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Magic Tricks and Moral Decisions
Sep 8, 2024
Lecture Notes: Magic Trick and Tax Evasion
Jeffy claims to have learned a new magic trick involving $20.
Marvin is skeptical about handing over $20 for fear of it being stolen.
Jeffy's Magic Trick
Jeffy performs a trick supposedly making $20 disappear.
Marvin is suspicious and believes Jeffy has taken the money.
Encounter with Goodman
Goodman visits Marvin, appearing in handcuffs.
Goodman is arrested for tax evasion and attempting to bribe an IRS agent.
Offers Marvin $70,000 to bail him out.
Marvin's Dilemma
Marvin considers keeping the $70,000 rather than bailing Goodman out.
Debates whether to do the right thing or benefit personally.
Court Proceedings
Judge Jorge Boer oversees Goodman's case.
Goodman blames his butler, Chives, for the tax evasion scheme.
Both Goodman and Chives are found guilty, sentenced to 24 hours in prison, and fined $100 million.
Prison Experience
Goodman and Chives experience uncomfortable prison conditions.
Goodman complains about the lack of luxury.
Interaction with a fellow inmate, Bubbles, adds tension.
Marvin eventually decides to bail Goodman out of jail.
Goodman's response is ungrateful, leaving Chives in jail as punishment.
Marvin regrets not spending the money on himself.
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