one man is rewriting the rules and taking it to another level and the next level and the next level the seventh level you just feel how natural it is you feel how open you become to your prospects and in response they usually become more open to you founded by Jeremy Miner seventh level is the only friction-free sales system guaranteed to raise revenue in my life it's been revolutionary and his followers are feeling the difference his training has transformed everything it is precise and it really draws out emotions people around the world are starting to catch on we're going to tie in the new model of selling to your product or service that you sell these tools can work for anyone in any industry at any time and it's time to get on board before the ship sets Sail it's seventh level with Jeremy [Music] Miner all right Jeremy Miner we are live here so we're live today on our Tuesday live let me go and live here on the IG phone go live here on a good old Tick Tock phone ticktockers over there you got that all right so today we're going to cover a subject that I know some of you just get crushed sometimes and I feel bad so I've got to do it for you so do you ever get through a sale you you've helped them see that they have problems they you feel like you've gone through a presentation could be B Toc B2B it doesn't matter wherever you're at in your sales process you've helped them uncover problems you thought you asked really good questions they seem really interested you go through your presentation you try to close and then at the end they say oh this looks really good but now's not a good time or ah you know I really need to if you sell B Toc I really need to talk with my spouse or if you sell B2B like ah we just need to do more research we need to get more quotes or I need to think it over or I need to pray about it and you're you're just you're just like completely you don't understand because they have problems you clearly showed them that your solution could solve the problems yet they procrastinate and they throw think it over objections talk to my spouse objections talk to my department head objections if you sell B2B do more research looking around and you're like what went wrong now if that's you type in me in the chats okay so we're going live here on the Instagram phone ton of you on here 650,000 of you on Instagram uh we've got about 110,000 of you here on Tik Tok we're also going live here on my desktop using streamyard so we're going live on our Facebook group sales revolution 111,000 of you on that platform Facebook business page 163,000 of you our YouTube channel what 10,000 of you or something our LinkedIn Channel and my personal Facebook so type in me in the chat if you're like I just don't understand how to build urgency in the sale they have problems my solution can solve those what is the missing link now I'm going to show you what part of the missing link is now are you g to master this how to build urgency from me doing a free Facebook live or a free IG live or a free Tik Tok well I know I couldn't master that but I'm going to at least give you something today some nibbles now if you're one of our clients you already know how to do all this and 10,000 times more okay but for those of you who are not I'm going to show you something today all right you're welcome I could be out golfing the weather's really nice here it's like 70 degrees here in Scott Steelers only got the short sleeve shirts on again it's time for spring and it's not even February here now if you're brand new if you just started following me my name is Jeremy Miner I'm the founder of seventh level where a sales training organization if you didn't know and we train salese exactly like you so we train sales professionals like you we train sales Executives like you we train sales leadership like you Sales Management business owners entrepreneurs coaches Consultants uh everything that sells any type of product service that solves a problem and or emotional need which every product and service in the world that's ever been invented does one of those two things most of them do both okay so what I'm going to show you today now here's what I'm going to have you do actually no I'm going to give you a sneak peek I'm going to give you some industry specific what are called neq now that stands for neural emotional persuasion questions npq okay I'm going to show you how to work with human behavior rather than work against it and I'm going to show you specific npq what are called consequence questions that get your prospect to defend themselves defend themselves on why they feel like they need to change and why they need to feel like they need to change with you doesn't matter what industry you're in we train 161 different Industries okay somebody on YouTube it's only 57 people in here not a 100,000 yes Daniel we have 110,000 subscribers obviously Daniel for a YouTube live it's probably not going to tell 110,000 subscribers for Life probably only 57 on YouTube you're right Daniel you caught us dang it dog got it Daniel you got one from us there you go Daniel we love you man all right there you go Daniel I love you guys somebody give Daniel Snickers bar over there on YouTube okay now so I'm gonna give you some very industry specific consequence questions and I want you to hear the tone of my voice and I want you to pay attention to my facial expressions now some of you might not realize this but your facial expressions are what we call the remote control to your tonality okay yes 486 people on this IG live when I say we have 650,000 that means followers obviously not 650,000 people watching the live I would love that but I don't think IG works that way you guys are funny you caught us do G it what are we G to do now we're g to close business stores so I'm going to give you industry specific consequence questions pay attention to my facial expressions in my tone your facial expressions are the remote control to how your tonality comes across try having a confused tone or a concerned tone and don't move your face that's pretty damn hard to do okay so I want you to pay attention to what I'm going to do I'm going to show you several things here today okay now here's what I'm gonna have you do before I do that if you're on the live right now if you're on the live right now I want you to post hashtag life so go down to the comments uh comment section if you're on IG or Tik talk if you're on YouTube here or if you're in the Facebook group or my LinkedIn or the Facebook business page if you're on the live I want you to go post hashtag live now I better see hundreds of hashtags live between all six of those platforms there's about, 1500 of you on with all six of those platforms together so I better see hundreds of hashtag live so hashtag live if you're on the replay I'm going to have you post hashtag replay so if you're on the live post hasht live if you're on the replay post hashtag replay now each one of you I'm going to have you do this because I like I said I could be golfing out here it is 71 degrees here it's a beautiful day in Scottdale I want you to smash the heart button and I want you to smash the like button so smash the heart button smash the like button I better see like I said there's almost 1,400 of you on you now on all six of these different platforms together smash the heart button smash the like button I better see thousands of Smash hearts and a lot of Smash likes if I'm going to do this for you okay all right enough about me none of none of you care about me you just care about yourself dog G you guys are so selfish just give me the training Jeremy how dare you there you guys you guys are so mean so aggressive over there everybody some sneakers bars today all right so I'm going to show you here on this Vibe board what I mean hopefully you guys can see this here let's see try to move this around here for you on Tik Tok I know you guys get angry if you don't have your way over there you guys get very angry on Tik Tok Wild Wild West over there all right so hopefully you guys can see me here okay now let's talk about what we're going to do here okay let me load and lower that for you okay now let me explain to you well I'll go and explain to you what an neq consequence question even means now I can't ask consequence questions in the first two minutes of a conversation I can't challenge a prospect with consequence questions when I have not built any trust or credibility because it's too early in the conversation this is more like three- fours of the way into at least the discovery part of the conversation that we're talking about here so once I go through my situation questions and help myself and them understand what their real situation is once I've started to build a gap for my problem awareness questions okay from where they are to where they want to be once I start asking my solution awareness questions to get them to see what the future looks like once the Newfound problems are solved I then want to rip that away by asking a npq consequence question that gets them to defend themselves on why they feel like they have to change is that a good thing for you if you know how to get your prospects to defend themselves on why they feel like they have to change and why they have to change with you probably a good thing to learn how to do now if you don't learn how to do that what that means is there's no urgency so what are the two my background is Behavioral Science that's what I went to college for I'm like a Behavioral Science nerd so the Behavioral Science human psychology and especially social dynamics the study of the brain and how and why human beings make decisions maybe you might want to know that if you're in sales you will have a very good competitive Advantage if you learn what I'm showing you okay what are the two biggest drivers emotional drivers that cause a human being to want to change pain or the fear of future pain so if we can't help the prospect relive their pain of their problems and have a fear of future pain they do not feel any need to what to change there's that change word again and if they don't feel any need to change there's no urgency for them to do anything and that's exactly why you get objections and that's exactly why you lose sales because you don't know how to get them to relive pain and you don't know how yet because you can learn that okay you don't know how to yet help them relive pain and have a fear of future pain once you learn that it's really easy you don't learn that well you have to play the numbers game I'd rather play the skills game okay so let's take a look at it so prospects consequence questions they first of all here's what they do they get the prospects let's change this here so they get your prospects to defend themselves on why they feel they need to change okay they also do this they get them to question their way of thinking on why they allow their current situation to remain the same do you want them to question their way of thinking of why they've allowed their current situ situation to stay the same probably a good thing if you want to sell a lot more than you are now okay now if you only learn what I'm going to show you here okay I can't guarantee you that you're gonna make three times the sales because there's a lot before this and there's a lot after this you have to learn not some magical question and all of a sudden you've tripled your sales it's not how real selling works okay now here are some generic versions now these are just strictly generic now pay attention to my tone here okay what if you don't do anything about this and the situation gets worse what happens if you don't do anything about this and this XYZ situation keeps going further south see that's a generic version you're not going to use that for your industry you got to tweak it and I'm going to show you how to do that but that's generic all right have you thought about what would happen if you guys don't do anything about this have you thought about what would happen if you don't do anything about this now what tone did I just use there that's more of a kind of a challenging slash concern tone now why do I want to have a challenging tone here remember I've got them on an emotional high once they see what their future looks like once the new found problems are solved so I have them on emotional high already I want to rip that away by challenging them have you thought about what would happen if you don't do anything about this that's a challenging tone remember your tone is how your prospect interprets the intention behind every question you ask let me repeat that this is vitally important if you want to sell a lot more than you are your tonality is how your prospect interprets the intention behind why you're asking the question are you just asking it to trap them into the answer so you can close them or am I generally concerned sometimes and have to use a concern tone now I'm not going to use a concern tone for every question that would be awkward where do I need to ask con use a concern tone compared to a challenging tone okay if you don't know how that just means you're losing deals you should be making our clients in your industry they're making those deals okay all right here's another one generic what are the ramifications if this doesn't get solved what are the ramifications for the company if you don't do anything about this guys that that's a challenging tone now remember I can't use a challenging tone in the first two minutes of a conversation because I don't have any trust and credibility this is more three4 of the way in at least on that first discovery call or whatever you call it could be meeting on Zoom could be on person could be on the doors could be on the phone okay this could be if you sold B2B it could be on the fourth meeting too it just depends on your sales process all right now those are generic versions now I'm going to show you some industry specific versions all right oh everybody's like please pick buy industry Jeremy pick I sell this can you do one on this I know what you're already doing here okay for this first industry let's say that you sold SAS type in SAS if you're in the SAS industry this is the we train 161 different Industries this is the seventh or eighth largest we train now now let's say that you have uh you have a program that helps associations stop stop having to manually process things so they're having to manually enter stuff in and let's say they have to hire people to do this it takes two to three hours a day it's sucking away resources sucking away time they could be working on other projects okay so let's say that in my problem awareness questions I find out that they're wasting let's say two hours a day I'm just going to put two hours a day with their manual processes the judges get upset okay what would happen to their job at that point okay if they're in charge of that okay so what if what if you guys don't get a real system in place and you keep losing the two hours a day having to do this manually the judges get fed up I mean what would happen to your job at that point now what type of tonality just I did I just use well I started with a challenging tone now Jeremy why in the heck let me move this back here for you guys why in the heck would I start with a challenging tone and end with a concern tone what does that do see if I want them on an emotional High I have to elevate That Emotion by using more of a challenging tone but at the end do I want them to interpret the intention behind the question as I'm concerned for them that if they don't get this fixed I'm concerned about the consequences of this situation see what I'm doing there okay but what if you what if you don't get a real system in place and you guys keep losing two hours a day manually inputting this data the judges get fed up I mean how long is your boss going to let that go without it getting fixed see into the concern tone the tone is how my Prospect in interprets the intention behind the question I'm asking you want me to show you an example I did this the other day at a keynote for a big Chiropractic company okay let's say if I'm you're mad at your your spouse or boyfriend girlfriend I'm so disappointed in you and your hands are out like that I'm so disappointed in you how is that other person going to react based on my tonality and my body language they're probably going to get defensive right I'm so disappointed in you they're going to get defensive but watch how they would react if I changed my tone and my body language I'm so disappointed in you I'm so disappointed in you John I'm so disappointed in you Cindy what are they going to do now I'm so disappointed in you now how are they interpreting that that I'm disappointed but I care about them and I lower their guard they don't get defensive do you see how by simply changing my tone and putting my hand on my chest implies that I care for them I I have a tone that shows empathy they still know I'm disappointed but they know I'm disappointed because I care for them now their guard comes down instead of getting defensive see if you don't understand this when you're asking certain questions in your sales process your prospect is interpreting what you're asking a lot different than maybe what you're interpreting it to be and that's causing you a lot of sales that you could be making let's keep going I'm going to show you a bunch of different Industries here I think I got 10 to show you here now let's say you sell iuls index universal life you're talking with somebody about retiring okay take a look at this so I mean what would your retirement look like if you just stick with you know a mayor prizes strategy and you keep having all these ups and downs in the markets I mean how are you going to be able to retire by the time you're 62 now see what I did there if the now would I just make up this question if they didn't say any of this from the questions I asked earlier no it wouldn't make any sense but let's say the prospect wants to retire by the time he's she or he is 63 but the plan they're on with I just made up a company AER prize because that's my investment firm AER priz if you're out there I still love you treat my money well I made it so let's say they're with a maror prize and they keep having they they've had all these ups and downs in the market now if I sell iuls that product protects him from the ups and downs you don't get as high a rate of return but your principal is protected so if they said they're they're concerned about all the ups and downs and they want to retire by 63 but the ups and downs they don't even know when they're going to retire see that would make sense for the consequence question so I mean what how what is your retirement going to look like if you just stick with you know mayil Lynch's strategy and you keep having all these ups and downs in the markets I mean how are you going to be able to retire by the time you're 63 well I'm not really sure I'm not sure but for you now well a lot of times they like no I need to do something now I need to look at other plans okay but for you see now what do I want to do if they're positive and they're like no I have to do something I have to change which if you built a big enough Gap you're one of our clients in your industry you built a big enough Gap they'll always be like no I have to do something and I could say well okay but for you why look at doing this now I mean why not push it down the road and just hope and pray the market somehow stays consistent every year Well the reason why I have to do it now is because we know the Market's not going to blah blah blah blah blah see how I'm pushing back to get them to what tell me why they have to change now does that build urgency for them to buy now not keep pushing it down the road you're damn bet at was now look at this okay but for you I mean why why look at doing this now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of people do who never end up retiring on time well the reason why I don't see how I'm repeating the negative okay but for you why look at doing this now like why not push it down the road like a lot of people do who end up working at a second job until they're 80 85 years old and now they're going to tell me and more importantly who why they have to do it now and not push it down the road does that build urgency in the sale oh you're damn right it does a lot of urgency okay all right let's keep going here look here I can show you this for every industry on the planet including yours you're one of our clients you already know how to do this because you're in our virtual training platforms you're not one of our clients you're hoping and praying you want to become a client message me directly right now we can go through different training options with our account managers if you want to sell more you don't have to sell more like I always say success is simply a choice choose well okay let's keep going dental implants you're like what dental implants are sold yes we're training some of the biggest companies in North America in the space do hundreds of millions of dollars a year in sales okay what happens if you don't do anything about this you keep losing the bone density in your jaw and now you can't even get implants Mary I mean what happens if you don't do anything about this and you keep losing the bone density in your jaw and now you can't even get implants oh I don't know what I do I'm not really sure and do you want to have to keep living with that pain in your mouth if you I mean if you didn't have to so if they're unsure if like oh I don't know I'm I'm hoping that God will provide I'm hoping that that a miracle will happen well I mean do you do you want to keep living with all that pain in your mouth if you I mean if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to okay well for you why look at doing this now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of people do who end up and then you repeat back the negative something they don't want who end up never able to get implants well the reason why I need to do it now is see how we're CA causing the prospect to do all the work see a lot of you have been trained that you got to do all the work you got to do all the convincing you got to do all the selling you gotta you gotta push you got to pressure and that way of selling's gotten you where to your income you're at now nothing more how could it okay you're one of our clients we're going to teach you how to get the prospects to do all work because who has the problems you or the prospect oh the prospect you don't have the damn problems the prospect does why you doing all the work now you have the solution to solve it so why are you doing all the work so we're going to show you how to get the prospects to do all the work we're going to show you how to get the prospects to qualify to you not you qualify to them you're not the one that have the problems we're going to show you how to get the prospects to overcome their own concerns and we're going to show you how to get the prospects to pull you in which one is going to make you more sales than you are now well I can definitely tell you we've got clients in Industry that are well I hate to say it they're kicking your butt up and down the field simply because they're learning stuff like this all the time okay let's take a look at this let's keep going here uh okay solar yay some of you like yes I sell solar JY picked mine oh my gosh I can't believe it let's take a look here now this is a really long consequence question so I have to pace it out I have to verbal Pace it out because if I ask the question too fast the prospect cannot internalize what I'm asking it doesn't give them enough time to think deep about the question and that's why you get so many surface level answers from your prospects take a look here now let's say that I'm uh so with solar what am I doing I'm protecting them against the rate hikes from the utility companies I'm getting their rate locked in where it's the same now as it will be in 25 years and eventually if I'm selling like the loan type of things eventually they don't have a bill let's say if I'm doing that okay but what happens if you I mean if you guys just stay with Duke Energy and they keep raising your rates every year like they have you're still having to pay the bill every month but the bill is more than three times what it is now but now you're on a what yeah you're on on a limited income how would you be able to pay for it at that point see what I'm doing I'm slowing down the question let me show you now let me show you what happens if you ask the question too fast pay attention to the difference on how this sounds I mean what happens if you don't do anything about this they keep raising rates like they have now you're 7580 so have to pay the bill every month but the Bill's Three Times Higher and now you're on a Liv income how are you going to pay for it at that point oh I don't know I'm sure my kids will help me out that's that's what you're going to get because you ask the questions too fast it gives the prospect no time to internalize what you're asking knee-jerk question gives you a knee-jerk reaction from the prospect but watch how I verbal Pac this out so I mean what happens if if you guys stay with Nevada Energy I mean they keep raising your rates every year like they have now you're 75 years old still having to pay the bill every month but the feels what I mean if we're conservative three times is what it is now and now you're on a what yeah a limited income I mean how would you guys be able to pay for it at that point now what did I do started off challenging tone end with a concern tone why do I end with a concern tone because remember your tone is how the prospect interprets the intention behind why you ask the question now the prospect feels I'm what concerned about the consequences if they don't do anything if the prospect feels I'm genuinely concerned about the consequences of them not solving this problem what did what am I building there I'm building massive trust more trust more sales less trust way more objections way L sales trust is King in sales people buy from companies and sales people who they trust can get them the best result let me repeat myself people buy from companies and salespeople they trust can get them the best result they do not buy from you because they like you I'm sorry to tell you it's it's the truth people do not buy buy because they like you they buy because they trust that you can get them the best result now if they like you that's just a bonus but they don't just buy from you because they think you're cool not at all you love Grandma but you're not buying from Grandma if you got somebody else selling the same thing that you feel can get you a better result would I be right you love your neighbor who's got that utility store down the road sells American brands you you hang out with them all the time but you're still buying your toyss from Amazon because you trust Amazon can get you a better result you don't love Jeffrey Bezos or maybe you do but you trust Amazon get you better result that's why you buy from them you see the difference in that okay we're in 2024 this is not 1936 prospects are much different power of social media the internet we got to be real with ourselves we want to keep saying everybody buys because they like me and you sit there and ask fake Rapport questions your prospects I hate to tell you they see right through it and that's why you're chasing everybody you don't have to do that anymore selling doesn't have to be hard selling is the highest paid profession in the world if you acquire the right skills and you keep learning every day on the flip side it is the hardest most lowest paying job if you don't acquire the right skills there you go let's keep going now let's say they're like oh I don't know I'd have to figure something out I mean do you do you want to have to keep being forced to to pay the rate hikes every month if you if you didn't have to do you want to have to keep being forced to pay the rate hikes if you I mean if you didn't have to now what did I just do there why would I say four fored to pay the rate hikes why am I emphasizing those words how would it sound if I did this do you want to have to keep paying the rate hikes if you didn't have to that's not bad but if I simply use the word for I mean do you want to have to keep being forced to pay the rate hikes if you I mean if you didn't have to see nobody likes to be forced nobody likes to be made to do something so I can change the way their mind works and thinks by just using that word Force there see that little word there what it does to you do you want to be I mean do you want to keep being forced to pay the rate hikes if you I mean if you didn't have to no if I didn't have to see they're getting pissed that they're forced to pay the rate hikes okay let's keep going I'm going to show you about five other Industries okay let's say if you sold employee benefits okay type in B2B if you're in B2B sales okay this is a big answer ret train as well out of the four Industries I sold in in my 17 and 34s of a career before I retired two were B2B and two were B Toc business to Consumer two industries uh two were businesses to business one was Enterprise one was more S&B I know both of them like the back of my hand okay okay but on the flip side I mean what happens if you stay on this plan and your top people keep going over to your competitors because they have better benefits and what are the consequences for you guys at that point okay but on the flip side what happens if you stay on this plan and you keep losing your top people the XYZ competitor just because they have better benefits I mean what's going to happen to the company at that point challenging tone raises the emotion then I lower my voice into a more softer concern tone because that's how they interpret the attention mind your question I mean do you want to have to keep going through all that attrition if you I mean if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to see see what we're doing it's the same thing I show this literally on every industry in the plan let's say you sell cars starting to be a big industry for us as well train a bunch of huge dealerships up in Canada I don't know what it is train one that's like the biggest used car dealership in all of Canada now okay but let's say okay let's say in this example they say their car that they have now keeps breaking down a lot when they drive to work and they're afraid they're going to get fired let's just say that's the problem okay so what happens if you just you know keep your car and he keeps breaking down on your way to work I mean what's going to happen to your job at that point I mean what happens if you just keep this car it keeps breaking on down on the way to work I mean what is your boss G to do at that point okay see what I'm doing there okay if negative reaction well are you are you willing to settle for that well no if it didn't set whose choice is if you settle or not or I can say I mean do you want to have to go through all of that if you I mean if you didn't have to see I'm verbal pacing the question out okay I'm going to show you about three or four more okay let's say if you sell cyber security type in B2B if you sell any type of B2B again cyber security Big Industry retreating so I mean it's if you guys continue to use XYZ vendor what are the consequences if you don't do anything about your false positive rates and it keeps rejecting your good customers so if you guys just stay with XYZ vendor I mean they're fairly decent but what are the consequences about your false positive rates if you're if they're continually rejecting a lot of your good customers if that was the problem the problem was whoever they're they have now they're having a lot of false positive rates which is rejecting good customers let's say it's a bank okay de client you know they're rejecting all this I mean do you want that to keep happening if you I mean if you didn't have to okay all right what are the what are consequences for mortgages life insurance residential HVAC help Jeremy I love all of you AI I love all of you it's all in our virtual training portals for our clients why aren't you a client yet what are you waiting on just G to hope and pray you figure all this out on your own took me two decades I'm a behavioral scientist too ranked one of the top salese in the entire world based on my earnings not Grandma saying it but based on my earnings before I retired as a W2 or 1099 salesp person what are you doing some of you I'm just GNA try to make more sales by watching 60c reels I'm G to try to figure it out I love you guys I know you mean well but what what are you thinking do you believe that you can get into the top 1% earners in your industry and not invest in sales training to get you those skills do you genuinely believe you can watch some basic YouTube videos and some lives and somehow magically quadruple your sales I wish I could have done that but that's not reality is training something you did or is training something you do well it's something you do if you want to be in the top one% average salespeople something they did they read a couple books are books going to make you a ton of sales no you know why because they're just words how you going to learn Advanced tonality from a book They're words how you going learn Advanced body language how you going to learn how to tie in npq to what you sell from a book okay you got to decide if you want success or you want to keep winging it are clients in your space they don't have that issue anymore I can assure you okay let's keep going I still love you all right let's say if you sell you're a marriage therapist marriage therapists have to get clients right or let's say you sell training program that teaches people how to have a be bear so what if you I mean what if you guys don't do anything about this you keep having these issues with your husband where you're arguing and you feel resentment and it keeps going another three six or 12 months I mean what what would happen to your marriage at that point oh my gosh I don't know we' get divorced I don't really know I mean do do you want to have to go through all of that if you if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to okay well you certainly sound motivated but why look at doing therapy now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of couples do who end up getting divorced okay but for you I mean you certainly sound motivated but for you why look at doing this now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of couples do who end up getting what yeah divorced well the reason why I need to do it now is see how we're getting the prospect to do all the work we're getting the prospect to build all the urgency if we push and pressure and tell them why they need to do it now what are they going to do back well they push back we want to get the prospects to do all the work work okay if you want to sell more anyways all right let's say if you sold General Life Insurance or final expense oh somebody on here ask me for final expense can you give me a final expense when you're in luck today there you go okay all right Melissa do I believe that any video system will give an education or do I need to wait till I can afford to purchase personal training yeah exactly right lelissa the question is why can't you afford it why can't you afford training what's behind you not being able to for training your skill level your skill level lack of skill level is the reason you can't afford it how will you ever afford it without acquiring the skill level you can't because you don't have the skill level why put yourself in that situation when you don't have to right okay perfect life insurance okay so what if you I mean John I mean what if you don't do anything about this you end up passing away years before you thought would you would I mean how would Cindy end up paying for the house and all the other expenses without your income so what if you don't do anything about this you end up passing away years before you thought you would how would your daughter be able to pay for all the expenses of the funeral and all the debt from some of your credit cards without doing anything concern tone Oh I'm not really sure they'd have to figure something out I mean do you do you want her to have to get a loan and have to pay all that interest if you if you didn't have to if I sold final expense okay and he said his daughter would have to get a loan do you want your daughter to have to get a loan and have to pay all that interest if you I mean if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to let's say by sold life interest I mean do you want Cindy to have to get a second job and have to go through all that if you I mean if you didn't have to well that'd be up to her new man is she already trying to replace you Dan oh playful tone well not serious no though because I don't want you sleeping on the couch tonight how many months would she be able to pay the mortgage and all the expenses of the car payments and the credit card debt without your income I don't really know if you really thought about it how many months well I don't know maybe five or six months so at five or six months what are what are Cindy and the kids going to do at that point well I don't really know do I mean do you want them to have to go through all that if you I mean if you didn't have to see concern tone your tone is how the Prospect interprets the intention behind every question you ask life insurance the largest industry R trained in the world tens of thousands of Agents crushing most of you they weren't before the training they are now okay you want to learn these skills because this is just the start of it what are you gonna have to do you're gonna have to do something different right you're gonna have to learn a more advanced sales ability let's say if you sold Home Improvement huge industry fifth largest industry train out of 161 let's say you sell pools so what happens if you don't end up putting the pool in and your grandkids keep having to go all the way down to the YMCA and you miss out on all the memories of them growing up I mean what's gonna happen so let's say their concern was they're missing their kids grow up because they don't have a pool and the kids are going down to the YMC with their friends all the time in the summer and they're missing out on all the memories because as a parent you want to have what with your kids memories don't you see how I'm plugging that in see if I'm selling a pool I'm not really solving a problem I mean maybe I am you're hot you want to dip in the pool but I'm really solving emotional needs right with this family I'm solving emotional need if they want to have more time with their kids so what happens if you don't end up putting the pool in and the kids keep having to go to their friend's house to go swimming in the summer and you miss out on all those memories of your kids growing up fast oh no I don't want to do that I mean you I mean do you want to have to miss out on all the memories with your grandkids if you I mean if you didn't have to marketing agency Matt easy I don't even have to draw it up there what happens if you don't do anything about this you keep getting these lowquality leads that your salespeople are saying are not even answering the phone I mean what's going to happen to your job if sales keep stagnating at that point if I'm talking to let's say a sales manager a VP of sales who can make the decision what if you don't do anything about this you keep getting these lower quality leads that your sales people like you said aren't even answering I mean how are you going to scale to $10 million a month without the higher quality leads and I repeat back what they said they wanted better leads to scale to $10 million a month see I'm making it specific to the question and answers are given me for my other questions all right easy as pie you want to learn how to do that for your industry in every question from the start of the conversation to the middle to the end doesn't matter if you sell B to C B to G business to government B2B message me directly right now we're already training people in your industry in company industries that I can assure you are crushing your numbers you want to change that message me directly okay now let's say if you're selling crms Big Industry training as well B2B okay but on the flip side what happens if you don't do anything about this and your reps keep using those spreadsheets and like you'd mentioned you keep losing 12 to 15 deals every week and that keeps going on for months I mean how long is your boss going to give you at that point oh my gosh I don't really know well I need to do something I know I need to do something I mean I mean you certainly sound motivated but for you what are the ramifications if this doesn't change I me you certainly sound motivated but what are the ramifications for you personally in your job if this doesn't actually get better okay or I can say you certainly sound motivated but why look at doing this now like why not push it down the road like unsuccessful companies would well the reason why we don't want see how I'm triggering them to build urgency in their own mind see what we're doing there okay perfect let's keep going here Matt I love you but if you're not a client and you know one consequence question compared to our clients who sell for marketing agencies that know everything I can assure you they're making 10 to one of you because they know everything what situation questions are you asking what problem awareness questions are you asking with what tone to get them to emotionally open up what connection questions are you asking to get them to lowerer their guard and not have a Wall of Resistance in the first one minute what type of commitment questions are you asking to get them to close themselves what type of solution awareness questions do you understand how to ask for your industry to get them to focus on what the future looks like once the problems are solved we've got people in Industry that make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in commissions hundreds of thousands now can I guarantee you you're going to do that if you're a client no because I can't guarantee you that that you're going to even log into our virtual training platforms that you're going to show up on training calls that you're going to listen to the recordings where you're driving around your car instead of Taylor Swift I can't guarantee you're going to do any that I can guarantee that if you get into the training and actually do what we show you you're probably going to sell a lot more than you are now okay hope that helps you let's keep going let's say if I'm selling Fitness weight let's say I'm selling some type of Fitness could be a a training program it could be I'm a gym I'm trying to get more people in the gym it could be weight loss it could be I'm a personal trainer it doesn't really matter Big Industry we train what happens if you don't start losing the 123 pounds now John what happens if you don't start losing this weight right now see in this I can even just do a concern Tone If I want to I I don't have to do challenging Tone If I want to I can but let's say I get them to the point I can see that they're already emotional bought in I'm like what happens if you don't lose this 126 pounds if that's what they said they wanted Prospect oh I don't know I might die without being able to walk my daughters down the aisle are you willing to let that happen to her concern tone Oh I might die without walking my daughter down the are you um I hate to ask you this are you willing to let that happen to her no I'm not willing to let to happen to her no way well I mean you certainly sound motivated but I see a lot of people walk through those doors every day they seem motivated but for you why look at doing this now why not push it down the road like a lot of dads do who end up what yeah dying decades before they should well the reason I have to do this now is okay you certainly sound motivated but for you why do this now why not push it down the road like a lot of Dad do who end up having what yeah heart attacks and strokes well the reason why I don't want that to happen to me is see prospects do the work not you do the work why do you want your prospects to do the work who has the problem who has the problems your prospects or you your prospects who has the solution to solve those you do prospects have the problems you have the solution to solve those why are most of them not buying from you what's the missing link missing link is not your leads oh my leads are all broke they're all fear-based has nothing to do with that I hate to tell you that I called the same leads in every industry and I was out earning everybody 20 to one not the leads it's how you're communicating with the leads it's what you're saying it's what you haven't learned how to ask it's how you haven't learned how to use your face expressions or your tone to trigger curiosity to cause the prospect to want to let their guard down has nothing to do with your leads because they have problems right and your solution solves those has nothing to do with you know personal development I love personal development that's not going to help you sell more hey I just being real with you how is taking cold showers or journaling or meditating going to sell you more when the prospect says hello and you don't know what to say or ask to cause the prospect to want to let their guard down you're not going to sell more by reading personal development I hate to tell you that I'm just going to be real with you what's going to cause you to sell more your tonality how you get your prospects to let their guard down how you know how to reframe a conversation or loop around an objection with a consequence question how you know how to prevent objections from happening objection prevention how to ask certain questions that cause the prospect to internalize and think deeper about what you're asking and a lot of other things that's what's going to help you some more has nothing to do with journaling meditating taking cold showers I love that for your personal life it's great has nothing to do with you sell anymore zero zil Zitch you might think it's going to give you tough skin because you go through a ton of rejection all day but eventually you'll burn out because you haven't acquired the right skills okay has nothing to do with you're not motivated enough has nothing and I love cold plunges not going to improve your sales show me the scientific data that shows cold plunges increases your sales zilch zero okay gives you more energy more energy doesn't necessarily make you more sales the words you use make you more sales the questions you ask make you more sales the tonality you understand the body language that's communication that's what causes a prospect to purchase nothing more nothing less so why are you not focused on those things okay it's not that you don't work hard enough type in me if you work hard you all work hard so if it's none of that what could it be you see it's what you're saying it's what you haven't learn how to ask and it's how you're asking the questions that are causing so many of your prospects who have problems and or emotional needs that you can solve to run the other way now type in me in the comments if you want to acquire a much higher sales ability than what you currently possess right now type in me if you want to acquire a much higher sales ability so you can sell more because you're already going to work 40 hours a week do you want to sell more in those 40 hours a week or do you just want to stay where you're ated success is simply a choice right so for you who are typing in me there's probably at least a couple hundred of you in here what are you going to do next you going to watch a few free YouTube videos think you're going to Triple sales those are basic YouTube videos nothing industry specific you know watch a couple reels what do I do before that what do I do after what do I do if they say this what I do if they ask that all those nuances add up selling is like a game of baseball or softball okay I played college baseball okay you can be outer safe at first base by what a centimeter right you can make the sale or not make the sale by a few tweaks but you just haven't learned yet you want to acquire the skills message me directly right now no right now you know guy that I used to work for my first sales job company that eventually became Vivant sold to Blackstone two buyouts almost $10 billion Todd Peterson great guy he said one day in the boardroom before I left to get into to B2B Enterprise sales he said the path to one day or someday I'll do it one day I'll learn how to sell more one day I'll get into the training program one day I'll learn how to prevent those objections one day I'm going to learn how to overcome those rejections one day I'm going to master tonality is the path that leads to nowhere today is the day today is the day today is the day so for you who typed in me message me directly right now there will be a couple hundred of you that will message me won't be able to respond to all of you okay I'll respond to a few I'll get my social media team to respond to the rest when you message me are you going to do yourself a favor and open up and tell us what you feel you might be doing wrong maybe it's the questions I'm asking I'm not I don't know what to use my tone to get him their guard down a lot of prospects are really aggressive when I first call I always get that I want to think it over objection my presentation seems to be going in one out the other I don't know how to loop around and answer the question and then help them overcome the objection I don't know how to pre-frame so I don't get thinking over objections at the end we can show you how to solve all that if that's what you want that's why people and companies come to us to sell more nobody comes to us to sell less they want to sell more so if you want to sell more message me directly right now watch get a few questions in the DMS about what you feel like you're saying or not asking how your your in tone that's causing a lot of your prospects not to buy and then once we understand kind of where you're at and really once we kind of understand your income that you're making as a salesperson because your your income is like like your record would you agree is your is your income as a salesperson your record of your sales ability would you agree with me type in yes if that makes sense your income your commissions your base commissions all commissions base plus commissions is the direct relationship to what your skill level as John Madden said famously said in the NFL you are what your record says you are you are what your record says you are if you're like I'm a master closer and you're making 90,000 a year 120,000 year are you really a master closer could you learn how to sell more look if you made more than I did as a salesperson which is almost $3 million a year as a W2 or 1099 start training me but if you didn't could you learn do you believe a person who has knowledge and skill level that you might not have right now can transfer that same knowledge can train you that same knowledge and you can learn how to have success as well do you believe that do you believe if a person has Knowledge and Skills that you have not learned yet that that same person can transfer that on to you and train you that knowledge and you can have results too do you believe that do you believe if you don't know how to bake a cake that somebody who's really good at baking cakes could possibly teach you how to bake a cake then why don't you believe that a person who has a higher skill level maybe and the subject of sales who knows a little bit about it can train you how to sell more we're already training people in your industry they're selling more than you even if you're already doing well so type in me now we love you guys we are going to be going live here in the Facebook group only tomorrow uh actually no we're not going live tomorrow I'm on a plane I have a keynote on Thursday is anybody on here going to the Matrix event with the Patrick Bet David Event in San Antonio um if you are come talk to me after I speak on stage I'm speaking the last day which is on Thursday I think I'm speaking right before Patrick Bet David never met him before sure he's a good guy also Les Brown is there some famous rapper I don't listen to music Wakka Flocka Flocka Waka or something I don't I don't listen to music uh but supposed to be meeting those guys tomorrow night so if you're at that Matrix event uh which Patrick Bet David he's a CEO of that company that was the insurance company he sold with the buyout I think he still has to be the co for another year but if you're at that event come talk to me okay tell me what's going on I'll help you it's in San Antonio all right everybody we love you guys we will see you next Tuesday when I go live and if you message me directly we'll see what training options we have for you we don't have one training program with one price we have 36 different versions it's all depend on your skill level is what program we would suggest you're in and our programs you have to get certified in and move up we don't put you in the most advanced training program if your income's here it'll be too much for you okay so in our programs you have to get certified and move up you have to graduate it's like an education system okay all right we love you guys peacing out over here on Tik Tok we love you guys message me directly if you want to learn how to sell more okay um all right YouTube message me directly uh LinkedIn message me directly let's see uh Facebook group message me directly Facebook business page res me directly I'm running out of steam IG we love you guys message me directly we ever come to Hawaii I come to Hawaii all the time but you can't teach a kid how to ride a bike at a seminar going to a seminar is not going to help you somewhere because within two days of me being there you're going to retain how much less than 19% where your brain works within a week you're going to retain less than 9% within a month you retain about 2.7 to 9% 2.7 to 2.9% is training something you did or is training something you do training is something you log in every day to Virtual portals and you go through religiously getting on Group Training calls that are virtual with other people in sales and having our sales trainers and myself train you how to sell more every single day imagine if I trained you for 30 minutes a day for the next 12 months would you sell more than you are now do you believe if I trained you for 30 minutes a day for 12 months you would be night and day Head and Shoulders above where you are now even if you already make multiple six figures a year if you believe that message me directly okay love you guys get out of here stay out of trouble I'm late for a meeting they're yelling at me in there we'll see you guys next week and if you're at the event where I'm speaking with me and Patrick B David and Les Brown and the the rapper the I think it's faka Waka and so I can't pronounce it now I don't listen to music but I'm sure he's cool come up and talk to me after I speak at the event we'll see you guys soon we'll see you guys on IG we'll see you guys on YouTube link in in the Facebook groups