Transcript for:
Key Steps for Oral Medication Administration

[Music] as with all medical procedures you must always begin with three P's permission position and privacy ensure you have gained permission from the patient place them into the appropriate position and always maintain the privacy of the patient when administering oral medication step 1 identify the indication for the medication is it routine ordered or is it a PRN order verify that there is a valid medication order before explaining to the patient clearly what's about to occur and gain their permission to administer the oral medication as always wash your hands appropriately before coming into contact with the patient check mims for any indications of use dosing parameters contraindications adverse effects and nursing considerations then perform the three checks of a safe administration read the label when you pick up the medication and check it against the order read the label when you remove the drug from the container and then finally read the label when putting the container back onto the trolley or in the cupboard place the drug into a medication cup before placing the patient into the appropriate position go through the patient checks is this the right patient is this the right drug is this the right time is this the right route and the right dose assess the patient in taking the medication if necessary and remember the patient has the right to refuse medication at any time complete the correct documentation and sign the relevant medication chart and always monitor and reassess your patient while they're in your care [Music]