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Small Account Strategies by Henry
Jul 22, 2024
Small Account Strategies by Henry
Discussing strategies to turn small portfolios into larger ones.
Aim: Turn $70 into $430 or $700 into $4,300 (6X your money).
Emphasis on risk management and proper knowledge.
Myth debunked: A large portfolio isn't necessary to make a lot of money.
**Topics Covered: **
Strategies for trading.
Managing risks and setting stop losses.
Strategy Assumption
Stocks are expected to move sideways (not significantly up or down).
Market analysis: High but no catalysts expected for significant movements.
Strategy 1: American Airlines (AAL)
Stock Analysis
: AAL has been trading sideways.
Open AAL on Robinhood.
Sell a near-the-money call option (e.g., $19.5 strike for $30).
Buy a call option one leg above and one leg below.
Sell 19.5 call, Buy 19 call, Buy 20 call.
Result: Max loss = $12, Max profit = $38.
Assumption: AAL remains around the central price.
Why It Works
: Good for stocks with less movement.
Example Payoff
: Bet $12 to gain $38 if the stock stays within a certain range.
Strategy 2: Palantir Technologies (PLTR)
Stock Analysis
: PLTR trends sideways after movements.
Sell at-the-money call option (e.g., $21.5 strike).
Buy a call option one leg below (e.g., $21 strike) and one leg above (e.g., $22 strike).
Sell 21.5 call, Buy 19 call, Buy 20 call.
Custom order setup to balance bought and sold options.
Result: Max loss = $39, Max profit = $61.
Assumption: PLTR moves slightly but remains within range.
Why It Works
: Optimizes returns for stocks with predictable ranges.
Strategy 3: NIO Stock
Stock Analysis
: NIO trades within a certain range, ideal for options strategies.
Sell a put option near-the-money (e.g., 40 strike when trading at $42.4).
Buy a protective put option one leg below (e.g., 39 strike) and sell a call option (e.g., 41 strike).
Sell 40 put, Buy 39 put, Sell 41 calls, Buy 42 calls.
Result: Max loss = $18, Max profit = $82.
Why It Works
: Double-sided strategy that benefits from stock stability.
Key Points for All Strategies
Importance of weekly options due to predictability in shorter periods.
Setting stop losses to manage potential losses.
Strategies optimized for stocks showing consistent sideways movement.
Can be adapted to various stocks based on individual analysis and assumptions.
Aim for frequent small gains rather than occasional large wins.
Closing Thoughts
Encouragement to apply strategies to stocks within personal watchlists.
Importance of continuous learning and risk management.
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