Marital Virtues and Spiritual Teachings

Jul 10, 2024

Marital Virtues and Spiritual Teachings

Opening Invocation

  • Prayer invoking the Holy Trinity.
  • Recitation of the Hail Mary.

Preliminary Remarks

  • Announcing an adult CCD class on virtues ($5 per packet, 5 sets available).
  • Confessional schedule and availability detailed.
  • Requirements for obtaining a plenary indulgence.
    • Receive Holy Communion.
    • Confession within two weeks before or after.
    • Prayers specified.

Marital Virtues


  • Essential in marriage for both partners.
  • Marriage involves more self-denial than obtaining personal goods.

Continence and Chastity

  • Continence: virtue in the will to stay steadfast despite emotional tumult.
  • Necessary for situations where marital duties can't be rendered.
  • Key for managing anger in marriage.


  • Defined differently by authors (e.g., St. Thomas: moderating striving for excellence).
  • Humility aids in admitting faults and following truth for the sake of marriage.
  • Essential to avoid self-absorption and pride.


  • Mitigates and moderates anger (St. Thomas: resides in the sensitive appetite).
  • Required for peaceful cohabitation.

Root Virtues: Meekness and Humility

  • Both essential for the pursuit of other virtues.
  • Jesus exemplifies these virtues: "learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart."
  • Essential for proper self-judgment and tempering reactions.

Spirit of Mortification

  • Willingness to suffer and endure trials and tribulations for marital harmony.
  • Aids in developing personal sanctification and offering efficacious prayers for the family.

Benevolence and Benignity

  • Benevolence: good will towards others, necessary for living in harmony.
  • Benignity: involves execution of goodwill through actions, key to a joyful and virtuous life.


  • Under the virtue of justice, rendering to God what is due through prayer and sacrifices.
  • Integral for obtaining grace, maintaining right order, and training children.
  • Cultivates family peace and fulfills obligation to God.


  • Regulates one's external behavior to fit their state in life.
  • Important for teaching children proper conduct and ensuring appropriate behavior within the family.

Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity


  • Virtue infused in the intellect to assent to Church teachings as truth.


  • Infused in the will to persist towards God’s promises.


  • Infused to love God and neighbors as oneself for God's sake.
  • Love of spouse should be for God's sake, detachment through self-denial.
  • Charity perfects all other virtues and is the highest form of love.
  • Love in action is true charity, seeking the salvation of souls.


  • Marriage's principal end is the salvation of the couple's souls and giving glory to God.
  • Strive for perfect charity for soul salvation.


  • Final blessing invoking the power of the Holy Trinity.