even if you have a narrow page width you can extend certain elements to full withd and that's the case if you have columns right you need to have a column for that at least two it doesn't work with only one column but if that's the case right for example for our two images that are in two columns here we can start dragging them out and we can drag them wider than the actual page so if we are here on the um the column part we can drag that one out and you can see they expand now beyond the narrow part of the original page that's particularly nice if you have like these landscape images right that you want to embed in a narrow page next to each other and otherwise they just wouldn't have enough space and now with that part you can extend them over the whole page no tip number 21 adding a table of content particularly for longer Pages you probably want to add a table of content to make it easier to jump between sections and doing so is super easy you just want to go into a new line type SL for table of contents click on it and there you have it and it's automatically format it based on the different header levels that you use on your page now you can format that for different colors to apply different colors right so we can go here color and make it purple to keep in line with the rest of our page and of course you can combine it with some of the other tips that I showed with you shared with you before for example you could drag it into this first uh call out to create this clearer section and then if you say okay I don't want to see that all the time you could then have a toggle right to hide it behind and then in here you have our maybe your to like this and you can expand it if you want to jump down or you can hide it like this if you don't want to see it another example you could move it on the side of your content and for that you probably want to turn on full width of the page so that you actually have a bit more real estate to work with and then type SL h space slash call for two columns and then get a call out here right one of our super clean ones without anything in there so we just H get our empty line in here and then in here we have now our table of contents and we can remove the dot for that even cleaner look and then we can resize this column to go on the side and we can take all the other things the other elements on this page and drag them in the other column and now we have on our right this nice little uh widget for our uh table of content and on the right the actual content of the page tip number 22 add navigation elements using notion buttons notion buttons can do a lot of powerful things and that can also help the Aesthetics of our notion pages so let's pretend this is an onboarding page and once the user is done reading this one we want him to read a specific second page so at the bottom of it we could of course just like have a normal uh link to that page or we could have a button which looks a bit nicer so we type slash button and then in here we want to pick as the option open page and then where it says page we want to select the one that should be opened we can just pick anyone in this case but otherwise you would search for the one that you want to use specifically and then we want to make sure it says open page in the full page mode because otherwise we don't get this like Okay jump to the next part feeling and then we can set up an icon so in this case right we want to have this arrow and then um we like read on or whatever text you want to have in here and now we have our button and once someone clicks it we jump to that specific page and to create this real UI feeling RightWay typically you would have this button on the right side you can then of course like create again some columns and you can drag this into the right column and then you could resize The Columns to push it more to the other side so that you get this actual okay now I'm done with the page and now I click this button to jump like you're used to from a web page tip number 23 extends this use of buttons to also change database views now of course you probably know that in nation you can have several views for database and in this case they typically show up like this right you have your minimum list and then your calendar you can navigate between them but if you want instead a slightly different look you could also use buttons to achieve the Same by creating a separate page for each uh view that you want so in this case we have minimal and we have calendar as separate pages and then adding buttons at the top in particular if you have a lot of these and you want to add other page elements that are only relevant for specific views these this can be really nice to create this navigation so you see I can just click on calendar and I jump here and minimal I jump here and they are set up the exact same way right we just whenever we click it we open a page in full page and that then with that we can recreate these other UI elements from notion in a slightly nicer way tip number 24 wraps up the section on navigation with a Navar in notion now of course on every page you always get your breadcrumbs so at the very top you see exactly where your page is and you can also actually get them in the page if you want by simply typing slash and then breadcrumb and that way you get the same part that you have up you know here somewhere inside a page but typically you don't want to just organize your pages hierarchically like this and you want to instead create a different type of navigation and in order to do so I like to add navigation bars so the most minimal and easy way to do so is to just get two dividers so like so a divider and a divider and then drag a empty line between them and now in here you can simply type out whatever Pages you have in your system so for example I could say home and then just add uh one of these lines between them so we could say home we could say uh teams and like my workspace oops whatever Pages you have in your system and then you can copy the links to these pages and just paste them over it so by typing um or on your keyboard uh with command L on Mac or control L on Windows or alternatively by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner here you can copy the link to a page and then you can just go over any of these uh words that you've typed and paste it and now you have this very simple navigation that's option one option two would be to just instead of typing something out to just type the add command and then searching for the actual page that you want so like add nafar right we can also do like like this and then we get the whole page including that icon depends a bit which look you prefer that's option one for these Naf bar things and the other alternative would be to have it instead of here on the top on the side right so again if we turn on full width on this page and we get our columns that we already talked about a few times and now maybe a clean call out here on the side then we could uh get just our navigation below each other here right so we could say home teams my workspace and then again like resize this column to be small and then drag everything that you want on the other side and create it like that and of course add onto this as you want you could use this method right with linking the page of course here or you can have like buttons stacked below here to jump to every section no matter how you create nafar it definitely makes sense to have like this one visual element on every single page and I'll share with you later a tip to make sure it always looks the same and that you can update it in all places at once tip number 25 set up default icons font and full or small width for all your pages in ation remember earlier I mentioned that you always have to make these settings per page and there's no General way to apply them to all pages but there is a workaround and well here's that workaround you should keep all your pages in a database that's anyway better for organization and I'll share with you in a bit why that's the case but it's also much easier than to apply a specific aesthetic and that's by using Notions database templates so if we create a p page in here of course like it just looks like any other page right so we have any other page and if we open it we see well there are none of the settings applied so if you want to change uh our font we would need to do that individually but what we can do is we can now go here and on this toggle say new template and here my default page look you can name this whatever you want right this has like no impact uh on the way it works and then we can go in here on the three dots and say well I always want the monol look and I always want it full with with and then while we added we could also add an icon if we say we always want the same type of icon for these pages right let's say we always want that arrow and then we can click out of it and now if we applied this settings uh these uh template settings to that page I mean any other page already has a look let so let's create a new one so new page let's open that one and say okay my default page look you see it changes to that mono look and of course we don't have to even click every single time we can click on this drop down here and say well make this the default for all of the pages and then whenever we add like a third page for example and we open it we see that these settings have already been applied it's the specific look and it's full width and we don't need to do that manually every single time so speeds up your process a lot so that's one of the many reasons why you should always keep all your pages in a single database tip number 26 for better looking otion Works spaces is to embed your favorite tools no matter which other tools you use in your tchc chances are you can bring them back to notion for this one central place to work with let's take for example Rose an amazing spreadsheet tool if you have any charts in here that you want to then Showcase in notion you can simply click on the three dots to embed and then copy that embed link and this process will work for a lot of your tools so just try it out and see what all you can embed and then in notion you simply paste that link pick the create embed option and after a second you then have your live updating information from the other tool in here with some tools it even goes one step further and you can authorize your notion account to access specific parts so for example if I have a figma design file and I want to show that in notion I can after I identify myself once paste my figma files as previews and here I see immediately that file I can jump in I see when it was last modified and so on and so on so whatever process you have will depend a bit for example for whimsicle or these whiteboard tools you can often even scroll around on the Whiteboard once you embedded in notion and that just really amps up against the quality of your notion workspace and how pretty it looks tip number 27 is about using notion with style now style is actually part of nation's recent formula update and if you're thinking hold on we're talking about notion Aesthetics not about complicated formulas well wait a second thanks to this new formula operator you can make the information in your databases look a lot prettier because remember again earlier I told you that there's not really a way to apply colors to your databases well besides the workaround I already shared with you there's a second way thanks to style and to do so we need to create a formula property but don't worry it's super simple so let's click on the plus icon let's type formula in here and then let's say okay this just call this pretty display and then when we go to the formula edit options one thing that we can do is we can type style and as we can see the style formula allows us to apply all the other stylings that we can usually apply to text so we can bold things we can underline it but we can also apply text colors or background to any type of text in the formula and here we have two options we can either just type some text and so we open our our brackets and then in quotation mark we can just add any text so any text you like and close it then type a comma and now we can add all the style types that we want so let's just say we want to bold this then we have a small B and we have a small underline right and we separate each style element um by a comma and wrap it in quotation marks and we close uh everything off we click on done and now we see we have here any text you like and it's bold and it's underlined we can of course instead of just like adding a text directly here pull in text from another property and for that we simply go here on the side we see all the properties here we only have our name property so let's take that one and then apply The Styling and we see okay use notion with style okay that looks pretty similar because it's already here by default uh bolded and underline but let's actually change the color so in order to that we can type comma and then for the colors we can just say well please make this red and we close it off and now we see we have a red announcement and we could then add also background and for background we want to add the color and then underscore and then background and then close it off and now we see we have notion with style with our background and red color and of course you can do this in any other variation you can do that with numbers you can do that with uh different text that you combine your formulas but it really helps you to create these nice nicer displays inside your databases and introduce some much needed style into your layout tip number 28 is about the most radical way that you can change the look and feel of your notion workspace typically I would recommend that use Notions desktop app because it's the fastest way to use notion but if you really want to change everything about the way notion looks then you might want to start using it in your browser more specifically in the arc web browser that's been my favorite browser for a long time now it's my daily driver and one of the really cool thing that allows you to do is to change the look of pretty much any website through something called boosts so here I have opened the notion page in Arc and in my side by if I hover over notion I can click here on page settings and here I can activate a boost and with these boosts I can now change well pretty much anything remember we have three different fonts uh in notion by default well with Arc we have a lot more options for example I can go for this very crazy font or if I just want something bolded and slightly more rounded I could go for for that and as you can see right we have a lot more different options to get a lot more custom and a lot more granula about the look that we want not just that we can also change the color of a page so up here we have this color wheel and if I start moving these around everything changes so we don't just have dark and light mode but we can well do whatever tint we want for our setup and a lot of these will actually look pretty horrible so you need to look around right I probably don't want this like super uh low contrast uh look here in the end so it would require a bit of playing around in here I would also recommend to actually go to dark mode because that makes it a lot easier than to create these like nice tins right so this looks a lot better than the light version of it and yeah these type of customizations you just don't get with a normal app whether it's good or bad I leave it up for you but it is a pretty fun party trick now another thing that you can do with um these boosts is you can actually completely remove certain U elements through zapping them so if I click on zap here uh my curser changes and I can actually highlight different elements on the page and if there's something about notion that always annoyed you and you don't actually want to see while you can highlight it let's say for example I work on my own so I will never ever use this like common feature at the top here so I can click on that and then I can click on zap this and it disappears you see it's just not there anymore I could also remove page history I don't recommend doing that but again you could and you could also uh remove the whole top bar Al together if you don't want to see that ever again in notion right same here in the settings if you don't want to have this upper part of the settings you can again zap this and start like building out this this thing until notion looks exactly the where you want it again this can get quite dangerous quite quickly if you move relevant your eye elements but still if there are like you know certain little tweaks that you want to do here on any other web page for that matter you can use these built-in boosts to do so you can also write your own code if you know how it works uh or change a few of the other settings and you can save that as a boost and whenever you open notion it will apply these settings to the look last but not least let's talk about organizing your sidebar notion now fair warning in this workspace my sidebar looks horrible but but that gives us a great opportunity to organize it better so let's actually show it we can always click here on the side to actually show our sidebar permanently or we could click on here to create this like floating sideb but it only pops up when we go to the side but let's have it permanently here for a moment and as you can see here I just have everything stacked as like these first level Pages it looks horrible I won't find anything it looks really really cluttered now the first thing that I would recommend doing is to create a new Central page and start moving all your other Pages inside it and you can think of that a little bit like creating a folder on your uh desktop and then start moving things inside there instead of having all your files directly on your desktop so let me quickly do that we create the HQ here and then I will move all these pages in here now I sorted everything out and moved everything either in HQ or learn notion and as you can see the side bar looks a lot better and just like with this more traditional folder structure you could just open up a toggle and that would expand it and show you all the pages inside so that means you could create several of these top level pages to organize your documents I would actually recommend that you use a database but we'll talk about it later in the functionality section this one is purely about Aesthetics and this one uh this layout definitely looks a lot better than what you had before now two more quick things here you can of course like just rearrange them by dragging and dropping here in the sidebar and you can favor any page right so for example if like the smart Christmas listen notion is super important to me and I want to see that more easily in the sidebar I can Pin It by clicking on the star icon and now I have this new section in my sidebar the favorites this is also particularly great if you work with teams because while the rest of the sidebar is shared between everyone so if you uh rearrange things here that applies to to everyone right if you move all pages into HQ like the pages are moved for everyone into HQ but the favorite section is unique to everyone so everyone can pin their own documents to yeah better organize this part of notion now on to functionality here are the best tips to help you build really cool stuff in notion tip number 30 anchor Lings the otion this is an easy one to warm us up for the functionality section now in notion every element is a block and every single block has its own URL and that means you can use this URL to quickly jump to a different page section so let's say we want to create you know one of these back to the top buttons for a particularly long page all we need to do is copy the link of the first block on the page so we click here six dots and we say copy link to block then I will scroll to the very bottom of the page and we can here first create our two columns and then on the right side right just like to stick with this usual aesthetic of web pages say back to the top and then we can paste that link on top of it and now if I click on it it will you know bring me back to that uh uh block on the top so I jump back up and I build this super simple functionality thanks to Anchor links tip number 31 start using sync blocks sync blocks are a super cool feature in notion that allow you to have the same content in different places and if you change it in one location it will change everywhere let me show you what I mean let's say we have this nav bar right that we built earlier and we want to make make sure that whenever we update it we update it in all places at once so we don't have to go into every single page and change it in order to do so let's type sync for sync block and add it here and now you see I get this red outline around this one line and everything inside this red outline is a sync block and I can move everything in here if I wanted to right so I can have several elements in here so I just drag them into it and I could also like have a heading if I wanted to but for now let's leave it at that and then I click on copy and sync and now I can paste it anywhere else I can paste it of course on the same page or on a different page and oops let's just add it here have now two of these elements and if I change something here so like our even better page is now uh slightly oops slightly uh worse page you see it changes in both locations and if we were to create another page so let's say okay uh another page in our system and we want to add our navigation butle to the very top we can just paste the link again and there we have it and it's synced everywhere across so again if I change something here it will change it everywhere now if you hover over your sync block you can also see uh that you added it in like how many other locations and you can just jump to the original or like other Pages where it shows up and you can always stop syncing a different element right so if you for example don't want to uh like want to you know make modifications to this specific navigation bar that should not reflect on anything else you can click on the three dots and click on unsync and that will stop syncing it so now if I change this to uh somewhat somewhat secret stuff uh and go back to my main page you see it hasn't changed because we stopped the syncing tip number 32 is about getting Google Calendar into notion now unfortunately there's still no easy way to really sync notion with Google Calendar but at least you can see your calendar in notion if you so choose in order to do so head on over to Google Calendar click on the three dots next to the calendar you want to uh integrate with notion and then click on settings and sharing now for this to work you need to make your uh calendar available to the public so you need to check this make available to public checkbox confirm the warning and then scroll down until you see integrate calendar the public URL to this calendar you then want to copy this head back to notion and paste this in here and choose create embed and this allows you to now see your calendar in notion in this granted not too pretty layout from Google Now here because I only said to show busy or private it only shows that but if you go back to your settings again and make sure that the public can see not just free and busy but all the details you would also then see that in ation that's option one now this is not the prettiest option and you can use other providers like for example indify to you know make it a bit more aesthetic if you so choose in order to do that you want to sign into indify and then click on add a new widget then choose Google Calendar give it a name my best calendar click on continue and then on the next screen once it has loaded you need to sign into your Google account to connect it I will quickly do that now and now I can customize my calendar and the look that I want here on the side right so I could change this to a different event color if I upgrade to the paid plan or I could change uh the we week M uh month and de View and then once I'm happy with how it looks I can go down and I can click on copy this link I can again head on over to notion and I can just repeat the same process paste it here create an Ed and now I have this slightly different look of my Google C in here tip number 33 is about master databases and linked views now in my opinion this is the most important tip of the whole video so if out of the 99 things in this video you only do one thing make it this one the problem that most people run into is when they first start using notion they treat it like they are used to from Google Sheets or Google Docs and create a lot of different pages and then on these Pages recall information for example you could just type slash to do right and then write down your different task right task a task B task C now that's not the best way to do it of course and soon people migrate to instead using databases so instead of write just writing the task down like this they will type the slash they will create the database and they will call it tasks and then they will enter like a few tasks here right so we have task one we have task two and we have task three now the big issue that often happens is that people don't stick with to one task database instead they will create several ones right so you might have three different projects and then you so you create different pages right so you might might say okay I have personal I have and professional right let's just make this differentiation we have two different areas we turn both of these into um pages and then of on each of these page just we create a different task database right so we have tasks here and we have tasks on the other database on the other page so here now the problem with this approach is that a we have no way of combining our different tasks right we have uh they both in isolated silos if I have like uh task three uh task four and task five in here there's no way to easily see them together with the other tasks unless I create a different view we have both of these databases if I want to customize these pages and these databases I need to do that in two different location right let's say I actually want to add a due date I need to click here now to add a date property and then I need to go to the other page to create a date property because it's not in sync right so I create another date property here so it's a lot of work and it's risks that we keep defragmenting our information and won't be able to find it again so instead what you should definitely do is for every type of information right task would be one type of information property would be another type of information you create one database and one database only so there should only be one task database in your whole workspace you can add all your tasks in there and then in say instead of you know if you want to differentiate between personal and professional you can simply create here a select field and call this type and then have your private tasks and your professional tasks just labeled like this and then the next step you can go in here and instead of you know showing so let's say okay this is like a private task and these two are professional just let quickly add that and then we can go to our personal page if we want to create a dashboard for it and create a linked view right so instead of creating a new database on this page we type slash create to create a link view of a database and we pull in our tasks view that we have here and now on this page we can create a filter and say well on here please only show me tasks where the type is private and we get now the same result right the same benefits of having like this one page where we have all our personal tasks but on the back end they live in one master task database so I can go and look at all my tasks in one place and I can slice and dice the information in a lot of different ways and to take this one step further I would argue that you should not only have like only one database for all these you know big Parts like tasks or projects but you should only so have one database that contains all the pages in your notion workspace so remember in our HQ we just tided it up and we moved all our Pages here in the bottom well I created now a database in here that I call pages and I will move all the different entries that were before living in my sidebar into this database and that has one big Advantage moving forward whenever you create a new page in your notion workspace you will create it in this database and that means a all your pages are in one location and you can easily find them and B you can categorize them right if you have Pages just like this in your notion workspace well there's no way to add any sort of information to them but if they're in a database like that you could add any type of information right so for example if we have like a private if we have private and professional Pages like this we can EAS easily categorize our Pages if we want to record Another information like for example maybe want to uh create a checkbox and we want to call this you know our short list of pages that we currently use all the time we can do that and then we can check it for the pages that do and then create a link view somewhere else and say well here now show me only my pages right where I have a filter and that's the filter is set for the short L list to be checked and this is again only possible if you move all your pages in a database and will really streamline the organization of your whole workspace in particular if you have later hundreds of pages make it so much easier to organize everything now one word of warning one thing that won't work with databases is to keep another database directly in it right so if you have uh you know like let's say we create here another page and this would be a table right so a new database it's call this test database one issue that you will run into is if you try to move this one now into the other database that doesn't work right you only get the option to drop it into another page not into the database itself that's because notion databases currently can't store another database but you can simply work around that by creating a dummy page right uh let's actually call this dummy page and then moving your database in here and then move that database at that page into your main database to organize everything right so one further organization level down so it's worth the hassle because through this right it's so much easier to organize all of your stuff and you should never just create random pages in different locations because otherwise you lose them tip number 34 is still about master databases but it expands the concept with two very important things the first part is that you should keep your master databases always as full Pages now what do I mean with that in notion when you create a database you have two options for it you can either just in another page type slash and then database and that creates an inline database right nothing wrong with that let's call this projects the second option to create a database is to type slash page and then on this new page right projects two let's call it uh pick the table option and here new database and now you also have a database now they behave exactly the same way right you can add things in them you can uh yeah add the same properties you can add filters and sorts the main difference is that if a page uh a database is a full page database like here you can't add anything around it right I can't click in this empty area below to type something the only thing I can do is add a small description then I have you know some text here but that's it right I can't add any of the other typical notion elements here whereas if I have a page and then inside an inline database I can of course add everything around right I could have a heading uh above I could have um some dividers or some images below and that means you might think well it makes a lot more sense to have them in line because I get a lot more functionality well yes and no the problem if you have your database in line and in particular if you then a hide your database title and B often use linked views that is that you might accidentally delete your main information right let's say we have like project uh project and project in here and then we have on the same page we create now uh a linked view right a link version of our database and we take our projects and we see we have the same information and this one you know we display as a gallery just uh to have like some some different look so we have two different ways to see our information if we later now decide to read this design it and we say okay well actually we don't need these two different views we'll delete one of them if we delete the original one this one everything is gone right this contains the main information if this is deleted and is removed from the trash then all the information in our database is gone and we don't want that to happen so that's why I would recommend to always create your uh Master databases as a full page database like this so that you never confuse them with um an inline uh link View and then create a separate location in your workspace where you move all of them into so I would actually recommend right in your sidebar where you have your HQ and then your other top level pages that you should have one page that is called backend you can add a nice backend Emoji to it I like the servers for that and then move all your master databases in here right so my pages database that currently lives here would be moved in there and to do so I just click on the six dots and then I say well move to the back end and then I would uh go to um what other pages did we create we had we just had our uh projects database right so here as well we can also click on these three dots say move to and um oops at the top here move to the back end and that way we know where all our databases are in one location and in here they are all as um inline as full page databases in order to do so if it's inline we can click on the six dots and say well um turn into page and that way right we have them all organized neatly in one place we don't risk accidentally deleting them and yeah we can find them very easily tip number 35 is about setting up Master views what exactly is a master view well a master view is basically a template for how you want to look at your database let's look at these examples here we have our back end of course in one of these sample workspaces and we have a bunch of Master databases and if you look for example at the task database we see that here I have set up a range of views we have my task which is filter to only show my task delegated task which are my tasks that I've assigned to someone else my done tasks and so on and so on now if I'm now anywhere else in my workspace and for example I set up a new dashboard right so let's say um we create a page here and we call this new dashboard and now I want to you know look at my tasks on this dashboard I type slash create right to pull in my link view of a database I select my tasks and now I get here here a pre-election of all the views that I created on this master database right so instead of having to set up a view again from scratch I can just say well I want this my view and my week view which is automatically set up to show me only my tasks right if I look at the filters the filters are all already uh loaded in and it shows me that one specific layout so basically Master views allow you to set up a view once on your master database and then use it anywhere else in your workspace with just a click instead of having to go through to set up from scratch right if you don't set up these views on your master database what you need to do is you know you need to say link view of database you pick tasks you have to pick New Mt view because you don't have any options here right and now you need to set everything up from scratch you would need to go to uh the calendar you need to say well do it by week and then you would need to set up the filters manually takes a lot of time so instead of doing that create on your master database the main views that you will have to use again and again throughout your workspace and save yourself a ton of time no tip number 36 is about leveraging filters sorts and view types now I realize this one should have come before the previous tip but we just roll with it this is how you can make sense of your database if you have a lot of information in them so let's just take this one as a sample we have a task database and we have a ton of different properties with information that we record about a task for example the context what project it belongs to and the Vie date now if we always look at all these entries this can get overwhelming really quick I mean now we just have a few times in there right but just let's pretend that we have actually a lot more in there right it's a long list and we would need to review them all at all time that is clearly not feasible so what do we do instead we create different views to help us cut through the noise and in order to do so we can always click uh on the plus button right if we don't have any views here here I already have a bunch so I would need to click on seven more and then click on ADD View and that gets us a clean View and we can just name this right so let's call this um clean View and the first thing that we can do is we can pick one of six different layouts right that's the amazing thing about notion databases we can show the same information in different ways we can show them as a table but we can also show them as a board as a timeline a calendar a list or a gallery now I will go into a lot more details in my full database tutorial Linked In the description but basically there are all different ways right how you can visualize your information so for a very clean and minimal look we might want to go for a list and then click on done the next thing that we can do is oops let me actually just turn off the group because that might be a bit confusing for now we now have just our very clean list right with all tasks now the next thing that we can do is we can create a filter to actually only show certain information now when creating a filter would always recommend to create an advanced filter because that's much easier to uh go through all the setup steps so let's click on ADD Advanced filter and then here we can well first set the property that we want to filter so if I click on task right I see all the properties in my database so let's say I want to filter for importance then you have the operator right which uh will give you a few options like is is not is empty or is not empty so if I click on is empty I will only see the task where I have no importance fit but instead of that I want to see well everything where importance has three chilies and now I see it filter down for the few tasks that have well three chilies I could again after I set up my filters go one step further and create a sort right and say okay Within These tasks please sort them by the uh created time right I want to see the task that I created last so descending um at the very top and then have that here as well now you can of course combine filters and sorts right you can add several filters so I can say here okay important is three chilies and I also want to show only tasks where the due date um let's say is empty right okay no tasks empty so that that wasn't the best example maybe the due date is within the next week anything of these setups right and then combine it also with different thoughts to cut down this like big list of information in exactly the way I want to see it tip number 37 month view versus week view now if you decide to show your information as a calendar right so again three dots under layout and then calendar you have two ways to display the information either as a month view right where you see all the tasks that you have for a month or and that's a very new and recent update as a week and in order to switch that you click on the three dots and then go on calendar and here you see show calendar buy and then you can pick the date property by which you want to sort it and then sh calendar as and you can switch between month and week so if I just look at my week I only see the entries for the week nothing is in today's week but if I switch to next week uh oops we are in March 2024 that's may it doesn't show anything ah now we're today right and we see our tasks only for that specific week now one drawback with the week view is that we still don't have any hours in here right so it's not sorted by um you know 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. these options are not yet available hopefully it comes in the future but at least we have now this nicer we view we can just drag and drop tasks just like in a calendar to only see the next 7 Days speaking of week if you want to change uh what day of the week your calendar starts on you can do so if you click on uh the settings and members option and then you go to language and region and here you can say well start week on a Monday toggle it on or tole it off to decide whether it's a Monday or Sunday that you want to start your week with tip number 38 the group feature now the group feature is a bit similar to filters and Views and that allows you to make more sense of the data in your databases by well grouping information together so let's say we have here our Wiki and we want to show all type of documents that have that are the same type together so in order to do that we could of course just like sort it by let's say the type and that would get the trick done but that way we don't have like a clear visual distinction between the different groups so another thing that we could do is we could click on the three dots and then under group say well please group it by and then we can choose whatever property we want to uh group it by and in this case we want to group it by type and once we have that toggled on you see now on the side we get these uh little toggles in our database we have not type then we have the documentation and we see okay 21 items here and once we scroll to the end of it we have this like slight visual separation it looks like a new database is starting but it's still the same just grouped and now we have our Sops and we can of course like uh also like collapse them if you wanted uh to right to make it even easier to look at things and it's overall just super useful now a few more things about grouping if you are in here you can either say well uh you know sort manual and that way you can like actually change the order so I can say well Sops should be at the top or you can say well alphabetical or reverse and one very useful thing you can hide empty group so that this not type one right and other empty ones disappear and we actually only see the relevant information tip 39 easy progress bar and notion there used to be a time where it was actually fairly complicated and you needed long formulas to create progress by the notion but nowadays it's super simple as soon as you have a number property in your notion workspace or in your database you can get a progress bar and to do so just click on the property and then say edit property and first you can then actually change number format right so if you don't want to display this as point and instead of a percent you could like easily do that but then the magic happens where it says show as right you can show it as a number a bar or a ring and just by changing to it you change automatically to progress bar and can you know then modify the way this one is supposed to look with a color and then whether you want to also see the number or not and this allows you to Super quickly based on your calculations create this progress view notion tip number 40 creating your own task manager using filters actually with the help of filters and sorts and databases you can build pretty much any application you want in oce but a task manager is a great starting point to understand the concepts so what would we need for it well of course database so we start with typing slash database and adding a database here and in this case it's in line you would of course later move it as its own page right into the back end but for the building part this is enough let's call this tasks and tasks of course have well tasks so let's just change the name of the first property here and if we want we can also swap out this uh property here for an icon that more reminds of tasks so probably like some sort of a check mark great now the second thing a task typically has is a due date so let's change this default Tech property to a date property and quickly call this our due date and like so and then last but not least for this like very very simple task manager we need of course something to indicate whether it's done or not right that's the essential part about a task manager being able to cross things of our list so in order to do that let's add a simple checkbox and call this done question mark now you remember maybe from earlier we can actually resize this to be super tiny and move it to the front of our database just to create this you know different visual look uh and yeah now we have all the elements that we would need and we could of course like create our uh task one task two and task three in there as sample tasks now here's where the filters come in because now what you can do is you can create filters on your views in order to create the same behavior that you would expect from a normal task manager so typically what you would assume right is that once we take something off it disappears from our list so in order to do that we can go to filter add Advanced fil and then say well whenever done our checkbox property is checked we want to see it so here we would now only see tasks that are done well that's actually probably the wrong way around so let me just go back to the filter and switch that to well we only want to see things that are unchecked on this view so now if I say well task one that has been done I can click it check it and it disappears now the only other thing that we would need to do for our task manager is maybe like a view for our done tasks right so we can actually like uh quickly rename this here to uh open tasks and then we could create a second view now if we want to create a second view we can either just click on the plus button and go through the all the setup steps or we can simply rightclick open tasks say duplicate call this done tasks in the name and then just change our one filter that we applied from checked and unchecked to checked and now we have one view for our open tasks and one view for our done tasks this is how easy it is to build your own task manager and notion or pretty much again like any type of application and then by adding these filters in you can create a whole workflow like you would do it in a normal app notion tip number 41 using notion filters to prefill information now there's another really cool thing that filters in notion do and that is that you can use them to automatically add information to your entries Whenever you set a filter on a notion database notion will then try to uh fulfill that filter if you add something new to that database what exactly does it mean well let's look at our open task again right so it's the same database as before just add like these two columns and now I will go in and modify this filter to not only show me the tasks that are uh you know unchecked but also tasks where the due date is to date today so in the rule I will add another one and this time we will say the due date uh should be uh is and then have today so now nothing is shown right none of the tasks that we had in there had today's due date but look what happens now if I add a new entry I click in here and say okay uh maybe today's task and you see automatically it has filled out the due date as December 19th 2023 the date of recording so whenever you set any of these filters and then add an entry through the view where that filter is the notion will add all the corresponding properties that you need so that it actually shows up on that view we can actually test that by adding another property just to see here so we could say okay let's add here a select and let's maybe call this tag and then we add um we could say okay this tag property maybe we use that uh to indicate um whether something is you know takes long or not so could say Okay high energy and low energy as our two uh options here all right and now again we can modify our filter and say well I only want to see today's task that are you know high energy so again we add another filter on top of all of these and say tag is uh high energy and again right all the entries disappear because nothing is in here that currently fulfills it but if I add a new result like high energy task you can already see it here on the side we filled now both duded and the tag high energy and this is super super useful because you can use it to create these quick entry uh boxes for notion so instead of having to fill out all you know the properties all the time you can create different views where it says okay well if anything is in here it should have these three properties filled out and then pre-fill the properties correspondingly so again super super powerful to speed up your workflows and motion tip number 42 creating an inbox using impossible filters so this is another really cool application to use uh filters on your databases if you want to create this sort of inbox look on your dashboard because sometimes you don't want to see the whole database right you just want to have an easy and quick way to enter new information to a database and one of the ways that you can do that in a very clean minimal look is to set a filter that is impossible to fulfill now what is a filter that's impossible to fulfill well for example it could be a filter that says let's just create a new property in here and we get the created time as well we can hide it in the view we don't need to see we just need for the filter and now in our filter we add another one we actually don't need any of the others but we just leave them here for now and we say okay our filter should be that created time is and then we say like one month from now right so one month in the future now this is obviously impossible right the created time can never be uh currently in the future so that means this database will always be empty which means you get now always this fairly clean look where you can just click on the plus button and you can add a new result right so you could say okay this is like uh quick entry task and you see it doesn't even appear here on this view so it just quickly pops up you can create it and then it will disappear again now in order to make this even more minimal what you could then do is to go in here right and say well actually the layout should be a list because that's a lot cleaner as you can see uh than the database one that's one of the two options the other one would be to switch it to um a gallery that's also nice if you want like this big new button here so these are the two options that you would typically go for and now yeah you can just also like you know rename this so our inbox and just use this to quickly add new information now one last thing that's of course important the uh Auto application of filters still works here right so in our use case here whenever we would add something to this inbox it would set the due date to the date and tag to high energy so if you don't want that right if you want a neutral inbox it doesn't apply any of these presets then you would of course need to remove these filters but now yeah you just have this minimal part and you could of course like create again two columns right and then just on the right of your page somewhere have a small heading that says uh inbox add that to it and then design the rest of the page as you want and you just have this nice floating uh button here that you can click to quickly add a new entry notion tip number 43 get creative with how you use the Select Property now the Select Property is not just there to apply tags to your entries you can also use it to create these like cool b-like structures where things for example have uh an entry on according to the day of the week and you could use it in this week planner and this meal planner right to plan out your different meals for the different days or you could use it to schedule out your task in a very simple uh way ahead of time and of course any other way where you have like the structure of several you know bullets or pillars and then you can add entries to to it and doing so is super simple all you need to do is add your uh you know different entries to the select feied right so I modified our Select Property that we had before and just add it like the different uh days in here and then you can switch the view over from a table to a board view so let's go layout and then let's go board and in the board view we want to make sure that we group it by the right entry right so if you have different properties you could group it by different things uh you could group it also whether that's done or not but that's not too helpful so make sure it is here correct and then we want to order them the right way right so we want to have Monday at the front Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday perfect and we can even like color The Columns if we like so and now we have here our uh different um weekdays and we can easily move our task between them to create like this very very easy scheduling part and of course if we add something to one of the columns it will automatically uh inherit that tag without us having to to fill it out notion tip 44 add information quickly using a button another way to quickly add information to any of your databases is through buttons and they are super super simple so you just type slash button and then in here you get again like the options of what it can do and this time you want to uh use the option add page two to create a new entry and then it will ask us to select the database where we want to add our new entry so in our case we want to add it to the tasks uh database that we just created here and now we can uh add any information that we want right so probably when we hit the button we don't want to give the task a specific uh title unless you know that button is only for one type of tasks but we might want to add some other property edit some other properties so we could say for example that um whenever we add one we want to have the due date for the current time right so it allows us to pick a a fix date that again is probably not the most helpful one but we can dynamically insert the date of when that button is clicked so let's use that and then last thing to do is to um name up here our task so we could say okay let's get a check boox and then say uh add new task for today and then we can click onone and can close it and now you see if I hit this button it will add a new task down here an empty empty one right because we don't have any any task name and with the current due date already filled out now typically what you would want to do in these situations is that you would probably want to open this entry here so that you can further edit it so in order to do that we can go back and we can add another step and we can say please open a page and open the page we just added right our new page added and we can say well how do we want to add it like site Peak Center Peak full page usually I prefer the site Peak and then again we can do this and add a new task for today and now we get this option here you know okay new task now of course this isn't the most helpful if you have the database uh right below the button and you could just you know click something on the database but in particular in the example where you might not have this on here right if this is actually turned into um you know a page and you actually moved it into your back end like I showed you previously you might have a dashboard where you just want to quickly you know use one of these buttons on a very different type of page to quickly add a task for today and then it's super helpful tip number 45 speed up your workflow with database templates database templates are incredibly powerful in notion we briefly touched on them in the aesthetic section right as a way to always have the page full width or to always apply a certain type of font but they can do a lot more than that so let's go back to our tasks and let's say we have specific routine tasks for example in my case I might have to always film a YouTube video so let's say new YouTube video as the title for our template now when you edit a template in notion you will always get this Banner at the top that tells you well you're actually not editing an entry in tasks you're editing the template and that's super helpful just to remember okay what am I actually doing template or entry now you can always then say well always apply the same type of Icon right so I might want to say okay whenever it's um a video I always want this as the icon and we can say well maybe a f videos always on Wednesday so should already be applied and besides presetting these database properties right so they work similar to the the filters that we touched on before whenever I create now a new template it will automatically have this icon and uh this tag but I can go one step further and can create uh automatic content in the body of the page so for example for YouTube video I always need to do a few things right I need to um brainstorm uh thumbnail I need to uh come up with a title and I need to um write an intro and if I have to always do these steps and I have know some other context to them I can add them to the body of the page and already structure it for me when it's next time to do so right so I quickly add them then let's actually turn them into headers and uh maybe say okay you know our reminders um make it pretty and engaging right of course like if you have like a different step by step checklist you could do that here so you could have like like some lazy to-do list and say okay um less than 60 characters uh make it interesting uh include notion in the title right whatever it is that your your task is and whatever you know standard uh steps you need to go through and you want to remind yourself of you could use one of these database templates to do so you know the sky is your limit you could of course also have um a linked View to a task database right so if you um have the like you know button or we could create um linked view to our database say okay our task database we want to see our open tasks on here in case we want to you know directly add our next actions and so on and so on right so let's just make this full view for a second to just look at it okay new YouTube video uh it's always on Wednesday and this is our uh context here perfect looks great now if I go now back to the page where uh I had initially and I now click on this drop down I see well I have this new template and whenever I create now a new task I have an option to say okay well this is like a new task I can just open this and now apply the database template like such and it will automatically load everything in right I get the icon I get the tag and after a second I will get the content here also in the body of the page there it is perfect now the other thing that we can do to always apply this template is we could go in here and say well make this the default and default means whenever we create a new entry it will automatically apply this template right so again we can say new YouTube video by just clicking on this new button and does exactly the same things last but not least one thing that trips people up sometimes is well how can you change your template again well you would need to go in here and then click on the three dots if you click on here you actually immediately apply it so like this you create a new entry whereas in order to edit it you need to click on the drop down and then on the three dots and then on edit notion tip number 46 using recurring entries now recurring tasks in notion are still a bit of a struggle but they've gotten a little bit easier with one of the recent feature releases and they are recurring entries for your databases so whenever you're on your database and you click on this drop- down toggle for uh a template you might see that if you click on the three dots you can set something as repeat and this will uh allow you to add a new entry with that template at a certain interval so we could say well please uh well I always need to you know film a new YouTube video uh on Wednesday so I can go in and say well uh please repeat this and repeat this every week and we want to repeat it well always every single week we want to repeat it on the Wednesday right that's when we have uh to actually do the task and um we want to start well let's just start tomorrow for this and then we can also pick the time at which it should be created and then we can click on Save and now whenever this gets created we will automatically add a new entry here even better we cannot just like like always creest than uh with uh you know every every Wednesday but we can now also go into our template and say well okay since I know now this will always trigger every week I want to automatically set the due date as well so I can go back into edit and say due date is currently empty right we're currently not setting a due date here but I can click in here and I can either set again a fix date which doesn't make sense right because that will be outdated fairly quickly but I could say okay give me today's date when it's duplicated so whenever this is applied whenever the recurring thing triggers please fill out the current date so we will always have the current Wednesdays date here as the due date notion tip number 47 connect information using relations relations are one of Notions most powerful features and if you want to become a true notion expert you definitely need to master them so how do they work well let's say we extended our notion setup and we now not only have tasks but we also have projects and these databases sort of belong to together right we have our information here and we want to usually connect a task to a project now one way we could do that of course is to just create another property in the task database right we could just say well okay give me another select field and let's call this uh projects and now whenever I have a new project I will add it in here right so you know YouTube channel maybe and that can work for very simple setups right I could say okay this is Project YouTube channel perfect very easy but the problem is now that I can't record any information about this YouTube channel right if I want to record information about my project like for example um you know what is the priority of a project or what is the you know the timeline for it I need to create a separate database for them so I can add properties for them right so now in this one I could add here my priority um property to recordable which of these projects is actually important and that doesn't work if I just do it with another property here so this here isn't an option so let's just quickly remove it but that still leaves us with the issue that that we need to somehow connect you know the entries here with these entries and we can do that through relations so by clicking on the plus icon I can look for the relation type and the relation type will always ask me to link this to another database now we can uh now pick the project database here and say well okay please create this relation uh for the project we can name how it should appear on this one where we see this little preview here we now have like this Arrow going from tasks to the project and typically we actually also want to show it on the other data Bas so also on projects you want to see the tasks right in order to do that we tole this here on and now we see this update so now we will on tasks show the project and on Project we will show the tasks and again you could rename both these entries if you wanted to last but not least you could also like set a limit to say well actually there always will only be one connection that might make sense you know if you're matching uh students to a mentor or so and you want to make sure that every student and every Mentor only has one partner but most of the time you want to probably connect several records so we don't uh change this and then we say add relation and now we have this new property here and if we scroll up we actually also get automatically a property on the project database and if I click in here in on the task database I see all the entries from the project database as an option so I can now say well okay please this is this project and once I connected after a second you will see that up here for grow YouTube channel the YouTube video shows up and if like quick entry task right if that has to do with world domination and this one here is as well let's just quickly add them wait a second and you see now achieve world domination is connected to these two entries and that's why these relations are so powerful because they allow you to connect an entry in one database to a different entry one last thing about relations you can actually also use relations within the same database so you don't have to connect two different databases you can also link one record of one database to another record of another database right so for example if you were to say okay maybe um for your tasks you have um something that will block something you could create a relation and say okay um please relate this to the same database you get like this like info icon here on the side that tells you that show that on again like show two things and say okay um blocking right so the first entry will be blocking and the second one will be blocked by and then we can add that relation and now in our task database we could say okay the Youtube video um until that is done uh I can't do um my quick entry task or my high energy task so I click in here and I pick high energy task and now it will uh show that and actually we need to show the other property as well so we can go in here and show quickly block by and we see okay the high energy task we see here while this is blocked by the YouTube video and with that we can so easily create like these connections and the meaning between different entries in database that it really will bring your notion workspace to the next level tip number 48 get information from elsewhere using rollups now once you understand relations you can move on to rollups and they will add another layer of functionality into your notion work spaces rollups really can only be understood together with relations whereas a relation allows you to connect an entry in one database to an entry in another database right so our YouTube video is now connected to this entry here is connected to this entry there a rollup allows us to ask notion to grab us information from the connected entry so let me show you what I mean let's say for example on our task database we want a reminder of how important the project is to us right we want to be have a quick way to see well uh YouTube video you know quick entry task like how do I value these uh projects and of course I could just click into it right I could click into grow your YouTube channel and then I can open it and I see okay Priority One it's not as important as achieve world domination but there's a quicker way to do so and that has to do with a rollup so let's add a new property here let's call this a rollup and in the rollup what we want to see is we want to see the um project priority so that's the name that we give it and now that we see we have three things to set up first we need to set up a relation because a rollup can always only exist with a relation it can't exist on its own so first we need to say well which relation should that rollup uh be connected to and we want to connect it to our project one right the project connection next up it will ask us for property and you see it automatically uh picked the property name so the name property from our project database which means it shows you just the exact same thing as the other entry so that's not very helpful but we can click in here and now we can select any property from the project database to show here on our task database so we want to see the priority now we see the project priority on our task database last but not least calculate allows you to display that information in different ways if you want to actually just pull information from the other place then show original is what you want to go for but you have a few options you could for example also count them or show only unique values but we'll get to that in a second but for now we now managed to get here on our task database the information from our projects and if we change that right if we say well house renovation actually that is only one flame H we actually don't have any connection to it so let's actually quickly connect our high energy task to house renovations we see okay that has one flame and if we update it to three Flames it automatically updates here as well that's part one of how you can use rollups the other part how you can use rollups is you can get information about like you know a whole range of connected things let's say here on projects we want to know how many tasks do we have connected and we don't want to count them here manually well we could create a rollup here and say okay you know call this number of tasks please go at to the task relation and then you know give me the the property tasks but now don't show me the original but count all and now you see okay well here we have for the YouTube video we have one for quick entry task we have two and for high energy task we have again one and we can take this one step further let's just duplicate this here quickly so we don't have to set it up from scratch and now we call this one you know um progress and here on the progress we could now say well okay the relation task that's right but don't show me the you know the name property and just count how many names are connected look at the done property and at the done property don't show me the checkbox I don't care about that show me the percent checked and now I see how far my project has come so like if we you know take now this uh new task and check that off we see that the progress jumps to 50% so it's an automated way to calculate okay how far has this project come based on the connected entries and of course since this is a number property we can actually you know say addit property and then say well please show this as a progress bar and get the automated you know progress right here without having to write any formulas that's how powerful rollups can be tip number 49 build hundreds of dashboards quickly with self referential filters self- referential filters are probably one of my favorite features in notion they absolutely incredible and they really will help you create a workspace at scale now why are they so great let's say we have our projects here and now we want to build a dashboard for each project on this dashboard we want to see for example all connected tasks now one thing that we could do is we could go manually into every project and set us up so we could say okay open this one let's open as a full page let's go in here and let's say okay we want uh you know our connected tasks and order to do so we create a link view uh to our main task database tasks and we want to see the open tasks and then we hide the title here and we will now update the filter to say Well only show me a task connected to this project so we add a filter Rule and say the project should be well grow YouTube channel to 10K right okay grow YouTube channel to 10K perfect perfect and now it filters it down and we see YouTube video and another video and nothing else and that's okay but this is super time consuming right if we need to set this up for every single project if we have hundreds of projects this will take forever so let's instead do something much quicker let's create a template so let's go in here we set up a template for this database and we call this you know new project template let's open as a full page so we can see it a bit better and now let's structure the dashboard that we want to see you know on most of our projects again you know connected tasks create linked view of a database pick our task database the open tasks let's hide this for a cleaner look and then change our filter and now you might be wondering well okay but I can't you know set the filter for that specific entry what you know what am I supposed to connect it with well if you now look at project and say the project should contain you see a new Option you see new project and that's the name of the template we're currently editing and if I pick that at first nothing happens because nothing is connected to this template right but the true magic now happens when I apply it actually so let's go to achieve world domination let's open it up again as a full View and let's say new project you'll see that once this has loaded in it will actually show us only the task that's actually connected right quick entry is the only open task new task we already checked off why is that well the filter automatically updates from the template name to the name of the page where we applied the template and it updates dynamically right if I now change the name from achieve world domination uh try number two uh we don't need to change this filter again right it automatically uh updates as well this is what's called a self referential filter a filter that you know refers to the page it's applied to and will automatically show you everything connected to this page it's absolutely amazing in particular if you start using relations at scale with several databases right if you had for example another uh uh um database with documents you could then easily now create blow here another thing and say okay connected uh docs and now link your docs here and have the same setup and then no matter whether you have one 10 or 100 projects with just one click create these dashboards with automatically pre-filter databases notion tip number 50 create subtasks in otion once you have your task manager set up it's super easy to expand it with a new subtask feature and to do so all you need to do is click on the three dots on your task database the original one or any link view will do and then go down where it says sub items and you want to click on sub items and then turn on sub items and what this does is twofold first it will actually create this toggle in front of every single task that you can open up to create a new sub item so I could say okay for another video right so what does this entail instead of like having these checkboxes on the page itself I could say okay here um come up with thumbnail and then we need to uh you know uh create title and we would need to um also um write the inol now one thing to be aware of is that if you set here like a database template as the default for this database it will apply to every single entry so also to all sub items which in this case right doesn't make a lot of sense if we have that YouTube um uh template applied for every single one so in this case what I would recommend is that you turn off the default item and instead like set the um set a template for every single item individually now how notion handles this on the back end is actually through a relation so if you click on the three dots and look at the properties in this database you will see that notion automatically created two new properties parent item and sub item and if you actually show them you'll see that it's exactly the same setup that we had before with blocked and blocked by just now that we have the parent item and the different sub items and you see okay the sub item here are the different thumbnail parts and here the another video is the parent one for these now you never need to look at them right you can hide them just but it's just a good idea to know how something works in the back end if you activate it tip number 51 creating dependencies in otion this is another add-on for your task manager and it's actually very similar to the blocked and blocked buy thing that we talked about previously but a bit more baked into the system so if you click on the three dots and again scroll down you see the dependencies option and you can turn them on and when you turn them on you have three options on how these dependencies should behave because dependencies means that one task depends on the other one so you can actually have notion automatically shift the due date if you you know change one of the items in the sequence so the first option is to say okay only shift it when the due dates start overlapping the second option is to say well shift and maintain always the time between items right so if you always want to start 7 days after the first item is done then this is the option that you to pick and the last one is to not automatically shift anything you can also avoid weakend which is super super helpful and then you can pick which date it should use for the shifting part and whether it should have separate start and end dates or not so let's turn that on and again on the back end the way this will be handled is through the blocked by and blocking items and you see because we already created manually a blocking and blocked by uh relation notion is actually a bit confused and creates like a duplication of that so in case you want to use um plan on using dependencies you should not create them uh manually yourself otherwise you have them with that you know number one at the back end so I'll actually go ahead later and we'll delete these now let's have actually look at how this works and the best way to do so is actually uh on the um timeline VI because here we now have this nice thing where we get this yellow oops let's actually expand these task a little bit so that we um actually have uh an easier way to look at them and one thing that you'll see is every single entry has now this yellow um dot uh with a line after the entry so you see this one and if I start dragging that I can drag that to another task to indicate that well this task is blocking the next one so if I say YouTube video is blocking the quick entry task you see quick entry has been automatically pushed after the task because we set up an our dependency that whenever it overlaps please move it so if I move YouTube video now you know by a few days quick entry task moves as well and that of course works just the same way if quick entry task is now blocking one of our earlier ones right maybe the high energy task you see high energy task gets automatically pushed to the end so through that through these dependencies you can then create these longer plans and when one thing shifts everything in here shifts super useful if you want to do more advanced project management in notion tip number 52 start using IF statements to create your own notifications inside a database now this one involves formulas but trust me it's a very easy formula and it's a very big unlock for your notion space let's say for example you have again your task database and you want to actually display like a status to see okay like how much of the information that you need to fill out have you filled out or it could be also in a different context right maybe it's a CRM and you have a pipeline and depending on what certain fields are filled out for a client you want to uh display a certain message now doing so is really simple all you need to do is click on the plus icon and create a new formula property and then we can call this um modification and then we go on edit to write our formula now what we can do here now is like start adding all the conditions and then display the corresponding information so let's say here we want to make sure that always the due date is filled the day of the week is filled and a project is assigned and maybe assigning the task to a project is the most important part so we start with that so we type if and with an S ifs because we will have several statements if you only have one if statement you can use this one if you have several one this is easier and now what we need to do is we need to say okay well so project if project is empty please say something so we type empty open the brackets and take project our relation close it off and then have a comma and then what it should say afterwards right and if you confused about the syntax you can always like hover over ifs and that one uh if you are here it will show you okay like this is exactly how you need to set it up so let's say if the project is empty I want to print out um assign project perfect in quotation marks then we can have a comma and we can have the next condition so again like if something is empty this time if like the due date is empty we want to print out um uh set due date and last but least if the day of the week is empty uh we want you know uh that we scheduled this actually for like one of the weekday to work on yeah set day of week and of course we could actually combine this with our emoji keyboard right so if we hit the connection for the Emoji Keyboard we could then say okay please for like the assigned project uh use this emoji and then for uh the due date uh let's use the calendar and then last but at least for our day of the week um I don't know let's uh just look use di eyes and then we can click on that and now we see here okay for all of these things we need to actually set our due date so I can set a due date here let's say I have to do this tomorrow and once I do that the notification now changes to set day of the week so let's say Tuesday and once all of this is done it shows nothing right now so we could actually add a last part on there that uh gets this Spate if everything is good and we could just like you know like have like maybe this um this green status like uh all good and then click on done again and now we see okay now we all good here and here and here we need to assign a project right so here we need to start doing that and again you can adapt that to whatever situation you have it could be for filling out specific data but it could also be for displaying certain other information right so for example when something is overdue you might want to display a notification or if you know and with a client example if the client moves to a certain stage you want to display a certain notification it's a really useful way to add additional context to your notion databases moving on to a personal favorite of mine efficiency hacks once you master these you'll be using notion twice as fast notion tip number 53 use the slash command to quickly add things to notion you've seen me use this one a few times already in this video and if you still add things to notion by clicking on the plus button then please stop and start doing this instead it's so much faster just type slash and then start typing whatever block it is that you want right so if you want a checkbox you could ask for a to-do list or check box if you want a database just type database if you need a heading type heading and so on and so on tip number 54 convert everything into anything with the six dots since every element in notion counts as a block it's super simple to transform these blocks so all you need to do is type click on the six dots here and then click on turn into and pick whatever you want it to be right currently it's a text but I could easily turn it into a heading or I could turn this other text into an actual page right that I can click into or last but not least could turn this into um let's say maybe a call out plus bonus tip if you have some text and then you have text indented below it something indented whatever it is and you then uh add something to the first um text block this one will be treated as a child and inherits the same settings so if this actually say some text is turned into a page you will see that the other part disappears and now counts as text inside that page same if you have like a list right it will automatically be intended with the same formatting and so on tip 55 learn notion shortcuts there are ton of shortcuts and I actually created a cheat sheet for you that you can download as part of the notion starter pack that is linked in the description but these are the three or four most useful ones that I definitely recommend you start using First Command P command P pulls up Notions search so you can quickly jump either to a specific page or to one of the 10 last pages that you actually used now if if you're on a Windows it would always be control instead of command command D allows you to quickly duplicate something right so if you just highlight something and hit command D you get a copy of these blocks in your notion and command e allows you to create a code highlight to quickly draw attention to some text last but not least you can also flip through database items so if we open any part of our database and then we hit control shift and K or J we can easily cycle through a lot of entries which can be quite useful because again then you don't have to always click on the next line item tip number 56 use notion Global search no matter where you are on your laptop you can now press command shift K to pull up a global notion search menu and always quickly jump into your notion Deck with just a single click to activate this you need to have the notion desktop app installed and then in the desktop app click on settings and members go to my settings and then make sure that the command search is toggled on plus you can also customize the shortcut here tip 57 use Notions Q&A to quickly find answers now imagine you had chat gbt and it got all the knowledge from your notion workspace well this is what Notions latest AI feature is all about all you need to do is press command p and click on ask AI in your workspace and now you can ask it well anything so let's ask it for example what are the steps to learning uh notion and what it will do is it will search through your complete workspace and based on again the AI models will create an answer based on all the information that it finds plus it will also show you the pages where you can learn more so see to learn notion start with understanding d d d this is based on the different pages that found in this workspace now again you can ask a lot more detailed question and if you had a proper knowledge base in your notion which I don't have in the sandbox workspace you can quickly get all the answers without having you know to search for documents forever so if you don't have an ocean air yet this is definitely a reason to get it tip 58 get a personal time machine with page history now let's presume that we are back at our pretty uh page for our notion company and by accident we deleted everything not good of course if we catch that mistake in the moment we can just press command Z or control Z to revert all the changes but let's say we actually didn't catch it in the moment so things might look dire luckily notion has a buil-in page history the duration depends a bit on the plan that you're on but you will always have the option to roll back to previous versions all you need to do is click in the top right corner on view all updates and the first thing you see is that you can now see what whoever which user did which changes to the page you could also look actually at analytics and see okay how many people viewed this page but we want to care or we care about the updates and as you can see well someone deleted everything that's not good now luckily we can just scroll down to a different version where everything was still fine right like 20 hours ago and things were still good and we can click on The View version for this update icon and then say okay please restore it to yesterday's version at 3:56 p.m. and then we can confirm and now it will start restoring that page and there we have it everything's back the way it's supposed to be plus bonus tip if you are using this on the desktop app you can actually also when you click on The View version for this page uh copy individual elements out of it right uh in the web that doesn't work but on the desktop you can just say so for example if you'd only want this part of your page restored you could just copy that out and paste it into your page and yeah go back to that previous version tip number 59 mastering the at command have you ever typed at anywhere in your notion workspace well if you have you realize that it pops up this nice little context window to do something with a date a person or page first up dates you have two options you can either create a normal time stamp so let's say I want to create today's time stamp and this is dynamic which means if you come back to this page tomorrow you will see yesterday here and in a few weeks you will simply see December M 19th 2023 now this is quite useful if you want to remember when exactly you wrote something down so for example let's say we create a simple journal page in notion and we say okay my thoughts and then add today and now I can write down everything in here and I can you know come back and create new toet every day and then I will always see when I wrote down something specific the second feature for time is the remind feature and this one is nice in theory but in practice it's a bit finicky because you need to actually figure out okay how do I exactly write down the syntax so it reminds me the right time and even if you have it you will always only get a notification here which is easy to over see so it's not the most useful feature what is useful however is the option to tag people so you see I'm here with only myself in this workspace so not the most useful but if you're in a workspace with a lot of team members you can use it to Ping them on a page and this will again also notify them in the update section that you mention them somewhere so that they then prompted to look at something and last but not least you can link to pages and this is probably the most useful part of the add command you can search for any page so let's say right this uh I want to look for my 99 tips for notion page so I start typing and pulls up the search function and shows me every page that you know qualifies for that so let's say I click on it and now I have a link to that page or remember we set up an HQ earlier so if I want to link to that HQ I can just type at HQ and then link to that page and if I click on it I jump there directly super super useful if you want to build nav bars if you want to build click links a quick links in your workspace or if you want to just remember that on a certain page you know you're not connected to something else tip number 60 is about setting up your notion iPhone widget and doing so is super simple just tap long tap your notion home screen click on the plus icon in the top left corner and start searching for notion then select notion and pick the type of wiet that you would like to see in my case I want to open a specific page then drag it wherever you want to see it and then click on done and last but not least tap and hold it to click on edit widget option to then set up the specific page that you want to open whenever you click on it tip number 61 doing quick edits in a gallery view if you display any of your databases as a gallery or as a board you can actually Now quickly edit information right from the screen and in order to do so you need to go to the three dots to the properties then pick the properties that are supposed to be displayed and be modifiable so let's say we want to have the date in here and we want to see the um corresponding uh project select so either we can simply click into the field right if it's already filled out for the due date and then change it there but also for the ones that don't have it filled out we can hover over the edit button and that pulls up all the properties that we set to generally display and they are now editable from here right so we can add a project and we can change our due date just like this and the same thing works just the same if you are on the bot view tip number 62 freeze columns now this is super useful if you have databases with a ton of properties because what often happens if you scroll to the side you might lose track of which entry you're actually looking at right what task what this again I have no idea now freezing columns solves this issue just right click the column that you want to freeze and then pick freeze up to column and now if I go to the side you see the tasks and everything to the left of it stays pinned so if I say freeze up to days of the week then everything up until here will remain so that's very important right you can't just pick like certain properties that you want to have Frozen it will always freeze up to that property so everything to the left of it will also stay frozen when you set this up tip number 63 drag your cells down to autofilter similar to Exel or Google Sheets you can also in notion just drag cells to fill the same one for the entries below so let's say for example we have our days of the week right side to Tuesday here and once you see this blue icon around here you have this little drag thing and I drag it drawn and now everything will be filled to Tuesday tip number 64 use use drag and drop for your databases now this is actually two different applications for one you could simply drag and drop anything from a normal page content into a database and we'll create a new database item so let's say stuff and to do we want to drag that into our database now one thing to be wary of is you see this indicator either highlights a line or it is this small line between two entries well if it highlights a full other entry that means you would drop it into that entry so if I leave it here right I will actually add it to the quick entry task so I open Quick entry task and now there are two items on that page we don't want that right we want it actually on the page itself so let's just quickly drag them back out here again and then instead of dragging them into an entry let's drag them into the database once we see the line indicator and now we have two items here quick reminder if you set up like a filter right for example if we said filter for only show days of the week with Tuesday the forcing filter would apply here as well so it would automatically fill it out a second way to use drag and drop for your databases is to actually drag entries between databases or between the same database here we have two different views of this task database we have a list that is filtered for entries that have no to-do date and we have a calendar so now we can just say well to- do let's actually schedule it by dragging it on the 7th and we'll automatically get that date and disappear here because now it has a due date and the same for Stuff tip number 65 bulk editing entries in databases you can super quickly edit large amounts of information in notion database by simply selecting all the entries that you want and you can do so either by dragging around them or by using the selector in the front right you can either uh select them individually or select all that are currently visible and then you get two options you have certain properties that pop up here and you can just change them like that right so I could say all of them actually the due date should be tomorrow and that will modify the due date for all of them or if it's a property that isn't shown there you can also just right click into any of the selected options and then you have the edit property option here and there you see everything so here I could say well actually in terms of days of the week they all should be on Friday now that's the case tip 66 how to reapply database templates now we already seen how powerful these database templates can be in to quickly create dashboards at scale for example with self referencing filters but the problem is that they don't automatically update so we see our grower YouTube channel page still has this information whereas I actually check went in and change this here right this template now also has at the very top like connected docs as some information now how can we apply this template to our previous entries well unfortunately there's only one way to do so and involves deleting everything on the page yep that's right if I delete everything in the body of this page then I get again the option to load in a template and I can apply my new template that now has you know the connected docs information as well now there's obviously has some drawbacks because if you you know just wrote information in the tech in the body of this page right so okay uh this is an important thought right and some more stuff well if you delete it it's gone so in these cases you want to save that information first before you delete everything and then reload the template but if most of the information on your uh template is actually a link database then you un luck because these links still remain right they are still Linked In the properties and if you just remove that information down here nothing changes up here so you can easily just reload it again and will still show you the same connected information that's why it's also so great to use these different database setups and keep all your tasks in a database and not just in the body of the page because you'll be able to quickly update a template and still have all the information there number 67 bulk applying database templates now let's say for example we have a bunch of video ideas outside of our database and we want to move it into the task database and we automatically want to apply a certain template while doing so now one way of course would be to say in here right this should be our default template but as you already know this only only works great if like all the entries in here are YouTube video and not if you have like 10 different templates so what can you do in that situation well it's a bit tricky and hidden but what you can do is you can connect H select all the entries that you want to move and then click on the six dots and say turn pain page in and now don't just select tasks instead look for the name of your template so our template had a name with YouTube in it so we see add from template new YouTube video so if I click now this they will be added in here and it will automatically apply the template that we have and then up here I just have these linked instances I can also remove them because I don't need them anymore and I have video idea 1 2 3 with the template already applied tip 68 use notion buttons to quickly reset information now this is actually quite dangerous tip so you need to be very careful with implementing it but in the right situation it can be quite helpful with a button you can quickly clear out certain information so for example in our task database right let's say we actually use the select trick to schedule our tasks for the week but now on a Saturday or Sunday when we schedule for the next week we want to just like you know move all our tasks back to zero and then reassign them to different days now instead of having to do that for all of them individually right go every time in and say okay no like actually it should not have a certain status we can use a button to do that for us so let's type slash button and then say that we want to edit Pages now again this edit pages in command can be very very dangerous because it can basically reset your whole database and then well you're gone with and nothing is in there anymore so always be careful when you do that the first thing you need to do is pick the database so in this case the tasks one and then it asks you which pages should be edited and you see currently it would edit all pages and tasks which means if you now do something like okay edit the task name and set it to Untitled you would remove the name of all these tasks which is not good so again be careful here the first thing you want to do is set a filter and set a filter for uh to you know pick the task that you actually you want to edit so in this case I only want to edit tasks where the um the done thing is not done right so it should be uh not checked because I only want to reset tasks that haven't been done that actually show in my task manager and then the second thing is I want to edit the ones where the days of the week property um is not empty right so where it's currently filled and then what I want to edit is not the task name definitely not that but instead I want to reset days of the week and I just want to reset that to nothing right so that it's empty and then we can go in here and say okay just call this uh reset uh week days and click on done and now whenever I hit this it will remove all these uh select parts so it will go back to zero so we can just like see like right now here we have always uh a select property in here and that's how it like shows at the board and once I click that button all of that will disappear so now you see nothing is left in here and also that one on Wednesday oh don't know why that suck Ah that's probably from the template that's an arror and the buck here that I will report but for the other rest it's all cleared out now if you plan on using notion with others you will face a whole host of different challenges so here are some essential tips on using notion with teams tip 69 start using groups now if you are a company in notion and you use it with several people please stop adding individual people to individual pages and instead create certain user groups create them based on the permissions that they need or create them based on departments that they belong to are based on the functions that really comes down to how your companies run but start creating these groups doing so is super simple you just go to your settings and settings and members and then here under people you will have on company workspaces under the group tabs the option to create these groups and then you can organize your different members into these groups and then give access to a page to that group or like to a team space and whenever you add a person to a group or you removed from them you then also automatically add or remove them from a whole bunch of pages a lot more efficient than doing it all individually tip number 70 use the new information feature for properties in your database now the single most important thing when building a notion workspace for a team is to make it easy to understand and this feature will really help you here you can now go into your database settings onto any property and then let's say for example for the days of the week part toggle on this information option by just clicking on it you are allowed to now add some sort of description so we can say okay set the day of the week where you would like to complete this task all right now whenever someone looks at this database they will see this information property and uh toggle and they can hover over it to see the tool tip okay I should set this uh so that I know when to complete the task and even better this also is true if they open the property right so if they open uh uh like an entry I mean if they open an entry and we go down here to our very organized list of properties we can also hover over it here and get the same tool tip a real game changer to make your workspace easier to understand tip number 71 start using Mi filters in a company setting you typically want to create dashboards for your individual people so they they can look at a database and only see the items that are relevant to them right if I look at this whole database I only want to see the ones where I am responsible not everything that all the other people have to do and in order to do so you could of course now go in and set up a filter that says well okay the responsible person should be and then I figure out my name right Maus Frank so I put that and now it's filtered for that and that's great but that means you need to set up this dashboard individually for every single person in your team and always change that filter no one has time for that so instead what you should do is to go in here and pick the Mi option and the Mi option will also dynamically filter this database to show only entries for the person that is currently logged in so the person is currently looking at at this page which means if I look at this page I see the items that are relevant to me and if someone else looks at this page they will see the items relevant to them much much quicker to set up D dashboards for your whole team like this tip 72 use notion together with cron for better meetings did you know that notion actually bought a calendar app well it is amazing it's called cron it's super helpful and it's my daily driver for a long time now and recently they released a nice new feature you still can't fully sync everything together but now you can from your calendar directly attach certain notion docs to a meeting to share for example the agenda or the talking points with everyone else so in this case right I have my important meeting coming up here and then I can go and say docs and links and this is linked to my notion account already so I can just go in and say create a notion page and I can title it well this is like the important meeting I can pick in which workspace it should be created and the location I can create it from here it will show up in my notion and then it's linked for everyone so everyone can easily access it who has been added to this meeting tip number 73 dynamically assign responsibility with buttons now again let's talk about UI and buttons are a great way to add more and a more clearer UI to your notion workspace and nice thing about them is that we can also have them dynamically fill out information so we can say button and we can for example call this button let's say um all right add new task so whenever one of your team member wants to add a new task they can just hit that add new task and now when button is clicked what we want to do is you want to add page to our task database and for the task would will still Untitled but we now will addit another property we will addit responsible and for responsible we will not put a specific person all the time but we will put the person who clicked the button so then last but not least of course you also want to here again like open the page that we just opened like previously as a side peek so we can edit the rest of the information but this is the crucial part right this allows us to dynamically fill this property with whoever H hit the button so we always know who should actually do do something so let's test it out let's say new task test and we see okay the person who's responsible is me great tip number 74 for teams you need to assign ownership do you want a central notion person who's responsible for everything and the go to person or do you want to have a more decentral organization where either the different departments are responsible or like every individual is responsible for their own workflow both of them have advantages and disadvantages but you need to make a decision and at the end of the day notion is a tool in your tax deck so just like you hire an IT person for your company to help with a general it setup you will need to invest some amount of resources to get notion up and running and to keep it up and running so let's quickly go through the different parts and what's better for who so a central notion person is great because it makes a clear responsibility you can enforce the same structure everywhere and the specialization allows you usually to build more complex builds because that person will be very very good at their job but you also need to invest a lot more dedic dedicated resources right if that one person has to do notion for the whole company that's probably most of what they will do you also have less customization of the different workflows right because you have this more okay one size has to fit pretty much everything approach plus it's a potential bottleneck if the support requests are too high for one person alone to handle in a decentral organization on the other hand you can distribute the workload across many shoulders you can have the individual preferences shine through more easily and as a result typically get an easier buy in for any changes but it also requires a lot more discipline to keep everyone running in somewhat the right direction it's a lot more likely that you get system that because no one single person makes sure you order to update things and to like get rid of old stuff and it makes it much harder to adhere to best practices so which one should you choose well it of course depends on your company culture But A good rule of thumb is that if you're a very small team like below six people or below 10 people then you can consider a decentral organization but if you're a larger organization you definitely need one one or maybe even two or three Central notion people to take that job over for the whole company tip number 75 add responsible approved and valid until properties to your knowledge management system now if you use notion to organize the knowledge in your company which is a very good use case word then you need to have these three properties in your database and adding them is super simple just go to wherever you have your Wiki to store your documents because remember you should keep everything in a database and not just as pages and then add these properties first a person property and call it responsible and this will be the person who has to keep that document up to date and you can then use the Mi filters that I showed previously to show people on their dashboard only their documents second add a status field and customize it according to the different document statuses that you have right the last one is probably the current um approved uh document then the in progress one might be Drafting and in review and then a not started property to just indicate when where a document is so that everyone at a glance can always see okay this document is actually you know final and approved and very very important add a valid until now there are a few ways how to implement that but the easiest one would to be just add a date property call this um valid until and make sure that whenever a new document is approved you put in a date somewhere in the future and after that date you know okay someone has to look at it again and with these three properties you create a lot more ownership for the do documents and you make sure that once something is out there someone will look at it again tip number 76 building a simple async team setup with the help of notion it's actually really really easy to run an asynchronous team and one of the most important parts that you need to build for that is the document review cycle where one person write something down right and gives it to someone else to have a look at it now in notion you only need three properties to implement that so on top of the other properties that we have in our Wiki let's actually quickly just hi them so we have nothing else that can distract us we need to add these three properties first uh person property and we will title this um review required then another person uh property which we will call reviewed by and then a third property which we will and this time a date property and this one we'll call um review until and with these three properties you create can create this nice little Asing review setup because what happens now is you can ask people that whenever they create a document and they need someone else to review it to please add these people to the review required column now these people can then review that document and once they've reviewed it they can add themselves to the reviewed by column and that together with your review until property for a certain date allows you then then to create the correct views so let me just show you what I mean we can now here let's pretend this is our dashboard right and I say okay these are uh my docs and now I will create a linked version of this Wiki database and I want a new mty view and maybe let's take um a gallery view with no page content just for like a clean look and now let's set up the filter and the filter here will be that the um review required contains me and that um review reviewed by does not contain me and last but not least if I want to see only the docs in the next week that I need to see revie until the start date will be relative to this week and now I can name this to you know the documents that review required and last but not least I will turn on uh here under the properties the um reviewed by property and now I can see okay well this is my dashboard right I see okay this is the document that I need to review and I can go in and once I've reviewed it I can just add myself to reviewed by and it will disappear for my queue and if someone else then sends me another document right they might say okay please review also the big report and please review The Playbook and do it all until you know tomorrow then these two documents again will appear in my dashboard and the second I say well okay cool I looked at it it will disappear there and of course you can then build like the corresponding views on the other person's dashboard to see okay who actually looked at them already and yeah with just these three properties you then have this very simple review setup tip number 77 use formulas as explainer properties now occasionally you will be in a situation that you have a database and you have some numbers or some dates and as long as you look at them in a table format like here it's fine because here you have immediately the corresponding context to it but if you display the same information in the gallery view you don't have it here you just have the number and you would need to hover over it to actually see what that number is about now again with one number that doesn't matter too much but just imagine you have like two or three different numbers maybe they uh correspond to different parts of the business right so let's put just like some other numbers in here and you then again look at the gallery and unless the uh the person who's looking at it has an immediate idea or like knows exactly how this notion workspace is built it's very hard to tell which number means what here's where formulas as explainer properties come in and they are super simple to set up all you need to do is click on plus create a formula and then call it maybe like uh display number just like some information for you to know what a property is doing and then in quotation marks add all the context that you want right so um in this case you could just put important number colon and close it and then click on done and then you see it fills it out for every single property and here of course you don't need it so here you can hide it but in your gallery view you can now turn on this uh display property and show it above the actual number and now you see okay important number that's 56 and then you would of course just go through the same process and create another one for 23 and then you know exactly which number means what tip number 78 create page settings to guide people through the process of setting up the prop properties the right way now let's for example look at this Wiki database which has a ton of properties you want to make it as easy as possible for your team to fill out the right properties in the right situation and page settings are a great way to do so let's take the custom FAQs as one example once we click on them and open them as a full page we see this page settings icon and we can un toogle it to see that we have like different sections so under general information if I again click on a toggle it expands to show me specific instructions on what I should do in order to uh fill out you know fill out the general information and then we show that specific entry from the database right only customer FAQs together with the properties that are relevant here and if I open a different toggle I see a different set of instruction and a different number of properties this is a super helpful way to guide people through that and explain them in the right context which properties they should fill out the setup is a bit longer but I've linked through detailed tutorial down in the description tip 79 help your team by prefilling certain standard data with automations now chances are that in your setup you have a lot of properties that you require in order for everything to properly work for example who's responsible for a certain task or what department a certain task or project belongs to and people need to fill out that information right so that means more clicks whenever they create something new which is more friction in order to cut down on that friction one thing you can do is in particular when it comes to easy things like who's responsible or which department does it belong into to set up an automation that sets up like some default properties for example it could be that you automatically whenever someone creates a task and then no one is assigned responsible it automatically later assigns the person who created the task as a responsible person or another example if no department is filled out you could automatically just assign the department of the person who created a task both of these automations are fairly simple to set up if you want to see a detailed tutorial for that let me know Down Below in the comments but it's a great way to reduce the friction in your team and to get them start using the notion workspace more tip number 80 sync notion with your Google Drive notion is a great tool for a lot of use cases but one thing where it's a bit more lackluster is when it comes to actual cloud storage so if you have a lot of PDF documents images or the like then what I usually prefer doing is to store all of them in Google Drive and then set up an automation that whenever anything gets added to your Google Drive account it automatically is added to your notion Wiki database and then in your notion Wiki database you simply store in a URL property the actual location on Google Drive so you get the best of both worlds you can organize it in a Wiki notion and you can store it on a Google drive folder and don't have to fil it around with the actual you know uh Storage Solutions in notion tip 81 export a database CSV for user analytics notion doesn't come with a lot of built analytics and sometimes it's nice to see who in your team is doing what right it could be the workload it could be the general progress on their tasks or maybe just who uses actually notion and who does doesn't now one way to easily do that is to actually take your task database or one of your main databases in your system and open that as a full page so we will actually turn this into page and look at it on a full page and then click on the three dots in the top right corner and then under export select the export CSV option once you've exported the CSV option you can then import that CSV either into a table uh tool like Google Sheets Excel or row and create some pivot tables to analyze the data or you could also throw it into chat gbt and ask it to analyze the data for you and that way you can easily then say with like even large data sets how the certain progress on certain paths is you know which users create the most task what the average distribution of status is and a lot other in-depth analytics tip number 82 is to use rose to build a dynamic reporting dashboard Rose is a spreadsheet tool that integrates with notion so you can sync all the data from your notion account into the spreadsheet and then run either complicated Analytics or create some awesome charts and you can Reed these charts into notion for live updates so if you want to not only you know have a point in time snapshot with the CSV then check out the blog article I link down below connect notion to Rose and then re-embed these live updating analytics directly in your workspace last but not least let's really push notion to the limits here are the best tips to supercharge your workpace tip number 83 use links in formulas Yes you heard it right since Notions formula update you can now use actual clickable links directly in your formulas and it's super easy to do so all you need to do is create a new property make it a formula and then type in well your formula and then the one property that you want to use is called link so you type in link and then you see the uh Syntax for it is to First have the anchor text and then have your link in quotation marks so if I just uh open the brackets now and say uh this is awesome and uh then close it off and then paste the link to my blog after after here I then get a link that is clickable and whenever I click on that I will go to my block now that is of course nice with the block but you can take it one step further by linking to certain notion pages right so if you have for example use one of my earlier tips where I say okay depending on what you know information is shown in database uh use if statements to display something different here in the formula you could that com combine that with this to show it the user different other notion pages that they should look at right so maybe you have a client and that client has goes through search lead stages now depending on the lead stage it is you could use that formula trick with link plus the if statement to direct your notion users to different protocols what they should mention on the next sale call depending on where they are in the life cycle just as one example for this awesome feature tip number 84 is to assign responsibility based on the status with the help of Notions database automations now database automations are also a recent feature and they allow us to do a bunch of cool stuff and one of the most useful things right now is to assign a responsible person based on a select fee that we have and that could be the industry but it could also be the status of a task so in this example it's actually work with industry and let's say we have different clients and depending on which industry they are in we want to assign a different sales person and we have me myself and I who could take over the job now with the help of the automation I can set it up and see I just click on here on the flash icon and then say New Automation and let's call this uh assign responsibility and then our trigger will be that a property is edited and the industry is changed to a specific option right not all properties unfortunately have these granular options but for now uh the select ones at least have it so let's say if it's Finance then in my next step as the action I want to assign the responsible to me and now whenever I add for any client that the um industry is finan I have to wait a second and after that the responsibility me will pop up here and there we have it now I am responsible of course you can then set this up for every single industry and for every single person another useful thing would be to set it up in a way that you say okay whenever we have you know we might have a task Pipeline and whenever uh our YouTube video production goes to you know needs editing we automatically assign the editor and so on and so on lots of useful uh ways in particular if you have these fairly structured ways of who's responsible for what tip number 84 is to use tally to quickly capture submissions tally is one of my favorite tools to use in combination with notion they an amazing form Builder and they have an even better free plan now with Tally it's super simple to create forms and they have a very notion like interface so you will have no time at all starting to use it and it integrates directly with notion which means all the submissions can go directly into your notion database without any additional steps in between so whatever it is what you need a form builder for and to capture you know any entries start using Telly connect it to notion and make some magic happen tip number 86 start using Master tags now Master tags are one of my favorite ways to organize a notion workspace and I have a full dedicated tutorial for them down in the description but I'll just quickly show you why they are so awesome so let's take for example this academic writing template that I have here in notion and in this template we have a bunch of things one of these things that we want to organize are our readings right and we can tag them with our Global tag effective learning and then when it's time to write something we can pull up our uh writing template right we say okay this might be a new check chapter and now I go down here and I will say well this is a new chapter for my book and in the topic section once this down has loaded in I can just use the global tag to say what it's about let's say this is about effective learning and now it will automatically pull in everything in my workspace all related readings all related writings that I've ever have done on this one topic and I see them all on this page here and I can use them to directly start off and the other thing that you can do is you can click on your Global tag and then see across all databases that you have in your workspace all the Rel information right all meeting notes brainstorm notes writings everything that has to do with this one Topic in one place if you use several databases in your notion workpace and you have information to categorize you know according to similar criterias you definitely need to start using Global Tax tip number 87 is to start using a statistics database again it's a slightly longer setup so full tutorial link down below just quickly see what you can do with it here in this task manager we can use it to display this widget which basically acts as a personal assistant and tells me okay I have three dks due today I have this many overdue tasks deadlines coming up and so on and so on and you can completely customize it no matter what information you have a notion you can use this approach to create these insights analytics and your personal task widget for pretty much anything tip number 88 is to learn notion formulas because they can really bring your workspace to the next level just look at this example here we have a fairly typical project management setup with projects and tasks and thanks to the formula that we've written we can identify the next line task this automatically checks which tasks are not done yet and what's the next due date and basically tells us well what we should be working on next just see what happens if I move this du dat out it will automatically now suggest that I do task D instead but as soon as I you know check task d off it will revert back to task a and if task B was also an option it would show us that one so you see this is one of many features and functions that you can only unlock if you learn notion formulas so again link to a full tutorial in the description but definitely put it on your list for the next year tip number 89 is to get some stunning charts into notion using rose rose is a really cool spreadsheet tool and they natively integrate with notion so you can sync your data from notion to row create a chart there and then rebed it into notion and as soon as you update your notion information you can set up a refresh so that row uh charts also update and you have all the charts that you want whether that's a pie chart to see how much you work on a given day whether it's for expense tracking with multiple lines or whether you want to see your subscriber growth row has you covered in every situation and it can really spruce up your workspace tip number 90 use daily task reminders now even if you keep all your tasks notion sometimes it's still nice to have a reminder of them in your email inbox and it's super easy to create a really nice looking email reminder like this one where each of the reminders is actually a direct link to your notion dashboard so you can super quickly jump into it with just a small automation this is how the small automation looks like you basically want to search notion through all the tasks that are assigned to you and then turn them into an email and send them to you if you want to see a full tutorial on that one let me know down in the comments below I haven't recorded it yet but if you want to see it I'm definitely happy to create one tip 91 use push notifications while Notions built in notification system isn't great you can easily build another automation to send yourself push notifications that are fully customizable it works with the iPhone it works with Android and the full tutorial is down below in the description super simple to set up won't take you more than 5 minutes tip number 92 use Siri to notion for quick capture did you know that you can just talk to your phone and automatically add things as tasks or notes to notion well it's possible with this shortcut it's actually super simple to set up I have again a link and a template for you down in the description it shouldn't take you longer than 5 minutes and then you're up and running with this tip next create Dynamic PDFs using notion make this is another way to supercharge your notion workspace with the help of automations and involves Google Docs because Google Docs has this awesome feature where can create a document from a template and you can create some merge tags in there and these are basically placeholders that you can fill with your notion data so you could have in notion a large database right of your customers or like of certain invoices and then just send that to Google Docs as the information for the merch text download the Google Docs send it to the person and that way create these like awesome automatic Dynamic PDFs right out of notion tip number 94 connect notion to chat gbt why leave all your data just in notion if you use these automation ations you can easily hook up notion to the knowledge of chbt and have it give you recommendations for example for this nutrition tracker in notion we can use chbt in two ways first whenever you add anything to this database that you've eaten it will automatically send it to chbt to estimate your macron nutritions so it will automatically fill out the calories carbs fat everything based on this estimate and then second at the end of the week it will take everything that you've eaten and write some recommendations for you based on your diet and that of course is just one example you could also send all your tasks to chbt from notion and then ask it to review them maybe in light of your okr and help you whether you're actually aligned on making progress on what you said would matter just two examples super super powerful to start using notion together with jet gbt tip 95 create FAQ Pages for things that you get asked all the time now this is no longer The Supercharged section but I had a few last tips that didn't really fit in anywhere else and this is the the first one if you get asked something all the time or at least more than three times then I would recommend that you actually start writing down the answers in notion and the next time someone asks you the same question just direct them to the document whether you're at work and actually you know help co-workers figure out certain things or whether you're just an expert in a field because you made a trip to a place or it's your hobby this will really help you share your information and knowledge with a lot more people while having fun using notion tip 96 speed up notion sometimes notion can feel a bit slow particular if you have very very large databases and there are a few things you can do to optimize performance the first thing is to actually switch to the desktop version of notion because that's typically a little bit faster but if that's already the case then here's what you can optimize on a page the first thing to do would be if you have a super super large database to set a Max load number and you can do that by clicking on the three dots and then going to load limit and setting that to 10 will greatly increase how fast it loads and then you can always manually load more entries because typically you don't need to see everything at once second reduce the number of properties that you show so here in this case we currently have all our properties showing right but we probably don't need to see everything all at once so I would recommend to build tailored views that always only show the properties that you need so hide everything and then just show the few items that you actually need in a specific View and then create different views uh and yeah for specific use cases and last but not least you can also hide these different views behind toggles to further increase the loads because until you open the toggle notion won't have to load the information tip 97 install the notion Web Clipper the notion repb Clipper is an extension for your browser that allows you to quickly capture information on the page and save it to notion if you use it on a desktop so on a laptop you have to install it on your browser if it's actually on your phone then you just need to install the phone and share it with it and will help you to quickly add anything to your wikis to your task database or well just the resources that you want to remember tip number 98 is to join the notion Community whether it's on Reddit LinkedIn or Twitter there notion communities all over the place and it's a ton of fun to interact with everyone so get on there and connect with fellow notion fans plus there are also a lot of in-person communities for example I run the local Berlin notion community so again link for that in the description if you want to join any of our in-person meetups but a lot of other cities have the same often times the biggest problem with notion are your unknowns unknowns you simply don't know what's possible this video has hopefully shown you already a ton of things but but don't stop here tip 99 Explore how other people are using notion and you're already in the best place to do so YouTube so up next here's my 10hour notion Mega video which includes everything from beginner tutorials to step byep walkthroughs all the way to really complex use cases are you ready just click here and I see you in a second