what are the differences between and among the terms approaches techniques methods and strategies in teaching how important is it to know the dumber occasion between and among these terms these are what we are going to discuss today hello welcome to joyce university and today i will be discussing the differences and the similarities between and among among these terms in the teaching profession we have the teaching approach teaching method teaching strategy and teaching techniques there are a lot of teachers and many education students who are not aware of the differences of these terms they think that that these terms are just um uh the same they mean the same thing and that they are being used interchangeably but as a teacher i think it is very important to know or uh the differences among those terms so that when you are already in the field if uh you are dealing with your co-teachers for that matter or you're dealing with your students for that matter you know exactly what you are talking about now let's start with the approach when we say teaching approach is a set of corrupted viewpoints dealing with the nature of teaching and learning which is translated in the classroom so this approach is one's viewpoint about what teaching is all about the approach is one's idea one's perception one's belief about what teaching is all about all right and i may say that this approach would be the guiding principle as to what teaching is how teaching and learning could be done the most effective way uh what is teaching and learning and how was it done in the classroom right this approach will be your guiding principle example when you think or if you believe rather that teaching is learner-centered then everything follows your activities your strategies and your technique would be learner-centered meaning you are giving more opportunities for the students to speak and to discuss things among themselves or you're giving them opportunities to learn for themselves or to learn magic ignition all right that is why it says there your belief your principle must be translated in the classroom that's why take um my dear students uh take a look or evaluate your teachers if your teachers are the ones talking in the classroom if your teachers are the only ones okay um who have the right to formulate roles in the classroom then that teacher those teachers perceptions about teaching maybe is that teaching is teacher-centered all right so your approach towards teaching and learning would affect everything that would happen in your class all right now i would like to present the teaching approaches of the k-12 curriculum it is very important to know all those things so that teachers will have common viewpoints as regards teaching and learning process the first approach to teaching based on um ra 10 533 or the enhanced basic curriculum of 2013 it says there that teach that the curriculum must be learner-centered so meaning the learners are the centers of the executive process everything that is to be done in the classroom must be in consideration to the kind of learners you have because learner-centered classroom was mean the learner is the primary consideration the teachers learning styles are considered when you are crafting your learning plans or your lesson plans your students multiple intelligences are also being considered when you are um you know discussing and explaining things that they have to understand and giving activities as well that they have to accomplish your students interests feelings and needs must also be considered when you are with them when you are dealing with them all right because it's only through considering all those things all students backgrounds um interests and ideas all right and needs only through considering all those things that you are able to ensure a learner-centered classroom okay next the next one curriculum must be inclusive so meaning that teachers should make sure that no student is excluded from the circle of learning the teacher has to make sure that everyone partakes in the learning process everyone has something to do in the classroom scenarios everyone is part of the teaching and learning process that is why the teacher should make sure that when he teaches okay everyone participates and that no one is left behind this exclusivity is actually based on the principles of education for all and principles of no child is left behind or no child left behind policy everyone must be part of the process even the most silent one the most positive ones must be tapped by the teacher so that they could also participate in the classroom scenarios okay teaching is not only for the most active ones not only for the most intelligent ones but learning must also be extended to the least participative or to the most possible ones the teachers have you know strategy to deal with these positive learners all right next curriculum must be developmentally appropriate meaning um the teaching processes the strategies and the techniques that must be within the the the the level of intelligence or the level of participation or the the grade level of the students for that matter now if you would be teaching grade one then you have to make sure that the activities that you give these grade one pupils are not too difficult for them nor too easy for them all right because if the subject is too easy for this set of students so they'll get bored all right but if the the subject is too is presented in a too difficult manner for them to understand then they will lose interest that is why the the kind of teaching that you have and activities that you provide should be within the developmental stage of the learners not too easy not too difficult just enough for them to learn just enough for them to be engaged all right next it must be responsive and relevant the curriculum must be responsive to the needs of the learners must be relevant to the actualities of lives of these learners and it's only then that you could ensure meaningful teaching okay yeah it's only then it could ensure meaningful teaching so how could we make our lessons responsive and relevant first you have to relate the lesson to real life you have to connect the lessons to students daily experiences you have to provide authentic examples many examples that are experienced by the students already or that they could experience in the future you have to raise issues all right that the students at that particular level are experiencing so if your subject is math and your topic is permutation then you have to think of examples all right or application of this permutation to the lives to the present lives of the learners okay next that is why in this particular approach teachers should avoid mild wide inch deep teaching so basically nothing while my mile wide inch depth is that the teacher tries to cover a lot of topics in a short period of time all right so it's very wide because the teacher covers a lot of topics but the comprehension is to uh is inch dip so meaning it's not being understood not comprehensible uh not being digested by the learners and the teachers should also avoid teaching to test there are some teachers who would say who would only teach because they have to test students understanding later on that's why especially kappa malapang examination the teacher has to cover a lot of things that it's not supposed to be your purpose of teaching you teach because you want your students to develop skills that are beyond measurable through tests all right you want them to learn skills that they would be needing in life you teach beyond tests okay next curriculum must be research based so the teacher should make sure that when the teacher presents lesson he would integrate research findings okay recent research findings so that the the topics would be discussed in a more interesting way in a more convincing and persuasive way so if the teacher gives a lot of updates about that particular topic or research findings about that particular topic students will be more engaged students will be wowed students will be more convinced to listen and they would even say oh this teacher really is very good because he will he he knows everything that is happening in this particular topic in this particular subject that gives you more credibility to be beloved by the students and teachers should also avoid teaching the subject using the same method over and over again and again all right so if this is the kind of method you use uh 10 years ago then you have to change them you have to read referee journals about that particular topic you have to read um researches credible researches as to how to teach the topic very well or about that particular subject you have to know recent studies that would um or changes further in your particular area okay must be research based another it must be culture sensitive this is anchored on respect for cultural diversity you have to remember that when you are already in the field you will be facing 45 students and each of these students each of them right has story to tell or has culture to uphold or values to uphold so these students are diverse in all ways that is why you have to view learners as unique individuals unique individuals right your your strategies must address this diversity your manner of teaching must also address this cultural diversity and we have to make sure that that in the classroom uh we do not set an impression that my culture as a teacher is superior to their culture we have to get away from egg from you know ethnocentrism or cenocentrism okay we should believe that our culture or the culture of this particular child is superior to the culture of this another child or we should not undermine one's culture at the same time okay so our the ways of teaching our curriculum must be culture sensitive next it must be constructivist when we say constructivist students learn by building upon their prior knowledge or upon their schema you have to start where the students are already at you have to dig into the students previous knowledge about the subject you have to build on that okay your teaching must be built on your students prior knowledge that's why it's so important that before you start um the lesson you have to elicit prior knowledge you have to check whether students have understanding or have a background knowledge about this subject okay and you have to make use of that background knowledge to build the content that you have to you know to teach in that particular in that particular hour and this constructivist approach is uh is contrary to john luck's theory of tabula rasa but constructivist approach will tell us that students have prior knowledge about everything okay and as a teacher you have to know the boundary of that previous knowledge or background knowledge you have to know the root of that background knowledge and you have to build on that learning or knowledge should be built on students prior knowledge and students are also given opportunities to construct knowledge or meaning based on their own experience based on their own schema so that's constructivist next it must be mtb mle base or mother tongue-based multi-lingual education base because the k-12 curriculum will tell us we have to use the mother tongue as a medium of instruction this is basically for grade one to grade three pupils are taught using the language that they master using the language that they already know because based on researches in the philippines and in in in other parts of of the globe students learn best when they are taught using the language that they already understand okay that's the the main point of mtbml that's why the distinct feature of mtb mle and i quote start from where the learners are and from what they already know proceeding from the known to the unknown okay you have to use um the language they understand and then after that you slowly introduce to them um topics using the language that they are about to learn so from known to unknown that's mtb mle based all right so those are the different approaches of k-12 curriculum and i i think i mentioned a while back but there is very it's very important to know the approaches of grade 12 curriculum because we have to have a sam a common uh viewpoint or common background or idea about what teaching is all about and because of these approaches as presented in r81053 will be guided as to how okay we teach our topics and how we go through the teaching and learning process and this time i'll be discussing what method is is and how different it is with that of the the approach we previously discussed so when you say method okay it's a series of related and progressive acts performed by teacher and student to achieve the desired objectives or desired outcomes so the big words here is the series of related and progressive acts so meaning the method of teaching will be about the well-planned step-by-step procedure that is directed towards the desired learning outcomes these are the step-by-step procedures that teachers should do so that the teachers could achieve when the students teachers and students could achieve the expected outcomes of the hour all right so these are methods like when you are writing your lesson plan you are planning as to the first thing to be done the next thing to be done and the last thing to be accomplished that particular plan reflects the method that the teacher should do to achieve the outcome so these is actually what method is all about now if we speak of method there are two uh most prominent methods that we also have to differentiate first of which is the deductive method and the second of which is the inductive method let's try to compare these two when you say deductive method it begins with the abstract rule with a generalization with a principle and ends with specific examples and concrete details but inductive on the other hand begins with the specific details and ends with the rule or the principle okay so let's try to take a look at the deductive method first from the term deductive you have to deduce okay that's why for you to deduce something you have to start with the biggest one we have to start with the abstract picture the the abstract uh picture or uh the principle and then you specify things like okay when you would be discussing photosynthesis okay you are using deductive method if you present to the class what is photosynthesis or the definition of the the photosynthesis okay and then right after presenting to the class the definition of photosynthesis then you have to go through specificities you have to to give them the examples or the elements of photosynthesis okay so that's from general to specific okay but when you say inductive method you have to induce you have to start from very specific detail and then you end it with the principle with the principle with the abstract rule with the generalization so like when you are like what i said if the topic is about photosynthesis more deductive you have to start with specific details maybe start with the byproducts of photosynthesis oxygen water the like and then you end up and then you go with the different elements of photosynthesis how does photosynthesis happen and then you end up with the process of photosynthesis okay so you start with the specific ones you end it with the most general ones in english um you make use of deductive method if you would uh if you'd be like okay in english and your topic is subject for agreement you make use of deductive method if you start presenting your students about the rules okay the rules in sv or the importance of the sv and then you have to to start with the with the abstract rule with the generalization and then you end it with various examples about these rules you make yourself inductive if you would present them with the example okay example first like she dances well see if that is the example based from the example you have to let your students figure out the rule that follows the example okay and then you uh and then you ended up with the generalization okay so those are the differences between deductive and inductive next aside from that you also have demonstration method and in this demonstration method it's bitter it is teacher dominated since the teacher shows how to operate how to manipulate an equipment while the class observes so like if the teacher in commuter would be demonstrating how to come up with interactive powerpoint presentation okay so the teacher demonstrates first shows first to the class uh how to come up with that the process of coming up with an interactive powerpoint presentation okay that's why it's teacher dominated because the teacher presents demonstrates a process to the learners that the class merely observes but at the end of the teacher's demonstration the students are also given a task to accomplish they will be given time to demonstrate as well right after teachers demonstration to check if the students understand the concept or the students master the skill that the teacher would want them to master so the teacher shows first and then the students will be showing that one later on okay next you also have any query or the problem solving method which is very important especially now that we are um in 21st century teaching and learning and in this inquiry or problem-solving method these engages learners in critical thinking analysis and problem solving you ask you just let them to to solve problems okay with minimum um guidance from the teacher and um it is also expected that when you ask them to solve particular problems you also have to give them authentic problems or scenarios that they may be facing in the future and then you're asking them um possible ways on how to address these future problems that you have but in the entry or problem-solving method it's very student-centered because the students are given opportunities to work for themselves to study for themselves to you know solve problems just for themselves next you also have discovery or the investigatory method it's also teacher facilitates discovery students are given just the the the outcome maybe and the students are expected to go through uh the processes of coming up with that outcome okay we also have self-pacing where students study lessons on their own when they are ready self-paced learning like what we like what is happening now in the modular approach to teaching where students are just given modules to answer and students would um they would decide when to answer the module and how to answer the module and their answers would be totally based on how they understood the model presented them itself based all right that no teacher supervision and and in this self-pace you are teaching students um to be responsible for their own learning and the last method is integrated method it could either be interdisciplinary method interdisciplinary method or trans discipline disciplinary method where subjects or topics are being related or connected to other subject areas or to real life experiences or to values that the students would uphold like if it's interdisciplinary then as a topic is connected to other disciplines other subjects other topics in other subjects if it's interdisciplinary then the topic is connected to um other topics that are within one area english for that matter speaking is connected to other macro skills like listening or speaking or of writing or it must be transdisciplinary where the subject or where the topic is connected to students real life experiences students day-to-day experience or students values or dispositions all right it must be integrated i would like to repeat when we say method it is the step-by-step procedure okay to be done by teachers so that the learning outcomes would be accomplished at the end of the hour and this time i'll be describing what a strategy what a strategy is and it says here that the strategy is a set of decisions of learning activities to employ to achieve the learning objectives okay the methods the procedure right the step-by-step process that the teacher should do for for him or her to accomplish the learning outcomes his strategy on the other hand is a set of the sessions as regards the activities to be done so that the outcomes will be achieved all right so that is why i would like to reiterate when you say strategy this is the activity to be done by students in line with the outcomes that are previously prepared the outcomes that are supposed to be achieved at the end of the period okay examples of these strategies you have think pair and share in the think pair and share then the students would be working as diets okay as pair and then they'll be brainstorming they'd be exchanging information about the topic at hand and then right after sharing okay right after talking with with a partner then they have to to share their ideas about it in the whole group or in the big group for that matter another strategy would be role play okay and this is very common among high school and elementary students if the teacher would want to assess a student's understanding about a certain phenomena maybe or about the implication of a certain phenomena then role play is um an important thing to um to give we also have simulation for that matter that's also another strategy especially if you would want them to to imitate a certain scenario presented in your topic then you could come up with a simulation you could also have debate it could either be informal or formal or mock debate for that matter if you would want your students to argue if you would want students to evaluate the soundness of a certain argument then debate is a very good strategy for that we also have things called metacognitive strategies as these are strategies that students are trained to become aware of and control their learning through the metacognitive process and this metacognitive strategies are used when the students are given opportunities to plan what strategies are used to meet a particular goal decide what resources are needed monitor their own progress or evaluate their own progress like science experiments for that matter could be used better cognitive activities or when they would come up with a big project they would ask to come up with a certain research that come up with a certain um product for that matter metacognitive activities are very important there are a lot of activities that you could be using in the classroom okay you could also have reflective teaching strategies and eternal effective teaching strategies these are the strategies where you would be asking your students to learn from their own experience as they consider the alternative interpretations of experience of actions of discussions of beliefs when they are given opportunities to introspect and to analyze their own um their own experience and reflective teaching is evident when the teacher was asked students to come up with a reflective paper or with a reflection paper up based on their own experience all right um another you could also make case of brainstorming it's where uh students are given opportunities to share whatever it is they know about a certain topic without the fear of ridicule okay so in this brainstorming the teacher would utilize the knowledge and ideas of the students and the only job of the teacher is to capsulize all these ideas presented and in the brainstorming at the same time the teacher would help students to explore creative alternatives if this does not it's not sound so what is the other alternative that they could have okay so that's brainstorming so those are just some of the strategies that you could use um when you are um teaching these are the activities that you could do so that the students would you know would achieve the expected outcomes and the last one that i'll be discussing today is technique okay in the previous videos we already have um described the three important terms approach which is your viewpoint about what teaching is all about method which is the uh the procedure that you have to go through or the step-by-step process that the teacher has to go through for uh the outcomes to be achieved at the end of the period and the third one is the method which is an activity that the teacher should implement should do in accordance or in line with the outcomes presented and the last one is the technique when we say technique it is the personal art and style of the teacher in carrying out the procedures of teaching so it's your personal art it's your personal style in teaching and that's why uh you know we might be teaching the same topic all right but we do it differently because we have different techniques and our techniques could not um is what make us different from the other teachers because your technique is your own manner of teaching that couldn't be copied your own style of teaching that could not be imitated perfectly all right it could be shared you know these techniques are also tricks to accomplish the task of teaching the tricks that could be shared to to to other teachers but these other teachers could not perfectly copy your technique or your trick you would always be different because you are already integrating your personal style or your own style of teaching and no two teacher has the same style of teaching okay so this is the technique so these are the only things i would like to be sharing to you today all right and i just hope that this videos um help you be enlightened as regards the differences of these confusing confusing terminologies in the field of teaching bye-bye see you next time