Transcript for:
Présentation sur l'Agilité par Vibor

hey friends welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is vibor i am an executive agile and leadership coach based in toronto canada in the last video we covered the short definition of agile which is agile is the ability to navigate unknown constraints or agile is a mindset that enables us to navigate around unknown constraints this shorter definition helped us capture our executives attention which we used as an opportunity to book further meetings to go over agile in more detail making executives move one step closer towards providing their buy-in now in the last video i claimed that agile is not a methodology so in this video we will discuss what is a methodology what is a framework what's the difference between a methodology and a framework and why it doesn't make sense calling agile either methodology or a framework followed by this nice summary that you can use to pitch executives on agile if you want to skip to the last part you can use the timestamps provided in the video description or in a pinned comment if you're watching this on youtube now we have a lot to cover so let's jump right into it [Music] now you'll be shocked if i tell you how many people i meet how many professionals i meet don't know the difference between a methodology and a framework a methodology is a documented approach for performing activities in a coherent consistent accountable and repeatable manner a methodology tells you what to do and how to do it it is a set of rules rules that you are required to follow to achieve your end goal these rules are rigid and people following a methodology are not allowed to change those rules for example waterfall is a methodology the rules of which are defined in project management book of knowledge pmbok which highlights the set of practices that project managers are required and expected to follow let's talk about frameworks in contrast to a methodology a framework is a set of loosely coupled guidelines a framework tells you what to do but leaves the how on you now scrum is a very good example of a framework it tells you what to do do stand-ups print planning reviews etc but it does not dictate the how want to do a five-minute standard go for it as long as it makes sense in your scenario of course it provides practices like 15 minutes for a standard for less mature agile teams to help such teams realize the value behind performing such rituals but it doesn't stop you from increasing or decreasing the length of a stand-up or any other characteristics of these practices for that matter as long as it makes sense in your particular scenario or situation now frameworks in general are based upon certain values and principles values and principles which tie the activities suggested by the frameworks to the why behind doing it all this y is the belief and this belief creates the mindset scrum for example is based upon agile manifestos values and principles which tie the activities that we perform as part of the scrum to a mindset this mindset is what we call agile agile is based on the belief that uncertainties can be handled successfully and accurately by sensing real-time events and responding accordingly before the last responsible moment when we understand this we become free free of all the rules boundaries and uncertainties knowing that it doesn't matter what comes around the corner there is always a way to navigate around it so how do you develop this agile mindset and the simple answer is through practice there are many ways to develop an agile mindset for example by practicing situational awareness which is nothing but a fancy way of saying sense and respond situational awareness is a popular way of developing an agile mindset if you are in military now if you are not in military and if you are a software or a business professional you can develop an agile mindset by practicing agile manifestos values and principles this explains why agile manifesto is not the only way to be agile it's designed to help business and software professionals having said that developing an agile mindset in one area of your life helps you see other parts of your life through an agile lens as well and this is why people who practice agile at work often find it easy to apply it in their personal lives now that we know what agile is let's see how we can elaborate the short definition of agile the one that we used in the last video to an executive bill dad thank you for taking time to know more about agile last time we met i showed you this image which helped us safely imagine that agile is a mindset that enables us to navigate unknown constraints today we will go one step further and extend this analogy thinking about different kinds of vehicles if car represents an agile organization then a train is more like a traditional or non-agile organization now why do i say that imagine that we want to send a train from point a to point b a significant amount of time and energy will be required on things like doing upfront planning figuring out where the railway tracks will go followed by laying permanent tracks through cities around hills highways or even countrysides making it almost impossible for a train to change course in case a change in the destination of the train is required in other words the cost of change for a train is high now i love train journeys and have been to numerous such trips as a kid in india even in canada i have heard that train journey from toronto to vancouver during winters especially is a blissful experience but here's the catch if a tree falls on the train track there is no way for a train to adjust for a train to continue its journey the tree has to be removed this is also a repeatable problem the tree can fall on the track multiple times a car on the other hand can easily change its route at the next exit almost no preparation or planning is required making car a vehicle that is easily adjustable and adaptable to changing circumstances the cost of change for the car is therefore very low now you must have noticed that in this entire conversation of what agile is i did not use the term software development even for once and i did this on purpose to help you understand that agile as a mindset can easily be applied to any business function be it hr marketing business analysis or software development hr mindset provides guidance on how to sense and respond to change and how to deal with uncertainty also agile is not prescriptive and is not bound by any rule providing you the freedom you require to choose any existing methods or procedures or even create your own procedures or methods that suit your situation and circumstances now how hl helps you save money over traditional waterfall methods let's find out so there you have it i would suggest using this video as a guideline and preparing your own points to pitch your executives if you like this video then please do not forget to give it a thumbs up and also please do not forget to provide your valuable feedback in the comments i'll see you in the next video