Surah As-Sajda (Surah 32) Discussion

Jul 15, 2024

Lecture Notes: Surah As-Sajda (Surah 32) Discussion


  • Surah As-Sajda is a relatively short Surah, favored by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Preferred recitation in the first Rak'ah of Fajr prayer on Fridays.
  • Recommended for memorization due to its brevity (3-4 pages).

Key Themes and Concepts

Revelation and its Purpose

  • The revelation is from the Master of all nations and contains no doubt.
  • Aimed to warn a nation without a Warner for a long time.
  • Creation of skies and Earth in six days (different from human concept of days).

Allah’s Authority and Sovereignty

  • Allah's positioning on the throne symbolizes his ultimate authority.
  • No protective friend other than Allah, emphasizing His uniqueness in protection and justice.

Time and Creation

  • Allah's concept of time differs from human understanding (e.g., a day with Allah is like a thousand years for humans).
  • Two worlds of creation:
    • Shahada (Seen World): physical universe, follows processes (e.g., growth of a tree, human development).
    • Amr (Unseen World): angels, paradise, hellfire, immediate creation without processes.
  • Humans are a combination of both seen and unseen worlds.

Human Creation and Life

  • Detailed process of human creation from wet soil to fashioned beings with a soul (Ruh) from Allah.
  • Humans possess qualities from both Amr and Khalq dimensions.
  • Special faculties given to humans: hearing, sight, and hearts capable of understanding.
  • Human ingratitude despite these gifts.

Death and Accountability

  • Angel of death takes the soul at the appointed time with no negotiation possible.
  • Humans will return to their Master and be accountable for their actions.
  • On judgment day, sinners will wish to return and act righteously, but it will be too late.

Consequences of Denial

  • Criminals will be humbled and regretful on judgment day, asking to be returned to life to act differently.
  • Described interaction between seen miracles and the need for faith via hearing the message first.

Conclusion and Moral Lessons

  • Human beings are honored due to their ability to choose between obedience and disobedience.
  • Allah's guidance is available, but the choice to follow is given to humans as a test.
  • Most people (and Jinns) are likely to be guided toward error, but those who remember and follow Allah's signs will find the right path.


  • Reflect on the purpose of creation and the importance of choosing the right path as ordained by Allah.
  • Understand the significance of time and creation beyond the physical realm.
  • Embrace the gifts of hearing, sight, and understanding to grow spiritually and morally.