Transcript for:
Experiment 3 Overview and Trials

Hi, my name is Benjamin Frachem. I'm going to be showing you the experiment 3 procedure. So first, just so you know, we're starting on part 2 and I've just completed step 8, which is the whole setup. Let me show you what we have so far. So right here I have my 50ml Erlenmeyer flask with my stir bar in there.

And I have a clamp holding onto that flask. I also have my stir plate running and ready to go. I've also set up my my sparkling air unit to my laptop. As you can see I'm going to be measuring pressure and temperature on some of my trials.

So that's the setup so far. I'm going to do three sample trials for you today. I'm first going to start with a standard trial.

So far I have six milliliters of water in here and I also have one milliliter hydrogen peroxide in my My graduated cylinder here, I have about three milliliters of the catalase solution. So we're going to run this first trial and see what kind of pressure readings we get. Okay, so this is trial one.

I'm going to start collecting data now. Okay, and now I need to add my catalase solution and then quickly after I'm going to put the rubber stopper in so we can start collecting pressure data. Okay, as you can see our pressure data is going up, it's rising.

Nice, that should be good. Essentially what we're looking for here when we start looking at our data is we're just looking for the first few data points here because that's going to show the rate of the reactions. Okay, that's the end of the trial. Okay, so this is our second trial that we're going to do. And let's see, the last trial we did 3 milliliters of our catalase, we did 1 milliliter of our hydrogen peroxide, and we did 6 milliliters of water.

This trial we're going to increase the concentration of our substrate, our hydrogen peroxide. We're going to do 3 milliliters of the catalase, 3 milliliters of the hydrogen peroxide, and then 4 milliliters of our water. So we'll see what kind of results we get from that.

Same as before, I've got the water and the hydrogen peroxide in here ready to go. And I've got to push start on my computer, okay? As you can see we're already quite a bit past where we were before with our pressure.

Sometimes it's, sometimes the stopper pops off at this point. Okay so this is our last trial. This is going to be one of our temperature trials.

I'm doing the same volumes as the first trial where we're doing three milliliters of catalase, one milliliter of hydrogen peroxide, and six milliliters of water. Instead this time we have our Erlenmeyer flask sitting in a hot tub or a hot bath. It's at about 40 degrees Celsius, so we're gonna see how that affects the rain.

So that was it for our three trials. Any other trials that we would have conducted past that point would have just been patterned just like that one. So stay put and we will give you the data either in a separate file or at the end of this video.