Transcript for:
Understanding Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

hello presenting revised Bloom's taxonomy to you today is a Riya and Holly Araya is the Picasso of the whiteboard and Holly is a voice in an ear for the next five minutes we are going to discuss the cognitive component of the revised Bloom's taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy is a learning hierarchy which focuses on the five main levels of learning and the process in mastering a new piece of information initially Bloom's taxonomy was used as a pyramid ranking from the highest order of thinking which is evaluation done to the lowest order of thinking which is knowledge using Bloom's taxonomy is a process similar to climbing a ladder you must start from the bottom and conquer each step in order to get to the next step when Bloom's taxonomy was revised slight changes are made most noticeably the nouns from the original version have been replaced as birds in their revised version this is because learning and thinking is an active process so we should be using an active vocabulary to encourage that revised Bloom's taxonomy is a form of thinking about thinking which is otherwise known as metacognition metacognition is where you actually begin to think about how you are thinking and learning and then through this you become aware of the way you best learn then you can evaluate how to apply your most effective learning style to the task at hand revised Bloom's taxonomy is most often used by teachers as a method to understand the level of thinking their students are at they can then help develop their students level of thinking by delivering information in a way that their students understand to do this teachers will ask questions or give an activity that is relative to the level of thinking that their students are consequently the student will eventually grow to the next level of thinking in their revised Bloom's taxonomy model so now we explain how to revise Bloom's taxonomy model works at the bottom of the pyramid we are remembering at this level of thinking we essentially ask to retain and memorize information well enough that we can repeat it when we are required to to find recite let's describe label or recognize that all verbs that are relative to this level of thinking after remembering information the next level of thinking is understanding it at this level of thinking we begin the process of truly understanding the information to assist the process of understanding we may be asked to explain the information in our own words to demonstrate the process of something or to show you how a method works the next level of thinking is applying this is the act of applying your knowledge and understanding of the set information to perhaps solve a problem make a decision or further develop something first that may be used to assist this level of thinking would be applied so you produce or prepare the fourth TA is analyzing at this level you'll be asked to break the information down to pieces or components of a whole by doing this you'll then be able to consider each element of information that makes up the whole piece you're learning and you can then comprehend how one element is relative to the other and how they all combine to make a whole this will help you understand how all components of the material works and what roles they play in the overall piece of information at this level birds such as compare and first identify analyze or differentiate may be used to promote an analysis the next PR is evaluating this is a level of thinking where knowledge is extensive and thorough enough so you can begin to evaluate or test the information through all the prior levels of thinking you should have enough experience of the information that you can evaluate the strength or truth of it or perhaps even test the information by bringing in new variables to promote evaluation you may be asked to test justify criticize defend judge or determine something the final TR and the highest order of thinking is creating this is a level of learning where you are able to organize reapply or combine everything you've learned or encountered in your previous levels of thinking to create a unique new piece of information or point of view with it you may be asked to design develop invent make produce create or compose something at this level of thinking so that survives Bloom's taxonomy somewhat of a thinking letter that you need to climb in order to truly conquer what it is that you're learning as a life though skill says we need to become master thinkers as an example approaching this presentation we had no prior knowledge of Bloom's taxonomy so we needed to start at the lowest order of thinking which was remembering we research the revival in touch to the point where we could remember or recite it then we began learning how it works to develop our understanding we then applied the revised Bloom's taxonomy while we were planning this presentation we've analyzed and evaluated the steps with you and we traded a presentation on it to assist you in the thinking about thinking process perhaps apply the revised Bloom's taxonomy method to the next new piece of information you have to learn something we've priced in this is you won't be more successful in an area of knowledge because of how quickly you may have learned it you'll be more successful by how thoroughly understand it thanks for watching and listening [Music] [Music]