Transcript for:
Case Studies: Youth and Law Enforcement Interactions

in today's video you'll meet a student who thought she couldn't get arrested oh no you want to T I'm not going to hurt a 9-year-old who punched and threw books at police because he couldn't leave school early you're throwing things you're putting everyone you need to hear it it's okay I get that a lot and a 16-year-old who started an argument and began fighting with students and staff you H me no please and the most entitled teen ever who continued fighting Polie even when she got her entire body wrapped I you I'm tell you right now don't pull your hand in my face is it G but first meet Candice an 18-year-old girl who is pregnant and acts like laws don't exist in her world she was pulled over for a window tint violation but this traffic stop proves to be anything but r your windows work you can open the door what am I getting pulled over your windows my tent yeah see your windows work no it does it clearly okay I don't know that normally people roll their Windows now well mine don't I'm pressing the button you can see what am I getting pulled over for your window tent you have your license and insurance it doesn't matter you entered here from the roadway I have to find my first what's going on man nothing's going on what is y'all think taking for license and insurance okay give me a the windows oh that that one goes down insurance license okay I have a license my sh ID sir do you have an ID on you y'all don't have to speak to him I need his ID he doesn't have a seat belt on I need his ID we're in a parking lot dude we just I saw you drive up here when cuz I just was sitting there yeah I know I was pulling in behind you no you wasn't because I was in the Drive-Thru and then I parked for a second and okay he I'm not going to have the argument with you police brutality police brity I don't have an idea what's your name for what reason you don't have your seat belt on do you don't have a license call a sergeant now Sergeant Now call a sergeant now are you the registered owner yes okay you can see that when you're on the okay I need you out of the car you don't get to demand when we do things go ahead and step out of the vehicle step out of the car man not the US Supreme Court says you do the US Supreme Court says you do Pennsylvania vers mens go ahead and step out of the vehicle the case the officer just referred to is the 1977 case of Pennsylvania versus mims in which the Supreme Court ruled that a police officer after lawfully stopping a vehicle for a traffic violation May order the driver to get out of the vehicle without violating the Fourth Amendment get out of the car I do not have get out of the car we're going to break this window if you don't open the door you're touching ow ow you have a lightam on ow ow ow ow ow watch watch his hand I'm going to break the window I'm break oddly this guy thinks he doesn't need to present ID when the cops ask he must have gotten his education from Dr Seuss University with a major in disregard for the law bro this is not fair tell them come down open the door going to break the window if you don't open the window yes they're trying to break my hey he hit me in my face he just hit me in my face he's hit there's no reason for me to get out of the car yeah no seat belt on get out of the car you guys have body cams on bro it's on video right it's on video there's no reason for this this vehicle was on the roadway this was a Lo of traffic stop but we watched you on the roadway we just broke the door the Turn For What on your stomach for what for what what are you doing you stupid you hit me in my face I press Char whatever we're done give me my phone please follow Sergeant roll over on your side so you can breathe roll over on your side I don't want to roll over on my side I'm on my back I'm telling you to roll over on your side get a good now I don't have anything on me that's fine I got to double check what's your name come on dude you have a right you just pull my out bro you right you can see my underwear right yeah I can search you there I got him hey can you call a sergeant can you call a sergeant we'll be going to jail you can talk to him there why for what for resisting arrest resisting arrest why was I under arrest cuz you're obstructing how because you wouldn't get out of the car and you didn't have a seat Lo on you wouldn't identify yourself you told me to roll down the window I roll down the window then y'all started can you call a sergeant now not both these teens ignored the officer's commands and although not as bad as this kid who learned she wasn't too young for jail oh no you want to touch I'm not going to hurt her dad now shows up but he immediately starts arguing with cops too didn't even do anything Dad how's it going sir going on Dad I was parked by the L for Fusion I pulled out and they pulled me over I wasn't even on the road wer they're lying go to cameras they're lying how's it going so I made the stop so we had been following the vehicle uh they did pull in here they were going to leave we decided to make traffic stop she stops right here no he's fall dead do not believe it's all on uh ask him to identify himself ask him the get out of the car he refuses tries to roll the windows up resists with deputies when that started happening that's when she kind of freaked out up until that point she was okay so how did she get out of the car who did you drag her out of the car they got her out of this side after we got him out of the car he was our main focus so what is what are you pulling her over window pull me over I got ten wind signal at like North I don't care you window if that's your opinion on the situation that's fine million other cars around look he's got 10 Windows okay and normally everyone else identifies themselves and gives us insurance I'm just expain to you how if you don't agree with it I can't people out I mean no I asked them to get out of the car for several minutes before it escalates never asked me to get out the car like I said we all we all have cameras on I go get McDonald's video she escalated well broke my door yall are paying for that KY Bo stop no P can I get a sergeant like I said you could talk to him when you get to the jail where am I going to jail for resisting obstructing how did I resist I roll down the window when when the police say identify yourself I do not have to by by Illinois state constitution by the Federal Constitution I do not have to identify yes I do not have to disclose any information to you when you're breaking the law you break the law you didn't have a seat belt on I I I didn't get a second to even move bro we're going to get your feet underneath of you ready you ready 1 2 3 y I didn't even do it stay right there are you on any kind of medication or drugs or anything no I'm pregnant you know how easy this could be if you just would have unlocked the door I did and did exactly what they told you to do you pull me over for no reason I just pulled out see those tinted windows they're entirely too dark to be driving with can you please get the hair out my face it's all in I'm not going to do that cuz you just spit all over your hair and I so hair dude I'm getting a lawsuit out of y'all I hate all of you I hope all of you die you're not on any kind of medication or drugs or anything no does it look like it it do like it you need to calm down can you get the hair out my face please okay but you need to calm down yelling at them they going to get you you need to calm down let's go over this way I appreciate you sir but this kid believed she wasn't arrestable don't touch me do not touch me but would find out how long she really was oh now you want to touch I'm not going to hurt hello what's going on well I was told I'm going big handcuffed here oh okay yeah well want come on out here and talk to me for a second well about what I can tell here no no no come on out here and talk to me so we we can discuss what's going on no no no right out here she's not even dressed properly yeah she has to go to miss I'm a dress come here despite the teen acting seemed like she was going to stand up she decided to sit back down instead a decision in which she would horribly regret see now you're testing me don't T but come on outside and talk to me and I won't have to lay a hand on you you got it talk to me right here you want know you're on video right now and right now you're disrupting everything that's going on right now you hear me yeah I don't want you to get in any trouble okay I'm already getting in trouble why don't iJoy my time no you can't do that because you're not because right now you're A disruption you got him here we got her here [Applause] okay come on come on out here I love you my the teen stands up once more but again sat back down and while the entitlement is much worse in the next case so now bye get out of the the nice cop had no choice but to do so something this teen never expected stand up no don't touch me do not touch me stand up don't touch everybody out get everybody out get these guys out of here out go oh now you want to touch I'm not going to hurt don't [ __ ] give me any [ __ ] give me your hand what the hell is going on with you guys huh what is going on with you is this what I got to do every [ __ ] day now no bro we all you're hurting me then you probably should have thought about that before you decided to be stupid roll over stand up my phone's right there ow stop [ __ ] hurting me did you throw my phone no that's your phone right there why'd you throw it now shut your mouth andax why you throw it once the te was rightfully arrested she then decided to act like the victim by trying to guiltrip the cop trying to be helpful to you but you had to go and do that and this is where we're at just like my dad you know what my dad was abusive well guess what you shouldn't have stood up and came at me because that's why you ended up on the ground I got everything on video I you might not have realized what you were doing you don't resist me when I put my hands on you it's for a reason there ain't no reason for you to sit there and try to pull away and resist me that's why he ended up on the ground if you didn't try to get out of it too well you probably should to listen to what I had to say and I was trying to be nice to you but you didn't the cop stuck to his guns and the Teen was released after a disciplinary meeting with her parents the situation pretty much is is I picked her up and I took her to like run errands all over town um she told me that she was going to stay with a friend here so I brought her um so I brought her here she was trying to get a hold of the friend the friend wouldn't answer finally he did he said that he was like 2 hours away so I said okay cool like you can either stay here with your stuff or I'll take you to McDonald's and with him for him there she didn't want to do either or I said well you need to start calling like friends family whoever you know to try to figure out like where you're going to stay cuz we don't do placement after they're 18 yeah and so um she's like I don't have anybody and I'm like dude I don't know what to tell you and so she's like just drive and I'm like well where do you want me to take you and I said I have to take you somewhere and she's like well just take me to the office and I'm like I can't take you to the office cuz you're over 18 yeah so I'm kind of like stuck because because she doesn't have any money she catched it on Friday um she said she stayed at one hotel Friday and then she stayed with a friend she ended up getting arrested I believe on Sunday for a warrant that she had out and battery on an officer as well what's her name ah yeah I know her sh yeah what's going on nothing nothing at all I'll talk to you later all right you don't need to talk to me but you do need to get out of the car all right she needs to take off okay all right later get away from me now get out of the car can you get yeah I'll move out the way well you're going to get out the car this is deja and she insisted on staying in her caretaker named Alicia's car Alicia drove Deja wherever she wanted acting as her own personal Uber driver but Deja decided to become uncooperative and refused to leave her car she despises the cops because she's had previous run-ins with the the law and would portray this hatred in the most obscene way possible which is a decision that would prove to have horrible consequences for her later goodbye just unbuckle and get out ma'am you can't stay in here I already asked to go back to the Cy office that is all I need to say to you how old are you how old are you oh Deja you're the one that got arrested at you we don't need to go that way yeah we to go that way and I don't know you yeah you don't know me so don't try but I know you're 18 I know you're 18 I'm not 18 you got that wrong all right how old are you doesn't matter how old are you how old are you doesn't matter all right what's your name and date of birth why I have a lot of reason right now to identify who you are because you're not getting out of a state vehicle and they requested me here okay then if you get the out of here and get the away I'll step out of a car I step back for you how you spell your last name I don't know you really want to go to jail trying to step out of the car okay unbuckle and I'll step out of the way I'll step out of the way well you need to start unbuckling now no you need to back the I'm telling you right now D you're not in charge right now no I need you to back up and respect my space your space I'm telling you right now get this away from so go ahead and start unbuckling now there's no need for threats there's no need for you to be here or for you try to talk to me okay I out here I was called out here n I'm tell you right now now you're getting out of that vehicle one way or another I'll get out of the vehicle when I'm ready to get out of the vehicle you're now Alicia get him she's the one that contacted me so she needs my help so Deja go inad and unbuckle and get out unbuckled now leave out of my face get out no I need you to get the away from me I did I stay back enough no you did not yes I did Deja I'm going to tell you right now you're going to get out of the vehicle for what cuz y'all trying to arrest me for I'm not arresting you I'm just telling you you she doesn't want you in her vehicle so you need to get out of the vehicle I don't want you near me you're not staying in the vehicle D you yeah leave Deja get your stuff and get out of the deja you need to get out of the car I need you to leave me alone I'm going to tell you right now you need to get out of the car I need you to leave me alone Deja get out of the car please no I need you to leave me alone that's not going to happen cuz I'm not called out here by you I was called out here by your case worker they wanted assistance okay okay so go ahead and get out please I appreciate that fool go over there no and you do is stop talking to me and leave me alone it's not going to happen you're not going to get your way either cuz look I'm out of the car get all the way out the back in the car get out of the vehicle I need you to literally leave me the literal alone for 5S I have to okay Ian I don't know we're just trying to figure out I've been trying to figure out options well they try to help you I a talking to you okay well I'm telling you that she's talking to her boss and they ain't got I know who she's on the phone with okay well get out of the car stop yelling please no you know there's a charge for that as well right yeah okay yelling and shouting okay so you're just adding charges to your I'm not doing [ __ ] I need you to leave alone you're not getting out you're not leaving me alone at this point I'm not going to I don't feel comfortable getting out of the car with you around fine get out no get the I'm telling you right now this is your last chance I'm out get all the way out get out all the way out of the vehicle all the way go over there step over there no step over there away from the vehicle I'm going to give you one more Choice all right and I'm going go to my car I'm telling you right now get out of the way I am out of the way go over there no okay so I'm going to walk to my patrol unit right there ah head I don't care get all your stuff and get out get out of the car before I physically do it you don't need to physically get me out of the car if I've been out of the car okay so move so I can close the door and get out of it I am out of the car H get completely out of the way so she can leave no I'm going to walk away for now but when I come back when when I come back don't St me get don't put your [ __ ] hand in my face I'm you right now don't touch me and don't put your hand in my face I touch you I'm telling you right now don't put your hand in my face all right is it at G where the at okay so now bye get out of the car [Applause] get in the car I told you don't get in the car you guys got no I want to can I please yeah I'll bring her over here can you don't put your legs in no can you please across from my head I have to to my head move your fo I what's for what am I me 10 I literally just want to T do not do not put your foot in can you please tell me what's actually going no I'm not going to do that until you put your foot in h you actually tell me what's going on not until you f [Applause] as Deja simply refused to get into any patrol car cops now apply a the wrap restraint kit in hopes of getting her to comply although youd think she'd finally comply DEA had other plans in mind as she would actually become more violent even in an entire body wrap get I can't [Music] you stop it needs to be bu up need to be loosened I'll stop resisting okay to much SL hey act like a grown adult act like a grown adult to stop screaming and I'll let her come to the window so you could talk to her do you understand do you understand calm yourself stop stop yelling act like an adult and I'll bring her over here no you're not you're still screaming I will bring her over here if you just calm down and act like an adult cops now arrive at the hospital to have staff check out Deja for any physical injuries that she may have sustained during her tantrum no no it's not it's not right I'm trying to keep my [ __ ] C I really am what the that yall want you chill out do you need some water no I need you to leave me alone you're in my custody I don't care I don't need even to talk to me or anything just leave me alone don't talk then I don't I can talk if I want to I don't need you around I don't need you to get the back the up that's all right I don't give a those guys me you're the one that's been doing all of this [ __ ] yes ma'am bye back up what are you doing I'm scooting up that's all I did no cuz you got off last time no not doing this okay I don't lie I'm near me that's literally it I'm going C you to the bench or I'm going to C you to the bed sorry okay I don't care I don't want him near me is it okay I can take pictures of you no it's not okay go away it's just for the use of force no I said no well I'm doing it get the away I said no I said no [Applause] [Applause] what she on I don't know but this this for what are we going to do at the at the at the jail at our place know why don't we just take her street there she keeps acting like this I don't want to leave her in this in this forever so I like to get it if possible straight to the DC please I need to be seen by the hospital no no I want to go to the hospital you were actually just discharged from the hospital you did not even let me talk to them they checked you out what do you mean they didn't even check my head they checked all of you you didn't want to comply you're going to the jail why do you think this is okay what did I do to you huh I want to press charget and I want to go to the hospital for medical attention get away from me Deja was charged with concealing identity resisting arrest and battery on a police officer throwing things you're putting everyone you need to hear it it's okay I get that a lot this is a 9-year-old student who threw a tantrum because he wanted to go home early but when staff didn't give into his request he'd begin hitting and throwing books at them that's when officers arrived on the scene to try and handle this out of control kid don't oh you want to throw stuff though right you that's okay I get that a lot it doesn't hurt my feelings despite cop's best efforts to calm the kid down the kid had no intentions of stopping as he'd now swear and throw anything he can get his hands on at the cops with the child showing no mercy to those around him cops were left with no choice but to place him into handcuffs to contain him stand for me but so you C down this is where we he can do I think he's on the road just calm you down for a second chill chill stop it just relax just stop it sit up chill chill just relax you need to chill you we can take the hand I'm not going to do that you're throwing things you're putting everyone you need to hear it it's okay I get that a lot we're trying to figure out why you're so upset stop pulling stop stop pulling stop picking out my hand oh holding me if you relax we can talk to you and you can shut the that's why you're not going anywhere with the kid in handcuffs he'd be taken to the guidance counselor to calm down but it doesn't end here as the parents later sued the police department claiming they used excessive force now let me ask you do you think the cops used excessive force what happened today with the fight what's s okay we were sitting at lunch everything was fine and um he started throwing food like there were like throwing food like oranges over the building and stuff and who started throwing food Alex so Alex is a girl boy I don't know it's confusing he came outside like and like he kind of started like trying to make himself look bigger I guess or whatever like and then that's when like I pushed him back and then that's when he went straight for right right here and then he went for my hair and then that's when I hit him back when you say you pushed him you went you said when you say he went for right here like what do you mean went for right here like he went cloged me in the face like cuz all right here they said it was red I don't know if it's still red or not and he went cloged me in the face he grabbed a hold of my hair like he kind of had me like he had me by my hip like he was holding me by my hip and like at my hi like he has like his arm under me I guess or whatever and he had me to by the back of my hair like by my ponytail and then he had me he scratching me in the the eyes and I was hitting him like trying to like push him off and hit him and then that's when um the security guard that's when he came and then that's when he grabbed me and that's when I was asking him to let me go I wasn't going to hit him or nothing I was kind of like I just started freaking out because I don't like being held like that so so what happened exactly I saw a group of students hanging out right there by the wayside then I saw Mia and another student they were confrontation verbal they punch you mhm where but she just went she hit you yeah and then I cut it out and then she got confrontation I restrain her she got confrontational with you or the other person with everybody she got confrontational with everybody with everybody I had to restrain her again and she started kicking me right from the back yeah Lenny had to restrain her her leg cuz she was just out of control this is Alex a transgender 16-year-old who started an argument with students that led into a physical fight but when school officials tried to stop the fight Alex kicked and punched them too but as cops get Alex to speak to him he seems to think that he's too young to go to jail so he becomes violent and begins to physically resist the officers all right Mia or Alex I'm sorry go stand up Mak me anxiety I don't need your freaking officers in here we have to do we're just working no I don't need you guys here you're making me get anxiety I'm scared of y'all and I don't thinking need y'all in here y'all making get anxiety we can't leave and still I don't care I don't want y'all in here y'all make me anxiety y'all making me have anxiety y'all need to get that through your head I'm getting anxiety from them they're about to detain you they're going to put the cuffs on you for what you can't you going to take me to jail that's they can no you're not and they have to they have to they're not doing it because they want to they actually have no they don't so I'm I'm going to ask you one more time okay I'm not going with y'all rather have my mom take me and not freaking get y I don't need to go with y'all can y'all stop being let me go with y'all I don't don't want to go with y'all you have to go want to you there no what the did I do I didn't do [ __ ] no what did I do what did I do you got a fight stupid that's not me you should go [ __ ] take her to jail both Y no it's not me no it wasn't I have the right put you be the out of me how it is yes because y'all be trying to take me to jail for no reason you have to go to jail no I'm not going to jail we have to go with us y'all trying to take me to jail no I'm too young I'm too young to go to jail y'all need to understand no I'm not going to jail no just not okay just just real quick okay I I can see that you're very upset right now I don't blame you okay the the youngest that we can detain in person you're not detaining me listen that's not what it is no is 11 years old okay I don't care y not detaining me get that three your head I don't want to go Alex I don't want I don't want to go I understand that listen let me let me let me real quick if if you refuse and you try to fight with us or you ref can yall just be quiet and just leave me alone we can't do that listen well stop trying to take me with y'all I'm not trying to go it doesn't matter with y'all either you have to go no it doesn't matter no it doesn't so can you pleas take off your backpack no okay I'm not taking my [ __ ] off no no this is my [ __ ] stop stop stop we're trying stop don't touch me please God no please I'm sorry no stop please stop it off you're stop I don't need you leave me alone no you HT me look I'm holding on to your backpack no it hurts it hurts it hurts no you H me he's listen what the hell you're hurting me S take can't I can't I can't no don't don't unwrap those hey oh we'll put it back no I can't leave it no no no can you just unrap it no we we why because we don't want I don't need it I promise I'll stay with y'all I I know you will can't you it's going to make it more comfortable for I eat it no it's not comfortable it no oh my God bro Mak me stressed out making me get sick you got breathe I can't breathe bro you're Brea do you have asthma yeah yes I have your inhaler I don't have an inhaler I don't have one okay I me have one I'm not I don't have like as soon as we get get you to the PD then we're going to release you okay and then you can go with Mama I can't Brea I can't breathe yeah hold it back is she getting the same thing at me Alex stand for me please huh do you have any weapons on you no nothing's going to pull cut or stab in your pockets ow I have to can you spread your feet for me please Alex Alex no leave me alone down here for Alex you have to I got to check you no please Alex no please Alex tries to tell the cops that he can't be arrested because of his age while cases for adults and miners do differ in general the United States allows detainment and arrest of miners if they've committed an arrestable offense much like adults considering Alex's fought with multiple people these officers are well within their right to arrest him but Alex continues fighting with cops and his reason for this is that he is hiding something no please stop stop get in the car so we can get try give me my phone we can have it whenever you get give me it my phone your back it's in your backpack give me my phone in your backpack stop Alex Alex we have to check you first bro no hey stop Alex please stop Alex please stop no can yall stop hey we we're trying to we just need the key we just need the key stop stop stop leave alone listen listen stop touching me we have to check you no we have to what's in your pocket tell me what's in your pocket that she don't want us to see just be real with us if it's a if it's like a vape I don't care okay you can't I'm not going to charge you with that that's it okay I'm going to get it okay see that's all you have to do but I need it because it makes me like not like exited you know yeah yeah yeah no I feel you I feel you yeah I know you don't like cops and I understand but I want you you understand we're not doing anything to try to hurt you I promise I don't have no weapons okay no I believe you go ahead and sit down for me let's do that okay you got it yeah okay so we got report that there was a fight um they by the time we got there they were separated yeah so both Alex and the other person the other person was 18 they're an adult so they're handled differently but they're going to be something's going to happen with them as well yeah so Alex she's being Char with the batter against the school Personnel two counts um public afraid and resisting evading obstructing