Understanding Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Sep 6, 2024

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Lecture


  • Riya ("Picasso of the whiteboard")
  • Holly ("Voice in an ear")


  • Bloom's Taxonomy: A learning hierarchy that focuses on mastering new information.
  • Original Model: Pyramid ranking from highest order (evaluation) to lowest (knowledge).
  • Revised Model: Changed nouns to verbs, emphasizing active learning (metacognition).


  • Definition: Thinking about one's own thinking processes.
  • Purpose: Helps understand personal learning styles and apply them effectively.

Application in Education

  • For Teachers: Tool to assess and develop students' levels of thinking.
  • Method: Deliver information relative to students' current cognitive level to promote growth.

Levels of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

1. Remembering

  • Objective: Memorize and retain information.
  • Activities: Reciting, labeling, recognizing.

2. Understanding

  • Objective: Comprehend the information.
  • Activities: Explaining, demonstrating, illustrating.

3. Applying

  • Objective: Use knowledge to solve problems or make decisions.
  • Activities: Applying, producing, preparing.

4. Analyzing

  • Objective: Break down information into components.
  • Activities: Comparing, identifying, analyzing, differentiating.

5. Evaluating

  • Objective: Assess the validity or truth of information.
  • Activities: Testing, justifying, criticizing, defending, judging.

6. Creating

  • Objective: Generate new ideas or products using learned information.
  • Activities: Designing, developing, inventing, producing.


  • Revised Bloom's Taxonomy as a "thinking ladder" to master learning.
  • Personal Application: Presenters used the taxonomy to learn and present the material.
  • Key Insight: Success is not about speed of learning, but depth of understanding.