Transcript for:
Lecture Notes: Game Commentary and Player Experience

[Music] hey guys welcome we're playing more rat attack everybody so we have to determine right now which crime scene was the weird one which one was the weird one sorry my voice is like nasy I have horrible allergies my parents left and I had to mow the lawn but I didn't get to take an allergy pill and now I'm like all stuffed up also there's dog hair all over this room and I'm not even allergic to dogs but it's still dusting me up we are e you are easily the most like in harm class of the world right now people starving po whatever yeah Gage without his allergy pill after mowing the lawn he needs help guys we need Aid I can't cope with this everyone become a member please come and build schools here so cage can get better please dig a well in my backyard everybody yes he needs it so he can get his allergy FS what whatever it's the third one H how how is everyone today I'm uh I hope you're terrible that is I'm not here to be your friend I'm here to hate you weely personal in a way I'm here to want you dead I'm here to wipe your butt when you get old and take care of you the lock room is different from the others because of the victims cause of death cause victims death is death an option death death D death D yeah cuz they were bonked in the head yeah they got slam damed they got BL jointed oh you did it a I wanted the other one too though well can't be a successor all the time I want to feed her the keys and see what she says oh feed her something else chair's squeaking that's not my fault yeah I really need to get some WD40 or some crap and like oil these suckers up should loot me up I have a like vegetable oil might work oh the thing beeped I think your rat got killed no rat this episode guys sorry I don't know what to tell you I'm too lazy to fix that she's just going to shoot a laser beam at it either way seems to be a hidden passage why do we have to get the right answer it's the mystery Labyrinth gauge if you not been paying attention also I don't know in one of the episodes you could hear the windows sounds which doesn't even make sense with how we have our settings set up the what the what sounds the the the window Oh Oh I thought like your windows making it sound like the like like when your thing disconnects you know right uh and I don't know why cuz we have our settings so like you should not be able to hear that it probably has something to do with the audio moderating plugin you got yeah that might have messed something up well it doesn't matter so whoever made that we're coming for you it's more immersion it's like you guys are really here with us I don't want that yeah sorry I was you've told me not to like touch the mic while I'm talking I was just adjusting it like this you know what is so funny and by default was this like talking you're still touching it right now well this is for an example okay yeah what is so funny you know the other episode where we like kind of started it off I was editing this one this morning and and we're like we start the episode and the intro is you like smacking the mic as a joke and you're like hey guys cuz you told me specifically not to yeah and then like literally 5 minutes later you're like just talking and you're sitting here going like literally like the the bumping was worse than it had ever been before at that moment maybe I was doing it on purpose as a bit absolutely not cuz we were talking about we were way past that line of discussion by then H anyway let's go down this path now so then the truth should be screen again let's go I just want to swivel man just want to swivel swab okay you can swivel so I can mute it when you're not talking but when you are talking sit still also when you swivel it like makes your voice like randomly get like louder and quiet I'm here and I'm there and I'm here I just one swivel and I'll be depressed and I'm sorry other stuff that happens when you're depressed I'm being over controlling right now I'm I'm I take it back Gage is being all authoritarian on me yeah dystopian government type stuff mhm what do you have to say about no you don't have anything to say they them Lara they them Lara what if you just saw harara flying alongside you I I would love to like mod this game as like a joke and like like get like companion flying mod and we just start the episode and do not address it you probably could on I'm probably not on switch but I imagine these models are pretty interchangeable I mean you can mod switch games it's just such a like of death forain in the neck keep walking keep walking cuz these are meant to like last while you're walking yeah you still have to hit a to continue the conversation though well then do that too so you could like just stand still progress the entire conversation move one up and the like end goal is going to be there it doesn't matter if you walk or not if anything oh is that how it works if anything the walking sound effect is like really loud in fact I'm going to change some of the settings right now because I've noticed the like oh I didn't even think about that being how it works the uh the sound effects are like weirdly like loud sometimes there we go it'll be like raining outside and we'll be talking and you'll hear like hello hello hello and then you'll just you're of like the rainfall and it's like Jesus Christ game right right uh yeah the cause of death was differing right the victims in the other lock rooms were all strangled to death how do you know all had strangulation marks and scratches there we go also I mentioned the other episode too it like if it could at all be suicides on these people but there's like signs of a struggle in each of them with like the claw marks on their neck and stuff yeah I thought we ruled that out pretty early yeah we did I I'm just ruling it out extra now I doubt it could unless that was somehow fabricated I don't I don't know why you would though you know what you remind me of Gage an Adam Sandler comedy movie res I take that as a compliment you should you should some of them are terrible but some of them are really funny I that was like my childhood was terrible Adam Sandler comedy movies mm I really like uh Mr needs you ever watch Mr needs no I watched uh you ever see is it click yeah CLI with the time travels yeah I also like Jack and Jill victim died I heard Jack and Jill was terrible I thought it was funny I never watched it though well I thought it was funny 10 years ago I should say Don't Judge Me Now guys the real cause of death is to force trauma yeah smoking weed is this blunt Forest wow but see yeah the conversation ended even though I wasn't moving the whole time and the the door that I I would never have thought of that until like the last one cuz I've just been like walking forward for like an hour while we've been talking before and we never hit anything so H what this looks like a weird strip club okay oh my god oh wait Gage look to the right that's what you look like that guy over there yep what's he look like isn't there some cartoon character with a it looks like pickle Rick okay we're moving on it does though I mean look literally put a side by side it looks identical be an insignificant one kind of kind kind of yeah ites it does it does it does let's solve this mystery and move on I don't even care what harar is talking about what are we we're just trying to figure out the other Mysteries behind this mystery we want to know who actually killed the third one we know who the nailman is it's the church guy big deal who cares right um cuz apparently that's not the big thing here still I wonder if that could be negotiable too you know what that it's the big thing here if he is the like na nail man nailman you know uh well I doubt he's like the supernatural entity well I'm saying like cuz remember in the first case uh it leads you down the wrong path on purpose because that's what they want to make you think right you know uh I just wonder if it could be another thing like that right uh what's the question this time why was the cause of death made to look like strangulation imitation to match the the first one work of the coincidence work of a copycat yeah I guess yeah hia there must be a reason it was set up this way no I don't think so you'll have to figure out the rest for yourself I don't mind helping but it'll cost you I really hope you lose your memories after this that way I can just rack up debt in here and then like not matter that'd be the one thing they would remember I know right oh I got it huh the answer is the culprits got a choking fetish don't be ridiculous there isn't even a door for that you just like see a little one in the corner choking F it's like a like a little trap door on the floor yeah okay copycat killer unless this is what you're made to believe they want you to believe it's a copycat to cover up for something else but either way we'll figure it out we got to see what's down here first to determine whether yes or no hm okay let me move station was faked to imply this crime had the same perpetrator as the other three incidents by making the crime scene as similar as possible it appeared like the nailman was responsible for an unrelated murder yeah but there's a whole bunch of stuff that is different means this was a copycat crime that's crazy I agree thanks were you walking or did it make you walk it made me walk oh oh oh it's one of the oh the little boys there this time you see that oh oh that's M okay that's actually really weird I like it why isn't okay yeah among the string of nailman killings there could be some that were done by copycat criminals it makes sense if he well no never mind the same guy isn't even in like an option at all no no that has to be why the mystery Labyrinth Still Remains even after discovering the name hope it's a little boy that'd be awesome that would be cool I would love this kid if he's doing murders just for funsies what do we have thinking about that case for a second we can go to the solution Keys going to the art gallery storage what points at any of these people the biggest thing that's weird to me is this paint on the floor why was that in front of the door you know what that almost tells me huh that maybe they didn't go out through the door and maybe it was no even the little kid couldn't squeeze through the window no cuz it only opened like an only like 5 cm they said you know what maybe he just hadn't grown yet maybe he still a fetus yeah justbe just you know yippe when you have the umbilical cord is like a little zip line on the way down you know that oh my God we got it um what else is weird two is really weird the kid I want to immediately like say no probably not because I don't see how a kid that little could have enough Force to Bonk a person on the back of the head and instantly kill them like that that I mean he not even tall enough to read yeah exactly There's issues there yeah uh yeah the the the other weird thing is that there's two keys to the door which per chance that the key wasn't even a real Factor here in just part of the imitation maybe I mean they might have not even used that same key they might you know what they might have done they might have never tipped the painting in the first place they might have just made it look like it was tipped for the sake of the imitation so like they didn't you know how they like locked the door then went and pushed the key down through the thing yeah they might have not even bothered with that they might have had the second key made like put the painting and the doll on the floor to make it look like that's what happened oh okay and then just left all for the sake of CopyCat but you think they might have actually had the other key yeah they might have just had both of them and just left one of them in there just for the sake of I'm the nailman look at me I guess for the way they did that one though it wouldn't matter too much if they had both of them it only matter if it really is a like imitation attempt yeah which is what makes me think might be the case um blunt force trauma to the back of the head ah yeah the only other weird thing that's different is the paintings instead of dolls makes me think they could not get a hold of dolls maybe maybe yeah Poss so okay let's go over each one we have the nun lady uhhuh anything of this stuff that's making you think that what about her broken arm is there anything here that could break her arm I would think maybe trying to stick your hand through the window cuz it looks more like her wrist that was broken not the arm part maybe her like foot slips so she falls while her arm is in there a little bit that' be a good way to bend your wrist real bad that would be otherwise maybe something with like nailing you like smack your hand instead or just something simple like that it's possible I'm not good with a hammer if they got in a fight with this girl I mean maybe they broke their arm in the process so I think it's if we're going by like process of elimination again I think she could potentially have done it there's nothing saying she couldn't right uh little boy I don't see how I think just his height is like the biggest thing making me go like how would he smack this lady on the top of the head you know it need to be a two-man job yeah unless he was working with his dad or something which I still think is plausible fat guy you can be any size to get away with this one yeah I mean I don't think I mean did they mention anything about him having big hands I that would kind of mess with the window I think but that's really it I would assume he has they they might have or maybe it was you that said that like dang he has big hands maybe uh I think the The Fanatic guy would have a good motive to do this cuz he's like I love the nailman I want to be the nailman you know is it possible is it possible that the nailman was caught and he wanted to perpetuate it didn't we kind of prove the priest was the first one though or do you think maybe that's going to get rcon yeah that was stupid I said that honestly he also did the clock tower one I said that and then I'm like no no you brought up a good point I'm stupid I wish I could take that back I look so dumb right now please please cut it out Gage jum bagging you no I keep my silly mistakes into to make it equal for us fair enough H I was just kidding anyways my brother had the controller okay so who knows what happened there uh G anyways we'll see what they say here but I think the fanatic guy is the only one I see really having a motive to do it so if I were to just randomly you have to pick one right now I'd say Okay fanatic guy um I'd say the kid cuz I think that'd be awesome that would be awesome but I don't know if this game would go and like kill a kid is my only thing thinking because they will die the person who's like responsible for this it is what it is I mean yeah I don't care if a game isn't to kill kids the stakes aren't high should I cut that out or no like I I do kind of think that like oh okay a lot of games is there like laws against that and stuff like you can't really kill kids in games I don't think like like okay okay okay cuz I know in like inal in balers Gate 3 uh if you this is like kind of spoilers but it's so you won't know what I'm talking about so sorry I guess your fault um okay if you have the refugees killed the kids will be dead in a cave all right so and like their bodies are there and there's blood around the bodies so I think you can like depict kids being dead but I don't know if you can allow the player to directly do it cuz as a player you never get the chance to directly kill the kid that makes sense and it's the same thing in like Fallout and Skyrim the kids are just Immortal I've tried killing them so yeah like there's like implications like if you like blow up the Institute and four there's kids in there yeah if you destroy the pridwin and for there's kids in there too but you can't commit the gruesome violent act to yourself I wonder if this would count you know see I don't think so cuz you're not physically being like die but still would would it get that dark I don't know but Assassin's Creed Origins you stabed your son that's a cut scene though that is a cut scene you don't have any control over that and it's not he's not like trying to do it he gets directed into it yeah it's not like I'm going to kill you son well I don't know is the copycat Criminal uhhuh the child we need to uncover this imposter's identity the the other weird thing is like the paint I I want to know the paint can Because unless you put the paint can on like the door handle or something oh how's it fall in front of the door that you'd hit it when you open the door would a kid need a paint can to get a little taller is there any way we can think of well what does he need to get taller for by the door reach the something on the door maybe that that's I feel like that's we're starting there that feels like a I could see it it's more how it would be possible to get the paint can there pick it up but you're putting it okay so when the door swung open when it swung open you can open a door a little bit and not hit what would be in its trajectory so if the if the kid will say opens it like squeezed out a little bit cuz he's skinny right the pain can in front of it these other guys are like kick it open what's the point though what's the point the purpose of putting the paint can there assuming you can like squeeze out and have it so they hit the paint can I I would think to reach something if it's the children the child okay well I think maybe if we're going with that logic then we can rule the fat guy out again why is that oh because he wouldn't be able to squeeze yeah yeah that's true it's such a good day to be fat in this world yeah you know got lucky that's the one thing he has going for him all right he's a handsome fella he is not no I wouldn't date him I'm just kidding he's got a nice face I don't like his haircut though and I date anyone in the cast who is the copycat killer I think the nun would make a really cool vain copycat criminal what the hell your ass I love her so much bro is not saying anything say something no it's not me I feel like it's the why would they just throw the kid in I have nothing to do with this that that is so weird he not even saying anything okay let's look over I can't look over the clues now we don't need to we got our power of brain okay or I do at least so let's think Hey Okay so let's think genuinely about the boy for a second the boy if he's the copycat killer okay we don't have very much to say about the third one with the boy I can't think of anything but we do have a lot to say with the boy at the fourth crime scene his father was arrested there and mhm he was skullking around doing stuff it's possible three and four were not committed by the priest but one and two were so you think the kid maybe could have done the fourth one also how would he throw away the Rope if he's not a clery member I I think he could he working with the priest oh the kid and the priest working together a little bit I like that or excuse me he's working with his dad the way we're just begging for it to be the kid at this point just pick it just pick it that'd be awesome I want to okay I want to like feel smart though and know logically why before we pick it though I know logically why okay cuz it's cool okay it is cool if it is him but okay let's think about the third crime scene there was a painting could a watch maker be able to get his hands on the another key to an art gallery well yeah I'm here to do maintenance I need a key to the storage room okay was there was there a clock in the storage room I wish we could look at that you know we should have paid more attention to where there's clocks and where there's not but I mean you ever see those videos where it's like guys will like carry a ladder into a movie theater and then just like watch a movie for free fair I could see that like like I feel like it could be the same logic here where it's like all you have to do is look confident and have is well known it doesn't even seem like there's any other watch makers around exactly and I I want to say there was a clock in there I almost feel like but also I might just be like imagine it because I want this to be the case yeah but he's not even saying anything like that feels like such an obvious like pick me pick me that is very suspicious just it's the kid man I know it is my heart and soul and God is telling me it's him but I want to know why for for smartness reasons I want to be able to prove why it's him maybe his dad's abusive he just wants the FR random what' you say oh no that doesn't even matter I like what you said more oh um also his shirt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 what is that that is suspicious right there that's a stupid shirt okay let's unpack The Mystery of the third one from the very beginning okay okay so they first thing they have to do is kill this lady with blunt force trauma yep he can do that uh how does he do that so assuming she's like at the art gallery or something already okay he he like has to be working with someone no way this little kid came up with this genius plan all on his own right yeah but this one wasn't even that complicated like it was noticeably simpler than the others yeah but he also like knows all the details of the past nailman killings how he does well he tried to imitate it I mean the news and like strangulation stuff was not made public that that's something only I told this guy would know I have nothing he tried to imitate it you know he he like tried to do the stuff with the dolls but he didn't have the same access to the dolls and stuff the warshipper looks like a really plausible option how would the kid even know how to copycat these killings you know cuz he's so smart he's so small he can just squeeze right in he so smart oh okay smart child see I I feel like as much as I wanted to be the kid this is the only person he he doesn't make the most sense yeah cuz he would know all the details he would know cuz there are parts to the modus operandi that aren't made as public information and only the person that has seen the crime scene would be aware of such as the strangulation did any of the crime scenes he went to he was the solo person where we would be viewing through his eyes with Apparition or whatever it's called no he always brought someone with him he said oh every single time that's what he said all right you just want to pick this guy no I want to pick the kit I'm picking that guy as much as I want to pick the kid I really want to pick the kid you almost had me I was going to be like okay I do think it's the kid but then I thought about it and I'm like that doesn't even make sense this is such a boring answer hey hey hey the kid might be involved I want the kid to be the murderer he might be the final boss you just trying to kill a kid at this point no one can see you shrugging right now you can see my face I'm I don't know I don't know just think it'd be cool all right huh me what are you talking about I told you all about the nailman and even cooperated with your investigation and now you think I'm a murderer are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah no I mean no I'm not your investigation isn't worth [ __ ] I'll Crush you to dust why do these guys keep turning buff I don't know also he's like got like a puppet master thing going on with his hands for his thighs yeah not much of a puppet master I can move my thighs I can too stupid maybe he's like paralyzed from the waist down don't make fun of him skill issue yeah honestly okay and our reasoning is because you knew the details already yeah past nailman murders nonpublic information actually he's the only one that would know it me of being the culprit this is funny was just first on the scene just first on the scene well can't argue with that really no that's pretty true it could have all been the nail man no well I mean I guess I can't say no different each time yeah no I think I could argue with that one there was a copycat criminal see what the next one is why is it me the Ser could be the copy cat before we guy what there's like so many of them okay anyone could have done it there we go not any what okay I didn't think there was a range on it would you kiss himer I don't think I could reach mailman's but the murders all being strangulations wasn't made public right away was it made public ever who knew that were those who actually set foot on the crime scenes they were going to make it public weren't they himself the peace and the first eyewitnesses on the scene so what does amatarasu get out of this that's a part I still don't get press maybe keeps the Press away from something else maybe I mean people like some true crime stuff you know my grandma's super into it true crime stuff is weird I can see the appeal but it's almost creepy you know what I like watching trashy copper rest you were talking about this the other day oh my God it's so addicting it's it's equally as bad for you watch what do you mean by trashy cop video like give me an example um okay okay there was this is this was really funny maybe I'll even like send you the video so you can link it or something something okay but there was this one video where this guy and his girlfriend and the girlfriend was 18 I don't know how old he was but not very much older they went into a strip club but because the strip club served drinks and you need to be 21 to drink she was not allowed in unless she worked literally the lady said if you work here I can let you in because then it's like a a job thing which the logic makes sense she's 18 she's of legal age yada yada yada so she did it I don't think she got Ned or anything and the money that she made from it the guy took from her the boyfriend and was like that's uh w o r e money you kind of get what I mean you know yeah and uh so she calls the cops on him and this dude is amazing to watch he is like the most Reddit the most Manchild the most incel thing I've ever seen the cops just try and talk to him and he like you can't really like like look at what I'm doing he like raises his arm like he's about to throw a punch okay you know and this cop immediately just like Bops it like cuz I mean he looks like he's going to punch the cops in the right there you know I mean if you think you're going to get punched I feel like it's fair yeah I'm going to throw hands too exactly and then you know of course the lady is like screaming like don't do that to my boyfriend don't do that don't do that is she the one that called the cops on him but but then it gets like it just goes so much much worse as you continue because then they like arrest him because at that point you like Tred to do Sal police officer and he's been like so difficult at this time right yeah but the thing is he's like Kicking and Screaming he's biting he's punching he's like like screaming like they're killing me they're killing me and again like this dude's like the biggest Manchild you've ever seen he's not like not like big or anything but he's like wild and like literally he's like trying to like spit on the cops and they have to put like they call these things like spit guards I think I was just waiting for that so they they put like a a like plastic bag around your head but you can breathe through it of course but if you try and spit it'll just get caught on the bag you know and like they have to like like he won't move only to like kick and fight so they'll like pick him up and like they try and like like kind of like get him in the back of the cruiser by like they almost kind of have to toss him a little bit uhhuh it's wild so then they get him in the cruiser right and he's still like scream like he's screaming all the way to the police station and then they get to the police station and they have to drag out like the most medieval Contraption I've ever seen just to get him to move it's like a cart that like they tie him down and you know because he won't do anything he's kicking he's punching he's screaming and he's like yell like I will not comply I will not comply I will not not complying they're like sir you're already under arrest just listen you're not escaping at this point and then this nurse comes by and she's like listen I'm going to bring you to the hospital cuz you did get like punched in the face like pretty hard and the cop that punched him was built like dude was like man Mountain you know yeah and and she's like so are you going to comply I will not comply I will not comply and then they get him into the uh ambulance and he slips his cuffs really he like gets his hand out of his cuffs and he just starts whing everywh he's like throwing punches and hitting people and the cops are like desperate to pull the paramedics out so they don't get hurt you know oh my God it's like it's the best reality TV cuz it was actually real too how did you even slip out of your cuffs like that skinny or he must have like like you think he like tore his hand or something trying to do that I know if you like dislocate your thumb it becomes a lot easier but but I this guy was not the type he's not some like James Bond he's like a dude who sits on like slash anything and that's enough that's enough you know I and it's like and like and the entire time the girl's like don't hurt my boyfriend don't arrest him he didn't do anything wrong when she's the one who called him unless I'm like misremembering that like a bystander called I'm pretty sure it was her I'm pretty sure it was her I don't even understand how some of those people like live their day-to-day lives you know no he cuz he must have like like okay he had to have had like a mental thing or like some something like that right that or he's just like insane but not like like oh it's okay you know it's a problem he's just wrong in the head insane like no like just actually just like crazy he seemed it seemed like he had a lot of rage going on probably you know like instant angry but so when I'm talking about trashy like arrest that's what I'm talking about I love watching this they kind of I I find the entertainment value of them sometimes but some of them are a little bit depressing you know cuz you see like the absolute worst parts of humanity you know what I I did see one that was like I I I'll make this one quick this guy was walking around a neighborhood that he lived in and this guy had to have been like super like bad Dementia or like schizophrenic or something like every word he said it didn't make sense right he like so he's talking to his neighbor and his neighbor was like I think an immigrant or something he didn't he like was like just white like he looked like your average just like white middle-aged dude okay but this guy was talking to this the the white middle-aged dude is normal and there's another older white dude who's weird the the weird like mentally not sound one mhm and he's talking to him and the not mentally sound one just pulls a gun on him like just pull out like pulls a gun and it's like I don't remember it was like a neighborhood watch thing and you know it's entertaining but it's tragic it is because this guy's like he's just on these tangents that make no sense cuz he's like yeah you know I'm going to I'm going to I I've been living in this neighborhood for years I'm going to I'm going to buy this neighborhood and give it to my nephew and he's like the cops will be like so what's going on today he's like I want you to see these and he has these like objects in his hand and he's like this right here is my life this is what I've been through you know and it's like it's just like garbage giberish like paintings and like some weird like carved out thing and like I make it sound like he like and he would jump from topics so he would be like the cops would be like so what's going on he's like no I want you to take a look at that you know and then he'd be like well I heard this guy was from the railroad or something I don't know if that's exactly what he said but whatever okay and he's like you know what I don't I don't like the railroad and and I want you to take a look at these these are my you know this is my life right here make sure you're looking at those make sure you're looking at those and then he's like talking about like now I need a glass of water and he's like now listen I need to go home and shut my windows or I'm going to let all the air out or whatever and it's like the middle of winter like there's snow everywhere and he's talking about his cat and he's talking about his nephew and he's talking about his guns that weren't loaded and he's talking about how this guy was like an intruder or something it's just sad what do you even do with people like that all they did was like arrest him and the police I got to say crazy professional about it like if you watch that video like it literally if you look up some of the like buzzwords I'm talking about you'll find the video they were they were so respectful and the guy was either like crazy high off something a lot of people in the comments they were like some people were like nurses AIDS you know who work had a labotomy it might have been like really bad bipolar cuz there's like conscious bipolar I think and then there's like like you're out of it bipolar you know a lot of people were talking about that so but no the dude like I I don't see the guy as like a huge problem or anything he's just just something's wrong you know and it sucks seeing that so just don't let a Mona gun and I think yeah yeah yeah because that that's a nogo right there is like hey if you pull a gun on me like I'm going to be royally peeved at you no matter what oh yeah the guy had like his like niece or nephew inside too really yeah and it's like that's not cool but yeah some of those shows they do are they are just like a little bit like sad to watch sometimes there are some very entertaining ones I never watch them by choice but you know I've seen them here and there right uh you've definitely got the there's like a perfect dichotomy it's like a 50/50 of the hilarious trashy ones and then the oh my God that's just tragic MH you know and it's just it really sucks seeing some of the living conditions people have to put up with sometimes cuz it's not the people I feel bad about a lot of the time like sometimes yeah but it's the kids that live with them oh yeah you see that a lot you see that a lot there's always there was one I saw this lady was like high or something and she had like these kids in the car and she was making the kids yell at the police officer why are you doing this why are you doing this she literally turned around and be like like I don't know we'll say your name like Samantha ask him why he's doing this ask him why he's doing this ask him why like using the kids as Weapons right and it's like yeah I would hate to be a cop like nowadays I'd love to be a sheriff back in cowboy days and I could just shoot people but they just do whatever they wanted you know a cop nowadays I don't I I used to think that was like when I was a little kid and it was the little classroom assignment what do you want to be when you grow up uh it was usually either architect or a police officer I was pretty much always saying YouTuber I mean yeah I wanted to be a YouTuber like always but I wanted to be a psychologist for a while but yeah I don't want to do that anymore I don't want to deal with people I think you mean more a therapist when you say psychologist but yeah yeah yeah yeah uh yeah no I always wanted to be a YouTuber too but I never really said it publicly or anything I remember asking my mom when I was like nine can I start a YouTube channel and she was like no I was like that's fair honestly for a 9-year-old yeah there's there's not much a nine-year-old's going to put out that's not you know terrible um you know what's really kind of fun to watch sometimes so you know how there's just kind of like out of it weird people whether they have like a mental condition or like just some just or they're just weird like I don't know but you know those people you meet and you can just tell they're just like different you know I love meeting someone like that and then meeting someone else like that and then watching them talk to each other and just seeing how weird their conversations are yeah because it's like the things you guys get up to talking to are just so random and weird and you can tell they're like weirded out by each other too but they're weird themselves so it's it kind of works in a way I there is a like a place I delivered to that was a uh it was like a special workplace for people who have some sort of autism or something along those lines like down syndrome just blanket term something like a learning disability mhm and I'm not going to lie it's we weird like it's weird just like seeing how everyone interacts with each other cuz it is so out of the norm but it's also like it's endearing in a way cuz I had like one lady first time I walked past her she's like hello and I'm like hello you know how are you hi you know I'll be polite whatever and then like I'll like be looking around the room like just looking at the people you know and I'll see her be like hello you know I'm like well hello it's Hi how are you yeah and then I'm on my way out and you know what she says what hello hello some of them are very sweet you know it's just it's just they it's a whole different wavelength you know and I think that can be amazing as much as it can be harmful for them for people around them it's just you just got to cope with it and learn with it I guess yeah I'm almost a little I I've never really had anyone in my life closely that's been that um oh I have yeah dealt with you all these years for a second I was like really I'm like sorting your family members in my mind like really I don't think you's ever told me about I well I guess there's like some really young ones you think might have some there's some talk about a few of my siblings being on like like ADHD one of them is for sure uh and then there's there's talks about one of them having autism but you know the thing is is they're so young that it's like it's kind of hard to tell yet all kids are going to act weird I mean that's just that's how they are you know yeah I think I have like one kind of family member that I've met like a couple of times that's got something like that uh honestly yeah you just treat him like part of the family it's nothing nothing crazy I would no I I I I'll be fully transparent I like those people more than the others they are entertaining but well it's not even that it's just like there's people at work who like like it's part of that program I was mentioning a second ago where it's like a job place where they find jobs for people like that right and some of them work at the place I work at cuz it's not just a delivery thing mhm and I honestly I genuinely enjoy having conversations with folks like that they're just so nice honestly well it's just honest and direct you know if you talk to your boss or something it's like you don't know if he's imagin like murdering you in his brain or wants to fire you or whatever elior motives or something right or trying to like psychologically game you because of some inferiority complex they have because they probably drive a pickup truck too which is a whole thing but oh boy you that's what I'm saying but you know you meet someone who's like on the Spectrum or like that like they're very direct people I mean yeah and it's great I love it very honest anyways yeah uh we'll continue this here uh we'll finish this argument then we'll probably end the episode oh okay sure means you you could have committed the murder in the art gallery could have you're supposed to say you did yeah okay now we'll end the episode so that's he's got like lipstick on he looks like the fish man from One Piece that's all I got to say thank you guys for watching peace what you call it mid piece mid Piece One Piece is good I don't think it is worth all the hype it gets by people niik Robin and that's it you know nothing about Nico Robin That's I don't need to I liked niik Robin pre- time skip that's all I'll say um anyway what what else have I got to say yeah thanks you guys for watching uh leave a like comment uh stay tuned for the next episode or sounds like an old like 20 sub like stay tuned for the next episode coming to you next Tuesday yes whenever if that's right I don't I think it'll be Wednesday next time I don't know I think this is a Monday this coming out okay yeah anyways guys get out of here I'm ending the episode please comment how to do a proper outro no I don't want to know this is much better please okay you know what here's something funny okay guys do the outro for us in the comments just like right right an outro for us oh right now are we going to say it no well maybe if I remember funny yeah I'll do that if it's funny enough yeah write write an outro and we'll do it on one of our future videos how about that sure the one we like the most I don't even care if it's funny just the one we like the most okay we'll use that while write it down we'll do it as an outro to our next next uh video we remember to do that probably be a few episodes from now but thank you for watching goodbye okay bye toodles see you bye adios I'll see you later en bonitos great having you seeing how long I can drag This Heart why are you still here every [Music]