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Benefici dell'Esposizione al Freddo

Why should you go into the cold? Could be ice baths, cold showers, natural bodies of water, wild water swimming. I will give you ten great reasons to go into the cold. 1: Improved immune system. Through going into the cold, you ignite and activate the immune system, which is part of dealing with danger the cold is danger, but we are able to get in and exercise, exerc-ICE in the cold, making ourselves so much stronger because the depths of ourselves will be ignited, resetting our bodies to our best performance. 2: Improved blood circulation. Through going into the cold, naturally, your blood circulatory system will improve because its is exercising the blood circulatory systems, which is 70,000 miles long, as long as three times the world round at the equator all inside of us. So exercising the blood circulative systems through the cold? It’s the best there is. 3: Increased energy. when you go into the cold, you train your blood circulatory system, the cardiovascular system, which transports energy, minerals, vitamins and oxygen. So when you go into the cold, you exercise that system, oxygen and minerals, vitamins get much better into the cells, and thus you get a lot more energy. It's amazing. 4: Decrease inflammation. Going into the cold, brings the adrenal axis to life. You learn to reset your body and thus it brings down inflammation, which is a general cause and effect of any disease. You bring it down by going in to the cold, yet always follow your feeling. If you feel really depleted of energy do the breathing first. 5: Improve sleep. By going into the cold you activate yourself to a 100% That means cortisol will get out of your body and adrenal axis activation resets the body by which all the hormones, like melatonin which is responsible for sleep, is able to set in much more smoothly, thus your sleep will be better. 6: Regulate stress response. By going into the cold, it's you who is going into the cold. You learn to willfully control your body, making it stronger in that moment, meeting the cold and thus you learn to have control over stress. So the cold is a great mirror of how you act in stressful situations, because that will be your mirror, of how you are going to act in a stressful situation in daily life. It's amazing how that works. 7: Increase mental control or will power. By going into the cold naturally you set your mind, that is exercising your power of your will over your body. And thus if you exercise a muscle it becomes strong If you don’t... it doesn’t Through going into the cold, the power of your will is being exercised and thus you have mental resilience in daily life within your control. That's the power of your mind. 8: Better mind body connection. It's through to going into the cold that you learn to regulate your mood at that moment, to become stronger. Thus your body becomes stronger. You learn to have this connection with your body, that is called ‘interoception’. interoception is your connection of the mind with the body and as you are exercising it, before even going into the cold, you learn that there is a possible connection that makes you body stronger only because you want so. So if your body doesn’t feel so good in daily life you learn to command it to feel good. Wow, that's mood regulation. So mind-body connection is amazing to exercise by going into the cold. Superb. 9: Better focus. By going into the cold, you learn to focus. It's not just focusing on little things, no your whole body is a vessel, an instrument, and it becomes stronger if you build up a deep connection with the body at that moment for your body to become stronger, and in that way the performance is a lot better. That's focus. Focus this beautiful. You are a beautiful vessel instrument to become stronger and ready to perform to the best of your powers. 10: Overall positive hormonal increase. by going into the cold you will stimulate the hormonal system endocrine system in the deep brain through the activation of the adrenal axis, an adrenaline spike Not only that it’s also the dopamine, serotonin, the cannabinoids and the opioids that all will be activated to increase like 100, 200, 250%, 500%. Hey, it's up to you. It's amazing how you are able to access the pharmacy inside the deep brain by going to the cold. Thanks for watching the ten reasons to go into the cold, and when you decide to do all this on your own, take it easy. Always follow your feeling. Begin slow, and very soon you will fly like an eagle.