hello today i will be showing you how to calibrate a burette the equipment you need is a balance a funnel distilled water a burette holder and a burette a waste water beaker a small glass beaker to use for your recordings a larger glass beaker and a thermometer to start with put some distilled water into the larger beaker with the thermometer and leave it for at least 10 minutes to reach room temperature record the temperature from the thermometer i have already rinsed out my burette with distilled water and allowed it to dry completely when i did the rinse i also checked that my stopper worked and there was no leaks using the funnel waste water bucket underneath i'm going to put some distilled water in i'm going to let some through to fill up the bottom part of the burette making sure there are no air holes and then fill up with distilled water past the zero mark remove the funnel and then i will slowly let out the water until the meniscus sits on the zero mark when the meniscus is sitting at the zero mark will leave it for five minutes to make sure that there is no air bubbles that have escaped and there's no leaking take the beaker that i'm using to record and i will write down the mass of that beaker put that beaker underneath my burette i've left it for five minutes meniscus is still at zero i'm now going to release the water until it reaches the 50 centimeters cubed mark go down to eye height and stop when the meniscus is sitting on the 50 centimeters cubed line i then record the mass of my beaker and water i repeat that three times i then have a table of results three trials with the mass of my beaker and water i then subtract the mass of my beaker which gives me the mass of my water for each trial to work out the mass of water i add my three masses from each trial and divide by 3. the mean mass for water for my calibration was 49.867 grams to work out the volume held in my burette use the equation volume equals mass times z value z value is a conversion factor which takes into account the density of the water at different temperatures temperature of my water was 19 degrees celsius therefore my z value is 1.0027 to work out the volume of water in my burette i do the mass of water from my trials which was 49.867 times the z value 1.0027 which gives me 50.0016 centimeters cubed thank you