hello and welcome to visual Pathology Lab we are going to discuss a very important aspect of cell death which is known as necrosis necrosis is uh basically the result of the protic digestion of the cell and uh its contents so whenever there is um release of uh certain enzymes like proteases endonucleases as a result of cell injury or as a result of continuous cell injury then it leads to cell death so what happens in cell death when we talk about the morphology of of it in necrosis there are different categories depending on the type of organ it is affecting so we will try to cover all those um types of necrosis with a few pictures of uh for each category so the first one that I'm going to discuss is cognative necrosis and the cative necrosis is a scene where the organ is solid uh and it is not soft or rubbery um so in that case when necrosis effects uh or the the the enzymes uh leakage that results because of the cell injury or there is leakage of the protolytic enzymes and there are eventually leakage of Lial enzymes and the liome ruptures and the membrane ruptures so all of it uh makes up u a lethal combination that causes digestions of the intracellular component in cultive necrosis basically what happens is that the architecture of the cell remains but the internal environment of the cell goes into um infection because of the uh loss of blood supply or esia so you're seeing a spleen which is a solid organ so when necrosis occurs in the Spen you can see these wide areas all right and then you can see this white area this is basically representing cative necrosis another uh very common example is um uh the presence of um um necro necrotic area or infacted area within uh a kidney and you can see this is a kidney um sample where there is a whsh yellowish area which is representing infection or necrosis so um when when you try to see this necrosis uh under the microscope there is loss of the cellular contact similarly in the nucleus there is um you know endonucleases cause uh destruction of the the nuclear content so there is more of the eosinophilia that is more of the pinkish color on microscopic so when you compare normal tubule of the kidney with the tubule which is which is having this you see this infected area why am I saying the infected area because when you compare it with this one you can see that there are cells with um a sort of normal architecture with cytoplasm and intact nucleus but when you observe here you will see fading of the nuclei cytoplasm will take up more pinkish color and the nuclei become fade they become uh picnotic like like they become shrunk uh dot-like structures and maybe sometimes the nucleus get very dark color so you can appreciate the fading of the nuclear hair and lots of enopia in the cytoplasm I'll give so these are some of the patches of necrotic tubules that you can appreciate in the kidney architecture again this is a cultive type of necrosis because you can see that the architecture overall architecture is preserved going to the image the kidney injury you can see that there is uh isin ailia there is U maybe fading of nuclear here right but you can also appreciate that there is vacular degeneration what is vacular degeneration the spsh area they become the tissue become vacated so this is one uh another sign of necrotic tissue another example could be uh of a lung lung is uh most of the time present having necrotic tissue in the form of vacular degeneration which in the hepatic area is known as ballooning degeneration so what happens is that they become large this is a normal hocy and when you compare it with this one see you can appreciate that has become large in size it has more EOP filic cytoplasm and there's faded nuclear nucleus and on the other hand you can see these balloon shaped bigger bigger cells which are actually nothing but the hocy which is undergo uh ballooning degeneration so this is type of morphology that you come across cross in the case of liver infection this is another example of ballooning degeneration and these are the pigments uh that have been accumulated these are nothing but the bile right okay coming to the myocardial necrosis which is the prime example of cognative necrosis and is evident in this picture like Let me Give an example you can see the normal architecture or normal uh uh stain of the nucleus stried fibers seen in the myocardium but when you compare it with these um this feeding nucleus more eosinophilic cytoplasm at places you will only find cytoplasm and no nucleus so this is basically how myard inunction um presents so uh I'll give you another example of myar inunction and it is more severe because at first you cannot recognize the tissue but if I suggest you that this is myocardium then you will notice nothing but these tiny pting nuclei in the in the substance of U uh this um M tissue which is undergone a cever necrosis extensive necrosis I would say so these dirty appearance of the tissue is because of uh there's degradation of the cytoplasmic content there is a pnot and koris also occuring at certain places there is no nucleus it has been faded already so this is uh how a cultive necrosis uh looks upon that for other typ of um necroses please watch my next video thank you