All right, gastrointestinal stimulants. So our class here that we're talking about is prokinetic agents or dopamine antagonists. Mechanism of action, it stimulates peristalsis of the GI tract, so it helps promote peristalsis. Therapeutic effects or indications would be nausea, vomiting associated again with chemotherapy or surgery, or, and more specifically, delayed gastric emptying, patients who have diabetic gastroparesis. So for precautions and side effects, renal impairment is something we would want to make sure that we're watching for and if they have history of that.
Side effects could be sedation, diarrhea, extraperitoneal symptoms, which we have talked about. And then nursing actions, again, we're going to assess that renal function and for neurofunction and safety. All right, so the class that you need to remember, or sorry, the prototype you need to remember for the class. is metoclopramide, otherwise known as Reglan.
Reglan's the trade name. Metoclopramide is the generic prototype you need to remember, and I want you specifically to remember this drug as a drug that promotes peristalsis and increases gastric emptying. Okay, it aids in gastric emptying.