Transcript for:
Creating a Real Long-Lasting Change

what's up guys welcome back to my channel I hope you're having a lovely day today and I hope it gets even better from watching this video today we're chatting all about how to actually create a real long lasting change kind of start a new chapter that's actually going to be meaningful to you so whatever the reason is for you wanting to start this new chapter whether you've been unhappy uninspired not really passionate about where you've been in Life or maybe you worked really really hard to get to a certain point and then when you got there you were like this is not what I actually wanted this is not as meaningful to me as I thought it would be so whatever the reason is I really hope this video is going to help you figure out where exactly you want to go and then kind of map it out map out that new chapter that change you want to make as always I'll have time stamps so you can really get what you need from this video but the first part is going to be me sharing with you the way I like to map out a new chapter of my life because that's kind of what I've been in the process of doing recently and then the second part is going to be more like tips tricks exercises journaling prompts to really figure out exactly what you want why you want it and then actually map out that change if you're new to my channel hi am naika welcome I make videos all about self-improvement and I like to make them very like actionable to-do list exercises prompts anything and everything to make an actual real change in your life so if that works for you I would love for you to stick around and subscribe and check out my social media if you want to see more of my personal life and without further Ado let's get into it okay I've got my computer right here and I'm going to share with you how I want my new chapter to look like and kind of how I mapped it out so you can see some of the prompts and exercises that I'm going to share with you later in action I thought this might give you some ideas or some inspiration of how you want to map out your new chapter also I'm nosy so like I would want to see other people share this so here we are the reason why I wanted to sit down and take some time to like figure out how I want to change moving forward and what I want my new chapter to look like it's just because I felt like a lot of the things that I was working towards and pouring so much of my time and energy into just weren't all that meaningful to me at the end of the day like it just wasn't that important to me to my soul if you will and I just wanted to change that like I don't want to live a life that doesn't feel meaningful to me so this was honestly really special for me to like sit down and do all of this and it feels right and I'm excited to now put all of this into action and get started so I mapped all of this out and planned it out using milanote milanote is a tool to organize all of your creative projects I really like to visually organize all of ideas and sometimes just writing it down or doing like an online to-do list doesn't do it justice I always loved brainstorming it on a piece of paper just cuz you can do like arrows and little Doodles and really visualize it but Milan note is like a huge step up from that just because you can modify it you can really easily move things around delete things whereas on a piece of paper you have to physically erase it and sometimes that's just a mess and also on mil note it's really easy to add things like photos tables arrows to-do lists links to things I really like how all of my creative projects can all be in one place and I can access them on like any device I use millano to map out my videos like this one and also for personal projects like designing our dream home and things like this like mapping out my new chapter of my life so let me show you how I did all that so this is my main project board I organized it into three main sections new chapter inspiration and action I also have some little Doodles drawings and cute photos this is my favorite quote just to make it more inspiring and like visually appealing so the new chapter section is kind of like a plan for this project so it has a photo as an inspiration like wanting that soft life a name of the project and then also a to-do list of all the tasks I want to complete to fully map out this new chapter the second section is inspiration where I have have a document full of journaling prompts that I wrote down just to make sure that what I want is actually meaningful to me and we'll go through all of this later in the second part of the video then I uploaded a photo of The Wheel of Life which is one of my favorite exercises and I kind of filled it in using the drawing tool on milanote this is one of the best exercises to really figure out what you want to prioritize in your life and I'll explain all about it a bit later then I have my mood board which is just full of photos that kind of visually represent what what I want my next chapter to look like I found all of these on Pinterest and you can either upload them or use the Millan Noe Web Clipper but I also added some text just to kind of reiterate what I actually want and what these photos represent then I have the kind of word of this chapter which for me is softness that kind of represents everything that I want and then also my why just to make what I'm working towards really clear and I can revisit this anytime and have very like clear intentions of what I'm working towards and why the last section is where I actually start to put all of these like ideas of what I want into actionable steps so for the brainstorming board I use a template to basically turn my mood board into like an organized map of what I want which was honestly so helpful just to like map it out there's four categories family home lifestyle and Adventure one of my biggest goals in life is to be like the most loving present mom that I can be one day and I think finally admitting that to myself myself and being so sure of it has really helped me to kind of Envision my life and what I want because it's so connected to what kind of a life I want to create for my kids one day and I really wanted this board to very obviously and clearly communicate what I want so for example the life style section kind of showcases what I want like my day-to-day life to look like so there's a lot of nature good food animals creativity and then I added some text to really reiterate what I want a lot of what I want is like that softness being present not spending so much time on my screen social media all of that so I feel like this makes it very clear my plan for this board is to just kind of build on top of it so for example in the home section I'll add a board where I can really start to map out and design our dream home just to really start putting these kind of like dreams into action and the last part will help me do that even more so I have a really simple weekly plan for next week so it's already getting full of like steps that I want to take to do and also some videos that will help me to get some more knowledge some more ideas so I can really again start to take those actions and actually start creating what I want so it's not just dreams floating around one of my favorite features that makes mil notes super easy to use is all the templates just because when I'm like thinking of a project the hardest part for me is just getting started so their templates give you so many ideas of how to like visually map out a project and just get started take that first step the templates are organ ized into categories like marketing interior designs startups so it's really easy to find what you're looking for and just kind of start mapping out a project in a way that like makes sense to your brain also when you're ready to share your work with your team or with a client you can add them to the project where they can like leave comments give you feedback and you can kind of collaborate in real time which is really cool so milanote is available for free with no time limit you can sign up using the link in the description box and start your next creative project or map out your new chapter like I just did so I'll have a link to that below okay now let's move on to the actual prompts exercises tips and tricks to really figure out what you actually want be very clear about why you want it to make sure that it's really meaningful to you and then create like a map of how you're going to achieve it we talk so much about setting goals and all of these like tips and tricks of how to do it properly and I feel like a lot of the times those tips kind of lack the importance of those goals being meaningful and what you actually deeply want because otherwise you get to a point kind of where I got to where I worked so hard I put so much time and pressure energy into something that I thought I wanted and then I got there and I was like oh I mean it's good I'm happy I achieved it but like I don't really care about this that kind of feels like a waste of time and I don't think it is because you you've learned something from it but I would rather avoid that and like make sure that what I'm working on what I'm putting my time and energy into is really meaningful to me because our time isn't Limitless as far as we know we have one life and we've got to take advantage of it and that means you doing things that are actually important and meaningful to you so first we're going to figure out where you are versus where you want to go one of my favorite exercises that I've shared so many times and I mentioned earlier in this video is called The Wheel of Life it's so amazing to figure out where you want to put your time how you want to prioritize your time and you really see what you're happy with versus what you're not happy with in a very like strategic very clear way and I feel like that's so rare because our mind can sometimes feel like a mess and it's hard to see things objectively and this really helps you to do that so this exercise is basically a wheel of different categories of your life so Community friendships love relationships career finance and so on and then it has numbers from 1 to 10 so what you do is you mark your satisfaction level of where you feel like you are right now and then you're going to Mark where you want to be so this can be like a year from now this is where I'd like to be or 5 years from now you can choose a time for yourself um but make it like realistic so for example let's say I'm at a six with friendships and a year from now I'd like to be at a 7even and a half like that seems manageable and it would be like a huge Improvement and I'd really appreciate that so you do that with every single category and then the ones where the Gap is the biggest are the categories where you want to pour most of your time and energy into so it really helps you to objectively see where you are versus where want to go and what you want to put your time and energy into so I highly recommend doing this exercise whenever you want that like fresh page a new chapter you want to create some sort of a change in your life it is very very helpful the next thing you're going to do and this is very important is to write down a long list of everything in your life that you're happy with what do you like about your life what do you love or appreciate about your life make it as long as you possibly can you can add to it as you go along um and that's really going to help you to see the things you're already grateful for and to make you feel like not everything is doomed a lot of the time when you get that urge to create this big change it's like it feels like the world is falling apart it's like everything needs to change like I'm not happy with anything I need to do this I need to do that and it like becomes so like hectic and a lot of the times that's not actually the reality so let's just make sure that you create this change from a grounded place and figure out what you are happy with and these can be very small things just make sure that you do this step before you continue on to what you actually want to change because it's really going to help you to feel more grounded and at peace and just walk into this new chapter feeling more positive and that's going to create a whole different air to you when you're embarking on this new Journey okay now let's move on to some important questions that you can ask yourself to really make sure that this new chapter these goals that you're wanting to work towards are rooted in something that's actually meaningful to you and important to you so that you're not again working on something get there and then you're like this is not what I actually wanted the first prompt or exercise is a kind of a big question but it's one of my favorite questions you're basically going to imagine that your life as it is right now gets frozen so everything stays the same and then you're on your deathbed stay with me okay what would be the one thing you would regret the most like what would be that one thing that you just wouldn't be able to let go of like why did I do that maybe it's stayed in a relationship that wasn't making you really happy at all and you stayed because of comfort maybe it would be that you never got enough courage to start something that you were really passionate about whether it's a job or a lifestyle whatever it is maybe it's all the time you wasted escaping to you know different social media or watching shows whatever when you had a whole beautiful world in front of you that you could explore and so many people you could meet whatever it is I gave you some examples but I feel like death this might sound very morbid could be one of the biggest motivators like you have a limited time and so many of us take that for granted because we think that like we'll live forever and ever we don't even think about it and actually taking the time to think about it it really shows you what is actually really important and meaningful to you so take your time to answer this question and it really like for me it was very very powerful and impactful on the way I now live my life a really important thing to do is to really question the goals that you want to set because most of the time it's not the thing that we want it's the feeling attached to it so when you can get clear on the feeling that you're chasing it changes everything so let's say that if I get this job I will finally feel worthy that is a very important thing to know that that is actually what you're chasing of course you can still work towards getting this six-figure job and that's all amazing but a lot of the time when you achieve that thing you maybe feel worthy for a few few seconds and then you kind of move on with your life and it's on to the next so you keep chasing the feeling again it is totally fine to work on this of course there are so many benefits of having a six-figure job this is not about you not having any goals anymore but you can do it with a clear mind and with the knowledge that what I'm actually after is feeling worthy in this case getting this sixf figure job is only one way that will get you to feeling worthy how can I actually feel worthy even if I never reach this goal even if I never get this job what are other ways that I can learn to feel worthy so the whole point is figure out what feeling this goal is attached to detach it be like okay I want this goal because I think it will make me feel XYZ how can I now get this feeling in different kinds of ways so that I'm not putting so much pressure on this one goal and I can get this feeling literally today you can start feeling worthy today you don't need to wait to reach this goal some questions that can help you here if you're unsure what feeling is attached to this goal is of course how will I feel once I achieve it maybe your answer is it will feel good okay why will it feel good just keep questioning it until you get to the answer that feels like the Deep answer and you will know it once you reach it the other question is what will having this thing or what will reaching this goal mean about me so if I get a boyfriend and a really healthy happy relationship that I've been after which again is totally okay to want and work towards okay what will it mean about me let's say it will mean that I'm good enough or that I'm lovable or that I'm worthy that I'm pretty enough that I'm whatever enough that kind of question gives you a usually a pretty deep answer meaningful answer the next step that people really love to do when they're creating a new chapter or new goals or it's the start of the new year is to figure out your word of the year or of the new chapter and then your why like all of this kind of helps you to have a very clear intention of what you want this new chapter of your life to look like and like a really good reminder so the word is kind of like it sums up everything that you want so for me it's softness that kind of encompasses what I want this new chapter to look like and choosing this word and writing your why is going to be so incredibly straightforward and simple once you've gone through all of these prompts and exercises we've already done it's going to be so clear to you and after that you can kind of create a vision board or do like a whole brainstorming thing like I did just reflect what you want visually so it's easier for you to imagine and by doing all of these steps before it makes this super authentic it makes you feel sure that this is actually what you want and it's important to you and then working on it is way easier like sticking to things being disciplined um following up with the plan that you create is like kind of like second nature of course sometimes it's hard and you need to push yourself but you have that inner drive and that inner like intrinsic motivation that keeps you going the goals that you set if this new chapter that you imagine is not actually what you find meaningful this is going to be really hard it's going to be really really hard to make it happen so that is why we're doing all of this okay this is a very important foundation that you're building basically all righty now you can actually get started with creating a plan so you're going to pick one thing that you're going to work on and commit to one change that you're going to create in your life so often when we want this kind of new chapter we plan so many things like we want to change our lives overnight and that is not realistic okay you're going to stick to it for a few days maybe a week maybe two and then you're going to fall off because it's so hard to sustain that level of change so it's going to be so much more satisfying and motivating if you choose one thing that you can actually stick to and then once that becomes natural for you you can add another thing once that becomes natural you add another thing like that is actually the way to make a real longlasting change that you're after so choose that one thing that will make a significant kind of positive dent in this like thing that you're trying to create if that makes any sense for me as you saw in my like mood board brainstorming it's a lot about feeling wanting to feel present adding that softness that slow life so I want to spend a lot of time in nature being creative later on in life I want to be like the best most present loving mom that I can be and for me that positive Dent that I want to start with is getting off social media and screens obviously apart from my job which is online but that is kind of that first step that will make a huge difference and kind of trickle down to all these other things that I want now you can finally create that plan of how you're going to get started this plan of this first step this first positive Dent that we're making so for me this plan would be how can I get off screens off social media um and kind of replace that time with things that I actually find important and meaningful and here I have a whole playlist it's called getting things done it's all about productivity time management planning it has all of those videos in one playlist so link that down below two videos I would highly recommend if you want to get started is the discipline video just so we can make sure that you keep going and then the other one is the way I kind of plan my life with my goals in mind so I'll link both of those videos down below the second one has a oce template that I made which I'll also link down below so in that video I kind of go through how I how I use this plan so I'll link those down below if you want to get started but I really hope you liked this video and found it helpful I would love for you to comment down below what that first step for you is going to be and maybe you can write the plan of how you're going to make this happen and then come back to this video and see how you did if you want to see more videos like this I would love for you to stick around and subscribe and again check out my social media if you want to see more of my personal life thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you very very soon [Music]