what's going on guys it's Henry back with another video and in this video I'm going to be talking about small account strategies I know so many people out there are trying to grow their small portfolios and today I'm going to be talking about some strategies that can turn $70 into $430 or even $700 into $4,300 so yes going to basically talk about how to 6X your money with a small portfolio I'm going to be discussing three different strategies that I want to share with you today and I think you're going to really like what I have for you also make sure to check out the free email newsletter that I have in the description I usually give free weekly value over there and it also doesn't hurt to hit that like button and subscribe now something important I'm going to discuss is closing positions because a lot of students have asked me about closing positions when to do it so we're also going to discuss setting stop losses it's very important to risk management it's also very important if you want to be a profitable Trader so people think that you need a large portfolio to make a lot of money and I want to debunk that myth because it's actually just not true you can actually turn a smaller portfolio into a medium and a larger portfolio it just take skill knowledge taking proper risk managing your losses and of course risk management and the combination of these things will allow you to grow a small portfolio cuz it's not like you have to have a seven figure portfolio like me to see some good returns I'm going to be showing you a few different trades on three different stocks that I think is a very good trade and in fact I would place that trade if the market weren't closed right now but as soon as the Market opens up I'm actually going to be making these plays all right so the first thing that I want to show you guys is I'm going to open up AAL and the reason why I want to open up American Airlines is because the strategies that I'm going to be using today well one of the assumptions is that the stocks are not going to tremendously shoot up or fall basically our assumption is that a stock is going to continue to go sideways in fact all three strategies that I have today is going to consider that a stock is going to go sideways because part of that reason is I think the market is high but I also don't see any Catalyst for it to fall any lower so I think the market will Trend sideways but anyways you can pick your own stocks this is just me showing you what I'm going to be doing and my thought process you don't have to copy this by no means of my financial adviser just go ahead and learn everything that you can and then apply this knowledge to your own stocks and your own watch list so taking a look at American Airlines it has had some volatility however what I've noticed is as soon as it jumps up it always tends to fall back down in fact if I go to six-month chart it pretty much hasn't gone anywhere in the past 6 months I mean sure it did start off around $25 but if you take a look right over here I'm going to scroll down right now around July 19th this stock is still trading where it's been on July 19th so for the past 4 months this stock has gone up down up down it's pretty much traded sideways gone up and then back down up and then back down and I kind of understand that this pattern is going to continue with the American Airlines I don't see any reason that it's going to fall too much lower I don't see any reason why it's going to jump back up in the next couple of days so for this week I'm going to show you a strategy that is basically going to turn about $70 into 430 I'm going to open up that position in Robin Hood but real quick as you guys can see every time it jumps back up it Trends down and then it'll go sideways for pretty much a week so this is about a week this is about a couple week period right here this is from the 16th and this is going back to the 16th so this is an entire month where American Airlines has traded sideways essentially that is a thesis for American Airlines that's where I'm going to be starting here I'm going to go to trade American Airlines options a options now you can pick any date that you really want I typically like to go for weekly options or bi-weekly options the reason why I like to go for weekly options is because not a whole lot of stuff can happen in a given week I mean unless there's an event like maybe earnings or there's a Fed meeting then there's usually not a whole lot of events that can turn an option upside down and if the option doesn't go in my favor I can always set a stoploss I can always close the position and it's much easier to monitor a position in a given week then have a option that is out for a month or 3 months that longer term time period is just harder to trade because it's easier to bet on a stock going sideways in a given week then for a stock to go sideways in a whole month or a whole 3month period so now I'm going to to look at the option chain and again as an option Trader my assumption here is that the stock will move sideways so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to sell a call option that is near the money so right now American Airlines is $953 I'm going to sell the 19.5 strike and that's basically at the money it's only 3 cents off so I'm going to click right here it's going to be worth $30 and I'm going to click sell this is going to be 30 bucks and now what I'm going to do this is very important I'm going to go buy a call option you guys will see I'm going to enter a custom order so this option strategy is going to be a custom order and you're going to see on the right side right over here the exact payoff the risk that I'm taking and the profit that I'm going after okay going for buy call option I'm going to buy a leg above and a leg below this is going to be important when you guys see this strategy actually play out getting started here 19 strike this is the leg below the 19 and 1 12 that we have open so I'm going to open up this call option right here this is going to be a buy now I'm also going to buy the 20 call option right here now if you notice the cost is $42 too but what I'm going to do is right here where you see this custom order there's a little drop down menu here and I'm going to go to custom rather than a 1: one ratio I actually don't want to open up 111 I'm actually going to go ahead and sell 29.5s going to the custom clicking right here going right here where it says 19.5 the option that I have sold I basically want two of these sell orders to account for this one and one buy order all right cool now that we have ented that I'm going to scroll down and you guys can see that this is is a very beautiful chart and I'm going to explain it right now the max loss right here is $12 however your max profit is $38 so as you guys can see in this example right here you can triple your money you can actually bet $12 that is your total Max loss you can't lose any more than that and the total Max profit is 38 now again the Assumption here is that American Airlines stays right around the center point where it's currently at right now so at this point right here in the middle is going to be a Max profit of 38 and you're only going to start to lose money if American Airlines goes past $19.88 or if it goes below this point right here which is $19.12 so as long as American Airlines stays within this range which again is considering that the stock is going to move sideways you're going to be able to collect that full $38 at this very Peak and you're going to collect different varying amounts right here but obviously but obviously it's still very easy to double your money even at this point right here or this point as long as you stay within this green area you're going to see a profit around this area you're going to see a double and at the very you're going to see a triple on your money now this is a strategy that is fantastic for growing a small portfolio on a stock that isn't going to move very much I probably wouldn't do this strategy on something like a Tesla where the stock is moving tremendously up and down I would do this on a stock that is not moving very much because you're going to have a much better chance at making a profit so I also like this a lot because what I teach my students is basically weekly income strategies where we're collecting one to maybe 5% on the higher end per week this is a good strategy for some of the people that want to aggressively grow their portfolios maybe 1 to 5% a week isn't enough for them so they want to go for something that is maybe riskier or has greater leverage this is a strategy where you can actually double and triple your money so some of the people with smaller accounts are going to want to incorporate this strategy into their toolkit all right guys so real quick what I want to show you is this other trade on American Airlines that I found that can turn $1 into a maximum profit of $49 so basically you can 49 extra money or basically 50 extra money going from $100 to $5,000 on this single trade right here and the reason why I want to show to was because I forget where I was looking at that trade from $700 to $4,300 I don't remember what I was looking at but I found a better opportunity that I want to share with you now what I did here was the very exact same trade except I went for December 3rd again I went for the same trade that I just showed you guys but I bought the 18 1/2 call I bought the 19 1/2 call and I sold 2 19 call options now the total cost for this trade is $1 you can get started with just $1 here on this trade and essentially as long as American Airlines stays within this range from $18.50 up to $19.48 or right around where it's at right now or right around the current price then you're going to make somewhere up to $49 depending on where the stock actually ends up trading and again the maximum amount you can lose here is $1 so there's very little risk here and a very huge reward on this trade now the next stock I want to talk about is paler Technologies this is a stock that when you look at the chart it has been going sideways for a very long time and recently it has fall fallen down quite a bit now regardless of the reason why it has fallen down usually this stock will move up or down very similar to American Airlines which is why I pick this stock as a second strategy that I want to show you guys because once the stock goes up it'll come down it'll consolidate it goes up again goes down consolidate goes up goes down and consolidates so this is basically the perfect time where I see another strategy that an investor or an option Trader can play for a stock moving sideways really benefiting and cashing in on a stock not doing too much in the near future so so in a given week I can see Palante here continuing to move sideways because the pattern right here is moving up down sideways up down sideways and then again up down and now I expect the stock to go sideways because once investors come into a stock and then they crash the stock by taking a lot of profit at that point if there's no Catalyst there's no reason for the stock to move up or down again so usually it Trends sideways before there's another big Catalyst or some news event or earnings or some announcement that is going to move the stock so for this given week or even the next couple of weeks I expect the stock to moved sideways because from this period of July 13th to about August 13th it was basically a whole month where the stock just moved sideways I mean it's not a full month but it was about 28 or so days from this period of October 4th to about October 15th again a 2E period sure the stock moved up but it actually just moved up from $23 to $24 so that is basically a sideways move and now since the stock is around $214 going to come into my Robin Hood platform right here again I'm going to go trade pltr options now this strategy is going to be somewhat similar but I'm going to show you guys the slight difference and exactly how much money you can make here trading Palance your options in a given week using another sideways option strategy which requires almost no money I mean I'm going to show you guys how much money is going to require first of all I'm going to go sell a call option now this is going to be very similar because I'm going to sell an at the money call option selling this one right here the 21.5 and again I'm going to do the same thing that I did before and you guys will see the difference in just a second I'm going to go buy call option okay now I'm going to move for the leg lower right under 21 1/2 okay so this is the current leg that I have open 212 and now I'm going to buy the leg under the 21 okay so I'm going to click here bought this for $75 and now I'm actually going to go back to the 21.5 and buy the leg above it so the leg at the 22 strike price now I'm going to click buy right here and that is going to complete this straight however now I just have to adjust the custom order so again I'm going to click this little drop- down menu right here I'm going to go to custom order and now for the option that I sold I'm actually going to go right here and enter three so rather than going for two I'm going to enter three that makes this payoff a little bit wonky but what I'm going to do now is I'm actually going to sell two of the highest strike call option so rather than having one I'm going to click two right here and now you guys will see right here that as long as this option stays within the certain range that you're still going to have a massive benefit now here this is another strategy that considers the stock moving sideways however now if the stock has a tremendous rise then you are going to lose some money however again taking a look the max loss is $39 but the maximum profit is $61 so you can almost double your money in this trade and again the reason why I'm going for this type of trade on Palance here as we go back to the Chart right now this stock has had a tremendous pullback and now it continues to fall so we've had one big pullback where we had a major selloff we had a little bit of a bounce back however that bounce back was not sustained and now this stock is continuing to fall and then it had another small red day actually if I go to the one month chart instead here going to be easier to see this stock has now gone down on a one single trading day of basically 9 cents so I can see the stock continuing to fall down just a little bit but again have your own assumptions don't just copy what I'm telling you right now go pick a stock have your own assumptions and if your assumptions fit this description then go ahead and run this type of strategy where you expect the stock to potentially slightly pull back but basically you expect it to Trend sideways and stay within a certain range this strategy is going to be phenomenal now it doesn't have as much return as a strategy that we just had before however again turning $39 into $61 is going to be greater than a 50% return or right around that 50% return Mark in a single week so obviously someone can put up $3,900 and turn it into $6,100 if the stock were to end around $21.50 all right so the third strategy and what I want to show you is going to involve neostock so if I pull up the Neo chart right now on my screen we know that Neo is a stock that I've been following for a very long time and this stock has frustrated investors however it has honestly not really frustrated me as someone who's just a stock investor hoping that Neo is going to Gooden Moon it has been a very difficult Journey however for option traders who are selling put options who are selling covered calls and who are just running different option strategies that I teach my students We have basically had a blast with the stock because even though it has gone nowhere except for basically up down up down up down that's actually a fantastic thing for option Traders because option Traders love volatility and also option Traders can take advantage of a stock not going anywhere and still make a ton of money whereas stockholders cannot really do that so now taking a look Neo is currently sitting right around the moving average that it has been at for the past 60 days yes the stock has been lower the stock has been higher however it's currently at the moving average and I expect the stock to continue moving sideways until we see some really good numbers or some good deliveries and that's not going to happen until early December we're not going to know how many deliveries Neo had in November until December hits so for for this week as an example or if you're watching this in the future if there's no Catalyst there's no earnings or there's no deliveries for an EV company then again you can run a strategy that benefits from a stock going nowhere or really going sideways so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to trade Neo options very similar to what I've been doing now I'm going to start off with selling put again I'm going to have the expiration date for November 26th pick your expiration date that you want to go for again I recommend going for weekly you can go for bi-weekly whatever date you're watching in the future pick the expiration date that works best for you now what I'm going to do is I'm going to sell a put option at the closest to the money but slightly under than the current share price so right now Neo is currently trading at $424 I'm going to sell the 40 strike now I'm going to cover this up by buying the next leg lower so I'm going to buy the 39 strike right now and there we go we have opened up a put credit spread however now what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue opening up two more legs now the only thing I did right here on the top is I'm going to sell a call option the call option that I'm going to sell is going to to be nearest to the money however a little bit out of the money so rather than going down to 40 selling the 40 and buying the 39 now I'm going to sell the 41 and I'm going to buy the 42 this is going to open up a short iron Condor position you can actually see here unlike the other two strategies where we had to spend just a little bit of money and we could have turned a small sum into you know 50% gain or a double or a triple on your money here you're actually going to collect a credit you're actually going to get paid if I scroll down on the chart right here again you can see right here that the stock has to trade with a a certain range so as long as Neo stays within $398 and $418 you are going to collect a profit in this area now your max loss is $18 and your max profit is $82 so in this scenario you can basically Forex or even a little bit more than Forex your money on this single trade as long as Neo stays around this top area right here so for me this is one of my favorite strategies this is what I teach a lot of my students because I love collecting a credit to begin with rather than paying money up front I'd rather collect some money coming in this strategy is a little bit more advanced however you can turn $180 into $820 if you enjoy strategies like this or if you want to follow my trades and see how I'm trading live every single week then you can join the private Discord Community it also does come with a course on learning exactly how to trade options so if you want to learn a real skill that makes money and get results then I'd recommend you submit an application to work with myself and my team and make sure to check out more of my option trading videos here's a student in my private Discord that took the play I'm going to show you shortly it made 200 100% on his money another student messaged me in a play he opened with $111,000 reward for less than $4,000 worth of risk so basically I'm going to be talking about how to 2x to 3x your money with a small portfolio fast if you can do this even a few times a year with your risky portion of your portfolio then it will drive your returns much higher but obviously we will also talk about managing these small option trading strategies so you don't lose your money and understand how to to enter and exit these trades closing these trades is very important it can be the difference between being profitable as an option Trader or losing some of your Capital because smaller strategies do tend to have greater risk you need to understand how to get in for the cheapest price possible manage the position and then close it with a profit on your hands you're really going to like what I have for you so make sure that you take notes each of these strategies will aggressively grow your portfolio more than the basic strategies but these strategies also require more time and work to manage the position that's because more volatile strategies especially buying strategies I do like to close earlier than expiration as you will see make sure you also get your free copy of my ultimate option trading basic guide by signing up to the free email list below I do also have a paid Discord with six and seven figure option coaches a course buy and sell signals portfolio access and and every single trade that I making in one Academy cost varies based on your goals so I'd love you to just check it out book a free call no obligation unless it's a perfect fit for your needs fair enough it's the first link in the description all right so people think you need millions of dollars or something to make a lot of money but I want to debunk that myth with the first small account strategy that you're going to see you can have insane results but I'll discuss what you need to get correct to get the maximum gain which can be anywhere from 2 to even 50x returns I just want to say though this position requires attention I understand people want easy and fast money but money isn't easy it's either very difficult in terms of time and managing like this first example I will show you when I jump into my screen or it's expensive because you get a shortcut like going to college mentorship or taking a course but I'll do my very best to walk you from A to Z in this following example here's an image of the first trade it's showing a profit of $1,493 but has no risk this isn't fully true because Robin Hood isn't accounting for the costs of filling this trade which I will discuss shortly the cost is really going to be a few hundred bucks but the gain is many times more the position is created with four options consisting of two call options and two put options these calls and puts are spread out over three different strike prices all with the same experation the goal is to profit from conditions where the price remains fairly stable and the option demonstrates declining implied and historical volatility let's jump into my screen and I will open this trade for you to see step by step all right now let's take a look at this Tesla Christmas tree now that I have opened up my account I'm up currently $261,000 on Tesla but I want to show you this small account strategy using Tesla now what we're going to do we're going to go to Tesla options so that's the first step now the first step to opening up this position is to sell a call option now I'm going to pick a date somewhere in the future if you're watching this in the future it doesn't really matter because this strategy is going to work the same whether you're watching this in 2022 2023 or Beyond okay so I'm going to pick an option that's about 1 month from expiration roughly 4 to 6 weeks is fine because when a stock consolidates it typically moves sideways for about 3 to 8 weeks somewhere in that range so 4 to 6 weeks is going to be a good time period for me to bet that Tesla isn't going to have a whole lot of movement again this is Tesla so it is harder to predict because Tesla is a really volatile stock but again you can choose this strategy on a stock that you think is consolidating you can use technical indicators like RSI moving average or one of my favorites is Ballinger bands so I'm going to click May 6 right now and for May 6 I'm going to sell the $1,100 call option so step number one sell a call option now this call option that I'm selling is going to be the peak of my Christmas tree it's going to be the very Peak and if Tesla stops right around $1,100 that is where I'm going to see the biggest gains on this position but again I don't have to have this opt option expire what I can actually do is as my option approaches expiration say it's the end of April or even the beginning of may now the beginning of May would be really close to this option's expiration but let's just say a couple weeks has passed and the stock is trading for around $1,100 that's when this option is going to see a lot of gains even though it's not even that close to expiration so step number one is you want to sell a call option and again this is going to be the peak of your Christmas tree now I'm going to buy a call option now I'm going to buy a call option at 10 80 that's because I think Tesla will stay above 1080 for the next couple of weeks and now what I can also do is I'm also going to protect this position by buying an 1120 now you will see how this is going to end up playing out when I go over here and create a custom order but first of all pick a sell we picked a sell now we're buying a call option under the strike price so 1080 and now I'm going to buy a call option over the strike price at 1120 so now I have completed this order the only thing that I need to do now is I need to go into this custom order section this is going to be really important because basically you need an equal amount of buys for each sell so you don't want a One to1 ratio you want to click custom right here and because we have one buy and a second buy but we only have one sell this is not a balanced trade and as you can see it's going to be costing you a lot of money well I can imagine that many people do not want to pay $8,000 to open up a position so instead if you end up selling two of these the actual cost of this position is going to go down to just $50 $2 so this is going to change by the minute however as you will notice about 33 to 50 bucks and our total profit is $2,000 so this is an extremely powerful strategy because you're only risking a little bit of money for a very very huge gain in fact right now as it currently sits it's $13 into $2,000 it's it's pretty insane but of course if you do go fill this I do want to say one of the issues is because you're dealing with four different options right now this is is going to be a little bit more expensive than $13 I would imagine this is going to be about a $50 to $100 spread and now as I'm talking here it has actually said that the max loss is zero but again I think this is going to be about $50 to $100 if you're going to open up this trade so it's going to be about a 200x opportunity so right now it's currently trading for about a 100 bucks so again 200x opportunity is what you can get with this position now let's talk about managing this position this is pretty much the most important thing so this position currently expires on May 6th the the way you want to play this is basically if Tesla continues to trade within this range you're going to continue to have profit because you're paying very little money so even if Tesla is going to be right here around $1,080 you're going to see a decent profit if Tesla goes beyond 1100 up to $1,110 you're still going to see a profit as long as Tesla stays within this range right here in the next few days the next few weeks you're going to see a lot of profit and this position is going to move to a few hundred worth of profit now you're not going to see a full 200 200x gain until you get closer into the May expiration at that point you can close this option for a potential $1,000 gain or higher if Tesla is still within this range especially if Tesla is hovering right around $1,100 in this example however all you really need to happen is for Tesla to stay within this range so the most important thing on running the strategy whether you're doing it on Tesla or any other stock is to have a stock stay range Mount now the way I would close this trade is I would set an expectation for hey I'm putting up $100 I want to leave this trade with $1,000 so that's probably what I would do however I would probably sell this stock at a $500 gain as well so if I see that the position is up5 or $600 then I have five to 6X my money at that point I typically like to sell and take a profit because the saying goes you never go broke taking a profit now for a lot of people it's really going to depend on how aggressive you are if your thesis continues to stay that I think this stock is going to trade within a certain range and it continues to stay right around the peak of this strategy then you can keep holding that position and keep gaining more money however if you feel there's a lot of volatility in the stock you have a big profit on your hands you're scared to lose that profit I would just say don't get greedy take a five or 6X return you have seen how to place the trade but there's also a lot more factors you need to know to make money from this trade the trade profits as expiration day approaches if the price lands within a range near the censor strike price the most important thing is you pick and forecast a Target price you believe the stock will land on at some point in the trade because I don't hold this position until expiration it's only important the stock approaches the top of the profit chart at some point in the future but doesn't have to end there that's because when I open this trade my goal is to close the trade when the stock moves toward the strike that I sell in the example we sold 1,00 strike so basically the stock really has to do nothing for a few days and the position will see a nice profit even if the stock moves up a bit then down that's still fine as the position will see daily profits if the stock stays within a tight range so this first strategy is really for when you see a stock consolidating and not having much movement this typically happens after earnings has come in and there isn't much more news expected on the stock I like using the strategy on Blue Chip stocks that have predictable charts one of these stocks which is super cheap is AAL or American Airlines let me show you a quick example so you can see this very cheap option trading strategy and action all right so the next stock that I want to talk about is American Airlines because this stock if you look at the chart it has been a pretty steady stock so over the past 3 months it's basically up 86% it has done absolutely nothing for 3 months if I look at the one year it has gone down about 21% however typically within a 3-month TI period this stock really doesn't do too much so if you take a look it's been $22 on June 22nd and now if I go to about November which is 5 to 6 months this stock is still at $22 so it didn't do anything for 5 months now again if we take a look from about late November it's been about $19 and currently it's sitting about $18 so this stock really doesn't have a whole lot of movement it seems that investors are trading American Airlines in a very tight narrow range so at any given one month or two-month period this stock doesn't really do too much which is a fantastic candidate for the same strategy that I was just showing you however there are a few key differences with American Airlines now the main key difference is that American Airlines is an 18 stock and not a $1,000 stock that is actually an advantage in some regards and also a disadvantage in other regards let me go over an example so again I'm going to go for an option that's going to expire on May 6th because it's about 5 weeks away and I just mentioned a stock like American Airlines isn't having that much movement in a single month so the first thing that I'm going to do again is I'm going to sell a call option I like to go for at the money call options so right now I'm going to sell the $18 strike price it is just slightly in the money with a mer American Airlines trading at $188 now what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy I'm going to buy the $17 call option and now I'm also going to buy the $19 call option so now you'll notice again that I have a total cost that is pretty significant it's $145 which is kind of a lot for a very cheap stock so what I'm doing now is I'm going to go to contract ratios so whether you're doing this on Robin Hood or a different brokerage I do recommend Robin Hood they do give you some free stocks I'm going to put that in the description but it doesn't matter which brokerage that you use it really doesn't as as long as you're following what I'm doing step by step in your brokerage so click custom order or make a custom order where you're selling the equal amount of shares that you are buying or the equal amount of contracts so I'm going to sell two $18 contracts now the total cost is only $14 if I scroll down right here we can turn about $15 into $100 which is basically an $85 profit this is over A6 6X return this 6X return Can Happen by May 6 or by about 1 month from when you're watching this video and you open up a trade just like this however again I want to caution you that you're usually not going to see the full 6X because there's a few factors at play one of the factors is there's bid Ines spread costs that you have to account for and the second thing is that typically this stock is not going to end right at the very top right at $18 in this example you're typically going to have the stock end somewhere between in this range but also you're typically or you actually should close the position before expiration because as expiration approaches this option position becomes very volatile however as long as a stock stays within this range in a few days pass a couple weeks pass this maximum loss of $15 will start to go up because these options will start having a very high probability that they will end Somewhere In the Zone and because they're going to end somewhere in the zone you are going to start seeing a profit so you might turn $15 into $ 303 or $45 so you may get a 2 or 3x gain and at that point I would look into selling this position for a profit and getting rid of it early because with this type of strategy you really want to manage it you want to keep your eyes on the profits and if you see a 2 to 5x profit you really want to get out of the trade before it can go south on you all right so now we're going to go back to Tesla I want to show you a slight variation of the strategy and how you can actually bet on the stock doing something very specific if you get that right you can again see a 5 to 200 on your money so right here as you see as I'm even making this video Tesla is moving closer to $1,100 per share so if I actually open up that first position that I was showing you guys I would already have a gain on my hands of about 10% because the stock is moving up towards the price that I believe it's going to be around but what I want to show you specifically is say as an investor you actually believe that Tesla is going to go up to $1,200 per share or you have a very specific view on a certain stock well what you can do is you don't have to sell a call option right the money you can actually sell a call option for the exact exact price that you think the stock will end at so let's say that we believe that Tesla is going to end at $1,200 per share that is going to happen by May 6th or actually let's say that it's going to happen next earnings and let's say next earnings are sometime in June so let's say that June 17th will capture earnings so now what we're going to do is we're going to pick June 17th now we're going to again go to sell call option and say that you think the stock is going to end at $1,200 what you're going to do now is you're actually going to sell the $11,200 call option because that is going to be the top of your profit chart so selling the $1,200 I'm going to go a little faster I'm going to buy the 1150 and now I'm going to sell two strike prices above as well the 1250 and again one important thing is I need to go right here into the contract ratio click custom and I'm going to sell two call options to match each of the call options that I'm buying this strategy now costs $295 however it can bring in a total of $5,000 worth of profit or about $4,700 after you account for the money that you're paying so now the top of this strategy is actually going to end when Tesla is $1,200 per share so if your Target price is $1,200 you don't have to bet at the current level you can actually set up the strategy for anywhere that you wish and the way that you control this is by picking the strike price and selling the strike price that you believe the stock will end that on expiration or sometime in the near future so basically right here I to 1 12200 again over the next few weeks if Tesla goes up towards this price and it goes up right here that's actually going to be a very big profit it currently says $1,000 but if this happens in a short amount of time then this position can be up actually $2 or $3,000 and you don't even have to get into June 17th or wait for the option to expire you can always close this option for a profit as long as a stock is moving in the direction of the peak of your strategy strike price remember these are riskier trades you need to close before expiration when you see some profits don't get greedy on these trades because profit is profit if you need help or want mentorship the first link in the description is a way to work with me