this is how a police officer responded to a call involving a dispute between neighbors don't make me come in that house I will come in that house I will come in that house get out here now do it now do it now don't do that you think I'm going to argue with you I'm going tase your within the first few seconds the officer pulled out his taser and started aggressively making threats to one particular individual all I came here to do was to talk to you don't tell me how to run my shift I'll have as many officers here as I want do you understand what I'm saying why because the other neighbor that was involved was an off duty police officer so I've got it he said she said granted he's an officer but I'm asking you what you want to do with it I'll do whatever whatever whatever you want done you're the Vic um guess which guy got charged I like prosecute for aga and yeah but that's not how it ended I'll show you the footage and I'll tell you happened with the criminal charges and also the civil lawsuit that was filed as a practicing civil rights lawyer I'll go over some of the constitutional rights at play here that people should understand and if you like going over police encounters and interesting and important court cases and learning about civil rights Please Subscribe because I try to put a video up at least twice a week so let's dive [Music] in in East Ridge Tennessee on a peaceful Suburban Street a man named named cadon Lachlan was transporting a developmentally disabled client to his home when all hell broke loose involving a neighbor of that home where he was delivering the client this video was submitted to me by the criminal defense attorney who had represented kadon against the charges that came from what you're about to see although it happened a while back the ensuing civil law suit was just recently settled I haven't seen reporting about it anywhere here's what happened 22-year-old cadon Lachlan was working for a company called orang Grove his job was to drop off a disabled client at this particular home and as he was doing so the family's dog ended up getting loose kadon helped the family chased the dog up the street when he finally caught the dog the dog had run onto the property of an off-duty police officer named Andrew Carter Carter and laan then exchanged words and Carter told kadon to get off his property this is kadan's version of what was said he said if you step foot on my property I got something for you then I said I got something for you too but off duty police officer Andrew Carter called the cops on Cadron and this is what he said happened this is according to the police report Carter stated Lan said shut the f up I got something for you in car you effing Pig and went after the canine and Carter stated that minutes later laan was walking back to the other house and his vehicle making indistinguishable hostile statements in hostile body language I have a copy of the lawsuit that was subsequently filed and this is what kadan's lawsuit alleges about that moment kadon along with the minor son of this family and his friend so two minors went with Kaden down the street towards officer Carter's residence to fetch the dog cadon and the two miners saw the dog on officer Carter's property and as they went onto the property to get the dog it ran off down the street where plff cadon and the miners gained control of the dog and headed back to their residence as Kaden the miners and the dog walked on the street and passed officer Carter's residence Carter while on his front yard yelled to the three people that if they set foot on his property again that he had quote something for you at no time did cadon or the miners do or say anything to officer Carter to provoke Carter's threat Carter had his East Ridge issued police car parked in front of the residence and kadon saw Carter place his hand on a firearm that officer Carter carried on his person he was not wearing a police uniform at the time as kadon and the two miners walked kadon responded to Carter that he had something for Carter too at no time did kadon ever display any weapon so Cadron the two Miners and the dog made it back to the Lewis family residence when just a few minutes later one of Officer Carter's colleagues who was on duty officer Roy stasher arrived with two other East Ridge Police Officers arriving behind him officer Roy stasher approached kadron and the homeowner as they were on the front porch Roy stasher was immediately and without any justification verbally abusive towards the plff this is the very beginning of the footage don't make me come in that house I will come in that house I will come in that house get out here now do it now do it now don't do that you think I'm going to argue with you I'm going tase your before even learning any facts officer Roy stasher immediately gets aggressive and escalates the situation while kadon as you can see is compliant and calm I didn't do nothing I I all I came here to do was to talk to you you y they should have been War don't tell me how to run my shift I'll have as many officers here as I want do you understand what I'm saying as kadan sits on the front steps of this house the officers accuse him of threatening officer Carter but they're not wanting to listen to kadon that it was actually officer Carter who threatened him and the kids you threatening off the offic no he threatened but the officers chose not to document in their police report that kadon said he was threatened first by Carter accid let her dog out that's all that happened Roy stasher then told officer Carter that kadon and the homeowner said that it was Carter who threatened kadron he says you threatened him first is that an incorrect statement it is Carter then falsely claimed that it was cadon who made threats towards him so I've got it he said she said granted he's an officer but I have look at it from that side and Roy stasher then asked Carter what do you want to do with it I'll do whatever you want you're the Vic meaning victim I'm asking you what you want to do with it I'll do whatever whatever whatever you want done you're the Vic um I'd like to prosecute for agasa so he then charged and arrested kadon rather than his colleague okay and yeah despite off-duty officer Carter's wife saying that she was not certain about who said what or that she even saw anything and despite not even interviewing the two miners who were present during the alleged threats officer Roy stasher still arrested kadron on the false charge of aggravated assault I thought I was going to tase his I was about to If he if he' had taken one more step in the house I would have but get this Rory stasher also charged kadrin with two counts of reckless endangerment for having a firearm while he was transporting Orange Grove residence a firearm that was later found under the front seat of his car as his lawyers alleged in the in the subsequent civil lawsuit kadon had a constitutional right to bear and possess a firearm he was not prohibited by any state or federal law from possessing a firearm nevertheless these false charges indeed got cadon fired from his job with Orange Grove this incident brings to light the importance of understanding our constitutional rights the Fourth Amendment protects us against unreasonable searches and seizures while police officers can make a warrantless arrest of somebody if they're going to do so they must have probable cause that the arreste has committed the crimes they're arresting them for when the officer arrested kadrin for aggravated assault the key allegation there is that he was threatening this off duty officer with his firearm and in reality the facts that were available to the offic officer at the time had nothing about the firearm that was later found in kadan's car as the officer admitted it was that he said she said the officer alleged that kadron had threatened him kadron alleged that the officer had threatened him it was actually a complete nonissue non-crime two people had words even at a time when kadron wasn't even on the officer's property kadron never refused to leave the officer's property kadron never failed to comply with with the commands of the officer he answered all the questions he was calm but the officer acted in a very unreasonable manner immediately detaining Cadron and pointing his taser at him the case law is very clear that a police officer pointing a taser at somebody who is compliant and who is not posing an immediate safety threat to anybody is unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment and actually the real facts showed that the only individual who was armed during these words that were exchanged was the off-duty officer he admitted to his colleagues that he was armed at all times during this incident and get this the criminal defense lawyer Chris Dixon gave this footage to the news media and so a TV reporter went out to officer Carter's home to try to ask him some questions about this incident and guess what he shows up visibly armed we went to officer Carter's home today to ask him about laan's accusations can y'all leave please he told us he was not allowed to comment and as we were packing up a uniformed East Ridge officer showed up and his cop buddies also show up in what appears to be intimidation of the media but it didn't work because just 15 minutes after the story about this aired on the TV news a press release was sent out by the government notifying the media that all charges against kadon laan were dropped East Ridge Police Chief Stan Allen released the following statement about dropping kadin's charges as a result of my inquiry I believe the charge of aggravated assault to be inappropriate I had a discussion with the prosecutor and the decision was made to dismiss the charge of aggravated assault and not pursue the appropriate charges of reckless endangerment for leaving a loaded firearm in the vehicle with the clients so officer Roy stasher was given a one-day suspension for the the language that was used towards Mr laan and also remedial training in Tennessee state law according to Chief Allen after the criminal charges were dropped kadon Lachlan filed a civil lawsuit I'll post a full copy of it up on the blog the link will be in the first pinned comment below several months back the civil lawsuit was settled I looked on Pacer and there's no mention of the settlement terms I reached out to kadan's attorneys in that case and they noted that they could not comment on the settlement so unfortunately I can't give you the details presumably he was paid some amount of money in exchange for signing a release how much money I don't know I wish we did know kadron laan's encounter with the East Ridge Police serves as a powerful reminder that the Thin Blue Line is always there even when police officers are off duty and that the only way to counteract that Thin Blue Line is through exposure through video footage through the public perception of seeing something that's not right and then being outraged about it this is just another example of government only doing the right thing after the public sees it and gets angry about it and I have to say that the most shocking part of this video footage for me is the disparity between the officer just flying off the handle and really wanting to harm kadron and kadron just being completely calm and keeping his head together and keeping things together because even though it's it's not supposed to be required if you're a good witness for yourself in incidents such as these and people see this footage and they sympathize with you because you're the good guy in the footage rather than the bad guy that really does go a long way in the end result clearly this officer has a short fuse and I wouldn't be surprised if we see more of them what do you think about the officer's actions here what do you think about the off-duty officer's actions and what do you think about East ridge's decision to only suspend this officer for one day let me know in the comments so thanks for watching don't forget to like subscribe and hit the bell for more police encounters and constitutional rights discussions remember our rights don't end or your fear begins freedom is scary deal with it [Music]