Transcript for:
Surah As-Sajda (Surah 32) Discussion

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is coming down of uh is a revelation of the book in which there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever from the master of all Nations and All Peoples is it the case then that they're saying he's made it up rather the fact is it's the truth from your master so that you can warn a nation a group of people to whom no Warner had come come from a long time before you since ibim and the the qur that specific region hasn't had a messenger for a very very very long time neighboring Nations M you know you know uh they had n they had Messengers but these people didn't have Messengers for all this time nobody came to warn them so that they themselves can become committed to guidance Allah in fact is the one who created the skies and the Earth and whatever lies between the two of them in six days then he rose and balanced and took his position on the throne we talked about Allah taking his position on the throne we talked about it its um you know implications as an act of royalty by Allah the day the concept of day as we know it is based on the positioning of the Sun so when we think of day as a unit of time we organize that around the idea of the sun rising and falling and so that cycle we call a day when Allah says he created the skies and the Earth in six days obviously part of that construction process was the creation of the sun which means the way Allah describes a day is not the same as how we describe a day that's not our 24 hours is subject to specifically one star in the universe the Sun but Allah created all of them so his his concept of day is different from our own and that's going to be something elaborated how Allah's time is different from our time how time is relative even in the Quran you are not going to have any protective friend other than him if him Rising on the throne establishes him as the ultimate King then you're not going to find anyone to protect you any any protective friends other than himself nor will you find anybody to come and stand before him and make a case on your on your behalf why then do you not try take the advice why don't you make an effort to remember you he plans out is to plan something out in great detail to plan the first phase of it out and all the phases that come behind it out du literally means back so what comes after that after that after that after that a detailed plan from A to Z that's called so he plans out uh uh the decision meaning the decision of what to what to do with every single creature on the earth what to do today what to do tomorrow what to do in the next minute all those decisions are he plans them and he sends them he delivers them from the sky to the Earth means this could be the range meaning the skies all the way in the skies to all the way to the Earth he's planning decisions it could also mean that way above on his throne he makes these decisions and then they're delivered down to the Earth then they're delivered to you then these decisions when he sends them down then their implications and their execution and their report is sent back to him can of and that one day its quantity is a thousand years from what you people have the ability to count so it's not even a thousand years it's a thousand years from what you can count so in other words you're being told a day with Allah is not like a day that you have and if you want to get some idea from from within what you might be able to count okay it's a thousand years but it's it's a very powerful expression of the the world of so there are two words worlds like sh we talked about I thought it was a really cool explanation of Allah's creative Powers there's the world of and there's the world world of there's two worlds of creation there's the seen world of creation where Allah created the universe the solar systems the planets the galaxies and there's the Unseen World the world of Angels the world of the rof the world of paradise and hellfire the world of the Jin this is the Unseen World and the seen World Allah created made it is it has a certain quality it's like a tree it doesn't just turn into a tree it's a seed it goes through a process it grows and eventually turns into a tree this is it's it goes through a process human beings don't come out of their their mother you know educated they're Umi and they they learn over time and the world of am is instantaneous the the world of am is instantaneous so the angel can travel from you know the seventh heaven and get to the Earth instantaneously but we will take you know if we try to even reach the Sun or try to reach another planet or another solar system with the best Technologies we have available it would take us an infinite amount of time so the world of is not limited by the time constraints that the world of is and there there are two different dimensions you can think of it like that there are two different dimensions but the human being is a combination of both of them the human being our body is from and the is from That's from the world of that's why the r at night what does it do it travels to the sky it travels the r can be taken from the body in the middle of the and then it's delivered back and that same Journey the body can't take the body's not able to make that DEC that that Journey so there's a difference between the world of and the world of now all of all of is dictated is is under am is the superior realm am is the more powerful realm and so so sometimes interferes with like fire burns is a matter of but sometimes the am of Allah comes and says no today Fire won't burn like ibraim like the bush burning when M got up to the top of the mountain that's the of Allah that interfered with water retains its shape you put it in a cup it's the shape of a cup you put it in a pan it's the shape of a pan that's the of water that's the creation of water but when the of Allah comes and M stes a staff the of Allah interferes with and what you would say in modern terms it breaks the laws of nature that's what we say but it's basically the the the the world of imposing itself on the world of that's what it is the Quran is from the of Allah the Quran the Revelation is from the of Allah that's why it's not subject to any any change any alteration it can't be modified it can't be destroyed because all of those things are all any attempt to change it would be an attempt by it's beyond that the of the human being that we learned previously which is also called the which is the it's the of Allah which is why every single newborn has it doesn't matter what you know uh uh where how they were born where they were born what What ethnicity they are what century they are they'll have that in them whether they have for example you know um physical impairments or not that's a problem of the problem of won't be there they're always going to have a the is going to be there so those two worlds are there now when Allah says he sends his decisions from the sky he sends the am from the sky to the Earth it's got its own time definitions and then these Deeds that we do are taken back to Allah for report own time definitions but if you try to compare it to CU we can only count time in so we say okay it's something like a thousand years but even that's not exactly the case because Allah added from what you and your limited relative sense can count it's not an actual like equation that is the knower of the Unseen because the the world of is the world of the UN and the know of the he's also the knower of the scene and this the world of the scene is the the of the ultimate Authority the always merciful how beautiful he just talked about his and now he's going to talk about his his physical creation the one who excelled in everything in terms of its creation cre he excelled in everything that he created and then he started he initiated the creation of the human being from wet soil then he created his running Offspring nah literally actually means to run down a hill to run down from a height to to bottom that's that's why we read about and Ma in they're running down a hill they're coming down from Heights Allah describes the fluid that leaves that impregnates the wife that impregnates the mother as something running down and that's his offspring that's his loins is this the the the summary of something like Sal told you to take the sword out of the she Sala is the juice of something or the very essence of something you know from a water from a form of water that in and of itself is weak and is prone to destruction it's something that is attacked and now Subhan Allah in biology even in health class you'll learn as the sperm travels it is millions of them are killed they're weak and one might survive and that impregnates the the the female in basically all species and Allah calls it maah weak creation weak kind of weak form of water susceptible to danger and that which is attacked and killed easily Mah Subhan Allah then we fashioned him then the mother starts inside his inside the the mother Allah starts molding the child and Allah starts you know how kids play with Playdoh you ever seen ploh that's that's sa actually to balance I want to make this arm this way I want to make that that way I'm building a car all the tires have to be you know the same size etc etc this is to balance things out then he blew into it from his special meaning now that the is at a certain stage 120 days have passed by then comes from Allah so all of the human being's creation up until days in the pregnancy is all and then all of a sudden the angel comes and adds the am and the human being becomes made up of two things you know part of our you could you could like poets argue like R used to argue part of the part of human nature is Angelic and we're part animal and part Angel used to think of it like that because the the the r is a creature of light and R is also the word used foram so we have such high qualities the r has such high qualities and then we have the other part of us that has appetites just like animals have appetites that attacks just like an animal can attack that defends just like an animal can defend so we're we're strange mix of these two things the both you know the the only cre creature in the universe that finds the perfect balance between and together the human being Subhan Allah what and he made for you he made for you the ability to hear to see and passionate hearts and strong Hearts how little you're able to thank how how little thanks you show and they said when we get lost in the earth when our tombs don't even have markings on them people won't even know they're passing over us we're very deep into the ground we're completely lost in the we're going to be a new creation you know at the shore of the Dead Sea I told you they found Sodom and gomorah recently maybe 30 40 years ago they found the entire buried city of of the as described in the Quran and even the Bible it was not known for centuries centuries upon centuries upon centuries Millennia it's not known that that people are so this say when we're lost we're going to be brought a new creation altoe rather they in meeting with their master in the concept of meeting with their Master they're in complete denial this passage is honoring the creation of the the process of the human being's creation how much detail went into it how much planning went into creating the human being how can you think that Allah created something with such planning and it's not there for a purpose and if it didn't meet its purpose it's not going to have to answer for what it was created it was just created as play you know for no point this is actually even taught in philosophy when I took philosophy 101 I don't recommend it but you probably have to take it because it's a requirement in your major they talk about how perhaps God is just playing with us he just created this world because he was bored that's what my first day of class in philosophy that's what my professor said I was like he's not bored but you're about to find out the consequences of saying things like that you know he's just toying with us this is this is the ultimate blasphemy and these are the kinds of people that are that are in denial they say yeah we're just going to get we're we're just evolved creatures you know organic matter just accidentally happened on this planet after a huge explosion you know which makes total sense a random accident and we came into being that makes complete sense the Quran says that makes more sense to you but your experience doesn't make sense to you What In your experience suggest that you have a random explosion and perfect order comes out of it you know Precision comes out of it how does that make sense to you you know you have to you have to really go out of your way to disbelieve you have to go out of your way tell them the angel of death the the Malik the king of death literally but also Malik means Angel Malik and so the angel of death is going to take you away the one that has been put in charge over your matter he's been entrusted with that job Allah says to go and he goes and he takes whatever life that Allah commands to take and the one that he came to take says no no no no not yet what are you here for I'm so young I have my whole life ahead of me it's time to go can you at put a request in for like an extra DET like a little couple more weeks or something I can make Toba or that's not how this works and I'm not here to negotiate with you let's go and it's done the angel of death takes away that you know the the r of the human being a really close friend of mine um who was in the dream program the first year he works in the ICU at a hospital and he sees death all the time and and he'll tell you I swear I could tell the person who's about to go they just look up and the shock on their face when they see Mal I could see it and man I sit there when I've seen it so many times and I'm wondering man this angel of death is in the room with me right now that's what I'm sitting and wondering and he's looking at me and going yeah no kiddo you got some more time your turn's coming I got you on schedule and he passes right by me and he takes that one because that's the thought of that drives me crazy Subhan Allah Subhan Allah then to your master you will all be returned and had you only been able to see when the time comes that the criminals are going to be holding their heads down down in shame not even lifting them for one second that's just what they've become people that hold their heads down in shame that's all they do uh to lower one's head or to be lowered humiliated by lowering the head we talked about that before to lower the flag of a Nation to humiliate that Nation before their master Master we see it's so ironic when you put your head down you don't see right when you put your head down you don't have full view but that when judgment day arrives the guy just looking down says I don't need to see I've seen enough I don't even dare look up and then he tells tells turns to Allah and says Master please we we've seen enough and we've heard now then send us back we'll act differently we'll be different people we've seen enough you know in the previous Surah Somebody almost drowned in the ship then they went back to normal on Judgment Day these people see something traumatic also much more traumatic than almost a ship drowning and they say we've heard we've seen we've heard please send us back now for sure we're going to be different we're going to act righteously now we're going to become different people this is one of the few places in the Quran where seeing is mentioned before hearing typically in the Quran Allah mentions hearing first and he mentioned seeing second because the message of Islam first and foremost is supposed to be heard and then the people when the you know then the Miracles are seen like M Alam doesn't come in to show people something he comes in to talk to when all else fails then he shows him so the hearing comes first and the seeing comes second but on judgment day oh you people wanted to see right you said we won't believe until we see something okay well there's plenty for you to see on Judgment Day oh now that you've seen you're ready to listen let's please send us back certainly we are completely convinced in Arabic or in Arabic is to believe something with the eyes of conviction is like I've like I believe it cuz I've seen it no no really I've seen it there's a mouse in the house really did you just hear it no no I saw it you sure you saw it yes I saw it it was looking at me that's you're absolutely certain and by the way by the way before I move further they have on Judgment Day and the people of Quran Allah says what did he say they have absolute conviction in the as though they can see it what gives them that Revelation gives them that it gives them that picture into the to the point where they're absolutely convinced it's not a theory to them it's a reality and if that was the case if this was how you wanted us to operate if we wanted we would have given every person its guidance his guidance or her guidance in other words everybody would have been guided if Allah wanted but that was your responsibility Allah if Allah wanted he could have forced guidance on you but that wasn't the point you were made such a marvelous creation to see whether you can make that choice on your own why do you think you're honored so much cuz you make that choice Birds declare Allah's Perfection they don't have a choice every Rock declares Allah's Perfection it doesn't have a choice Angels declare Allah's Perfection they don't have a choice they don't have a choice to disobey Allah in whatever he commands them that's coming in you were supposed to be this awesome display of Allah's creation because he gave you the choice to disobey and you still chose to obey why do you think you're different from all other creatures why do you think you're the best of all creation you wanted to be like everybody else if Allah wanted Allah would have guided every every single person however the word from me did come to pass the word that you know the the the Declaration that I made that most human beings are going to be disappointing not because he programmed them to be because he gave them everything they needed you know the angel blew into him from my R he had enough to be guided but I will fill fire with jins and human beings Al together who mentioned first jins are mentioned first because most human beings instead of following the Unseen that comes from the Angels Revelation they follow the Unseen that came from the Jin the was ofan they follow the wrong unseen they follow the wrong unseen they just listen to the Wasa that that push them further into then taste because of what you forgot the meeting of this day of yours we've forgotten you also to forget someone is to dismiss someone forgetting is of two kinds forgetting is I I can't remember who you are I don't remember your name that's forgetting but another form of forgetting is to dismiss somebody like you say forget you man who cares about you or somebody says hey you want to go eat food yeah yeah yeah let's call let's call Zade no no forget Zade forget Zade means ignore Zade you know dismiss Z Allah says you forgot me you dismissed me you undermined me then today you're we're undermining you then taste the punishment of Eternity on account of what you used to be up to not truly the only ones who really believe in our miraculous signs are the ones that whenever they are power