foreign These Are the Voyages of three idiots their 300 hour mission to beat one of the most arduous mods ever created to automate on strange new worlds to seek out new factories and new resources to boldly expand where no man has built before [Music] foreign [Music] space exploration perhaps the most infamous factorio mod where runs can take anywhere between 200 and 500 hours it's not the hardest factorio mod that Crown still goes to pyanodons but that doesn't mean it should be taken lightly the percentage of people who start space exploration runs and actually finish them has to be in the decimals and that's why in the interest of getting this video out sometime this year I've enlisted the help of these two AIS that I've totally programmed this will be a tremendous help as I try to get through this mod and uh well it seems they're not all that intelligent so I'll still need to do most everything myself which is just as well since I'm the one making a video anyway the first thing you might realize after starting a space exploration run is that you have no electric miners no yellow inserters or even any electricity at all for mod that promises Interstellar space travel it sure starts out about as low Tech as it can get everything's all coal powered technically this part of the mod is from aai industry which I've talked about in my factorio city video but while it doesn't change much escaping this burner phase will easily take a couple hours I suggest bringing some AI slaves of your own to help manually mine everything it doesn't even let you craft science in your inventory anymore at least the animation on the burner assemblers are cool I've also got the Milestones mod which tells us that it's taken nine minutes to craft the first red science since we're going to be burning a lot of things the mod is kind enough to give us a specialized machine that processes Fuel and turns it into better fuel if you're determined enough you might just manage to scrounge together enough red science to research electricity but not steam power instead we get these inefficient burner generators but uh it's better than using burner inserters everything's better than burner inserters I send the minions off to do some scouting and that ends about as well as you'd expect foreign anyway now we've got assemblers that run on electricity the only problem is they take forever to craft by hand so our first priority is automating them at least halfway it's hand fed but it goes a long way to saving time these small engines and motors are super important for all the early game buildings like inserters which will need several hundred of unfortunately we're still dependent on Burner miners which we'll try to solve by automating them where this differs from the base game is that you can't make any of the advanced buildings without its predecessor meaning we can't make electric mining drills without first feeding in a burner mining drill and with a recent expansion the natives have started to object unlike the base game your health almost never regenerates so you need to use these Med kits second piece we've got some green science up even if it is just one assembler it's already taken us an hour to get this far and we've barely scratched the surface we're still stuck hand feeding things but with a good supply of belts and inserters we can finally start thinking about scaling up this is just your average furnace deck 48 furnaces output a full yellow belt of smelted ore as effective here as it is in the base game except uh we don't really have a belt of ore yet but there's a really nice mine right above it which seems like a perfect job for one of the minions we'll also need coal to power the furnaces it's a little far but this is why you automate build production of course we want to process it first with that we'll get a good 20 more burn for our buck now we just plug in the ore and we've got fully automated iron production [Music] but man cannot automate on iron alone so we need another Lane for copper and so we built some in from the Northwest ignore that thing called a core seam we'll get to that later with all these miners running oral generators just can't keep up fortunately we've researched steam power then I add some more lands because I'll need Stone and glass soon I can't start fully automating everything just yet because in this mod you need stoned bricks for all the basic buildings like assemblers and Mining drills but after looking at our pollution spread I suddenly decided it would be prescient to start automating ammunition and gun turrets I wouldn't recommend trying to take out the early bases without them the temporary build straight off the iron line starts spreading like a cancer as I need more inserters and belts at least I don't need to hand feed them anymore it continues to spread as I automate underground belts and Splitters too at least now with a better Supply I can focus on getting the rest of the resources I probably should have made a smaller build before going full scale like this but I'm stubborn like that I leave actually plugging the ore in up to the other two so I can focus on making science red science is extremely easy it's just a gear plus a copper plate the green science however is a little more complicated compared to its vanilla counterpart and that's because while it still takes yellow inserters you need to make the burner inserters too if you came to this video to see optimal factorio designs you've come to the wrong place but with belts and inserters that's all we need for green science this is where I put some Labs if I had any the electric Labs take glass which I haven't even automated yet thankfully one of the minions arrives just in time after supplying science by hand for the past three hours having it fully automated feels great and in the meantime we've got steel and Bricks set up and now I can finally automate assembling machines because remember you need burner assemblers to make electric assemblers this terrible base layout is starting to metastasize I need to do something I don't want to be stuck with this all the way to space but I think I can hold on a little bit longer to make some cars the alien biomes Mod Makes You Walk Way slower on tiles like sand and guess where our base is built the occasional Stone path helps mitigate this but cars are way better also the processed fuel is really good for the cars it's almost as good as Rocket Fuel foreign [Music] this whole thing sucks it's going bye bye good enough I'll leave the science there time to introduce a little organization first thing I'm making are circuits unlike the base game they take these stone tablets made out of bricks instead of iron I actually like the change makes more sense to use Stone than it does iron anyway the next thing I want is concrete because it's actually a necessary ingredient in a lot of buildings normally you only need this stuff for nuclear power plants and a rocket Silo but in this mod it's used in some very important early game things like big electric poles forcing the player to make concrete early on like this and making unpaved tiles slow you down is a good way to encourage actually Paving the base I've still got some supplies from the old build but I'm gonna need more and now for the third time in three videos I'm going to apologize for using this design but hey it's not my fault it's the easiest way of setting up a mall in space exploration it can even take six belts of input if you want to know more about this Abomination I suggest you watch my beltless factorio video suffice to say it's a very convenient way of dealing with this Mod's telescopic recipes you can also do this with the warehouses this mod adds but I'm sticking with trains well with that automated it's time we moved on to getting some oil fortunately my minions have been working on that while I was busy the For Better or Worse while they finished that up I'm just gonna build military science we're gonna need the ammo soon anyway and it doesn't hurt to have some walls lying around we can even upgrade them into better walls with concrete no I just need to run a giant stupid build from the coal mine to the grenade factories and that's military science look they've managed to make plastic that means it's time for advanced circuits so I route some more green circuits remember this is just my starter base it's allowed to look terrible if you've ever played factorio you've probably realized that you always need more red circuit assemblers than you think some Nest popped up nearby so we just crashed into them with our new flame tumbler nice the biters are getting a little annoying but there's something we can do to help efficiency modules are a lot stronger they're pretty cheap to make and just two of them is enough to drop the energy consumption of any building to its minimum you can see that the mines are a hot spot of pollution but just dropping two of those in every minor is enough to reduce pollution by over 80 percent these Advanced circuits will also let us make stuff like substations and stack inserters and now it's time for chemical science and that means engine units we just need some single cylinder engines gears and some steel that just leaves sulfur in the base game you need maybe two or three chemical plants making sulfur but space exploration is a little different anyway just plug it all in and we've got chemical science this is the part where I start automating things anywhere they'll fit and make some explosives so we can finally get rid of cliffs it's a mess but it works I can also diversify into less friendly explosions now that I've got Advanced oil processing I'm gonna need to deal with cracking this is really annoying to set up without robots which is why we're making those next just put some circuit conditions on the pump and we're ready to crack it might be pipe routing hell but it works for the robots we'll need some sulfuric acid and batteries just like sulfur this mod requires a lot more batteries than usual we'll also need some of these small electric motors so we can turn them into big electric motors which will also need a lubricant for these motors aren't really used in science but they are necessary to make like every kind of advanced building also unlike usual these flying robot frames aren't needed to make utility science but that doesn't make you want them any less and I managed to squeeze some Robo Port Automation in here just like you can measure real life in BC and AD you can also measure factorio bases and BB and a b before Bots and after Bots not only does this make building a lot easier but it also automatically repairs your base whenever the mod decides to throw a meteor at it try to add another Lane of copper to the forges I suddenly realized I screwed up the spacing but it's nothing some good old-fashioned belt weaving can't fix good enough I've also automated accumulators and solar panels they're actually needed for science but we'll get to that and the first step to getting to that is making this heat shielding stuff it takes stone tablets steel and sulfur quite a bit of sulfur actually we'll need this stuff later but for now it lets us make electric furnaces and then I shoved some more automation wherever it'll fit I'm sure I'll get around to using these Trends eventually hmm isn't the base beautiful since we've got this many solar panels we might as well use them solar panels are pretty crap unless you're building them in the thousands but that's exactly what we're doing as long as you use a tie level build that integrates Robo ports you can just let the robots handle everything with that we've transitioned completely to solar so our pollution is way down but there's still one more big Source it's those steel forges so let's just get rid of them unsurprisingly it takes a while but it's better than doing it by hand with the whole place cleared we can replace them with futuristic electric furnaces and with Bots you can just copy paste multiple times also gotta rebuild The Crushers that make the sand for the glass electric furnaces spew out way less pollution and unlike the steel furnaces we can fill them with modules but we all know the real reason I upgrade is because I wanted to remove that belt weaving Abomination just look at that pollution graph thanks to our aggressive anti-pollution efforts we haven't had much issue with the biters expanding because apparently the biters never considered that we might start expanding we need more iron and more crude oil and then I died it's okay the Bots will fix it they broke my car well I got my stuff back but I'm stuck out here except this is why it pays to have minions foreign also there's jet packs in this mod just fly over everything hopefully this will help our iron problem if only there was a better way to move large amounts of resources long distances oh well that'll help for now remember when I talked about those core seems well this is what they're for you put a core Miner on them which creates core fragments and then you could crush those core fragments and get a ton of garbage in return it requires an enormous 25 megawatts to run and spews out 200 pollution per minute which is probably more than our entire furnace array but unlike regular mines it never runs out sorting out all of its byproducts is a pain but it's a great way to ease the burden on your regular Minds because normally the further you are from the center the Richer The Ore patch has become but not in space exploration and this mod is a long one you'll be drying out dozens of ore patches before you're through since it gives you everything you'll also need to do with the excess and unfortunately the only way to do that is to turn it into landfill now we just want to plug it into our lanes with an input priority splitter that way it'll use the core mining stuff before anything else crude oil and water is also a byproduct so we got to get rid of that stuff too so there's another byproduct I didn't mention something called pyroflux we can't do anything with it yet except turn it into steam which would help pay for its 25 megawatt power bill but I think I'd rather stockpile it because while it might not be useful now it just might be in the future so yeah that's core mining with our ore Supply taken care of it's time to build a rocket now some of you might be asking but Dodge where's the production and utility science you need those before you can build a rocket well not in this mod you don't up until now space exploration has been pretty comparable with vanilla factorio but this is where it starts to deviate a little and by a little I mean a lot for starters there is no production or utility science uh well there is but I'll get to that anyway for the rocket we'll need these low density structures and Rocket control units this is probably one of the last times I can compare any part of this mod with the base game but the LDS take twice the plastic and the rcus take 10 times the sulfuric acid and when we throw in the heat shielding and the rocket fuel you might notice that this process is extremely oil hungry speaking of Rocket Fuel here's Rocket Fuel it uses these special fuel refineries and it only takes one second to craft so this is definitely over building it and here's this guy working on the oil that we'll definitely need with heat shielding LDS rcus and Rocket Fuel we have everything we need to assemble our rocket except for one thing if you want to get anything out of this we gotta launch it with a satellite and it takes quite the assortment especially without requester chests fortunately I've got two of the ingredients right here and I already put solar panels and accumulators on belts another two I can pull off the bus and that just leaves The Radars which requires its own mix of garbage but it's garbage I've got on hand and that's our satellite now we just need a rocket to put it in now you may have noticed that this is actually called a satellite rocket Silo and that's because instead of winning the game all this thing does is launch satellites this is where we get the key ingredient for the next stage of science rocket science contrary to what that achievement says no we did not beat the game and then I got a rather interesting alert telling me a weapons cache has been found that it has and I've also apparently unlocked the ability to see everywhere I guess my satellite is also a government spy drone so I want that weapons cash unfortunately it's in the middle of a nest of biters but check this out they never saw it coming so the spoils were a couple of requester chests which is great because I haven't even researched them yet but also this gun called a railgun let's see how good it is uh I'm thinking it's pretty good anyway back to the science we've managed to harvest from space this stuff called satellite Telemetry we only get 100 of these per launch but that's still enough to make 800 rocket science still doesn't hurt to have more so let's launch another satellite and it seems to have found something else in space this time now if you hit U this menu pops up and uh that's certainly something it seems whatever this place used to be isn't uh functional anymore this is the first glimpse into the true scope of this mod this place is mostly just trash but there's certainly some interesting things in these boxes up here and while I was gawking at space a bunch of biters showed up to take advantage of my laps and attention anyway that stuff in space it only exists to taunt us we have no way of getting up there right now but now I'm determined let's get this rocket science up we've got the hardest part done but the second hardest are these electric furnaces mostly because they require Stone and steel furnaces as well and because the actual recipe only takes one of these every 80 Seconds I only need one assembler that leaves one last ingredient speed modules and the modules in this mod are kind of bizarre case into Point these speed modules take solid fuel to make every tier of every module takes one special ingredient fortunately we're already close by to where I make the rocket feel but that's even more oil demand from this mod because of that I'm forced to set up two new oil fields after spending like an hour on that let's make some rocket science it doesn't look like we've unlocked much but that's because it's all hiding behind this Processing Unit research and I'm so excited to get them I start building it before the research is even done I won't need too many of these believe it or not this is still the starter base in addition to that we've unlocked this building called a Life Support Facility what you thought we could breathe in space you're crazy with this we can make life support canisters just one of the many preparations we'll need to make before we can actually get to space I'm also using one of those precious requester chests I found that one on the left decontaminates used canisters but you can't just use life support canisters you need this life support equipment which we use to make this Thruster suit it's effectively the same as power armor and now I can finally get some exoskeletons happens so I launched another satellite and it tells me I've found an asteroid belt if you keep launching them you'll keep finding these planets and stuff they're places just like navis but they all have their corks this moon for example has zero biters and a ton of crude oil flip side of that is it's almost got no stone or copper and looking at the rest it's got these two weird resources we've never heard of I'm sure we'll need it later but we can't even get to orbit let alone another planet but using our government spy satellite we can remotely view the surface and as advertised that certainly is a lot of oil so if we ever want to reach places like that we're going to need a rocket and not that dinky little satellite rocket we need a real rocket and that's where the cargo rocket comes in and making one isn't exactly the easiest task first we'll need cargo rocket sections and not only do they take rcu's LDS and heat shielding but these two things as well but it's not actually that complicated seeing as it's mostly iron steel and advanced circuits you just got to get a little creative well that's the hard part done now we just need to plug in the same stuff that feeds our satellite rocket foreign makes the satellite Silo look pretty wimpy in comparison you may have noticed that it's got some tubes on the front and that's for the liquid rocket fuel [Music] so to actually build the rocket we need to insert a hundred cargo rocket sections into its inventory anything over 100 just fills the Rocket's inventory normally but we don't want to keep inserting sections we don't need unfortunately the rocket Silo has circuit signals that tell it how many cargo sections have already been loaded we read that and only let these inserters load cargo sections so long as there's less than 100 already loaded and with the fuel in the cargo section sorted out there's one last thing we need the Space Capsule its ingredients are very similar to the satellite we only need one of these to launch a rocket back at The Silo you can see we've already got enough liquid Rocket Fuel and almost enough cargo sections to the left you can see a bunch of data on our rocket including its destination now this orbit by the way one solid rocket fuel gives you 50 liquid Rocket Fuel so just getting to orbit requires a thousand of them foreign rocket ready to go as we prepare to build bases separated by several million kilometers of cold dead space will probably want some way of communicating with them and that's where this signal receiver comes in with one of these we can receive signals from anywhere but it's pretty much useless without a transmitter but we'll get there no it's not that I'm not excited to jump into a flaming metal death trap it's just that I've realized our base is mostly undefended and going to space means I won't be around to deal with it anymore so it's about time I just accepted that I'm going to need to build a wall nothing major though our solar powered base barely produces any pollution which is why we got this far without defenses in the first place uh now we can go to space in peace so I filled this rocket with like 500 Slots of garbage I might need since it's not like I've got access to my supply lines up there but anyway let's finally get up there uh my rocket ain't looking so good well that's exciting I guess that's what happens when you don't have a landing pad well time to clean up my mess so who knows what happened up here but it's probably safe to assume it was caused by Engineers much worse than us at least they left us some useful stuff and even more crazy powerful guns some of this stuff is crazy Advanced like we won't be able to make half of this stuff even in a hundred hours next time I'm up here I don't want to crash so let's put down a landing pad also it may not look like it but there is power up here thanks to those solar panels up there and that pile on with its crazy transmission range in space exploration each planet has its own day night length and solar efficiency and up here in orbit it's always day in a single solar panel is about five times as effective as it is on navis time to make an archaeologist somewhere cry I need the space in case it wasn't obvious I can't build on nothing so this asteroid is going to be my home for now all clean this is all we get but if we need more space we can always use scaffolding here's a recycling machine to get rid of all the scrap that my flaming wreckage caused there's also a resource up here called a water ice and we can mine it just like anything else except we can't actually use it not without this thing you see you can't use most manufacturers in space you need special ones this one's basically a chemical plant in space but we can't research it yet not without space science and that's the reason we're up here as it always is to make science I've already got three-fifths of the ingredients with me but we need to make these transport builds and Cosmic water both of them take lubricant and since there's not much oil in space we're gonna need to bring it in from now Vis fortunately there's these delivery cannons with these we can shoot barrels of fluid directly into orbit and catch them in these special chests they are pretty power hungry and can only send one stack at a time but it's better than wasting a cargo rocket you can't ship everything like this mostly just raw materials just like the belts we need to special space pipes as well they're actually worse than normal pipes but they're the only ones that work in space so you don't have much choice Cosmic water is pretty simple we make it in a decontamination facility unfortunately as I mentioned we can't use that water ice yet so we're gonna need to bring it in just like the lubricant and that's everything we need for space science at least a little of it we can only make it in this giant space manufacturing but this thing crafts super fast so don't worry about it and that is our space science no I just shoved in this giant disco ball if you value your sanity don't look inside this is where the mod really starts this thing goes through research at a snail's pace but it's still a pace now we can finally get things like Express builds assembler threes and artillery but requester chests and beacons are nowhere to be found but I've done enough up here it's time to go back home and we can do that by just hopping into our trusty Space Capsule thank you nice it's possible to use the Space Capsule to get back into orbit but cargo Rockets are still the best that was some research called vulcanite processing might be useful later mostly we're down here to deal with a bunch of errands like setting up uranium processing and adding some new mines and oil something I've mostly spared you from but it's worth reiterating just how persistent a problem running low on resources is especially oil we've tapped out pretty much every Aura field in these walls already anyway even though we have space science it's not really automated and that's because to make anything in space first we need to make the components down here and then ship them up to space via cargo rocket you can manually load them like I've done here or try to load them with belts but that creates the problem of knowing what you actually need up there but as you may have guessed seeing these combinators around here there is a better way I forgot to select The Landing Pad so I'll tell you as soon as we're done crashing remember the signal receiver down by the rocket well this is the signal transmitter and using this we can keep our surface base constantly informed about everything we've got up here in orbit but we can do better than that we can create a system where we set certain levels of whatever items we want up here so that they're automatically added to the rocket down on navis and to do that is relatively simple by reading all the items with a circuit and multiplying it by negative one we can then add that to a constant combinator the constant combinator simply contains the amount of any item we want as a positive value and one that's added to the actual amount if the number is still positive that means we have a deficit of that item here's the values from our space base except down on navis the items were missing being positive is important because then I can plug those values into this requester warehouse and set the mode of operation to set requests suddenly those positive values are turned into requests that are logistic spots will take care of automatically as they're loaded into the rocket you can see the filters go down because we factor in the Rocket's inventory as well once this box has no more requests we'll know that the Rockets inventory plus the supplies in space is greater than or equal to the amount we sent in the constant combinator and that is an automatically replenishing Supply rocket space exploration if you don't know circuits going in you'll know them going out and if I want something else up here I simply add it to the combinator we need more power so here's more solar did I mention we need a lot of oil well we need a lot of oil oh yeah Rockets will just crash on their own sometimes you just gotta live with it why am I storing all this steam find out later okay so now what we work on the next science of course but this is where it starts to get complicated for starters both of these Sciences need resources that aren't even on this planet not to mention all the weird stuff like Thermo fluid plasma stream and machine learning data also high production and utility science you're looking a little different since I last saw you the only real similarity is the name anyway I don't know much about the other stuff but I do know that these rough substrates are needed to make the machine learning data something else we'll need our iron ingots which can only be made inside of an industrial furnace by turning iron ore into molten iron using pyro flux yep we've finally got a use for that red stuff we've been stockpiling after that we can turn the molten iron into ingots using a casting Machine by the way you can see written on the back of them the words placeholder all I need to do is put the finished ingots into a provider chest and my bots will handle the rest and my rocket crashed again this is only like a two percent chance by the way so another ingredient we need in our grand journey is something called chemical gel we just need to shoot some petroleum gas into orbit in spite of the stronger solar in orbit we're still having power problems up here so the first use of this chemical gel will be to make better solar panels they're a bit bigger but they produce 400 kilowatts instead of 60 which means in terms of space they're five times more efficient also you can walk on them so I can set up everything to make the next Sciences but I still won't have those extra planetary resources I need if only there was some way to do them both simultaneously oh yeah I have minions for that so he's gonna work on that while I build the science the day night cycle on that planet is like 54 minutes long so solar power straight up won't work for like 20 minutes straight but apparently that raw vulcanite is flammable so he's managed to power everything with those crappy burner generators they are surprisingly useful here mostly because they don't need any water which is uh in pretty sure its Supply we'll check in on him later alright first things first we're gonna need some Thermo fluid it might look annoying to make and that's because it kind of is but this is where it gets interesting nothing that uses Thermo fluid actually consumes it it just warms it up except for one process I'm terrible at doing one thing at a time though so here's the plasma stream all we gotta do is zap some chemical gel along with some rocks okay these thermal radiators take in hot Thermo fluid and cool it down losing a little in the process but outputting almost as much as went in the glow is strangely alluring and while we were busy with that the other helper has just crash landed on this frozen planet in the search for cryonite and uh didn't need to search hard because that's right next to him if it wasn't obvious we can only find crynight from Frozen biomes and vulcanite from volcanic ones they're not limited to those two planets either but they're most abundant and totally frozen are totally volcanic planets and we want abundance if building a new mine every time one runs dry is annoying on now Vis just imagine it on other planets at least there's water here we'll also check on him later all right now we need some machine learning data for that we'll need some of those rough substrates we made earlier first we gotta polish them in this decontamination facility it also creates some garbage like contaminated Cosmic water and scrap but I don't care about dealing with those just stick them in a chest now we use the polished substrate to create blank data cards which then goes into these super computers along with some cool Thermo fluid which gets heated up by the process and pumped back into the radiators I've also made this third one that reformats broken data cards even though we don't have a way to break them yet you may have noticed that a lot of these processes are outputting scrap as a byproduct and yes that is becoming a pattern but there's machine learning data now we just gotta manufacture it not as easy as it seems though mostly because this base is a mess all of the other things we need like solar panels and efficiency modules are already in space thanks to my Supply system so now we just gotta wait for the cry night and vulcanite to show up this setup is uh not the best but almost 30 hours in this is still just a starter base and then suddenly vulcanite falls from the heavens and shortly after we've got science it's a mess of a base but it works let's see what kind of Base this vulcanite came from uh you know what as long as it's giving me vulcanite I don't really care now we've finally got beacons as well as these big mining drills which are like regular mining drills except bigger and therefore better and now cry night has arrived this base looks a lot better it's only got some minor power problems well what matters is it gets us cryonite slowly that'll let us research Logistics systems I've been doing pretty well with a handful of requester Chess that the game gives you but I'd really like to build my own now here's another use for pyroflux more efficient glass 50 more to be precise it's a good Band-Aid for a dwindling Stone mines also we can use beacons now they transfer 50 of a module's effect to anything in range this is one of space exploration's biggest changes these beacons can hold eight modules each the only downside is buildings can only be affected by one Beacon at a time if two beacons are affecting the same building it just won't work anymore I guess in the base game you surround buildings with beacons but in this mod you surround beacons with buildings honestly I like it now we can speed up our efficiency modules and help deal with the oil problems that never went away playing for so long without beacons and requester chests I feel whole again now I can get lazy and get the Bots to make all the supplies for me no more train wagon Abominations necessary also I'm automating uranium ammo it's almost like I'm plotting something and while I was doing that to the surprise of No One the vulcanite base stopped working you see uh he didn't leave any power generation that didn't require processing the vulcanite first at least the important research is already done you don't know how good it feels to finally have this kind of power armor on it only took 30 hours we've also unlocked coal liquefaction which I'm going to make so he stopped running out of oil every 10 minutes basically I'm just going down a big checklist of errands after a busy schedule of standing around and doing nothing one of my assistants show up and I convince him to deal with the power issues on hothier there is so little power that offshore pump hardly works but it quickly speeds up as the boilers come online and problem solved at least until that coal mine runs dry soya may have noticed that this base uh what's the word oh yeah sucks don't forget even though it's been over 30 hours this is still our starter base this whole thing's purpose was only to get us blue belts beacons Logistics chests all the basic amenities of factorial life it's not like we can beat space exploration with it well maybe we could but it would be like running the Indy 500 in a Flintstones car point being we need to expand and that requires uh negotiating with the natives we're going to be negotiating a pretty wide area so we'd better be prepared with a nest like this all we really need are laser suits but they're gonna get a little bigger like this one for example but you may recall a certain weapon I picked up some time ago with half the nests gone it's much easier to clear out the rest but this was just one nest and they get bigger [Music] at the risk of making it look too easy I still need to deal with this every couple shots and then I get stuck on an invisible clip [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah and then they evolved we've got Behemoth Fighters now [Music] and here's the bio bloat gun with one sneeze and makes whole swarms of Fighters pop foreign [Music] it also lags the game but it's worth it every time uh negotiations successful we've managed to expand to this whole area unfortunately we're not the only ones who know how to expand if we don't set up any defenses this place will be swarming again in no time and so Begins the quest to build a million of walls around everything it's mostly just copy pasting this one pattern about a million times this took me five hours so let's just skip to when it's done one problem with defenses this far out is how you maintain them obviously you use robots but you can't just put them all on the same network not unless you're really dedicated supplying them manually with Bots isn't really an option either since they blow up all the time so instead I've made something similar to my auto rocket resupplyer in which this train keeps everything topped up with random supplies whenever one section runs low it also carries oil for the flame throwers it works okay it's got some problems but I'm not gonna bother redesigning it also artillery I've even wired up the inserter for the artillery shell so it won't fire unless I want it to by the way if you're going to be jetpacking over large bodies of water make sure you have fuel in your inventory do I happen to be looking through all the celestial bodies we've uncovered and suddenly this asteroid belt catches my eye there's a something there it's some kind of ruined spaceship obviously this calls for immediate investigation definitely looks like a spaceship I guess this is where you control it unstable some sections will disconnect when moving hmm unstable I'll say there's a bunch of stuff in these chests though like a replacement engine and some spare walls seems like we can fix it seems to be fueled with this eye on stream stuff then we fix up the walls and just maybe this thing will fly so let's set our destination to novice orbit [Music] we appear to be in spaceier space well it works except now we're being assaulted by rocks those three solar panels just can't keep up we try using our personal lasers and shooting them but it's not very effective I don't think this thing is space Worthy well in spite of everything we get back to our home orbit it's almost as if this slot was made for this thing not sure what we can use it for but we've got a spaceship now hooray all right back to less exciting things by the way did you know this whole time the vulcanite planet was still broken maybe it'll work better this time here's the thing that turns on the artillery and yes I know it says tog key articery at the time of recording there was a bug in text place that swapped L's and K's it's working again kind of so now that we've captured all this space we should probably do something with it and that something will be Base number two this time it's personal also this time we're actually using trains a big base requires big Power you might recognize this reactor design rails and reactors the only things I actually blueprint across games the mysterious steam tanks have grown a limb well we got a bunch of train tracks down time to set up some mines probably a better design than this but whatever foreign so that was a warning for a coronal mass ejection basically it means the sun is angry at us you may remember those laser beams from the start of the game well it's gonna happen again except this time we actually have stuff worth blowing up the good news is there is a way to stop it this building called an umbrella basically it absorbs ungodly amounts of energy to stop the beams from ever spawning that was the purpose of the steam batteries to try and store enough energy to eat this thing entirely this one is gonna Peak at around 2.4 gigawatts with our solar and nuclear combined we've got about 1.8 gigawatts plus a bunch of accumulator charge but that's where the steam battery comes in it'll help us weather that extra little bit now that it's mostly drained to the accumulators the steam starts coming in but the worst is already over just to show you what would happen if this wasn't here but it only lasts a few seconds maybe I should have let it rip through my whole base for the content ah well I got a base to build I've already set up trans for all the basic resources so now we just need a place to put them these are just some basic unloading stations to handle the iron copper and stone and some forges nothing major these industrial furnaces are just straight up way better than electric furnaces and I don't know I guess I'll put the stone processing up here even though industrial furnaces are a million times better we still need electric furnaces to make the bricks and then comes the glass also using the Pyro flux recipe again we'll also need the Crushers this should be capable of outputting eight full belts of sand eight full belts when it's fully speed beaconed at least but I don't need that kind of production right now with all the basic resources we can actually build some stuff and right now the most important thing we could possibly build is concrete everyone knows it's not a real base unless it's got concrete all right now we're gonna need to make the oil so let's set up a base next to this little Lake over here I'm also going to set up some coal liquefaction as a backup in case the main refineries ever run out here's where the coal train goes and with a lot of oil comes a lot of oil cracking fortunately the same design for heavy oil cracking works for light oil cracking as well so we just gotta copy and paste the same design a couple times then all that leaves is the fun of routing all the fluids after all that here's plastic it's worth mentioning again how much I like the beacon change I just never cared for surrounding one building with 12 beacons also might as well build the sulfur here as well coincidentally it's pretty much the same build as the oil cracking soap with inserters on the inside instead of pipes I'll put sulfuric acid up here as well and I'll bring the iron in from above then I'll load it on a train over here same thing with the lubricant to the right now you might be thinking that this train design is a little nonsensical and that's because it actually is the last oil products we need are all the fuels same build as last time I've also got a little build for solid fuel from petroleum gas just in case it overflows normally you'd never need anything like that but this mod uses a lot of light oil so it is possible to get deadlocked and petroleum gas anyway this is where we load all the fuel onto trains and the rail network becomes even more insane now to actually turn on the oil this is my favorite part of factorio just turning these big things on and watching them come to life why would anyone do drugs when they could just play factorio although it's unclear which of the two is worse can't wait to actually use this rocket fuel but we got quite a ways to go and by we I mean me it's only gonna be like three minutes for you the light oil is already deadlocked so here's the Circa that burns off the excess petroleum gas if the gas is 95 full and the oil is under 40 percent all right we're back up here so now with all the oil sorted out we're gonna need some circuits a lot of circuits always better to have too many than too few now it may seem ridiculous to make this Lane eight belts wide when I have a fourth of the forges required to saturate that but you're just gonna need to trust me on this one regardless even though this isn't even close to our maximum output we'll still have some circuits to play around with so here's where we're gonna make advanced circuits here's where the plastic train pulls in basically this whole base is some weird amalgam of main bus and double-headed trains I'd like to call this design disciplined spaghetti now you might wonder what brain disease would compel someone to build something like this and the reasons are as follows because I can and because someone complained in the last video that my bases weren't optimal enough personally I like it when a bass straddles the line between insanity and genius I guess I'll put the heat shielding up here conveniently I can just repurpose the red circuit design and look at that beautiful routing of the steel belt since our supplies are so far away it always takes the robots while to build these things so what's next sulfuric acid stuff I guess you know when you need to move the whole thing one tile up well at least we get to watch the bot swarm I can also use the heat shielding design for the rcu's and LDS this is one of those uh put anything where it fits kind of Base but despite looking like a mess it's actually very versatile using rails like this might not be efficient but it is fun even if I did commit the ultimate sin by putting a bi-directional section on a one-way track here's the boring stuff like multi-cylinder engines and small electric motors I also added in a new belt automation facility this thing is a bit of a weird design though some people would also consider turning your main buses in I think I need more Robo ports here's the multi-cylinder engines they're only used in chemical science so they're not that exciting also big electric motors I guess I'll remake all the Sciences even though I'm not going to use them for another 50 hours we've already got all the stuff to build a rocket nearby so let's just put it right here a train will bring in a solid rocket fuel yeah so those guns we found are pretty powerful so maybe don't accidentally fire them while looking at one of your builds that's my advice nice [Music] all right enough joking around here's red and green science let's squeeze some military signs in here as well we still need coal for the grenade so let's just bring in another train anything goes with this base all that's left is the rocket science at least as far as the non-space Sciences go I'm also making a decent amount of modules up here they're really annoying to me because they all take something like sulfur solid fuel or glass but remember we'll need those productivity and efficiency modules for the space science later can't make the other tier 3 modules until I get a steady supply of vulcanite and cryonite all that's really left is the supply area oh yeah I never got around to mentioning it before but this mod also includes a robot attrition which basically means your Logistics spots sometimes just explode it's not too bad on novice but it can get rough on other planets also there's a limit on how many logistic spots you can have at a time and if you go over that limit your Bots start crashing into one another you can increase it with research but right now it can only have something like 1500 so filling this place with supplies is gonna take a while finally cargo sections they're still complicated and annoying but I guess I'm used to it now I'm just gonna let the robots handle moving the cargo sections around here's the train that brings the fuel for the Rockets we'll put here like this one I'm gonna use it to carry the science into space but don't hold your breath also building this base took so long the sun is angry at me again and whoever built this neglected to realize that if all the power is going into the umbrella those pumps won't work so so much for the backup steam battery well luckily they didn't blow anything up and we already blocked like 80 percent of it now we can make all the cargo Rockets we could ever want and with that our base is pretty much done except not really we're still only making a fourth of the iron and copper we'll need and while I could run all through a creation to connect a dozen mines that'll eventually run out I've got a better idea and by better I mean probably worse but more fun so yeah uh better instead of making plates here what if we made them on an entirely different planet it might sound really stupid considering how expensive it is to launch a cargo rocket but we can send the rocket parts from here and just Source the fuel locally now a cargo rocket only has 500 slots and plates only stacked to a hundred so each rocket could only hold 50 000 iron plates switch if you wanted to fill all our empty belts would require launching a rocket every three minutes now that sounds like a deal breaker but we won't be shipping plates we'll be shipping ingots in Iron Ingot can be turned into 10 iron plates and since they stacked a 50 that means we can fit five times as much plate on one rocket suddenly setting a rocket every 15 minutes feels a little more doable all that leaves is finding a good Planet we'll need pyro flux from vulcanite to actually make the ingots but this planet looks pretty good it's got tons of iron and it's got vulcanite only problem is it's waterless and 100 threat but I think I could work with that so here's a rocket loaded with a ton of supplies especially ammunition the gang's all here so let's go for it theoretically we can make rocket fuel from vulcanites so even though the planet doesn't have any crude oil or water we'll still be able to fuel our Rockets also the solar on this planet sucks so we'll need to use nuclear power for all the laser turrets we're gonna put down fortunately this mod has ways to make nuclear even on waterless planets thank you uh this doesn't look good wow that was weird good thing that didn't actually happen this place looks weird after we stash everything in a warehouse I decide to look around thanks to the satellite view I can scout all this stuff without needing to get close to the biters there's a lot of them also a uh pyramid thing well it's gonna be a while until we can see what the heck that's all about and there's some vulcanite pretty good amount of it just look at how rich these mines are though but we gotta get to it first the solar will give us at least some power I get the defenses up pretty fast we're not producing any pollution so the biters are leaving us alone for now I give the flame throw some oil and fill the ammo belt that'll be enough to fend off any minor attacks here's the condenser turbines doing their job the water ice comes from now this orbit it's not a big reactor but it'll be plenty for our turrets there's no resources in this bubble of safety so we're gonna need to expand and this is how we're going to accomplish that it's a rocket filled with 500 artillery shells I don't think 500 is gonna be enough the artillery clear all the nearby nests on their own but now it's time for a little manual override we're having a great time uh the lag still worth it and that's most of them annihilated good work now we can go check out that weird pyramid thing hmm there's biters inside of course there's biters inside why wouldn't there be and my assistants appear to have entered at the exact same time and gotten stuck inside one another and my prescription is one dose of car there's not much in here except for this and I have no idea what it means hey free tier 9 speed module but it's probably important so I'll take a screenshot well that was interesting back to work turns out making a giant wall takes a while but let's get down to this vulcanite first we need to crush it then we need to enrich it with sulfur and then throw the crushed and enriched vulcanite into a furnace along with some water and petroleum gas I need to apologize for making fun of my assistance vulcanite design it's actually kind of hard after doing all that it suddenly hits me I hate this planet I need to ship in water sulfur and petroleum just to get a trickle of pyroflux and the Pyro flux to Rocket Fuel recipe is honestly pretty horrible 60 pyro flux for one bit of Rocket Fuel that means roughly 66 petroleum gas each Rocket Fuel I'd be better off shipping in barrels of light oil than turning vulcanite into Fuel and I'd be way better off just shipping and process vulcanite from somewhere else so you know what I'm gonna do just leave this place blows but it is not enough that I should merely leave it should also be destroyed less dramatically if I'm not gonna be using that surface I want to delete it so it doesn't lag us or make the save file any bigger than it already is but to do that we need to remove pretty much every man-made object on the planet first using the fuel from the janky pyroflux build we'll be able to bring back the mountain of rather expensive supplies we use to build the wall but after that we need to explode everything we're not taking with us and the biters decided to help us out by detonating our nuclear power plant they didn't survive blowing everything up while also leaving is a bit of a tall order since you need the silo to be intact but thankfully we have artillery but if we're using artillery to kill everything who's gonna blow up the blower upper our friends of course they're only a little mad they decide to ignore the chests but this is why I made the backup gun I don't think he's gonna make it [Music] goodbye I haven't given up on shipping ingots though I'm just going to our Vulcan I planted Marielle first it's had some addition since we last saw it but it's not much better also there's another one of these pyramids we somehow missed pretty much the same except we got an efficiency module this time all right time to build real vulcanite processing Bravo vulcanoi takes twice as long as something like Stone to mine plus it only Stacks to 20. so each cargo wagon Can Only Hold 800. Still Trends are the best way to go it's been like 60 hours since we first made it but it's time I explained vulcanite processing first we need to crush it six chunks of raw vulcani turns into three crushed vulcanite but it also has a chance of creating stone as a byproduct and a 10 chance of making enriched vulcanite we need the crushed and enriched vulcanite to make the vulcanite blocks but at a two to one ratio If all we're doing is crushing we'll end up with about 59 leftover Crush for every block we produce and that's where enrichment comes in with sulfur and one enriched vulcanite as a catalyst it effectively lets us turn Crush into enriched vulcanite except it spits out even more garbage in the form of sand as well as about half the crutch we put in if we just ran it through this process once we'd still have way too much Crush so we need a way to feed the output of the centrifuges back in through his input but also in a way that allows the excess through to turn into blocks and doesn't deadlock by either running out or overflowing with enriched thankfully priority input Splitters exist as long as they separate crushed and enriched to their own side of the Bell adults and prioritize the input from the centrifuges over the output from The Crushers it should just work so now the question becomes how do we Supply it well for the sulfur I'm just going to slam down a rocket Silo right here it's my base I can do what I want with it once it's full I write it back and land on this pad automating cargo Rockets like this is pretty easy from now on it'll just launch another rocket whenever The Landing Pad is empty I got the water delivered from space and the petroleum gas I can get from core Mining and coal liquefaction since it doesn't really take that much now that we've got it if you want to send this vulcanite anywhere we'll still need Rocket Fuel I know I said this recipe kind of sucks but if you're already Mass producing vulcanite it's just the easiest way to get Rocket Fuel plus it gives us a use for all the stone and sand we'll be shipping this vulcanite to multiple areas and that means multiple rockets and this is where we're gonna receive shipments of Rocket Parts this transmitter will tell the home base when we need a new shipment putting that down however has made me aware that our horrific burner Arrangement is no longer sufficient this base is just too big time for nuclear power the condenser turbines are a little weird to build around seeing as you can't chain them together like the regular turbines absolutely indispensable though I'll automate the uranium delivery later but fuel cells last so long I hardly need to worry about it so this thing is going to tell the main base when we need rocket Parts but when snag is we don't need just rocket parts we also need a Space Capsule for every hundred if all we send is a number of cargo sections and space capsules those signals are getting muddled together with all the signals from the other planets we're going to end up supplying the obvious solution is to change it to a signal unique to this planet but then we need two unique signals for both the parts and the capsules that's just a little too ugly for me so by using the power of mathematics we will send two signals in one signal If I multiply the number of Rocket sections by a hundred and then encode that to the signal M for Mario I can then add that to the number of space capsules also encoded to M that signal gets sent to navis where we can finally decode it by dividing it by 100 to get the number of Rocket sections and taking the modulus of 100 to get the number of space capsules doesn't need to be just two either I can fit as many as I want at least until it reaches the maximum number in factorio it's a pretty simple concept but pretty useful it's more or less the same reason your computer can turn a giant string of ones and zeros into a series of instructions now that we can send vulcanite anywhere we need it it's time for attempt number two this is where I'd like to introduce a concept I've decided to call the space exploration Shuffle it's the 20 minutes you spend running to and from your rocket trying to remember if you've forgotten anything as you get ready to blast off to another planet and you will always forget something so the mistake we made last time was going to a terrible Planet so let's go to a good Planet instead I'm a genius this one's got tons of copper loads of iron oil and water all around it seems perfect except uh it's also maximum threat I'm sure we'll be fine well at least we're not in the middle of the nest I am so glad for the glacier gun because I am trying my absolute hardest to stop them from getting in here and destroying all of our cargo finally my assistant start moving and take out all the nests thankfully our losses are minor the center of the planet is generally safe so we're gonna want to make our way over there this is looking like fun already I've already got my eyes on how much land I want to negotiate having a bunch of lakes like this makes capturing areas so much easier after scouting we load up all of our supplies and drive them towards the middle then park it in this horrible Circle my assistant made when you've got an infestation of Engineers they spread fast they're not going down without a fight though this is a PSA about the dangers of distracted driving the solar here is usable but you can't beat nuclear and we don't even need condenser turbines you never really appreciate water until they take it away well we've got our box of safety time to start blasting they might be a little mad foreign we're not even close to clearing this place out reloading just look at this pile of corpses you might be able to find when we started firing oh this area is cleared except for all the worms they're already trying to expand back so we need to expand first we're not done though I want those iron mines [Music] well there it is I'm not sure how many maximum threat planets I've got left in me it's hard to believe this whole area used to be swarming with them after all that excitement now we get to do the factory part of factorio and as anyone knows the basis of a good Factory is a good rail system this is going to be a pretty big base so we're gonna need some pretty big Power so it's the triumphant return of my gigawatt reactor that's missing a few turbines since I miscalculated during my space exploration Shuffle but I'll get them eventually and now we get to set up the miners we could probably play this run for a thousand hours and still not deplete any of these copper mines in contrast the iron is only 60 richer than it is on novice but that's still enough to last us for quite a while and it's 60 more frequent too so if you run out we can just blow up some more biters while I was doing that my assistant set up some core mining so I just had a way to put it onto trains since this planet has copper as its main resource this core Miner will spit out tons of it it'll also give us a little bit of oil and pyroflux since there's almost no stone on this planet it'll be a good reliable source of it that's the minds now the forges and if we're expecting to get about six to eight blue belts of iron and copper out of this we're gonna need a lot of forges to make iron ingots we first need to make molten iron remember this is what all that vulcanite was for also since we get pretty much 50 more iron for free using this method we won't need to worry about the mines depleting nearly as much the copper design is the exact same as the iron I haven't talked much about the casting machines but they take 25 seconds to make one iron ingot if an iron ingot is worth 10 iron plates that means they make one plate every two and a half seconds that's about fifty percent slower than your average electric furnace and 200 slower than the industrial furnace so for the level of production I want we're going to need a lot of these and when I say a lot I mean a lot like over a thousand of them and this doesn't even cover the stealing it's unsurprisingly we're gonna need a few more shipments anyway let's make some pyro flux pyroflux takes sand as well as vulcanite so that's why I'm glad we have the core Miner up all of this vulcanite gets shared through the same tube now we get to Route the iron into the furnaces and finally launch our vulcanite rocket it's gonna take a while to fill it all with pyroflux but the Beast wakes since we're not actually consuming the molten iron yet and it has a bit of an interesting pattern as it goes now we gotta pipe it into the casting machines and Route in the copper so we're not only making iron ingots here but steel as well the steel ingots also take molten iron but they need coal too so the design for the iron and copper casters won't work here you only need like one coal for every bar of Steel and this planet has a decent enough Supply but of all the resources it's probably the most likely to run out two and a half thousand casting machines by the way all the ingots will flow this way where we can load them on Rockets we have one for copper one for steel and two for iron and that's because we'll need some iron ingots in space to make production science for our supply rocket we can copy the design straight from Marielle except instead of M for Marielle we encode it to T for Taurus the last thing we need to do is sort out the rocket fuel which isn't that hard seeing as we've already got a decent amount of oil on this planet it's just like any other oil build except we only really care about light oil since it's the best to turn into rocket fuel and here comes our first shipment of Rocket parts we're gonna use a lot of these here under display on navis is showing us live the number of cargo Parts on Taurus you can even see the number go down as they're being consumed to build Rockets foreign that's everything we'll need and now it's finally time for the moment of truth it's time to twist open that molten metal spigot this is what we've been waiting for this is why we're here these sweet sweet ingots uh just watch them Roll by that is beauty it's a shame these casting machines are still placeholder Graphics but who knows maybe by the time you beat this we're on the Finish mod it will be out so we can see Taurus in its full Glory also not to spoil the moment but I kind of underestimated the flow limitations of these pipes the steel casters aren't getting any molten iron but I get it to be good enough I would like to call this piece of art why I needed a one gigawatt reactor and we're pretty much done here I set up some janky supplies so the walls don't run out of repair packs and stuff but then it's back to novice now that we've got ingots we gotta turn them into plates and put them on the line it's not complicated we just need to put the ingots through an assembly machine once although the recipe to make copper plates is faster than the recipe to make iron plates which is a little bizarre but whatever but here we go [Music] foreign this is what the last 40 hours were all about and just watch that trickle of circuits turn into a torrent everything is fully saturated and all is right in the world [Music] now this would have been a good place to stop as we complete our ground base but we've got one last thing to do if you'll recall we don't have cry night on Rockets yet it's not the worst looking build but it could still use some work after another Shuffle it's off we go for once we have a landing pad I need power but not like that much power unfortunately I don't have a 2x2 blueprint on me so uh I gotta build it it's very ugly but uh just say it gives it character you know how you always forget something going to other planets well I forgot more rails the cry night is similar to vulcanite in that it has a mining speed of 200 and only Stacks to 20. to actually get the cryonite we mine it crush it steam it Forge it filled it fuel it zip and ship it all right but to actually talk about how it works it's kind of similar to vulcanite except not as complicated it also starts with crushing except it's a one-to-one ratio instead of a one to two and yep it still gives us sand as a byproduct he'll be getting most of the crynight from trans but I want to prioritize the output of the core miners the reason it's not as complicated as the vulcanite is because we don't need to Route the output into the input the next step is making crynight crystals way simpler than enriching vulcanite we're good as long as we make sure it doesn't overflow with water the belts may look complicated but it's just a way to deal with the sand byproduct and prioritize sending powder to the furnaces since they need both the powder and the crystals the krynei rods also take some heavy oil but just like the vulcanite it's only one there's a tiny amount of oil on this planet we use to make the heavy oil but there's no way we could fuel any Rockets with it that is cryonite rods so talking about fuel there's a problem we don't have oil or an abundance of coal we don't have pyro flux either theoretically I could ship in vulcanite blocks it makes them feel that way but it's so wasteful the core Miner makes some but not enough we need at least a thousand rocket fuels to launch one rocket it seems hopeless but that's where this extremely hilarious and extremely horrible recipe comes in we can make rocket fuel from nothing but water and a copper plate it might sound overpowered at first glance Until you realize that crafting time is 500 seconds it would literally take one of these two weeks to make enough fuel to launch a single rocket so naturally we need a ton of them let me tell you you only use this recipe when you're desperate it draws more power than anything else and this is with maximum efficiency modules but it does make rocket fuel it's almost hard to believe we don't have uranium here so I'm setting up a way to request it similar to how I handle the cargo sections in fact it's the exact same I'm combining enriched and unenriched uranium into the same H signal so this cryo build isn't as fast as our vulcanite one but I don't think the demand for cryonite is all that high oh yeah those big things to the left I guess I never got around to you explaining them but they uh shoot meteors out of the air anyway we're done here I'm putting our first shipment here because we need the cry Knight to make tier 3 efficiency modules and here's automating the uranium now I hate to say it but this video is coming to an end this mod is enormous and we've still only scratched the surface so there's no way I could fit it all into one video and retain my sanity at least I wanted the Milestone of this video to be the completion of our ground base we've still got a lot more to add to it and lots more planets to visit but the next video will be all about our space space so I'm not trying to coerce you or anything but if you're perhaps interested in seeing the second part you might want to subscribe purely for your own benefit of course regardless this video took a gargantuan amount of effort between the 100 hours to play it in the two weeks to edit it it's become readily apparent to me why no one's tried to make a video series like this before for every hour I played I got less than a minute of footage and I would have had zero motivation to do any of this if it weren't for all you lovely patrons and all you viewers out there so thanks for watching I hope to see you again soon