Transcript for:
Ascension Gifts 6.1 - Exploring the Role of Apostles

the apostle in John chapter 17 verse 18 this is Jesus's prayer he's communicating with the father and it says as you set me into this world I also send them into this world it's that word sent that Jesus uses is the Greek word apostolus and so this is the exact way the father sent to Jesus he apostolous Jesus into this world and that's where we derive the word Apostle and then in John chapter 20 verse 21 it says this it says Jesus therefore said to them again peace be with you as the father has sent me I also send you and again he's speaking to his disciples and he's saying as the father has apostolous me I apostolus you and that word uh apostolus literally means sent one and it's not a religious terminology and it's interesting how Jesus he couldn't use any other word and he could have said you know priest he could have said Prophet but he uses the word Apostle the word apostolus and the Word apostolus was according to their culture it was really a governmental terminology it was a non-religious word and the apostles were really attached to the king and so the king would have his Apostles and when they would go into a territory they would conquer the land and then he was sending the apostles and so they were leaders of the fleet of ships they were they were in charge of all the resources they they were sent out by the king with a group of people to establish the Greek and Roman culture they would build the ancient ruins they would go into the territory they conquered they would rebuild the city like the Greeks and then also teach the people in acculturate them into the Greek way of living and so when Jesus says you know as the father has sent me he apostolics me I apostolous you he's telling his disciples I'm sending you as my Apostles and so this is why the the Roman government they were so threatened you know and the people expected A geopolitical Reign they didn't expect this spiritual you know aspect of your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven from a spiritual perspective they saw it as a literal form of uh rulership and uh to you know in a revolution that would take place to overthrow the modern current uh Roman government back then and so as Herod had his Apostles Jesus says I have my Apostles and therefore it brought threat to the government because of that very reason and so these Apostles that God is sending out you know he it's not just this uh word of sense in that sense of you know modern day when we say Apostles you know we we use the word missionary but it goes Way Beyond being a missionary of reaching people the apostles role was to rebuild cities it was a culturate people into a certain culture and it was for them to bring transformation to a people and to a land and that is the role of the Apostle and Jesus is the apostles he says I am the sent one the father sent me and so again Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 you know and he gave Psalm as Apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and here we are with the Apostle we spoke about the teacher we spoke about the shepherd we talked about the Evangelist and the prophet now we're diving in to learn more about this word and this function called the apostle and so the apostles are on the rise today and the apostles really this word in current modern day culture um Dr C Peter Wagner he really brought this whole Apostolic government this Apostles function to the Forefront and the body of Christ in the year 2000 and he called it the New Apostolic reformation and it's new because there were other forms of apostolic Ministry and Apostolic Church there's the Pentecostal you know Apostolic church and there's different various forms and so he called it the New Apostolic Reformation because one it's not derived from the old you know what people knew but it was something new that God was doing it was something new that God was establishing in the body of Christ so he called it new and it's Apostolic because he Peter said that how God is restoring the apostles function into the body of Christ based upon uh Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20 that the church is founded on Apostles and prophets in the Chief Cornerstone being Jesus and so it's the New Apostolic and it's a Reformation because when the apostles are re-embraced within the body of Christ within the church governance and function the system is changed the whole mindset has changed it's a new way of governance and so it's a Reformation so it's the New Apostolic reformation and it's not a movement it's not a name of a Ministry it's not a network but it's just a term that Peter Wagner he gave language to what what God was doing in the early 2000 up to this point and we're seeing a greater maturity and expression of the apostolic function of the apostles today and so some of the modern day apostles today would be you know my spiritual father Cheon you know he leads an Apostolic Network called Harvest International Ministry comprised of over 25 000 churches around the world in over 65 Nations and is continuing to grow and we have people like Heidi Baker we have Bill Johnson Randy Clark and Georgian batoff and and we could go on and on many Known Unknown but God is raising up Apostles from different nations today because God is causing his church today to come into full maturity and we're about to see the full function and the authority of the church uh released in this hour in our generation which I'm so excited about to transform culture not just to get people saved as we talked about in the function of the Evangelist but it's the gospel of the Kingdom to see cities transformed and Nations discipled and this is what the Apostle brings and it's the authority of heaven and government that's been really uh a delegated to the Apostle to help bring the alignment and Order back into the church and we're seeing this today and you and I are a part of this Apostolic generation that God is raising up because we're seeing Apostles arising today to see entire cities transform a nation's disciples and you and I are a part of that and so get ready and just open up your heart open up your ears to hear what the spirit is saying as we continue to dive a little deeper in terms of the function and Office of the apostle