Magic Tricks and Moral Decisions

Sep 8, 2024

Lecture Notes: Magic Trick and Tax Evasion


  • Jeffy claims to have learned a new magic trick involving $20.
  • Marvin is skeptical about handing over $20 for fear of it being stolen.

Jeffy's Magic Trick

  • Jeffy performs a trick supposedly making $20 disappear.
  • Marvin is suspicious and believes Jeffy has taken the money.

Encounter with Goodman

  • Goodman visits Marvin, appearing in handcuffs.
  • Goodman is arrested for tax evasion and attempting to bribe an IRS agent.
  • Offers Marvin $70,000 to bail him out.

Marvin's Dilemma

  • Marvin considers keeping the $70,000 rather than bailing Goodman out.
  • Debates whether to do the right thing or benefit personally.

Court Proceedings

  • Judge Jorge Boer oversees Goodman's case.
  • Goodman blames his butler, Chives, for the tax evasion scheme.
  • Both Goodman and Chives are found guilty, sentenced to 24 hours in prison, and fined $100 million.

Prison Experience

  • Goodman and Chives experience uncomfortable prison conditions.
  • Goodman complains about the lack of luxury.
  • Interaction with a fellow inmate, Bubbles, adds tension.


  • Marvin eventually decides to bail Goodman out of jail.
  • Goodman's response is ungrateful, leaving Chives in jail as punishment.
  • Marvin regrets not spending the money on himself.