Transcript for:
Exploring Rocks and Minerals

[Music] smile and learn hello friends look at this mountain it's impressive it looks like it's formed by hundreds of different stones get your explorer kit ready today we're going to learn everything about minerals and rock look at this stone i've never seen one like this before you know what it's a rock though sometimes we also call them stones rocks are the solid parts of the earth and can be very different from each other there are many types of rocks we're going to use this magnifying glass to observe this rock can you see it's made up of different elements that's right my friend those elements are called minerals and all rocks are made up of them rocks are composed from combinations of minerals that have formed naturally over time on the basis of their origin rocks can be classified as igneous sedimentary and metamorphic let me show you some examples of rocks this is granite rock coal and marble did you know that petroleum even though it's liquid is a rock too petroleum is formed from the remains of living things like animals and plants and from sediment deposits found in marine beds rocks are extracted from the surface of the earth in quarries or they are mined underground minerals are very different from each other and have important physical properties hardness shape luster and color come with me i'll show you some minerals this one here is a diamond the hardest mineral that exists this one is talc the softest mineral this is a quartz it can be white or pink and this is gold a very shiny material since prehistoric times people have used rocks and minerals for a number of things like making utensils building their houses paving or even making beautiful jewelry would you like to try doing this activity work with your classmates and put together a rocks and minerals exposition using everything we found on our field trip you can pick them from different places and study them in class tag each rock and each mineral with a label and fill it out yourselves name photo location color texture smooth rough hardness can scratch it with your fingernail it scratches the glass the exposition was a huge success today we learned that rocks are formed from minerals and that both rocks and minerals are part of nature and the landscape that surrounds us if you want to learn more about rocks and minerals watch our upcoming videos [Music] we've learned so much in just one video did you know there are many more videos imagine how much you could learn subscribe to the smile and learn educational channel to learn and have fun at the same time [Music]