foreign thank you for joining today's introducation how are you doing today I'm doing good sir how are you doing yeah I'm doing good as well thank you for asking so uh before proceeding with the interview can you give brief introduction about yourself yes sir good morning and uh thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself in front of you I am nandini Chaudhary I am listen to mscit here in um MSC 90 from North Maharashtra University which is currently known as University uh it's belonged from jalgaon District I was born into Jaipur brought up in so my whole education uh did in my district only and uh and that's it I I don't have a work experience I'm coming here as a fresher and uh previously I was work for ngos uh I worked with the Ashman Foundation Papa and as well as Robin and army uh with Ashman Foundation I was work at the social media manager um and uh there I know be some things about like create templates and all so this endurance interests come here with the HTML CSS I have a little bit curious about what is going behind so I'm decided to jump on it that's it okay that's great nandini so if I ask about your uh greatest strength and weakness then what you will say about that greatest strength is I am flexible um I can adopt new things easily and uh if I talking about my weakness then I think only the angle issue otherwise there is no weakness of me okay and how you are overcoming that weakness nowadays I am trying to control it and I think uh from 100 now it will become a 50 um because uh I was recently married with Mr Bharat Chaudhary so that's uh things going go with flow like that okay and uh what do you think what is your biggest achievement till the time [Music] three more ngos uh for the social media marketing I I think that is a piece for me and that is the biggest achievement for me because whenever you are in your comfort zone you can get things easily but you are starting breaking your comfort zone then certain things means you can face your challenges and you learn more things and you can grow up automatically when you break your comfort zones that's it and that is the biggest achievement for me okay so you mean to say he was working with ngos yes okay and then why you are looking for change then you are working with ngos and you it's kind of a piece for me and I I'll help her but uh whenever you think about yourself financially and you if you want to independent uh financially then you have to work for yourself that's the reason okay that's great and uh where do you see yourself in next five years of time I think enough successful for myself what do you mean by that you know what do you mean by that means uh uh everyone have a different language of success I just want peaceful life with my all things like if I want my own house own cars then I'll I'm I'm not going to say that is the success if I am happy with it that is the successful life for me actually I'm asking about your professional games like uh career growth about your career good not not not your personal okay then uh I think according to me I'll be maybe I'll be senior developer okay maybe I'll listen okay that's good okay uh last question from my side uh why should I hire you um because maybe you will get the multiple tasking candidate and uh if you are fortunate then I'll be work for you okay okay that's straight nandini uh we are done with uh HR interview we'll start with the technical okay uh okay I will hand over this to Avinash yeah yeah thank you uh Hi nandini how are you hello I'm good how are you doing yeah good morning are we good to start with our technical round yes okay before that I would like to ask you like uh can you rate your yourself in HTML CSS and JavaScript out of five oh in case of JavaScript still it will be four three four between three CSS four four point five five okay HTML fine okay that's great uh so we'll start with the JavaScript question first then we cover the HTML and then CSS okay that's fine okay okay uh so can you tell me what is Javascript JavaScript is a script type of language um and uh it is the it is combinations and uh it is and the combinations uh with the keywords and this uh data types and uh it is on this script type of language JavaScript that's it okay is it a synchronous or synchronous like single threaded or multi-threaded uh sorry I don't know okay not an issue uh do you know about the data types in JavaScript yes sir uh can you explain there are two types of data types in JavaScript one is a primitive data type another one is non-primited in primitive data your string Boolean null begin uh and non-primitive data type like array and object primitive data type is uh available in JavaScript all the demons so they introduced with the primitive data type and non-primitive data type is created by the reference like array and object are non-permitted data type okay is there can you tell me any difference between primitive and non-primitive no primitive data type is actually available in JavaScript and non-primitive data type is created uh with reference uh reference like it is a reference from primitive data types okay and uh can you tell me what is undefined then anti-finance primitive data type and uh if you are not going to give any type of data then it will be show and defined to you what do you mean by that uh it means that if you are variable and if you are not defining the type of variable then it will be show you as undefined so uh we need to Define the types in JavaScript are you saying um not really we don't need to uh Define that is available okay so can you tell me the difference between undefined and null actually both are same but null has no value and if you are checked the null uh type of data then it will show an object as object maybe I'm right okay and in case of undefined in case of undefined I think they both are same but uh slightly difference between them uh like undefined not going to show the type of data it will show the null value means it is showing hand the null value for it yeah maybe okay so do you know the concept the shallow copying and deep copying no so I don't know okay uh can you tell me the difference between late constant wear uh okay uh where is from starting uh like JavaScript uh introduced wire with JavaScript introduction and latent cons uh which is introduced in es6 and uh where has a global global scope and uh yeah where has a global and functions group but uh late and cons only have the block scope and you can re-declare and reassign with that but you can't uh redeclare and reassign the latent cons that is the basic difference between all three of these yes and I'm sure and what about the functional scope uh where have a function scope and Global scope but lit and cons only have the bluff school I don't think so that late and cons have a functions group can you give any example regarding that like what having only block level of scope not functional scope with example maybe I can't explain right now okay um okay um do you know the strict equality and losing equality oh and also I don't have idea okay yeah do you know the double equals to and triple equals to the public version yeah yeah yeah yes I know both are the competitor of the tests I have a little bit confused with your words that's why I scared uh both are the comparative uh operators uh double equals to uh show you the value like uh it will show you the value and if you instead the triple equal to then it will be the show the type of that value if you are suppose if you will get a string then uh it will show you the type of value like uh if you declare value is equals to uh 10 double quote nandini then uh if you used a triple equal to then it will be show the uh type of data that means uh in double quote we can declare string that it will be show you the string type that is the major difference in between that okay so uh if I uh declare any variable let's say uh where X I have declared the variable at line number five and at line number two uh I am doing the console.log of X so what will be the result um where is equals to what I have declared one variable where X where X is equals to five okay at line number five of any editor and at line number three I am writing console.log X then it will show you the output because what will be the expected output five are you sure yes sir I'm sure pickets where have a global scope and if you declare a pair in uh in your application as a globally whenever you want to declare or whatever line number you want to declare then it will due to the scope uh it will declare as the top of top of uh the application and it will be accept to the whole application yeah uh it will show you the file okay do you know the concept wasting yes sir so can you uh can you relate it with this example yes yes okay please explain uh hosting is generally sorry hosting is used uh used to memory utilization and uh there are two types of uh hosting one is the global and another one is the local and uh means can I give you example yes it's true uh if uh if you want to go through Global then it will be known to the whole uh application or uh your web page whatever it is then uh and if you go to the local then there is a function and a Blog there are two types of scope uh in the host team and uh maybe I'm right yes uh um Global uh if you know uh like one variable you can declare globally then it will be work through your whole application and if you are go through local then uh block and function it is limited for the block and function level of scope that's it and uh premium example is uh you know Virat Kohli Virat Kohli is like a uh Global scope means the whole whole world know him as a cricketer but if you talk about uh Joshi he is limited for the Maharashtra then it will be uh block scope and function scope yes yes but this is it okay can you give an example in programming and programming where where is a global Scope when uh when you want to declare online by file line number 10 or whenever you want to declare or uh there is no matter but uh it will always come to the top uh because I have a global scope and uh late and cons have a local scope that is uh that is why they are limited for that zone only okay uh do uh have you used any callback functions yet yes sir I'm gonna explain like this is nothing but the parameter and uh uh if you want to declare one it is it is work as a parameter to the function and uh if you want to declare one and more function then you can uh use the Callback as a parameter okay uh like are we using the Callback functions uh frequently or do we have any replacement for that no no it is yeah there have a callback help then if uh if you are going through with the Callback Health there will be with some messy code from that how we overcome from promises but promises have there some limitations then it will uh have a sink of it no I'm just giving so can you explain a little bit about the promises um says for the over uh call back hell like you can't use callback uh frequently it will be messy code for you so uh promises I have just the clear clearance on it means the audio code will be neat and clean and it is readable and it is easy to access so that's all about the promise yes and uh do you know about the SIM card yes sir I know about I think of it so can you explain I think I'll wait I think of it work uh like as a promises but it is the different concept and um it's uh I think of it you can used on the functions sorry maybe I'll get confused about the two things so how do we handle the error error handling in uh okay uh not a problem so uh do you know any um array methods or string Methods in JavaScript um yeah um methods my length and all are not method that is the properties okay uh Push Pops are the operation uh okay yes I think you are right um but that that is the operation maybe yeah yeah that's we call the methods okay then push pop uh um shaped unshaped okay can you can you explain uh push pop foreign [Music] the end of the array and uh in pop uh it will be show in uh the starting side of the array uh can I show you with example because I I'm getting confused with words okay okay before that I would like to ask you one question uh like what is a shift and unshifted um and shift a is is uh like working like ship when sir not with the words when you want to unshift the element then it will be shipped shift to the specific position and like index and uh if you want to and unshape sorry shift the element then it will be unshipped [Music] end of the array and what about Bob and Bush it is uh starting starting of the array uh a shift and unshift to work as the starting of the area sorry sorry okay so so what does uncip do and you have to do uh every adding adding the element and the shifter removing the limit okay at this time okay and uh push and pop [Music] um can push adding the element at the end and uh pop uh adding element at the starting point Sorry removing element at the starting point okay have you used the delete method for to deleting the array elements you know so I don't use death so do you know any drawbacks of delete okay uh can you tell me the difference between uh slice and splice lies slice uh slice uh we slice the data operation on string uh it it can it can the part it can make a part of string like if you give the specific number then it will be cut that a specific string from the whole sentence or you can slice your one string into the three different parts open different part like this and uh what the another one splice life okay I don't use slice yet I use have you have you used it on added um maybe maybe used it on Iris work but I I personally I don't use it okay uh okay so can you tell me the es6 features newly introduced year six features uh es6 is more flexible than a previous JavaScript es6 added the few more features okay you move to just like uh all right sorry have you heard about the arrow function yes sir can you explain [Music] you know so I I don't have a clear reference about that okay uh what does forage does forage porridge for age yeah like can you tell me the difference between forage and map or filter map filter uh uh and map and filter there are some index difference sorry parameter distance even otherwise the both are same working um and only readings has the four parameters uh and uh map reduce and filter okay okay so um tell me the difference between map reduce and filter then forget about the forage I think map and uh reduce working nearly like same uh there is only difference in parameters and so they are working like same then what's the need of like two different methods working nearly safe not exactly same oh I'll go through example then I'll explain you better because maybe I'm bumbling in that situation okay does it return new array map no yes and in case of forage um I'm not sure about forage well I'll study on it okay have you used these keyword um yes not frequently can you explain about this keyword foreign so we'll start with the HTML questions now uh so uh can you can you explain uh like what is HTML HTML is the hyper textbook markup language um uh which is uh used for creating applications or web uh web purchases that's it so now currently which version we are using we we use HTML5 latest version I think uh sorry I don't know about latest version but uh we used HTML5 of HTML is it a HTML for your latest version now latest version is different but we used HTML5 right now okay can you tell me the difference between html4 like videos version and uh the current version uh HTML for uh html4 is work flexible as well as HTML5 is also worked for example but HTML file into this semantic tags uh and uh through a new 2D 3D feature graphic features and it will come with the more flexibility and HTML file can we provide URL syntax and it will be it will be have introduced new tag tags like I mentioned semantic tag non-semitic tag from fermented tags there are introduced by HTML file hmm what are the semantic tags uh semantic tag is nothing but the semantic element is clearly defined about the content and uh as if cemented tags is like a table form means there is no need to uh think about it if you are going to HTML uh H5 tag then you have to think about it what is the H5 tag but in semantic type there is no need it is easily understand to developer as well as the browser so semantic task is a clearly uh talk about your content okay uh can you uh list few uh new tags in uh introduced in HTML5 [Music] um like a table form articles and um no which are introduced in HTML5 I'm saying which are introducing HTML for you an instrument that is the tax introduced in HTML Pfizer okay are you sure yes sir okay fine so uh can you tell me the difference between uh Block Level elements and inline elements um Block Level elements always start on the new line in line element don't start on the new line Block Level elemented the whole week of uh browser parent as well as container uh inline element take or only only the out according to element only only element and Block Level element except the padding margin all all is four side and inline element except the padding and merging but uh except the padding vertically and uh uh margin vertically but it's overlap no sorry it's except the padding and merging vertically but it's overlapped horizontally and uh Block Level element except the height they uh height and width to the all is port side inline element do not accept the height and width that's it that is the best difference between them okay so can you tell me the difference between span and you um span is in line element to it's a block level element and uh if you declare if you are delayed due on your HTML file then it will protect the whole field uh of your container or your browser window but uh span span have some limitations like inline element have you can't apply the padding and merging on it uh but sometimes it will accept but it it will be overlap from vertical sides uh that's the limitations for uh inline elements oh yeah okay have you used the canvas deck no sir okay okay fine so can you tell me the CSS Box model then um CSS Box model is the box which is the wrap the all the wrap content inside uh it consists the margin uh margin border padding and the actual content the uh the area between content and Border area between the content and powder that is the uh padding and area outside of the border that is the margin [Music] every HTML element wrap under the Box model like uh we I previously mentioned okay uh so can you tell me like different types of the CSS uh inline sales external CSS and uh land external and embedded CSS okay can you tell me the difference between this Elicia says you can mention on the same same body tag you can apply it on apply it on the apply on your current tax means there is no need to create any external file and external CSS we have to create the separate file of CSS means you can you can give this separately CSS on external and um services and um I think that's it embedded CSS embedded CSS embedded or internal internal internal CSS then it will be you can give into body tag inline you can use means uh in one line you can give the all properties external you can create another file embedded CSS so you can give in to the body tag but uh can you tell me in in case of inline which attribute do you use Style and in case of embedded which tag we use style type and where do we place it uh at uh bottom bottom side sorry style tag at the uh body's top sides uh can you tell me the structure of HTML HTML file HTML file uh in top side so you can mention your document type uh document title and the all the links about uh CSS sorry CSS and all your meta files are in the top of in the header section then body sorry then title then body and uh in body at the footer side you can mention your JavaScript links and uh script tags and then footer that's it is there any head tag yeah yes sir like where it is blessed uh it is plus on the top uh on the top of the documents okay uh can you tell me any like uh uh responsive tag present in HTML file um responsive types responsible for uh the website or when the page is rendered on the web so at that time it plays an important role body tag well those in HTML5 all the types are responsive and um no it's in a meta tag I'm talking about you're talking about Metal attacks well I'm not getting your question there is a one meta tag present inside the head of HTML file which is responsible for responsiveness of the page okay okay got it uh uh in the top of the document means uh doctype and uh then metadata UTSA and uh another one is uh okay um it's okay if you are not able to decide uh okay can you tell me uh what kinds of uh positions like presence in CSS there are five types of position one is a relative another one that's absolute uh static and uh another two word is okay relative absolute static stickers okay can you tell me uh like uh can you explain the relative and absolute position relative positions means our relative positions you can give to the parent uh which is who is the parent parent uh tag and absolute position you can give to the child means uh in respective uh moving to the parents then you can give the absolute position okay suppose if I have one parent like uh having uh the measurements like 200 into 200 200 height and 200 width the parent and uh there is a one uh children inside I have to place it uh to the right bottom corner of that apparent sorry sorry please repeat we have one parent having size of 200 pixel into 200 pixel okay and there is a one uh children inside that parent uh having height and width of 5px and I have to place it at the right bottom corner of the parent did you get the question right means you have it two elements one is a parent another one is the child uh parents have a 200 height and bid and you want to place child to the right side of the bottom the right bottom of the parent is right bottom of the parents okay uh then per parent have the relative position and uh you can give the child to the absolute positions and uh if you want to place it on bottom then you can give them the like margin and uh no yes yes uh you can if you said the position uh parent as you relate you and the child has absolute then it will be moved to the respect of relative positions means uh yes yes but to to move to that position Translate transport okay okay that's fine that we use to take it at a center but if in case I have to move it at the right bottom corner so can I use the right zero and bottom zero yes so you can use it so that's the thing okay okay okay so uh have you used the media query yes sir okay can you share your screen and uh write the media query for the max with 768px foreign 768 weeks there is something appreciating [Music] so that's the right at the red media is right inside the bracket there is something wrong you are missing something inside the bracket like in round bracket after the max width okay I have to uh can I drink one sip of water yeah sure thank you uh okay can you tell me the difference between discipline and visibility hidden display none means um if you don't want to show that specific element specific things on specific breakpoint then you can use the display none but visibility is the different thing uh means visibility visibility is uh have responsiveness and uh it is the set default to the browser maybe if I'm not wrong and if you are using display none then it will be uh it will be not going to shown the things on that specific breakpoint if we use the discipline and visibility hidden what will happen to the that particular view or element on stem element like in different different like separately when you we have applied the display none in another deal we have applied the visibility hidden so what will be the impact on that respective where you apply discipline that will be not going to shown and uh I have a little bit confused about visibility so I'm not going to be answer on it visibility hidden also uh like uh it work as a discipliner like the element will not shown on the on the web or uh but it is a present in down but in case of a discipline it removes it from the Dom like uh it back in the backend the place of the respective element from the background I think that's the difference okay uh okay can you open okay can you open that array.js file of yours I will paste some code and uh you have to answer answer it okay which file hello in the vs code only that your array.js file I was not created sales I can see I can see on the it's open file style besides the style of CSS in between index and style okay sorry okay okay have you got the message yes sir you can erase that code which one this which is like my posting code yes okay okay so if you uncomment the line number six and seven like first only uncomment the line number six so what will be the answer for this I think both are 15. yes are you sure yes sir we can check it out and uh if you uncommented another console.log what will be the answer like console.log okay both are same sub I don't think so really equal to k equal to 50. you are aware about the Scopes right yes can you tell me the what will be the scope for k K variable okay it is global to that function it is global to that function and what about the J um uh that is also Global to that function it equal to k equal to 15 I think both are the same it's it's K variable is global to that entire file if I say will that be the correct answer I'm not sure about it but where where J is the global of that uh solution so in that case uh I'm not sure about k okay sorry okay that's fine I'm sending you another code can you please copy it foreign there will be only two questions like this one and another one question and then we'll stop the interview I okay so [Music] um can you can you space give a space between uh that before yes okay so we have open variable at line number 12 let X right line number 12 yes we have we have console it on line number 11. right so what will be the answer right what will it print it will not going to show you the answer so no there must be something right we are consoling yes sir but if you are declared late on line number 12 and you can log them on 11 so let's have a local scope so it will be it will be through an error I think I think it will through an error yeah maybe I'm full of X6 there is no okay okay and in case of if you uncomment the line number 13 and 14 please comment 11 or 12. and then uncomment 13 and 14. yes now what will be the answer then it will be to show you the value of y are you sure yes sir or it will say undefined that is the value now undefined if you are not defining any value then it will be should definitely undefined in case of that above sample 11 and 12 that is the late so the control of my Beta no I'm not sure about it but uh will it will it give the reference error in case of 11 and 12. well yes Mensa I don't know the exactly word about that situation that's why I'm not mentioned okay there is one another question can you paste it there's only one line console.log yeah yeah about it okay so what will be the answer one then string 10 minus one I think the uh one and one like one and uh string one what okay like go step by step and then tell me the final answer first there is number and second and second one is the string uh and the last one is also the number but uh logically according to math uh plus minus uh getting minus so uh there will be one and the string as it is it will be print I'll check out but I'm sure string as it is it will be print if the two first two ones are get con connected so what will it result it is that minus one and tell me what will be the answer then one and one one and like give specific answer uh like that what will it print it will print one and then it will print another one under the editor print with the string okay like this okay okay not an issue uh so nandini uh I think we are done with the your technical round so do you have any questions I don't have any question but I think I will work hard on me because I am get confused right now because I was enough confident about the things and I do practice more but whenever it starts I suddenly thinking about the more things at the same time so I think I have to work on it and um okay okay that's fine you will give me the proper feedback and maybe that will be helpful for me okay okay okay that's fine stop sharing your screen okay sir okay uh that's it then uh thank you for joining today's interview have a great day thank you sir thank you thank you foreign