so tell me why are you here today my ad spend is uh expensive now i suddenly was getting leads at a really good price i thought i can't keep selling i'm negative it's just not working so it sounds like your leads and your sales are just too expensive right now yeah have you tried fixing this before like if you've done something else in the past yeah just nothing ever panned out just feels like the world is shutting down on me do you want to know why it's not working for you yeah you just can't spend more than 10 15 to acquire a lead right sounds like you have an acquisition problem it's not so much the ad manager it's not facebook it's not google it's really the fact that you just can't spend more than ten to fifteen dollars what if you could spend up to 200 per lead and just have it rain leads all day long would that fix things and that would be awesome well there's a caveat here are you good at what you do hey everybody my name is ben moot and i'm a funnel hacker which means i like to look and see what has worked in the past if you like this strategy you want to see a lot more there are books and databases of them just click on the first link below in the description and i'll have you taken care of this is how you sell high ticket and there is no better example than alex hormozy alex for mozy built an amazing business called gym launch with his wife laila hormozy and they both put together a system that generated eight figures in ten months let me spell that out for you in the first month they made two hundred thousand dollars within seven months they were bringing in over 1.5 million dollars every single month 11 months in just four months later they were bringing in 2.2 million dollars every single month two and a half years in they had brought in over 92 million dollars this is high ticket and this is how you do high ticket right some of you are looking to do this for b to b others if you are looking to do this from b to c it doesn't really matter with this strategy just understand we're going to cover b to c but there's a couple variables you just have to build into b2c that you don't have to in b2b so even if you're in b2b this will work for you alex actually said quote you have so much room for error that acquisition costs are basically irrelevant yeah who wouldn't want one of those funnels as of this moment they have moved on alex and layla are now buying and selling companies building a massive portfolio and they both have amazing youtube channels i would highly recommend checking those out honestly you could just get lost and how amazing they are no joke in order to do this hack justice i went and watched every video that they had from funnel hacking live then i went and saw the interviews that they had done online including the videos that they are doing right now but this is how they built their high ticket funnel so i'm going to take you through the strategy show you how the funnel works then we're going to break down how you can model this same strategy for yourself now the gym launch funnel is not complicated it is a maximum three steps okay the very first step is an opt-in page if you even choose to advertise it sometimes they don't then after the opt-in page you have an application page which is riddled with testimonials followed by schedule your call once you schedule that slot into their calendar you're put into their facebook group it's a very simple funnel but there's massive amounts of strategy that goes into it i want to break this down and then i want to show you how you can build an offer that works as well as this one now they had as alex likes to put it a confluence of variables that helped them out two of them being number one they were one of the first people on facebook doing this and advertising in the gym guru space number two there weren't a lot of gurus out there so they had their voice and they were able to blow this up now check out these ads because they speak a lot about how you make this work for instance watch how many video ads there are very interesting you do everything you can to decrease the cost per lead video ads really help them with this strategy so you have this video and at the very top it says 171 sign ups at 500 and you've got a video of a kickboxing area time for change this had 254 000 views gym owners want to have classes like this these were all from the process we ran this gym actually signed up 171 customers at 500 dollars ahead on its first try with our system see how we did it with the link here okay and you can see that copy is extremely well built it's not complicated it just works 1.1 000 reactions this was scaled they made this sucker work now a couple of other examples number two 191 signups in 19 days now this was a really cool story if you ever find this ad i highly recommend you watch it alex walks into a client who's like yeah i want you to do this for me he walks in this place is like an apartment in the ghetto and he's like oh my gosh i don't know how i'm going to do this couple days later 191 signups in 19 days same price point 500 ahead you can make this work no matter what no matter what your studio is no matter what your location is it's just maximum proof okay so 95 in new clients in 191 days in the hood this is my second gym launch ever i slept in motels for eight straight months testing my gym launch process out in different markets while my six gyms ran themselves back home and this was a documentation to remind myself that it is never about the environment it's about your conviction what is this doing to the customer customer reads through this what are they saying this is going to work for me no matter what oh i have to have conviction what does that do for high ticket it automatically sells high ticket it's an obvious offer this had over 900 likes scaled as well another video ad this one's 153 000 views look at the this gym owner extraordinaires are you making profit you want from your gym if not download the case study and apply on the next page okay you got the quiz this one has 800 likes now you're going to see the likes keep going down i just organize these accordingly now we have an actual image so yeah we're getting some difference gym owners 30 day scale so we got the team here they had a team of 40 when they got to eight figures in those 10 months so they had a team of about 40 people just making this work looking for gym owners who want to scale up in the next 30 days if you're looking to scale your gym and go to the next level by getting more clients who are willing to pay you higher fees i mean what you're really worth then read on excellent ad wonderful next we're going to keep going down here's another one this is from an event that he did of his high ticket you're going to see a couple of these here in a minute fun image gets a lot of attention 300 reactions not crazy on like how much they scaled this but there are multiple versions of these ads guys i chose these up for a reason so looking for gym owners who want to scale up in the next 30 days we've seen this copy before sometimes you don't have to create brand new copy a new creative a new image will do it for you you don't have to create a brand new ad new creative another video i think we've seen this one before it's named exactly the same time for a change 127 000 views gym owners wouldn't be cool if a guru got on the phone with his clients every single day to strategize and troubleshoot none of this weekly or monthly crap okay really cool strategy here they're talking about they're just throwing rocks in the industry all these people do this and that you don't need it we got you taken care of really clean step one step two step three do the following this one had over 600 reactions now another video ad this one has over 900 views this one's actually a testimonial so attention gym owners give the link right away and then a quote i remember the call with alex i had a thousand left in the bank account and my 4500 rent was due in a week this is a really cool testimonial i absolutely love they turn this into an ad this one has over 400 reactions very nice very clean we've seen an ad like this one too 278 new signups at 499 and they got the animation of a fire underneath and they've got people working out in the gym gym owners want to know how david dunham was able to fill his gym without using cash on hand here's the secret okay got the full strategy they teach it there they tell you to go sign up 400 reactions there's a whole bunch of ads here we're going to go a little bit quicker okay so here's another video ad with him talking before he had the mustache man he has a stash fill your own gym in 30 days for reals okay very nice and clean ad we've got this one this is a picture of him and his wife leyla now he's sporting the mustache that's the man we like to see okay this is just an image nice and clean gym owners a new business category is born my name is alex ramose and this is my wife laila we own and operate a company called gym launch okay and they're going to talk about their success how do you just go and opt in 300 reactions this one i love they're actually all making fun of the stash it's fun so they did an event and they all got the stash and they all took a picture and what does that do for your ads it makes people stop and look sometimes have fun you never know what you're gonna get turn it into an ad maybe it's gonna be a million dollar maker maybe it's not okay now this is the funnel it's pointing to i told you this was simple you don't need upsells you don't need sales this is a simple funnel simple funnel here we go this is the page white background you've got this box in the middle that says we only work with gym owners who can take on 50 plus new customers right now why do they do that they need to limit the amount of people who are coming in their door if you just start inviting everybody in you're gonna have calls with people who are unqualified how do you qualify somebody number one messaging number two messaging number three messaging number four application okay we've seen the messaging that are in the ads now there's other messaging that they're doing they have a podcast going this entire time they had youtube channel going they have all these other things going on okay so it wasn't just ads it's just one of the ways that they got people in the door okay and they sent to this funnel so number one they have all the messaging out there and the ether that's connecting the right person and the number two they qualify them with the following steps including this headline before you apply let us send you a case study for how we brought 187 new clients to a gym in san diego notice they didn't choose their highest number of clients they showed something that was reachable something somebody go yeah okay that's that's more normal they didn't go for the 300. they didn't go for like 500 they said no 187 it just works okay focus on a number that's realistic if you focus way out there you're gonna just lose people who don't believe it's there lower the threshold even though yes you've done it sometimes it's smart to lower that back down okay now download your case study now button you've got all your normal stuff terms of service blah blah blah blah you click on the button the pop-up shows up where should we send your case study first name last name email send the case study here you go to the next page check out this page this is this would be so easy to build in any page builder ever okay they have a wufoo form on the left and on the right they have a testimonial from russell brunson okay the creator of clickfunnels so you fill in your application now notice the questions here the questions are where the power is so name cell phone email we've got all that okay skype id important if you want to actually talk to people but you know phone doesn't work how many people are actually coming to your gym what is your eft price okay this is things that gyms should know they don't know it probably not their customer see the qualification watch the qualification it's all in the application questions it's just done well tell us about what you offer what is the minimum amount of customers you will be able to have per session just on numbers that you need to know in order to scale a business be like ah your numbers are off they're understanding the business better than the customer they want to make sure they take care of you so you're not just going to get this one legit thing they're going to make sure you maximize your revenue on all pieces i love this okay what is your role have you been referred by the way fifty percent of their customers were referred they were referred why and i no we'll get there in a minute watch this this funnel is genius okay so then you submit okay you have the name of the franchise and other details now you've got testimonials this is why it works this is why it works now this is for a warm customer they've been warmed up in the ads and all this stuff this is what they're getting okay you see the testimonials do you see it let me be honest it just keeps going this does just it doesn't stop there is testimonials on testimonials on purpose now each of these are cultivated on purpose they're not just random testimonials these are testimonials with numbers that are high some numbers that are in the middle and then some numbers that are you know some stories that really resonate with somebody who's just getting started these are hand-picked and the way that their screenshots are taken they're taken on mobile screens if you see the facebook ads there are the facebook comments they're on mobile screens why because when you're on your mobile phone you want to be able to see something you would normally see on your phone you automatically borrow that good will from the platform just super smart okay there's so many things that are going on here that are just brilliant now when you actually do submit the application you go to the schedule page now schedule page nothing crazy this is just schedule once popped into another click funnels page and this one has your opt-in you put in your name and email and then you make sure you schedule a time with somebody and then upon scheduling where do they send you they send you to their facebook group this image was taken a little while ago so if you actually look at it it's got about 6 000 members yeah look at it today don't just do a quick search it's much bigger okay they scaled this thing it just kept working there's nothing complicated about it at this point the customer gets on the call with a sales rep the sales rep goes over make sure that they're absolutely qualified make sure they're ready to take action and sells them and the product is this a thousand dollars today then you have 14 days where you don't have to pay anything it's just going to be ad costs followed by 15 additional weekly payments of a thousand dollars all in all sixteen thousand dollars and they were so good at this system that the average customer was making 27.000 in their first 30 days the average that means 50 percent were making more than that okay huge numbers they were doing so well you know why their referral business was 50 now i'm going to be honest they did have a different funnel different funnel just just a little tweak for people who were really cold okay and it's actually i don't like okay now they've changed the url so it doesn't forward to this page anymore i actually go on how to do a little bit of hacking but check out this page this is really interesting for cold audiences get the gym launch system gym owners all over have been talking about okay you can apply for the system you scroll down they've got testimonials okay with their names and a button testimonials and a button testimonials and a button these testimonials by the way if you thought the last page was big this is big okay i want to keep going this is just it's huge it just it's massive it actually took multiple screenshots so here's the other page it actually keeps going over here uh you scroll down it just keeps going until you reach the bottom and the bottom says we're going to get there you made it apply for the gym launch owners today this is what you're going to do you're going to schedule on this page it's just a screenshot and then you click on the button there's a pop-up exact same schedule that we saw in the past sends to the facebook page all the same so we're gonna adjust the funnel map just a little bit because they did control if it was a cold audience they made a different type of virtual sales room now if you were gonna sell somebody and they taught this if you're going to sell somebody inside of your gym you needed a sale room and inside of that room you had testimonials plastered all over the walls everywhere there were testimonials with pictures with yelp ratings just everywhere why because when somebody walks into that what do they see they see people they'll find someone who looks like them they'll find a testimonial that really resonates just leave them in there for a little minute and then when you come in what are they seeing this has worked for so many people i just might be an idiot if i said no this might not work for me that's exactly what these pages are just testimonial russians they're virtual sales rooms and i love this layla talked about this at funnel hacking live 2018. sales is a choreographed event and if you didn't choreograph it right lack of sales is all your fault notice how they're choreographing notice how they're putting all of these pieces together and how it all works together now it's a simple funnel you got lots of ads now let's go over their numbers really quick because yeah it's nice to see the funnel but what are the numbers how does that actually flow through the funnel you ask good questions let's check it out now i've linked all the public videos that i researched down below in the description so if you guys want to go and see this in more detail he does go into it in much more detail i have that link down there for you there's so much gold that he just drips online check out their channel now alex has actually taken this strategy and moved it outside of just gym launch gym launched they said you know what we're not traditionally you would run a boot camp for 99 a month and you would have a break even funnel you just get somebody in the door you wouldn't make a lot of money they moved it to a free six-week challenge charged five hundred dollars to able to participate and said challenge they got a 30 to one up front roi that's not including payments after the fact 30 to 1 roi ridiculous now they actually took this and they moved it into the agency system now in an agency usually you charge by retainer 1500 per month sounds about right right so if i do all my ads spend right usually the way it works is i have a negative roi in the first month they the customer has to be around for at least two months for me to break even so if i spend a thousand dollars on ads i'm only gonna make five hundred dollars back does that make sense okay however they upgraded the offer they followed the same idea so pay attention to how they do this now instead of charging a retainer they only charge you when some when they get you a lead when they get somebody who walks through the door you're charged for that person okay and then the setup for the system is 39.97 the take rate is so much higher the profitability is so much higher that now they have 11 to 1 up front roi they just changed their upfront strategy which is key inside of your agency and this is how you kill it now the gym launch funnel that they were running is the exact same funnel extremely similar like it's the exact same format the exact same type that they were running for their actual gyms so when you joined it's the same system now can you do it yourself sure this is why we funnel hack but at the same time could you do it with help and get better results especially with that kind of an roi yeah check out gym launch if you're a gym please these are the stats that they got for jim's and this is actually for his personal gyms when he proved all this out he approved this out for years he had six of his own personal gyms then he went around the country for eight months with he and his wife layla proving this out before they sold it a lot of you're like i'm just going to raise the price on my product why don't you do that because the reason this works is because it it helps people so well because it helps people so well it works extremely well please make your product the best it can be before going high ticket or else we're going to give high ticket a bad name go the extra mile take care of your customers and charge them what it's worth sure but go the extra mile now these are the stats for what he built himself same type of funnel the cost per lead was about four to eight dollars 50 would schedule an appointment 50 of those people would actually show up of those 50 to 75 percent would actually buy kind of depends on the salesman the person who's on the call okay it's worth paying for a good salesman by the way make sure you know everything about this sales script by the way the whole reason this works when you start to scale is once again they had a team of 40 okay in their first 10 months okay the reason that they had is working so well is because they had a sales script and it was down to the t they knew what jokes they were going to throw in when they were going to say those jokes how they make the entrance the direction they walk around the facility how many minutes they leave them in the sales room what do they say exactly when they get in the sales room okay they had everything scripted out specifically for their in office so they had everything scripted out just nearly as well for their actual virtual office and when those costs got low they would just run daily trainings to the team to help support to bolster that number to help it grow invest in your sales people and pay your sales people well they'll do a good job for you so they did that they closed about 13 to 20 percent those people walked in the door that was their 500 program that means in this particular funnel they spend 50 to get somebody to pay 500. man oh man are these numbers good this is what happens when you can get everything aligned just right what i want to go over with you really quick is how they got the sales call set up how do they actually run the script because oh my gosh by golly that's some gold right there but you need to number one make sure your offer is upgraded make sure that offer actually takes care of the customer so that way they get massive results don't care about the price point you can figure out the price point later serve your customers at highest possible level what does that look like in order to guarantee them results create that offering make it attractive for them sure it can be 16 000 pile it on they charge a thousand dollars per week okay there's a lot of flexibility on how you structure all of this okay but make a good product okay let's give high ticket a good name and let me show you how you sell it with a sales script this is kind of tricky if you actually watch the intro again it is the script okay this is the closer script c-l-o-s-e-r the first thing you're going to do is clarify why they opted in and why they show up so you ask so why are you here today why did you opt in why did you schedule this call with me okay got it the second step is you just label that problem that they're having so you're having an issue with your costs on your ad spend you're having an issue with your cost for your leads and your sales is that right yes notice always ask those questions are you right make sure they say yes have their head nodding this way the entire time on the sales call and when you get to the pitch it's going to be really hard for them to go like that okay absolute genius keep going down after you label it then go overview of their pains and problems so you ask so have you done this in the past before the idea is to just open up old wounds oh yeah i tried that once oh tell me about that how did that go what didn't work oh if we tried this and it didn't work it was a mastermind that you told yeah you're in the mastermind now yeah so if you're in a mastermind then why are you here it's just not working oh so the mastermind's not working for you all right understood got it we can help you there so then have you done this yourself have you ever thought of doing it yourself and why do you ask that because more than likely every one of you watching this yeah i don't need to pay that i'm going to do it myself so you ask have you done it for yourself yeah i've tried all right how did that work and results were really varied i just i couldn't stay to it i couldn't stick to it i couldn't whatever their response is you go all right so that doesn't work what have you done you have told them that what they've done in the past doesn't work and you've solidified that you've stamped that into their subconscious and into the statement and the logic of moving forward next with us you sell the vacation now a lot of us are really proud of the high ticket we've created so you're going to want to sell look we're going to do this step number one step number two step number three step number four you have like a list of things for them to do don't do that your job according to alex and layla from funnel hacking live 2018 and this is gold is to sell the vacation not the tsa checklist okay sell the vacation not the entire trip because you and i both know the trip is smelly the trip is going to be stinky your job is to sell the vacation itself what does it look like when they get to that point so the question can go something like this do you want to know why that isn't working for you then you state your angle it's not working for you because how do you guys do it well we do it this way it's different than the niche and because we do it this way it helps us overcome these hurdles including the hurdle that was listed by the customer you craft it around what that customer said their problems were often you're gonna have a lot of customers with the same problems but every once in a while you have a random one craft it in work it in good sales people okay when you craft that in you're gonna make sure to state well this is what we do that's different than the niche this is how it helps you overcome these pain points sell the vacation got it the next step is to explain away their concerns how do you explain those away so what concerns would you have about getting started today and they'll go through the gambit of excuses well um i have a higher authority that i just can't i can't make the decision without that individual or person or something like that well you know my i'm not really liquid right now in my cash um you know i'm not i don't know if i'm quite ready i haven't used all my resources over here yet what is your job explain those away wherever you can there's going to be a hard rock and if there is a hard rock you need to get that person on the phone you need to make sure that that's taken care of period make sure you sell well but at the same time make sure you sell don't cut yourself short okay make sure that you explain that away what if we got you that result what if you're actually able to do this what would that do to that problem we can get you started in that tomorrow or today the next hour does that sound good yeah i mean that sounds good yeah all right sounds like you're a little hesitant what else is on your mind you just hit each one boom boom take care of every single issue the last step here reinforce the decision now once they make that decision you have to reinforce it in the first 48 hours is the highest likelihood of somebody actually refunding so what do you do for the first 48 hours you don't disconnect with them you don't stop talking to them you take them by the hand you show them the entire process you show them how it works you give them the best experience possible at least for the next 48 hours if not longer it's a high ticket product craft something amazing but give them something that's worthwhile someone is going to be sold the question is are you going to sell them on your conviction are they going to sell you on their excuses so what i want you to do is if you're thinking about high ticket i need you to craft the best offer you can that will guarantee that result make it as shiny and as glorious and give all your heart in there okay it's going to be extremely valuable because what do you do with it once you create it well i'll tell you what alex and leila hormozy did they traveled around the country for eight months living in extended stay hotels and proved it out to customers for free why why why would you do that you hear the story of eight figures in 10 months but what you don't know is the amount of time that they spent proving the offer why so when they sold somebody there was no hesitation no question no concern they knew it worked because one way or another in a high ticket call someone is going to be sold according to laila hormozy high ticket lives and dies by two things number one the person selling them on the phone and their conviction number two quality of the product do well in both if you guys liked this video at all make sure to check out the other videos subscribe to the youtube channel and if nothing else click on the link below go and check out the other places where we go and break down other strategies we have high ticket funnels that we break down mid ticket low ticket all the above you go and see what works for you and i hope to see you in the next video