what's up my precious little pack and welcome back once more to Vega conflict what I have in store for you all today is a little featurette more or less focusing and beginning the introduction of a short set of syriza's to the channel and they will be focusing on newer technology as well as further explaining it or resolving issues that may have said in the past that just weren't true about certain ships today's focus is going to be about the Cumbre and very specifically their race cruiser my fitting for it as well as the statistics as well as how I think it is in the game currently as well as potential support fittings for ships that it will be escorting right now mine Colonel has to lock down fitting and I'll explain that in another video for now I'll go over the statistics the current fitting as well as show a little bit of gameplay shortly after as I talk about it in more detail well in a little bit more of a general sense but the fleet damage per second is only 1081 that is fairly low in comparison to say a bastion that's fully fitted with either Xena weaponry or alternative just standard energy weapons especially cannon weapons fleet health 22 5845 that isn't the best but it does that isn't the worst I have bastions with more health than that but none of them have four hours repair time for that beautiful amount of health the fleet's ablative armor it has 17,500 hit points of ablative armor and it only gets better if it strips your shields or our two alternatively your ablative layer off because it will be able to regenerate that very quickly cargo six million seven hundred seventy eight thousand six hundred and twenty tons it can carry quite a bit sector speed 390 astronomical units per hour repair time four hours thirteen seconds now let's go over the fitting first off this fitting can change and it will change as I build better and better versions of this ship but right now this is what I have to adlet of armor level two one ablative armor level three three Sahni and armor level one harmonic chase thrusters three harmonic beam capacitor three to flight Nova cannon level threes one bite Nova cannon level two and an arrest your beam level three let's take a look at the resistors anodized naturally and that is for a bit of energy as well as projectile I mean kinetic resistance it's not the worst but it's not the best what else is this little puppy packing well it's packing 100 percent increased reload or recharge time to enemy ships that it destroys the shielding or the ablative layer energies makes us so they're gonna be firing half as fast as they were before because it's doubling the amount of time it takes them to fully charge up or fully reload on top of that is he's gaining a massive buff to the amount of ablative armor it regenerates per shot but that's gonna be it for me actively explaining exactly what the fitting is but this again once more is my current lockdown fitting the other fitting is simply replacing the arrestor beam with a net torpedo and going for more of a cluster but in this case it's very specifically meant to focus on one target hold it still so something such as the Medusa with the storm no not the storm driver with the atomic drivers can pick them apart because the atomic driver misses because it's far too slow in this case the ship is typically held still so it can receive the support fire it needs but that's gonna be it for this a little bit of the first part of the showcase I'll go ahead and I'll take you in the second part and this is gonna be the last thing I'm gonna say for the most part so if you liked the video feel free to leave a like if you have any feel free to ask below in the comments section if you want to see more content like this subscribe and as always everybody be safe out there in the void and I'll see you real soon the race is the standard frontline brawling cruiser for the Umbra faction its ability to mitigate lower and outright absorbed foes damage for the rest of the fleet should not be understated its primary sources of defense are its ablative Armour resistance and standard armor its secondary defense comes in the form of its coaling overdrive which grants its weapons the ability to increase the charge and cooldown time for weapons of any vessels impact by 50% increasing to a 100 percent increase it also grants increased regeneration of its ablative layer by 40 points recovered with normal weapons and 40 bonus points recovered if light weapons are used up to 200 points covered with normal weapons and 200 bonus points recovered with blight weapons through damage dealt as the cruiser of the Umbra faction the race will be on the frontline for most for most of your fleet and enable them to cause damage from a safe distance this does not mean it is not capable of fighting for itself it does carrying an armament that can be quite lethal if necessary or if cornered it is also quick enough to reposition during combat to better prevent opponents from bypass into attack the vessels that can't take much damage and keep fighting as easily without the risk of destruction it's calling overdrive in combination with stasis weapons also gives it quite an impressive capacity to lock down enemy vessels making them much easier to destroy with slower moving projectile weapons for instance the atomic driver the reduced rate of damage output from enemy vessels while under the effects of the colon overdrive means that you will take damage at a slower rate as well effectively reducing damage received for the duration of the effect the race is far from unstoppable though it can be easily slowed down with networked torpedoes on battleships or rester beings with focused optics or any other energy range increasing specials on destroyers then destroyed from a safe distance using a carrier battleships and/or destroyers an rester beam on an opposing Cruiser can also be utilized to lock down and slip past and move into the blind spot behind the vessel and easily destroyed with very little sight of retaliation from the race the Rays along with most of the member factions suffer from a lack of specials for their faction that effective light weapons this lack of specials means that the blight versions of weapons who may or will suffer from lower range than their standard counterparts due to the range increase in specials and lower range flight speed of de blight atomic driver over the standard atomic driver again due to the lack of specials that effective light weaponry