I've made over $170,000 my first year as a truck dispatcher here's my tax return to prove it and in the next 15 minutes I'm going to show you everything I did to get there without a CDL or an MCD Authority I'm being dead serious I'm going to expose my entire dispatch funnel in this video and show you how much money you can make as a truck dispatcher how I find carriers and most importantly how I book high paying loads and if you stick around to the end of the video I'll even give you access to my free dispatching course where I show you how to start your own dispatching business from scratch anyways with that out of the way let's stop wasting time and talk about what a truck dispatcher actually does currently there's only three ways that carriers can find loads the most profitable being the direct shipper method this is where carriers and owner operators work with a shipper to run a specific Lane and consistently move that load for them week in week out so if a shipper is paying $1,000 for a lane the carrier will get the full ,000 pretty simple but this is where carriers run into their first big problem these direct your loads are very very hard to secure especially if you have a trucking company with less than 20 trucks and unfortunately 95% of trucking companies are not even halfway there these smaller carriers are then forced to find their loads through the traditional method where they lose thousands of dollars and eventually go bankrupt in this method the carrier has to book their load through a middleman called the broker so the same load that was paying $1,000 the broker will now hand that load off to a carrier for $700 and pocket the $300 for themselves pretty shitty I know now at this point carriers are basically sitting on a ticking Time Bomb okay they're going to keep booking cheap loads because they don't know any better and sooner or later one unexpected expense will end up taking their entire company I've seen it happen many many times and it's going to keep happening unless they use the third method which is where the truck dispatcher comes in in the margin flow method the carrier contracts a truck dispatcher to handle all the dirty work okay so this includes finding Lanes with tight capacity uh negotiating rates with Brokers and even handling all the back office work so in the real world what this looks like is instead of booking a load from Chicago to Kansas City for $11,000 the dispatcher would use tools to find hot markets like Chicago to Omaha for 12250 it's roughly the same miles but for a lot more money and because the dispatcher knows how to negotiate they can get the Brokers to give them loads with only a 20% markup instead of the normal 30% at the end of the day even after paying the dispatching fees the carrier will end up making 30% more in gross profit for every load that they run that's a massive massive difference now here's the truth okay dispatchers aren't just doing this out of the kindness of their heart they do it because they make a ton of money let me just be completely transparent and use myself as an example so on average for just one truck we can make roughly $225,000 per month okay so all that money the $255,000 would go straight to the carrier but we're going to charge roughly 10% for the service that we provide with that 10% we as a dispatcher would end up making $2,500 per month in gross profit again that's just with one truck now I don't want to work with just one truck you know I as a solo dispatcher I know that I can handle 10 to 13 trucks before I have to hire another dispatcher that means I can make upwards of $32,500 per month from just my laptop and a phone and that's exactly what I did but for 99% of you dispatchers watching this won't be possible because you're going to get stuck at step number one of the dispatch funnel which is building a carrier acquisition system in other words how are you going to get eyeballs on your business okay how do you find carriers and put your offer in front of them now there's really only six ways you can grow your dispatching company and I've tried them all okay so I've done cold calling I've run paid ads I've built an email list of 20,000 trucking companies for my owned media um I've built a 100,000 subscriber channel for my earned media I've received referrals I've worked with Affiliates I've done all six forms of traffic and here's the thing all of them work okay but the one that worked best for me when I was just getting started was cold calling now if you're thinking to yourself oh cold calling doesn't work you know I would never buy from someone that's just cold calling me you're right most people don't buy but guess what I know that if I make 700 calls one of those people will buy I don't need to sell to everyone I only need to sell to one person to start making $2,500 per month and guess how long it takes me to make 700 calls literally one week now I know cold calling sounds scary and you guys probably haven't done that before but it would be really really easy for you if you just had my cold calling script this right here is the exact script that I used to grow my dispatching company to nine trucks within 1 year just through cold calling by the way guys I'm giving this script away for free so if you want to download it just join my school Community the link will be in the description and when you join you will also get free access to my full 5we dispatching course again the course is completely free for now you know I can't promise it'll be free forever so watch watch this video first before you join because if you skip this next step you'll never be able to turn that traffic that you're getting into paying clients now let's say for example I make a bunch of cold calls using my script and Mr joblo from Jo blow Trucking he hears my offer and is interested in talking to me about it some more okay so what step is he supposed to take next how do I actually convince Joe to start using my services and become a client I've seen so many dispatchers fall into the same trap By ignoring step number two which is setting up a lead capture system when I cold call Joe Blow or if he watches a YouTube video of mine or if he sees an ad of mine on Facebook he's not going to pull out his card and sign the dispatch contract immediately okay we need to bring him in into our sales funnel and nurture this lead okay we have to collect his name and email from our optin page and then we'll send them to our vssl page where we explain what we do uh who we worked with and what type of results we get then we get them to schedule a call with us and have them go through like a pre-qualification questionnaire make sure that we can actually work with them and then we close the sale this entire process it's going to take a few days okay it's not going to happen immediately which is why it's so important to set up a lead capture system that can automate all of this now this might sound really complicated especially if you try to do it all yourself but this is where you can use the power of AI this single tool that I'm about to share with you guys it's the only reason that my truck dispatching company has been so successful and if you used it for your business you know there's no reason that you wouldn't succeed now I've never told anyone this but the software that I built and have been using for my business is called truck. I use this software to build my entire website and funnel to create email and text automations to store all of my leads contact information to handle all of my conversations and much much more as soon as someone gives gives me their name and email on my optin page that I built on truck. this software is going to send them an email automatically asking them to take the next step and book a call with me okay so I never have to look at my emails or respond to clients I spend all of my time just getting traffic to my website and jumping on sales calls to close deals that's it all this extra stuff in between okay that's not making me any money all that is being automated and handled by my software again if you want to learn how to use this tool for your dispatching company you can go through my free dispatching course and it's in week two I believe now speaking of closing deals this brings me to step number three and probably the hardest step to get right which is actually making the sale so far you've figured out how to get a bunch of people interested in your service where to send them to get them excited and now you need to do the hard part and actually close the sale I really really struggled with this step in the beginning I'll be completely honest you know but I just recently figured out what I was doing wrong and it's not what you think let's take a look so as you can see right here here's my entire sales call script you know I start off with some small talk ask them where they're calling from are they into any local sports teams uh do they have any fun plans coming up just basic friendly questions that will make this entire interaction feel less like a interrogation or an interview I don't want the carrier's guard to be up when we start getting into the sales call okay I want the carrier to feel like he's just talking to a friend now after I do do some small talk that's where I set the agenda okay so I want to control how this conversation goes how it flows I don't want the carrier asking me right away hey what's the price okay I'll share the price but at the end of the presentation so the carrier can understand the value that they're getting again very very important that you control the conversation by setting the agenda now after that portion after the agenda that's where the fun part comes in this secret framework right here is the one that I use to close 60% of leads that jump on a call with me and it all comes down to the closer framework this is a strategy that I've adapted from Alex Orosi and applied it to my dispatching company so all credit goes to him but as you can see there's a whole process of questions that we go through and each question that I ask is designed to make the carrier think about what their biggest problems are in trucking what they've tried in the past to resolve it and why those things failed the whole point of this sales call is just to get the carrier to see that they have come to us with the problem and we have the solution for them ready to go now at this point I also have like a little pitch deck that I go through to show the carrier visually the results that I've brought for other carriers and how our system works but at this point it's pretty much a walk in the park for me even if the carrier has any objections I have a whole separate script that I can use to overcome every single objection that is thrown at me again guys if a carrier jumps on a call with me there's a 60% chance they will end up paying me a deposit it and signing a contract by the end of that call and you're getting all these tools and templates for free inside of my community so now that you have your first client you actually need to make some money and you'll do that by following the final step of the dispatch funnel and booking high paying loads this right here is the bread and butter of every successful dispatcher without this you don't have a dispatching business okay you're going to get a lot of traffic you'll nurture a ton of leads you'll close a lot of deals but after you put in all that hard work everyone is going to end up leaving within a month guaranteed to avoid this you'll have to become a master at using load boards like dat which is exactly what I show you how to do in this video right here I will walk you through step by step how to use a loadboard like dat and how I find gold mine Lanes using a secret tool that most dispatchers don't even know about so go watch this video right now otherwise all this information that you just learned will be completely useless anyways I'll see you guys in that video