Interview with Nandini Chaudhary - Technical Position

Jul 16, 2024

Lecture Notes on Interview with Nandini Chaudhary


  • Presenter: Interviewer and Nandini Chaudhary
  • Context: Interview for a technical position
  • Background: Nandini is an MSCIT student from North Maharashtra University, studied in Jalgaon District.
  • Professional Experience: Worked with NGOs like Ashman Foundation as a social media manager.
  • Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Strengths: Flexibility, adaptability, easily adopts new things.
  • Weakness: Anger management issue.

Professional Goals

  • Achievement: Working with NGOs in social media marketing and breaking comfort zones.
  • Future Goals: Seeking financial independence and aiming to become a senior developer.

Interview Questions and Responses

HR Questions

  • Reason for Job Change: Financial independence, career growth.
  • Biggest Achievement: Breaking comfort zones and working with NGOs.
  • Why Hire Nandini: Multi-tasking abilities and commitment.

Technical Questions


  • JavaScript Definition: Scripting language combined with keywords and data types.
  • Types of Data: Primitive (String, Boolean, Null, etc.), Non-primitive (Array, Object).
  • Scope: Uses var, let, const; understanding variable scope (global, block, functional).
  • Undefined & Null: Undefined is default if no type is given; Null means no value.
  • Hosting: Memory utilization, variable lifetimes.
  • Equality: == (value), === (value + type).
  • Functions: Callback functions, promises, async/await.
  • Array Methods: push, pop, shift, unshift; difference between inline array operations.
  • ES6 Features: Introduced arrow functions, promises, etc.


  • Definition: HyperText Markup Language for web pages.
  • Versions: Current - HTML5, includes new semantic tags (article, section, etc.), 2D/3D features.
  • Semantic Tags: Clear definition of content, easily understandable by browser and developers.
  • Block vs Inline Elements: Block starts new line, takes full width; inline does not, only takes necessary width.
  • Essential Tags: Canvas, meta tags for responsiveness, etc.


  • CSS Box Model: Margin, border, padding, actual content.
  • Types: Inline, External, Embedded CSS.
  • Positions: Relative, absolute, static, fixed, sticky; understanding of each type.
  • Media Queries: Used for responsive design.
  • Visibility and Display: visibility: hidden vs display: none.

Code and Practical Questions

  • Code Execution: Understanding of why certain codes result in errors or specific outputs.

Conclusion and Self-reflections

  • Improvements Needed: Better understanding of core concepts like scope, error handling, and concept clarity in real-time coding scenarios.
  • Commitment to Improvement: Dedication to practice and improve.
  • Feedback: Awaiting constructive feedback to improve further.