Transcript for:
ACT English Question Types

hey guys it's shahir from five Academy welcome back to another video so today what I'm going to be doing is taking you through six act English problem types which make up more than 60% of the problems that you're going to see on the English exam the English exam obviously has 75 questions but a lot of them are actually the same problem type again and again but just with different text or background right so if you can understand those problem types that are most repetitive what you're doing is you're setting yourself up to answer a lot of questions right in the English test namely with these problem types I've showed you here about 60% of the questions correctly okay so what I'm going to do is just go through these I recommend if you want you can try these problems on your own beforehand before you watch through the rest of the video if not well let's get started so the first problem type is choosing an appropriate word or phrase in terms of sentence content and you can see it's quite common it makes up about 12% of the entire English exam so it shows up a lot it's very important essentially what the question is going to ask you is it's going to give you a passage and it's going to put a little Point letter A here somewhere after after a certain sentence and then it's the question is going to ask you hey at Point a which of the following is the most meaningful Choice which which of these sentences if we added it in is going to be the most meaningful addition so okay the question is how do you assess which one's the most meaningful it's very simple it's a few steps that you got to do first understand what's being discussed in the few lines before that point and the few lines after okay then look at each of the answer options and identify which one discusses most the idea before and the ideas after okay so which one's related actually in context to what's before and after point a and then the answer option that has the most if if ideally if there's an answer option that alludes to both of these subjects and ideas then that should be the correct answer simple as that now if if there isn't one that talks about both ideas identify the answer option that talks about you know out of all the information here the most of that information okay very simple participial phrase fragments this one makes up about 11% again this this is really just a fragment is asking you about you know it's an incomplete sentence so for example a fragment is he walked to the period That's a fragment because it's not a complete sentence but he walked to the store is a complete sentence okay so in this type of problem you're going to just be identifying fragments and correcting them to be complete sentences so in this case no one saw the surprise birthday party coming the same goes for even the co-workers so which of the following would not be grammatical well the original part looks grammatical we have two independent clauses separated by a period so it's grammatical coming sep and then not uh separated by a dash so if I put this Dash not this is also grammatical because you can use a dash to separate an independent clause which is what you have before by a dependent clause which is what you have after Okay so this also works coming colon knot is actually the exact same thing as B um you can use a dash and a colon in really the same way and then as for that leaves you with option D which has to be the answer um you can't use a semicolon here because what is before and what's after after the semicolon has they have to both be independent clauses and uh if you write colon not not even the co-workers that's not an independent clause so D creates an ungrammatical situation it creates a fragment joining poorly connected Clauses with punctuation this is one makes about 10 to 11% of the exam what you're doing here is something very similar to what I just did above but it's beyond it'll be more broad than just fragments um so here let's just go through the problem there was only one thing left to do before leaving from home putting the suitcases in the trunk okay so it's asking which of these is going to be grammatical U well the way this is written it actually aligns with what I did above with the dash so I think a is the correct answer the way it's written already but let's still read through the others to show you kind of why they're wrong as for B okay so if I replace this with a period what happens is you end up having this right here it's after the period but it's not a complete sentence a period has to separate two complete sentences if any of these before or after is not complete then B is wrong which it is wrong putting the suitcases in the trunk is not a complete sentence but if you said he is putting the suitcases in the trunk or putting the suitcases in the trunk was difficult that's a complete sentence but this underlined is not complete as for C it's actually doing the same thing um as B but with a comma and you can't just put a comma here because um it it's separating an independent clause with a dependent but it you need something between there to actually connect those two ideas like a dash you need something like a punctuation mark separating those ideas uh if there was a transition word in here then a comma would work but this does not work and then here again this is wrong because it's really the same issue as B uh if you start a sentence with which it's going to become an a dependent clause it's a subordinating conjunction all right moving on to deleting redundant and wording material makes up about 10 to 11% of the exam so it's again very common this one is very simple I'm not even going to go through this in depth if you notice that what's underlined in the if you see what's in the underlined portion was already discussed elsewhere in the passage or if that idea was already explained somewhere else you should just delete okay so in this case the answer is going to be delete because what's what's what's this saying um if you read through this you'll find that what's discussed here is already covered by what's underlined here we already know its importance because it says it's a major factor during installation so that's that now as for the other answer options you'll notice they all say the same thing but just with various varying levels of words verb tense voice and pronoun person again this is just about verb tense using the right present versus past versus future pronoun person it's just about if you're talking about a multiple people you should use apostrophes and punctuation that represents multiple people or plurals right and then voice is just active versus passive so let's go through an example there were many members on the board and the votes of the members were tallied so which of the following would not be acceptable well this seems acceptable to say votes of the members so that's fine um members votes this is also correct because if you have a plural subject and you're doing a possess against that subject then you should put the apostrophe after the s in this case so that's correct that's going to be acceptable the votes were tallied that also is acceptable although it's a little less descriptive and then members votes if you notice B and D try to do the exact same thing but inde D the apostrophe is missing which is why that is not going to be acceptable that is the correct answer okay U I'm not going to go through these other examples this one I guess had a high level it's supposed to be printers cartridges um again very simple to similar to the example above and then you'll also get examples like where it's like who's versus who's or its versus its or their versus their these type of problems also show up so it's very important that you understand these skills in this case you need to use the possessive not the who plus is Last Problem type using a passage element to accomplish a specific purpose this is going to make up 8% of the exam so what's happening in these type of problems it's going to give you a word and it's going to underline it and then it's going to say hey which of these alternate answer options best emphasizes the spurred growth as a result of street cars or best emphasizes the combined risk and danger of working in the logging industry so you need to read through each of these terms and identify which one kind of conveys that meaning in the case of the first question you're going to go with stimulated and the second one hazardous um because a lot of the other words just they're either repetitive saying the same thing as the other answer options or they just don't fit uh right like for example encourage I wouldn't say that that street cars encourage greater Transit use they simulate it as a better way because encourage is kind of a human trait restored and revived they're the exact same thing and they also imply that something was dead at a certain point and before that it was more common so again I I don't think that works well here we don't really know that that's the intended meaning and then the other question here goes through a very similar pattern process okay that's how you do this uh again I highly recommend if you want to learn some of these skills check out some of our other more in-depth videos we have one that I will try to link down below it's called 5 minute guide to act English punctuation and 5 minute guide to act English gram there are two videos there you can check those out and we also have a lot more content on our website that is paid content uh that goes through each of these skills one by one in depth with dedicated problem sets and videos like these problems that you're seeing here they are straight from our website so if you want more problems like this that are skill focused doing one scale at a time kind of like Con Academy check out our website it's linked down below without further Ado I think I will wrap up this one hopefully this was helpful if you have any other questions feel free to drop them down below or leave a question on our website all right see you in the next one