Ascension Gifts 6.1 - Exploring the Role of Apostles

Oct 10, 2024

Understanding the Role of the Apostle

Key Biblical References

  • John 17:18: Jesus's prayer, stating "As you sent me into the world, I also send them into the world."
    • The term "sent" translates to the Greek word apostolus meaning "sent one."
    • A non-religious, governmental term indicating authority and mission.
  • John 20:21: Jesus reaffirms, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent me, I also send you."
    • Jesus uses apostolus to describe the mission given to his disciples.
  • Ephesians 4:11: Mentions roles within the church, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

Historical Context

  • The term apostolus was used in Greek and Roman culture.
    • Associated with governmental roles, not religious.
    • Apostles were sent by kings to conquer and acculturate lands.
    • Responsible for rebuilding cities and transforming culture.

The Role of the Apostle in Jesus's Time

  • Jesus referred to His disciples as apostles, indicating a mission akin to a governmental enterprise.
  • This term was seen as a threat by the Roman government due to its political implications.

Modern Apostolic Movement

  • Dr. C. Peter Wagner: Introduced the "New Apostolic Reformation."
    • Focuses on restoring the apostolic function within the church.
    • Based on Ephesians 2:20: The church is founded on apostles and prophets.
    • Aims to transform church governance and function.

Characteristics of the New Apostolic Reformation

  • Not a movement or singular ministry, but a term to describe a divine restoration process.
  • Promotes a new system of church governance emphasizing apostles' roles.

Current Apostolic Leaders

  • Che Ahn: Leads Harvest International Ministry, a significant apostolic network.
    • Over 25,000 churches in 65+ nations.
  • Other notable apostles include Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, and others.

The Apostolic Function Today

  • Emphasizes transformation of cities and nations, not merely individual salvation.
  • Focuses on the "gospel of the Kingdom" to bring cultural transformation.
  • Seeks to realign and reorder the church's authority and governance.

Personal Implication

  • Encouragement to embrace the apostolic calling.
  • Emphasizes active participation in transforming culture through the church's authority.

These notes serve as an overview of the apostolic role within both historical and modern contexts, highlighting its biblical foundations, cultural implications, and transformative goals. The encouragement to engage with this calling today is a significant part of the message.