Lecture on Friction-Free Sales System and Building Urgency

Jul 6, 2024

Lecture Notes: Jeremy Miner on Friction-Free Sales System and Building Urgency

Introduction to Seventh Level

  • Founder: Jeremy Miner
  • Unique Selling System: Seventh Level, a friction-free sales system aimed at increasing revenue
  • Impact: Revolutionary for Jeremy and his followers; precise in drawing out emotions
  • Applicability: Effective across any industry at any time

Today's Focus

  • Topic: Building urgency in sales
  • Common Problem: Prospects showing interest, but procrastinating or throwing objections such as “think it over,” “talk to spouse,” or “need more research” after the presentation

Addressing the Problem

  • Types of common objections:
    • B2C: “Need to talk with my spouse”
    • B2B: “Need more research,” “Need more quotes,” “Need to think it over”
  • Main Question: Why do prospects procrastinate even when they see potential solutions?
  • Objective: Show how to build urgency in sales and understand the missing link.

Introduction to NEPQ

  • Definition: Neural Emotional Persuasion Questions (NEPQ)
  • Timing: Can’t ask consequence questions too early; needs established trust and credibility

Behavioral Science Insights

  • Biggest Emotional Drivers: Pain and fear of future pain
  • Importance: Helping prospects relive pain and consider the fear of future pain creates urgency to change
  • Human Behavior: People buy due to pain points and fears being addressed

Consequence Questions

  • Purpose: To make prospects defend their need to change
  • Types of Questions:
    • What if you don’t do anything about this and it gets worse?
    • Have you thought about what would happen if you didn’t do anything?
    • What are the ramifications for the company if this problem isn’t solved?

Examples by Industry

SAS (Software as a Service)

  • Scenario: Losing two hours a day due to manual processes
  • Question: What if you don’t get a real system in place and keep losing two hours a day manually inputting data?

IULs (Indexed Universal Life)

  • Scenario: Market volatility affecting retirement plans
  • Question: What would your retirement look like if you stick with the current strategy and experience more market downs?

Dental Implants

  • Scenario: Losing bone density and facing pain
  • Question: What happens if you don’t get implants and keep losing bone density?


  • Scenario: Rising energy rates
  • Question: What happens if you keep using your current energy provider and rates triple while you’re on a limited income?

B2B - Employee Benefits

  • Scenario: Losing top employees to competitors due to better benefits
  • Question: What are the consequences if you don’t improve your benefits and keep losing top talent?

Car Sales

  • Scenario: Car keeps breaking down
  • Question: What happens if your car keeps breaking down and you risk losing your job?


  • Scenario: High false positive rates
  • Question: What are the consequences of continuing to reject good customers due to false positives?

Life Insurance and Final Expense

  • Scenario: Financial stability after a sudden death
  • Question: What happens if you pass away earlier than expected and your family has no financial support?

Home Improvement - Pools

  • Scenario: Building family memories
  • Question: What if you don’t build the pool and miss out on family memories?


  • Need for Skill Development: Continuous improvement necessary to keep sales growing
  • Training Programs: Seventh Level offers various training programs to build these necessary skills
  • Call to Action: Encouraged to reach out for personal or corporate training needs