Docker - Introduction and Basic Commands
Introduction to Docker
- Importance: Essential for software engineers, full-stack developers, backend developers, DevOps engineers.
- First Encounter: Personal experience during initial phase of working.
What is Docker?
- Docker is a platform that helps in creating, managing, and running containers.
- Containers: Packages of application code and dependencies into a single unit, making deployments consistent across different environments.
- Difference from Virtual Machines: Containers are lightweight, portable, and more efficient compared to traditional VMs.
Development Environment Challenges
- Setup Variability: Different developers may use different OS (Windows, Mac) leading to inconsistencies.
- Manual Errors: Risk of errors during manual setup of dependencies.
- Version Conflicts: Specific application parts may require particular versions (e.g. Node v16).
- Team Scalability: Difficulties in scaling up development environments for large teams.
- Deployment Issues: Similar environment replication challenges when deploying to production servers.
Docker Solution
- Consistency: Avoids the classic "It works on my machine" problem.
- Portable and Lightweight: Containers can be shared across different machines.
- Containers are built, updated, and destroyed easily.
- Docker Hub: A platform to upload and share Docker images.
- Docker Desktop: GUI tool to manage Docker images and containers.
Key Docker Concepts
- Docker Images: Executable files containing instructions to create a container.
- Docker Containers: Instances of Docker images, like objects in OOP from a class.
Basic Docker Commands
Pulling a Docker Image:
docker pull <image_name>
Running a Docker Container:
docker run <image_name>
Interact Mode:
docker run -it <image_name>
Example Using Docker
- Run Hello World Image:
docker run hello-world
Differences Between Docker and Virtual Machines
- Lightweight: Docker only virtualizes application layer, not the entire OS.
- Faster and Smaller: Docker images are in MBs, while VMs can be in GBs.
- Compatibility: VMs are compatible with any OS.
Docker simplifies development and deployment processes by providing consistent, portable, and lightweight containers.